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samantha14 06-02-2016 03:33 AM

Well I am waking up today sober and feeling okay......just having a cup of tea in the quiet house and will then get on with what is sure to be a crazy busy day here....thank goodness this is the last Prom - it's exhausting and so expensive!! But imagine how much more tired I would be if I had decided to drink last night.....or if I would have been able to get out of bed at all....thanks again to all of you who yesterday pulled me though a pretty scary situation :grouphug:

Happy Thursday!

ManInTheArena 06-02-2016 03:37 AM

Good to hear you are doing well this morning, Sam.

LilianGish - 2 months?!!

Have a great day everyone!

beerbgone 06-02-2016 04:21 AM

Sam you sound so much better this morning. Good! I hope you have a great day.

KiKi0615 06-02-2016 05:22 AM

Hi guys! Checking in. Busy day today...I feel like I never get caught up on my To-do list but as long as staying sober is #1 on my list then it's ok, right?

***Sam, I'm so glad you are feeling better this morning. :-)

***Lillian, 2 months!?! Fantastic!!!

Here's the meditation for today 6/2/16 out of "Twenty Four Hours a Day by Hazelden

Thought For the Day:
Some more things I do not miss since becoming dry: wondering if the car is in the garage and how I got home; struggling to remember where I was and what I did since my last conscious moment; trying to delay getting off to work, and wondering how I will look when I get there; dreading the day ahead of me. I’m quite sure that I don’t miss these things, am I not?

Meditation for Today:
You cannot believe in God and keep your selfish ways. The old self shrivels up and dies, and upon the re-born soul God’s image becomes stamped. The gradual elimination of selfishness in the growth of love for God and your fellow human beings is the goal of life. At first, you have only a faint likeness to the Divine, but the picture grows and takes on more and more of the likeness of God until those who see you can see in you some of the power of God’s grace at work in a human life.

Prayer for Today:
I pray that I may develop that faint likeness I have to the Divine. I pray that others may see in me some of the power of God’s grace at work.

Here's another great read I found yesterday

KiKi0615 06-02-2016 05:22 AM

Article coming... ;-) Stay tuned...

KiKi0615 06-02-2016 05:38 AM

Ok! This article is called "19 Awesome Ways My Life Changed In 19 Sober Months" and is REALLY good!!!

Enjoy! :-)

samantha14 06-02-2016 05:43 AM

Wow Kiki - thanks for sharing....I would like to be able to wrote and article like that 19 months from now.

So I am feeling anxious and shaky again - going to head to the park with Charlie

KiKi0615 06-02-2016 05:59 AM

I'd love to be able to write an article and LIVE that way in 19 months too Sam!

Sorry your feeling anxious. Totally normal for day 2! It will pass as long as you don't drink. Have a nice walk with Charlie. :-)

An article on anxiety in early sobriety:

beerbgone 06-02-2016 06:05 AM

Just don't drink Sam. You'll be ok. Just remember that alcohol will not improve anything!

Bobbieka 06-02-2016 06:18 AM

Checking in. I probably should work today, since I didn't much yesterday. I'll be back.

Kiki - thanks for the morning meditation and the fantastic article. Great way to start a sober day!

Sam - Enjoy prom stuff today. Lots of water will help the shakes and anxiety go away faster.

BBG - Good morning!

MITA - Have a great day!

Lillian - Congratulations!

The rest of my class - Good Morning! Hope you all have a fantastically sober day!

rah555 06-02-2016 06:38 AM

Checking in day 3! Feeling good this morning. Today should be smooth sailing! I am off on a business trip. I brought my sneakers and work out clothes so I can go on the treadmill at the hotel. Making healthy changes:)

Spacegoat 06-02-2016 06:42 AM

Hey guys whats up? Casey thanks for the shout. Hoping that every one is well.

Need to go out and enjoy the sun but I've been having a goofy day on the nets!

*Sigh* :)

samantha14 06-02-2016 06:52 AM

Lillian - congratulations!!

BBG - There will be no drinking!! :)

Kiki - another great article to read....thanks!

