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CuteNGayYay 10-01-2016 11:20 AM

Good morning /afternoon/evening all haha. :)
day 25 here feeling good. Was up late catching up on shows.
Finally got to watch the first "This is us". Seems like it will be a great show.
Heading out tonight with a good friend for dinner and to see 'Masterminds' ..looks funny as heck and absolutely great cast. I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!!! :)

tekink 10-01-2016 11:36 AM

good morning! the start of day 19 has arrived. good luck today, I'm going to enjoy the sun and the sub 100 degree weather we're having (it actually doesn't cool off like this until the end of October usually and sometimes we're seeing 100 into November.

Spent all day yesterday at a pool party/cook out. It was easier than expected, I wasn't even tempted to drink but I wasn't the only one not drinking at the get together which certainly helped. It's funny no one really got tipsy, If I had been there 20 days ago I'd have been wasted and probably wouldn't have noticed I was the only one.

SoberRobster 10-01-2016 11:56 AM

Just joined the site after having a serious browse - It's day 9 for me.

tekink 10-01-2016 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by SoberRobster (Post 6156667)
Just joined the site after having a serious browse - It's day 9 for me.

Hello! Welcome to the September Class! Congrats on day 9!

Windancer 10-01-2016 12:09 PM

Greetings and a warm welcome RoberRooster!
Day 9 is wonderful ... well done :)

ReadyAtLast 10-01-2016 12:54 PM

Welcome sober robster

kim5475 10-01-2016 12:59 PM

Hi everyone -
I have posted in a while. I was supposed to be celebrating day 30 today, but unfortunately I slipped last week around day 21. I don't even remember that my trigger was, but before I knew it, there I was sitting at the bar having a glass of wine. Of course I know this didn't just happen "out of nowhere." I wasn't dragged kicking and screaming into the bar against my will (although having someone drag me OUT may have been a good plan. Perhaps there's a business opportunity there). It was my own decision that I have to take responsibility for. So, I've reset my sober clock and made some changes to my plan.

One of those changes is to commit to posting to SR at least once a day for accountability. So this is post #1 of day #1 (take 2).

Thank you all for being here!

emme99 10-01-2016 01:24 PM

Hi & Welcome SoberRobster :)
Congrats on Day 9

Snarly 10-01-2016 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by SoberRobster (Post 6156667)
Just joined the site after having a serious browse - It's day 9 for me.

Hi SoberRobster,

Welcome and congratulations on 9 days!

Did you do this on your own?

You and I already have something in common: I roamed around all over this forum and finally had to courage to make my first post on day 6.

I was a total wreck; I could not stop shaking and having extreme swings between sweating and bone chilling cold. I also could not sleep and every thing I tried to eat came right back up.

My first post I actually set up my own "thread" and began asking questions.
Members were quick to welcome me and patiently answered all of my questions. I admit my head was a mess and I post and rambled ALOT!!!! :scared:

I read a lot other members stories and thanked members who's experiences I could relate to.

Don't be too hard on yourself - your doing great! :c011:

I look forward to hearing your story!

:a043: Snarly (me getting virtually beaten booze = bad things WILL happen)

emme99 10-01-2016 01:35 PM

Glad you are back kim5475 :)

Day 4
Relaxing and watching college football today. My sister in law came over this morning as she had a lipstick party and I bought some so we were playing around with makeup :) It was fun. She is a lot younger than me and I like spending time with her.

No much planned for today, except not drinking. I picked up a couple of Ice sparking water drinks and they are really good. I think I will stop later and get some more. They are zero calorie, which is good.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying your weekend :)

ReadyAtLast 10-01-2016 01:36 PM

Great last sentence snarly:lmao

Welcome back Kim

Night all.sweet sober dreams

Windancer 10-01-2016 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by emme99 (Post 6156773)
Glad you are back kim5475

No much planned for today, except not drinking.

Glad you are back and making changes, kim5475! :)

And any sober day is much better than any drunk day emme99 :)

Windancer 10-01-2016 02:50 PM

Ok done the work for the horses for today. It was a good day's work and it was nice to work with my father. We work well together. It was spitting most of the day but the rain actually helped compact our limestone base, so it worked out.

