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tgirl 03-03-2018 12:29 AM

Another 24 please

zeppodog 03-03-2018 12:33 AM

24 hours of no alcohol please.

stargazer016 03-03-2018 12:42 AM

24 more hours please in wintry Pennsylvania please.

Have a great day all!

WeaverBird 03-03-2018 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by PhoenixJ (Post 6806866)
Weav- the journey to recovery is hard and it does change us. You are doing well facing up to finances. My friend/once sponsor was a high flying marketing guy with top level arts people as well as being a prof artist. He lost everything...and now lives in a modest 1br flat, which he is thankful for, but owed credit cards people tens of thousands. He avoided confronting them for years, but when he did- and got it sorted- the weight of all those years of anxiety went.

Another one for Kris, who HAS to post these wise phrases. I hear many in meetings spout that their rock bottom was the best thing that has ever happened to them. 'The GIFT of desperation'. There is no doubt I am a better human now ad no longer hurt or damage or destroy people in the wake of my alcoholic madness. I do look back, with some philosophomical perception and is said in my words and art. I cannot be thankful, as the curse of alcoholism has been there for generations in my family of origin. I do, however accept it. The road to forgiving myself is a battle and to let go of what was (such as contact with my sons) tears at my soul. So aways to go. When people say I should be proud of what I have achieved...I am not- but I AM satisfied. And that is an encouraging thought.

Watching one of my fav's- 'The Last Samurai' with Tom you know who. For a person whose personal life is media fodder, he ain't half bad as an actor.

That's my FireBird :hug: Look at you ...You might have got some humility. That precious thing. See, I can say that to you. But you can't claim to have it for yourself lol. Isn't that a funny emotion/quality...?
I love that movie. That's the one where the samurai studies the cherry blossom for perfection no? I love all kung fu movies. I am walking the path of light. Don't laugh. It's been a lifelong dream. I think my father probably started that off with Bruce Lee. Wowzer.

I have been told by the fount of all wisdom (well that's actually ALL of us here) that I should be living in the moment and let the storm go on around me. Which is what I shall do today. I have made myself very tired and pale with this bankruptcy and it will be what it will be. So. I will be starting my step 4 in a mo. The weight of that anxiety mountain can only lead to a drink if left untreated, no? I used to manufacture anxieties and stress so I had an excuse to drink. Tut.

I have discovered that to find god you actually need to go towards it. I say that just in case it helps anyone who is spiritually bankrupt like me and just doesn't know anything spiritual. There must be at least one other person like me out there. I didn't know I had to do something for it too. I have the presence of God in my life today and I was a committed scientist and rationalist and was having nothing of it. How funny life is.

But I just wanted to tell you that I love all of you, :grouphug: and your individual voices here make a whole that is something of value, and really quite shiny and sparkly and pretty. Now if Venus only has a graphic with lots of glitter. Those are my favourite christmas cards too. We used to stick glitter on everything in this house. Why on earth did I stop doing that.

Phoenix, I expect at least one of the paintings in your exhibition to have glitter stuck all over it! Love you boy, and love to all here. Prayers for peace on earth, and prayers for sobriety and it's gifts for all on this thread.

Whew, I've gone on a bit. Weav in for 24 more at 8:54am

lilymaz 03-03-2018 01:01 AM

In for 24 x

Jaffacake 03-03-2018 01:05 AM

09.00 UK
Checking in for another 24 hours❣️

WeaverBird 03-03-2018 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Kris47 (Post 6806915)
Dear One,

We are alive for a reason. I feel blessed and thankful. Is life easy, heck no. Is it worth it? You better believe it! Do I grieve, For the rest of my life but life can still bring us joy. I have the joy of knowing all of you and some of you pretty well. I have the joy of sobriety. Yes, Joy! Without my sobriety I would not have been able to get through these past 6 months less the past 4 years. And as I continue to accept life on life's terms, I know I can come through to the peace of life and being. I can only do this with God in my life. And with my Friends.

Thank You. Light and love and prayers.

This is where it's at. I can't not mention this post because what you have here, Kris, is what keeps me crawling forward on this sober path when I'm very frightened.

I just had to tell you how much I love you, how much we all love you, and you've bought tears of gratitude to my eyes this morning.

Hope springs eternal. Maybe there's time yet to be of use.

kenton 03-03-2018 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by julietUK (Post 6806803)
Hi all. I am going to bed now and putting this day out of its misery. I suffered cravings like never before this morning. I really don't know how I didn't drink. I have spent most of the day crying so my eyes are dry and prickly now. Feel so wretched.

