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Anna 06-01-2016 09:43 AM

Class of March 2016 Part 18
Here is the last part:

Bobbieka 06-01-2016 09:44 AM

Shotgun! That never happens. Thanks, Anna.

Bobbieka 06-01-2016 09:47 AM

I hope no one minds, but I brought this over from last thread.
Okay - while I was sitting here...

AppleKat – You have grown so strong since we began our journey together. I am so proud of you. I can relate to that feeling of thinking you’ll never get to drink again. I’ve been trying to think more on the lines that I’m free and never have to drink again. Eventually it will stick I think.

Beerbgone- The Strong, Silent Type. Always there. I love that. Your words are always kind. You are so supportive of all us when we are struggling. Thanks for that. You are doing a great job.

Casey – You are awesome at this whole sobriety thing. Always with the perfect words. You are doing such a great job. This time is forever. Don't get sick again. The thread like died when you were away.

Clearlyheaded – I know you are struggling a bit right now. Keep doing the next right thing. You are growing stronger every time you don’t take a drink. Very proud of you.

Fabela – I’m really sorry that you have to be away from your family right now and that you feel disconnected from us. You are still a part of this group. You are in my prayers. Thanks for the message on Sunday. It really helped me.

Forabetterlife – Haven’t heard from you in almost 3 weeks. I am not taking you off my list. I miss you. Get back here as soon as you are able.

Immri- Our rock in the night. Love reading your posts about movies and books and school and most of all The Beast. You are really special and I’m glad you’re here.

Jemma44- Wow – you have grown in such a short time. Keep it up. You are a great mother and a very strong woman.

Kayak-Not sure where you are hiding, but we miss you. You add so much to our class. Poetry, cool pictures and just you.

Keets-I really hope you can find your way back to us. We really miss you and are here to listen.

KiKi-When you are away from our class there is such a huge void. Stop leaving. Seriously. Thanks for the meditations in the morning. I like the idea of all of us starting our day off reading the same positive words.

Ladyboo-I hope your legal issues are getting easier. Have some of my own here. Can’t wait till you check in again.

LillianGish-Gentle, funny smart. You hang out with rock stars. I think I want to marry you.

LoftyIdeals-Missing you too, man. Get back here where you belong.

ManInTheArena-Our gentle giant. You always seem to be the man of reason. Your kids are smart. Next time you’re here, let me know. I pray for your wife. You are an incredible husband. Except maybe when you talk about brooms.

Mish-Speaking of fun. Hope you’re doing well. I know you get busy. We need your infectious smile here.

Missy7- You are doing a great job. Stay steady and consistent. I am really proud of you.

1StepUp- Hope things are okay. I know it’s tough being a single dad. Not getting to see your kids when you want. Keep doing this for your girls.

Pelagic- Not taking you off the list either. You deserve better than this. I know you can stay sober. Change something. Keep trying until it works.

Purplrks-You feel like a cup of caffeine when you check in. It’s like you are giving us all a bit of your energy. You are doing an awesome job. Keep it up.

Rah555- You are amazing. It’s so awesome that when you fail, you get back up and change it up. Fall 7 times and get up 8. You’re going to get this.

Samantha- Love. Dust yourself off. Get back to it. Keep this in your head and remember you never want to go through this again. I love you.

SpaceGoat- Space. Remote viewing. You’re a goat after my heart. You have pretty good taste in music, too.

Thirteenth- Thank you always for your support. I’m so glad you are a part of our class. I know you are going to get through everything. Just keep trying. It will happen.

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:00 AM

Hey Bobbie, I was only "away" for 3 hours! Ha! Now I have to jump in the shower.

*Sam, how are you right now? Did they release you yet?

*Rah, I'm so glad you are feeling better today. Take a walk and get some fresh air, eat some healthy food, drink plenty of water, take a nap and I promise you will feel even better tomorrow.

clearlyheaded 06-01-2016 10:02 AM

Sam - I'm just checking in for the first time today. Thinking of you. Please stay close to us. Wish we could be there with you in person. You were very brace to ask for help and go to the ER. I hope you are feeling a little better.

samantha14 06-01-2016 10:02 AM

Yeah. I'm on my way home. I have the opportunity to go into a withdrawal management centre for a few days next week....but not sure...