I'm rather amazed that I am not totally on my knees shattered in pieces over everything right now. I have really tough moments, yes. But overall I am really truly doing well! And that's even considering I lost my grandmother, partner, best friend/lover, couldn't see my horses for months, got into legal trouble and lost booze all at the same time. I'm especially surprised the shock of finding my best friend in bed with someone else hasn't completely defeated me at this point. And losing booze is not leaving a gaping void like it usually does. I'm just so surprised at myself. But I also want to be careful not to get cocky about it. And watch lol... I'll post this about how well I think I'm doing and my next post I will be a wreck haha. I'm sure not above the mood swings. I'm just so happy that I am able to be happy at all right now.

Gonna eat dinner, have a bath, and go to another AA meeting. Meetings are such a good way for me to avoid being isolated and end my day. I used to loathe them and now I love them. Go figure.

I hope everyone else is having a good, sober day. I know Saturday nights can be tough.

Sazzle 10-01-2016 02:58 PM

Saturday nights are tough Winddancer! I can report I'm waiting for my train home. Went to a birthday party and had 3 mocktails. Super proud of myself as I turned out for my friend and also stuck with my 'sober October' excuse plan.

Looking forward to bed in a while and then Sunday more decluttering. My ex came round today and started to clear the loft it's only been 6 years since we split!!

Windancer 10-01-2016 03:00 PM

Congrats on 1,000 posts Sazzle :)

Sazzle 10-01-2016 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by Windancer (Post 6156857)
Congrats on 1,000 posts Sazzle :)

Oh gosh! I should have been sober for longer! Only kidding, I'm not beating myself up. It's a journey but I'm learning so much. I'm lucky as I'm nowhere near as bad as I was- the realisation of where I was heading was what brought me back. Thank you for your message. It's made me feel like I've really been fighting my own corner xx

Bowski 10-01-2016 05:00 PM

So today started out well. Feeling good, have the weekend off. The wife and I go about the day running errands and shopping, ended up buying a new tv. I spent the rest of the day playing musical chairs with the current tvs into different rooms to set up the new one. Long story short, about an hour ago the wife wants to know where her tote of her dad's belongings are, her father passed from cancer 3 years ago. She had ask me to move it 6-8 months ago from the attic above the garage into the house, which I did. She asked about it and I could not remember where in the house I put it, only one of a few places , but she didn't give me a chance to check those places, she immediately went into a frenzy assuming I had thrown it out. Thrown it out? Wtf, even at my drunken peak I would not have done that to her. So she's in the attic rummaging around, fussing the whole time while I go and check the 3 places I would have put it and voila. There is the tote, brought down just as she asked me to. So naturally I am a bit pissed now, under control as compared to my drinking days, but how could she assume that I would have thrown something so important out? I never did anything such as that even when drunk. I've lost both of my parents and never got into that mindset drinking. I guess I'm venting that her assumption really hurt. If I'm going to be accused of such things, then why am I trying so hard to stay clean. Ugh, this night has turned to sh$$ and I don't even want to speak to her. I really want to go get a beer.

MeSoSober 10-01-2016 05:23 PM

Hi all!

SoberRobster, we are GLAD you're here! Post early, post often. ;-)

Windancer, I'm curious about your horses. I had a Saddlebred growing up, then rode hunter/forward seat on my college riding team. And eleven months ago I got an office job at a riding center. Any time of day I can jump up, take a break, and go feed horses treats. I love it. At the end of the month I'm planning to go to the Virginia Horse Trials about an hour from here. Eventers are CRAZY, but mostly in a way I admire. The fearlessness.

kim5475 -- despite your incident, it sounds like you're doing well, coming back and modifying your plan. We have your back!

emme99 -- I like those Ice drinks as well. And they don't come with a side of vomiting and self-loathing! Yaaaaay!

Day 23 for me. It is ALL about not getting complacent for me. NOT. GETTING. COMPLACENT. This place helps tremendously with that. Starting to eat right and exercise again will help also.

Everyone, stay strong, do good, stick around. I will too. Hugs and thanks all around.

Angie247 10-01-2016 05:24 PM

Hi. :) I would like to join this class. My last drink was September 25th and I threw the rest out. It hasn't been easy the last few days but I've managed to get through them without drinking. I started drinking heavily about 6 years ago to try to numb myself from a bad marriage. Stopped drinking for 7 months last year, but relapsed in November, ended up in the hospital and haven't been doing too well since. I have a 8 year old son who is my world and needs me to be the best mom that I can possibly be for him. I'm ready for this.

MeSoSober 10-01-2016 05:30 PM

Angie -- welcome and big hugs to you! I really believe there is (sober) strength in numbers.

Glad you're here!

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