I know how you feel chickchick, it really sucks. For me the cravings went away eventually today but I know they will be back. So fed up and down but determined to stay sober.

Thank to everyone for being here. It was my 24 hour commitment to sobriety that kept me going. And knowing that it would pass, which it did.

Bed for me now, hope tomorrow is better.

Juliet, you are a superhero for feeling that bad yesterday and not drinking. A superhero. Our AVs like to tell us that we're weak, powerless blah blah blah but it's nonsense. We can beat the cravings and we will beat the cravings. We're stronger than addiction and that battle you had yesterday may have left you in tears but you won. So feel proud today. Very proud. Congrats to everyone celebrating a milestone today.... 24 more for me please xxx

julietUK 03-03-2018 01:55 AM

Good morning everyone. Thank you all soooooo much for your lovely posts. And you are all correct; I have woken up feeling different, after a good nights sleep. I know it was my AV but boy it does go on a bit doesn't it:) I cannot believe how close I came. I just knew that I would regret it 100%. Many things we do in life we fear we may regret at some point but to KNOW 100% that you will regret something is just a no go.

Thank you all for being here. I love getting up and reading all the posts from my friends all round the world. Its such a nice feeling to know people were posting these messages of support whilst I was sleeping, it means the world to me. Am crying again, what a sap:)

Please count me in for another 24 hours clean and sober.

Thank you all for being here. :tyou:tyou:tyou

goose333 03-03-2018 02:11 AM

I'll take 24 please
5:11 am EST

yukonm 03-03-2018 02:11 AM

Signing up for 24 hours drink and drug free. 5:11am in Jacksonville, Florida!!

Congratulations to all those celebrating milestones today!! :a122:

Gabe1980 03-03-2018 02:21 AM

24 for me please 💗

Sunflower79 03-03-2018 02:22 AM

24 more please 🙏🏻 I will not drink today. Praise God and thank you SR 💕

Jack16 03-03-2018 02:23 AM

10.22 in London

Day off to spend as I please. A good feeling. And off to the cinema tonight.

A Saturday with no hangover - so darn good

Have a safe, happy day everyone, and see you later

gatorman 03-03-2018 02:24 AM

24 more please

Saskia 03-03-2018 02:34 AM

In for another 24

Sunflowerlife 03-03-2018 02:34 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6807163)
March 3, 2018

LillianGish ~ 1 month!
Sunflowerlife ~ 10 months!

Thank you Suze and congrats to LillianGish! 1 month is amazing- keep on doing what you are doing!

Sunflowerlife 03-03-2018 02:36 AM

Originally Posted by julietUK (Post 6807363)
Good morning everyone. Thank you all soooooo much for your lovely posts. And you are all correct; I have woken up feeling different, after a good nights sleep. I know it was my AV but boy it does go on a bit doesn't it:) I cannot believe how close I came. I just knew that I would regret it 100%. Many things we do in life we fear we may regret at some point but to KNOW 100% that you will regret something is just a no go.

Thank you all for being here. I love getting up and reading all the posts from my friends all round the world. Its such a nice feeling to know people were posting these messages of support whilst I was sleeping, it means the world to me. Am crying again, what a sap:)

Please count me in for another 24 hours clean and sober.

Thank you all for being here. :tyou:tyou:tyou

That's awesome Juliet that you powered through that craving and desire. The more you can do that, the easier it will become with time! You are a true superstar in my eyes...

Sunflowerlife 03-03-2018 02:40 AM

Originally Posted by Neverthought (Post 6807300)
3:24 a.m......checking in for 24 very early!

Hard to sleep with strong sustained winds tearing up limbs and dropping trees.

Fortunately we only lost power for 15 minutes. But a rough day and night in NE PA.

I think the worst is over now, though, at least for us...Praying for the coastal towns. They are in it for at least another day.

Looking forward to the weekend with my family.

Be well 24HRC'ers!

Hi neighbor- we are in MD and had it pretty bad yesterday as well. Let's pray for a better day- I opened the door at 5 this morning and can still hear the wind in the trees but it seems to have died down a bit. I just read that 6 people were killed due to falling trees/branches. So scary. We had our 6 year old in our bed and I slept with our 3 year old last night in his bed. I can't wait for this storm to pass...stay safe today.

Canadian Koala 03-03-2018 02:41 AM

I'm so happy you won that battle against the Beast Juliet!:thanks
Someone wrote this somewhere on SR and here it is again for you :
I used to drink but we are now sober.

Stay with us! :grouphug:

Congratulations to everybody reaching a milestone today!
24 more for me please!


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