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wpainterw 10-05-2016 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6162112)
Thank you Dharma love, I'm freaking out today.....too much to do and no energy left. Anyone have any to spare? ;)

I have lots of energy left- for an old geezer! (Reminds me of "old Mr. Grace" of Grace Bros. in the BBC episodes "Are You Being Served?"(Saying, "You're all doing very well!" and then collapsing, falling backwards into the hands of beautiful young nurses!")

Bill (Feeling a bit faint! Catch me!)

venuscat 10-05-2016 07:31 PM

I LOVED that show Bill.... :)

Glad you have energy love; it seems like you might be the only one of us that does today.

LillianGish 10-05-2016 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6162054)
NO....far out....going to pick up my luggage today. But I have everything.
Mostly I have medical issues I'm dealing with right now, so not optimal, but it is what it is. I have faith I will be OK to Dee said, nothing is going to keep me from getting on that plane.

Love that you have long hair too aussie girl..... :) :)

Thank you all for being with me throughout week to go....and I am really going to need you all....I am very very nervous. :grouphug:

Don't worry ~ all your planning will pay off. You're going to have the time of your life!

So, how long is the plane ride from Australia to New York? Bet it's a long time. I went from China to Los Angeles a few times and gosh, I wish I had a magazine or something.

Do you have a magazine to read hon? A book of poetry? Some soothing music to fly around the world by?

venuscat 10-05-2016 07:44 PM

I don't know Lillian....I don't know anything today. Not doing well.

LillianGish 10-05-2016 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6162274)
I don't know Lillian....I don't know anything today. Not doing well.

Oh Venus - wish I could give you a hug now. I don't know what's wrong...but I'm here and listening.


LillianGish 10-05-2016 10:53 PM

I find lists very comforting. I can't make lists but my husband is very good at making g them for me.

When I'm planning a trip, I pack in spurts because trying to remember everything all at once makes me stressed out. Pack, go outside, breathe, think of something fun that is going to happen...go back and pack a little bit.

Breathe. Read some Emily Dickinson over a strong cuppa coffee...err espresso. Baby steps.

venuscat 10-05-2016 11:06 PM

It's not the trip.....and I am a list person too. Like you wouldn't believe.
I have had a lot of really crummy things happen in the past few days.....big, painful stuff. And I am sick. So it's all too hard right now.
Just a wreck here.

theVman31 10-05-2016 11:12 PM

When you feel sick and are sick its horrible.
I got the flu now beacause of my antics at the weekend.
A wreck here too. Two wrecks are better than one ?

I havent checked your thread in a while Suze. SORRY
Whats the status, when are you flying, hows the packing going, what kind of visits have you planned ?

venuscat 10-05-2016 11:14 PM

Too upset to talk about it today V.....really in a bad way here.
Something happened, and I got badly wasn't my fault at all....and I am just not OK. Cannot stop crying.

Sorry you have the flu love. :hug:

theVman31 10-05-2016 11:16 PM

I wish I could help you.

venuscat 10-05-2016 11:17 PM

You are helping me.....I know you care. That means everything. ♥

LillianGish 10-05-2016 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6162424)
It's not the trip.....and I am a list person too. Like you wouldn't believe. I have had a lot of really crummy things happen in the past few days.....big, painful stuff. And I am sick. So it's all too hard right now. Just a wreck here.

I'm sorry - that sounds dire, especially the sick part. I hate the thought of my friend in pain so far away.

You're not alone. Ever. And as I tell my girls...nothing stays the same, so if it's bad now, hang tough and it will get better.

You are loved. Is there something you can do to ease your sickness? Silly question I know...I hate to hear you are sick.

venuscat 10-05-2016 11:31 PM

I am on major antibiotics, and they are making me sick.
But I have a bad infection, and another doctor's appointment in the morning .
And then again on Tuesday. And that will be 4 times in 3 weeks....sigh.

And I have a broken toilet, and a real estate agent who went ballistic on me....really....far is leaking even with the tap off.....this is urgent...they came, they made it worse, and now I have been abused for calling too much. I actually called the police I was attacked so savagely....I had no idea what to do.

The lovely constable wanted to go and have a chat with the abusive a, but I didn't think that was going to benefit me. In the end. I spoke with my own agent again (the abuser is the owner of the agency) and she was lovely. But still. This was all on top of something that happened first thing this morning....I am so stressed I am taking it out on the person I love the most.....that is AWFUL. :(

And thank you Lillian....I really need you guys right now. ♥

Dee74 10-05-2016 11:51 PM

I'm glad you got to speak to someone nice Suze. Try and not let this ruin the last week before your trip :)


Treerat66 10-05-2016 11:57 PM


wpainterw 10-06-2016 01:22 AM


So sorry you're having a bad time. It's terrible that they have been treating you wrongfully. The priority issue, I would think, is to get hold of the infection. The doctor's appointments are just what you should do. Your physical and emotional well being come first. And you should know and obviously do know that everyone on this SR is with you right now, offering to help in any way we can. So prioritize and take one step at a time. Hope there is a friend down there standing by. We cannot be with you physically but we are still here and want to help in any way we can.
Every good wish. Hugs, etc. Thinking of you.


(Boswell, my furry four footed higher power gives you a tail wag and a friendly sniff).

wpainterw 10-06-2016 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6162059)
No stilettos here either my love ~ but Bill, I do have some awesome new clompy boots, but not planning on stomping on any guys. I'm rather fond of men. :) :hug:

Men are O.K. Women are better. And dogs are the best. For President we obviously need a dog. The only real election issue is what breed to elect. :c011:


venuscat 10-06-2016 01:36 AM

Thank you Bill...just so much....and nope, no friend standing by here. I got abandoned again. It keeps that's every friend from my past life gone.

Steely 10-06-2016 02:19 AM

Oh venus how well I know your'll come good bubba. Promise.

It's crumby when you are doing all of the right things then someone or something throws a spanner. But we Aussies are good for that, ya know luv. I been there too.

And no, I'm not dying my hair anymore either....not for a long time. Suits me, saves money and mess. I only use the "box" job. Also think it poison.

How come all the men look "ruggered and "matured out sexy" with grey hair, yet we, as women become invisible as our hair takes its natural course? And I'm all up for natural. Portrait of Dorian Grey. :)

Venus you are an aussie girl like me and my hair is grey and so's my grey matter. This will all work out venus and you are going to have a fabulous time. And you are allowed to feel feel a bit crappy as you meander your way around the United States of America. Jeeze, do really THAT many people go for Trump? It's a worry.

We need you America, please don't let that idiot in, it would be catastrophic.

We've got enough Right Wing extremists here. Poor old Barrier Reef.

Love you venus.

Love - steely xxxx

venuscat 10-06-2016 02:25 AM

We need our own government to look after the reef I think....that would be good.

Thank you love....I'm a mess tonight. More tears than I knew I had.

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