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ReadyAtLast 09-30-2016 12:45 PM

Also sending hugs to you windancer. You can't change the past just focus on now and staying sober will help you get through this difficult time.

Think we all need a group hug :) :grouphug:

K66 09-30-2016 02:13 PM

Another sick day taken ...
Another bender weekend... Followed by calling in sick for my Monday. ... a day spent curled up recovering from the weekend... telling my boyfriend .... the love of my life that I need to stop...being afraid ...I hate this... my father and both grandfather's were alcoholics... I need to stop.... day skin is so dehydrated. ..anyone else having skin problems? ?

MyLoves 09-30-2016 02:14 PM

this will be my first sober friday night in i don't know how long. it's 4:00 here and i'm really feeling the pull!! sitting here listening to the guys drinking in the back, having a few of them asking me to come join - coooome ooon!! in 30mins i would normally leave work, stop at the store for a bottle of wine on the way to pick the kids up from daycare.

that is not going to happen tonight.

tonight i'm going to pick up the kids, i'll take them to mcdonalds for food & play. then i think i'm going to take them to the mall, hit up Davids Tea for something new. then maybe walmart for a new movie. then home, pj's, new tea and movie with the kids. at least the bf won't be around to derail my plans and try and get me to drink with him.

f*** i can do this!! i WILL do this!!!

Windancer 09-30-2016 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by K66 (Post 6155477)
Another bender weekend... Followed by calling in sick for my Monday. ... a day spent curled up recovering from the weekend... telling my boyfriend .... the love of my life that I need to stop...being afraid ...I hate this... my father and both grandfather's were alcoholics... I need to stop.... day skin is so dehydrated. ..anyone else having skin problems? ?

Greetings! I am sorry you are having a rough go :(. I send you virtual hugs. Yes, I would get very dry skin when on a booze bender.
Congratulations on your day#1! That's great. Well done :) I hope to see more posts of yours soon. You can do this! And the crappy feelings you have will pass. :You_Rock_

hugbear 09-30-2016 03:04 PM

Hi Myloves,

Nice to meet you. I'm on Day 5 and joined the sept class early on, then relapsed and joined again last week.

This is also the first Friday in what seems like forever that I'm spending sober. I'm also on holiday from work next week so usually I would have a massive blow out.

I've been obsessing about wine all day. When I got home my partner was taking a map and there was half a bottle of wine sitting there but I distracted myself and now I'm in bed sober and feeling good about myself.

You can do this. Just follow the plan you have written down and all will be well.

I have faith you can do this.

Big hugs. Xx

Windancer 09-30-2016 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by MyLoves (Post 6155478)
this will be my first sober friday night in i don't know how long. it's 4:00 here and i'm really feeling the pull!! sitting here listening to the guys drinking in the back, having a few of them asking me to come join - coooome ooon!! in 30mins i would normally leave work, stop at the store for a bottle of wine on the way to pick the kids up from daycare.

that is not going to happen tonight.

tonight i'm going to pick up the kids, i'll take them to mcdonalds for food & play. then i think i'm going to take them to the mall, hit up Davids Tea for something new. then maybe walmart for a new movie. then home, pj's, new tea and movie with the kids. at least the bf won't be around to derail my plans and try and get me to drink with him.

f*** i can do this!! i WILL do this!!!

I'm still loving your strength and resolve! You can do it! I find that after some time I actually look forward to waking up sober and healthy (as opposed to still drunk or hungover) and I enjoy my sober evenings. Not all of them, not all the time, but it's coming and I think it will come for you too. Seeing and hearing others drinking must be difficult though. Is there anyway you can avoid that?

Sazzle 09-30-2016 03:26 PM

Hello SunflowerLife & MyLoves. Welcome. I'm on day 4 and tonight was my first sober Friday since I can't remember. Just got back from dinner at a friends and glad to leave early as one guest was talking pop politics and annoying me. I suppose I felt edgy as all I wanted to do was get home and sleep.

Windancer, so sorry you are going through sigh a tough time. Sending you strength and well wishes.

I feel like I've been through the wringer over he past few months, coming out the other side of an emotionally manipulative relationship which sent me heavy on the alcohol. I won't let that be his legacy, so onwards I go.

See you all tomorrow in the daily support threats area xx

MyLoves 09-30-2016 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Windancer (Post 6155536)
I'm still loving your strength and resolve! You can do it! I find that after some time I actually look forward to waking up sober and healthy (as opposed to still drunk or hungover) and I enjoy my sober evenings. Not all of them, not all the time, but it's coming and I think it will come for you too. Seeing and hearing others drinking must be difficult though. Is there anyway you can avoid that?

Windancer they all left shortly after i posted that and i ended up leaving 10mins earlie. I was done lol if it happened everyday it would be an issue but it only happens maybe 2 time a yr now so no big deal.