Bobbie - the excitement is mounting here.....we have to pick up her dress from the tailors', get hair, make-up and nails done and then it will be time for pictures!! What an exciting day for a young lady - I will post a picture later :)

Rah - I am just a day behind you....we got this!! I am hoping to start making healthy changes too. I did love the idea of a FitBit group - is anyone else interested?

Spacegoat - enjoy the gorgeous weather!!

Well the walk with Charlie out in the sunshine did the trick for me for now!

Bobbieka 06-02-2016 06:56 AM

Sam - I'm in. I have to find my FitBit.
SpaceGoat- I tried to watch your video. It says it's not available in this country. Funny. Go outside.

Spacegoat 06-02-2016 07:02 AM

I dunno whats up with that Bobbie? Theres good stuff on that channel

Thanks Sam! You sound in much better form. Chat to you guys later :)

CaseyW 06-02-2016 07:52 AM

Starting day 82. Stayed up way too late watching The Hateful Eight. Good movie. Very bloody though.

Work a short shift this morning. Need to do laundry at some point today or I'm going to have to work naked this weekend. That would not be good for me or anyone else around me.

Hope your evening went well yesterday despite the rained out soccer game and the disappeared meeting, Bobbieka. Don't work too hard today. It's overrated.

My internet-free day wasn't planned, immri. It just kinda happened. And of course my version of internet-free didn't involve me actually staying away from the internet. I was still here once every couple of hours hitting that thanks button at least.

So glad you're back here with us, Sam! Glad a good dog and some sun got your morning turned around.

I'm still kinda sleepy this morning and just found myself staring at Cookie Monster's hypnotizing eyeballs for a full minute or more, ManInTheArena.

Congratulations on 2 months sober, LillianGish!

Glad to know you utilized the good old Casey salute at the grocery store yesterday, beerbgone. My grandmother thought I could be president of the United States someday--I'll take having an obscene gesture named after me instead.

Have a wonderful and sober Thursday, KiKi! You and your son were in my prayers last night and this morning. Mean kids suck.

A good workout sounds like a nice goal for day three, rah555. Hope your trip is going well!

Have a nice day, Spacegoat. Whatever a bluegrass version of Dr. Dre is, that video was unfortunately not available in my country either. Oh well.

I feel left out with no FitBit. Maybe I'll just carry around a piece of paper and a pencil and make a mark every time I take a step.

Would love to hear from anyone who hasn't checked in yet today. Build those accountability muscles!

The first drink is the problem for us. Steer clear of the first one and it's physically impossible to take the second or third or sixth one. Remember you don't have to take that first drink today no matter what.

Spacegoat 06-02-2016 08:07 AM

You're back! Need to do a wash myself dude.

The video is just a silly music thinger, no bigs.

Originally Posted by CaseyW (Post 5980572)
Glad to know you utilized the good old Casey salute at the grocery store yesterday, beerbgone. My grandmother thought I could be president of the United States someday--I'll take having an obscene gesture named after me instead.

Negative identity huh? Know the feels. I was just thinking yesterday about this Casey salute. Fine for the beer isle in grocery stores, I don't think that it would work so well when passing by various bars however! Biker bars, e.g.

Its actually too warm out the back here, and also too busy. I'mma try out the flat roof for a while. Oh yeah, think I may change my profile pic guys (although the one I have is good) if you's could help me decide. Later sheeple! (lol)

Bobbieka 06-02-2016 08:13 AM

Casey - You might have to change employment if you're going to work naked. Don't think you should be serving food that way. Just a thought. Have a great day!

KiKi0615 06-02-2016 09:21 AM

Hi again!


Bobbie-glad you liked the articles! I especially loved the one about 19 great things about being sober.

Rah-I'm glad you are feeling better. Day 3!!!

Space-I hope your day doesn't stay "goofy" for long. I can't open that YouTube link because "I'm in the USA". :(

Sam-I'm glad you liked the articles and your walk with Charlie helped. Did you decide what you're gonna do about that treatment place next week? I want to do the Fitbit thing but I don't have one. *sigh*

Casey-have a good day at work and doing laundry and THANK YOU for praying for my son!!! :-) I will have to carry around a piece of paper too! Lol

KiKi0615 06-02-2016 09:47 AM

Quiet here today. (((Crickets))) lol

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