Plans have changes a wee bit - dd is off at one of her friends playing for the evening so its just me & ds. Still T McDs and will still get new tea. But instead of movies i'll take my new tea over the where my dd is amd have tea with my friend instead of our usual beer. It will be good :)

As far as my resolve goes - i don't see anyother choice. I need to be sober for my kids. Period. I need to be able and avalable to protect them and care for them and i can't do that the way they desirve if i'm drinking.

Windancer 09-30-2016 03:40 PM

Had a load of limestone sand/gravel stuff delivered and I leveled the foundation with the tractor ... and did a pretty decent job too considering I am not an experienced tractor driver lol. Now tomorrow I just need to level it with a bit more finesse with the rake and voila ... ready to begin moving the limestone on. I think the run-in/stall/barn is coming Monday.

I had some panic attacks triggered by Court this afternoon, as you can see by my previous posts. But altogether had a good, productive day. At least I am sober and I wasn't sitting on my arse feeling extremely depressed and sorry for myself with loads of things to do and me just not doing them. Instead of hopeless on the whole I feel hopeful and more excited about my new, sober healthy life.

AA meeting tonight, thank the Creator. I didn't think I was going to find a ride but I did. I really miss my meetings now when I can't go. And when I don't want to go is really when I should go. My reluctance going to AA in the first place has dissappeared. I was wrong. It isn't a religious program (unless you want it to be). For me it is about a Spiritual transformation and healing and that is exactly what I need. In my head I just translate what may appear religious and turn it to work with my Creator and personal spiritual truths. And I am making friends who are like me and understand. Every meeting I go to is a reminder I am committed to my sobriety, that I am not alone, and that I am working on Spiritual healing. The 12 Steps are an amazing spiritual blueprint for a good, honest and ethical life. I'm taking them and making them work for me. I am only on Step Two ... no need to rush. I want to do them properly and thoroughly.

I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone else's evening (or whatever time it is for you) is going for them. :)

Windancer 09-30-2016 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by MyLoves (Post 6155567)

As far as my resolve goes - i don't see anyother choice. I need to be sober for my kids. Period. I need to be able and avalable to protect them and care for them and i can't do that the way they desirve if i'm drinking.

EXCELLENT attitude and motivation :)

MyLoves 09-30-2016 03:58 PM

Windancer your doing so much hard work to bring your horses home! It must feel so good to accomplish so much and see the results :)

Windancer 09-30-2016 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by MyLoves (Post 6155601)
Windancer your doing so much hard work to bring your horses home! It must feel so good to accomplish so much and see the results :)

Oh I CANNOT WAIT to bring my cherished horses home :). It will be a day to remember. For so long they have been boarded out. Now they will be in my backyard. And the work looking after them (which I really enjoy) will be good for me too. Before I stopped working due to severe PTSD , depression and anxiety I trained horses and specialized in equine behaviour issues, and I made a good living doing it and had a great reputation. My horses are my heart :)

Windancer 09-30-2016 04:28 PM

...and I'll make sure all you guys here will hear about it when they come home too! Maybe post some pics if I can figure out how lol

Dee74 09-30-2016 04:32 PM

have a wonderful weekend guys :)

WhiskeyBent 09-30-2016 05:00 PM

We are almost there. Made the month!

Dee74 09-30-2016 05:32 PM

Congrats on your 'graduation', guys! :c014:


Windancer 09-30-2016 08:04 PM

I really enjoyed having all of you in this class with me and look forward to chatting with you all in the daily forum.

Dee, I assume you will post a link?

Caramel 09-30-2016 09:18 PM

It's the same thread, Windancer - just it's in the "Newcomers Daily Support Threads" section now, with all the other previous months' classes. :)
(it was in "Newcomers to Recovery")

bobquin 09-30-2016 10:10 PM

Hello, Again
Greetings once again, everyone.

I originally joined this site back in February of 2014 and became an active participant here (as well as part of the Class of February 2014 threads).

After nearly a year and a half of sobriety, I sadly relapsed and started a downhill slide that culminated in my second medically supervised detox, which started on 9/26 and ended on 9/29.

So, here I am, starting again. Have five days under my belt. I begin intensive outpatient rehab on Monday, and will be doing that three times per week for 6 weeks.

I'm physically exhausted and mentally strangled, but am doing my best to remain positive that I will be able to make sobriety work for me, and make it work for the long haul.

I'm glad that all of you, and this site, are here. Thanks in advance for welcoming me back into the fray!

Horatio48 09-30-2016 10:46 PM

So September done. No drinking since I joined (last drink on the afternoon of 4 September). I did not find it that hard. Maybe four or five occasions where I was a bit down and felt I needed a pick me up. The problem now is how to keep this up. Should I join the October group or continue here? What is the protocol, if any? Wishing all of you a fun weekend.

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