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:02 AM

I hope no one minds ME either, but I brought my morning post over too. I REALLY could use prayers for my son... Thanks friends.


Morning class! Checking in. :-) Busy day again.

I was wondering if you guys could pray for my 13 year old son? He's having a hard time at school. Some of the kids are so mean to him and I'm not sure why other than he's a very sensitive kid. It makes me so angry!

He really doesn't have any friends and I don't understand why??? He's got a huge heart, he's a good looking kid, smart, funny.....I just don't get it! :-(

We had a long talk yesterday because he tried to sit at the lunch table with some "friends" and one of the kids said, "get outa here! We don't want you here!" It makes me Sooooo mad and makes me want to find those kids and scream at them (or punch them in the face)!!! Last year he was bullied all year and I had to confront some parents! Ugh.

He told me he doesn't feel like he fits in. Boy do I relate!!! I've kinda felt that way my entire life and I'm not sure why? By all outside appearances I definitely fit in.

It's on the "inside" that I never really felt like I fit in and I don't know why. My sponsor said that many alcoholics compare their "insides" to everyone else's "outsides". We are kinda born full of fear and feeling like we don't fit it and that's why we drank. The only place I have ever really felt like I fit in is in an AA meeting and here on sober recovery. (Or when drinking :-() Anyone relate?

My other kids are completely different. They have always had lots of friends and fit in. I don't want to project this on my 13-year-old, but I worry that he is going to end up like me and once he finds alcohol someday he's going to love it! It will give him that sense of ease and comfort he's always longed for. It will help him feel like he fits in. That's what it has always done for me until it turned my life into a living hell and tried to kill me! :-(

Anyway, kids are so mean! I just want him to find one friend. I just want him to feel like he fits in. My heart breaks for him. He truly is a really great kid. I don't understand why he has such a hard time.

He's always struggled with severe anxiety. He sees a psychologist for that. I think one of the biggest reasons this hurts me so much is because I know exactly how he feels because I felt just like him at his age.

One good thing I can say is when I was his age I had to go through all of that alone because my parents didn't help me. My mom was abusive which just made everything worse. It was a horribly lonely & scary time for me. At least I'm being the mom that I needed when I was a kid for my son.

Anyway, this stuff makes me want to drink and numb it all out! And I have done that so many times! Anything that feels painful makes me want to drink!

But how selfish! HE'S having a hard time so "I" will drink??? No! I won't! He needs me SOBER and drinking will not fix anything...only make it worse!

Anyway, can you guys pray for him? For anonymity reasons I can't give his name but if you just say "KiKi's son", God will know.

Thank you so much friends. I WILL stay sober today!!!

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by samantha14 (Post 5978987)
Yeah. I'm on my way home. I have the opportunity to go into a withdrawal management centre for a few days next week....but not sure...

Yes, I read that about the withdrawal management center. What about treatment? Is that an option to get some traction?

Do you have family at home to support you when you get there?

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:07 AM

Thanks for taking the time to post a message to everyone Bobbie. You are such an amazing person. :-)

samantha14 06-01-2016 10:07 AM

My husband is home but he doesn't know about my mornings activities. And what do I do until Sunday - keep drinking until I detox there

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:09 AM

Sam, he doesn't know about the ER?

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:10 AM

Jumping in shower real quick. Be right back!

Bobbieka 06-01-2016 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by samantha14 (Post 5979001)
My husband is home but he doesn't know about my mornings activities. And what do I do until Sunday - keep drinking until I detox there

um, no. Stop drinking. You really should tell your husband. I think you need some support. Be nice to yourself. Drink a lot of water. Maybe with lemon. When you stop shaking, go for a run. Sweat the alcohol out of your system.

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 10:26 AM

I'm back. Sam, I think Bobbies advice is good but what did the doctors say? Alcohol withdrawal can be extremely dangerous! Did they send you home with Meds? What did they say?

samantha14 06-01-2016 10:50 AM

They said you're not bad enough in this addiction to be going through withdrawal symptoms. Just stop drinking essentially. My hands are so shaky I can barely type this.

Bobbieka 06-01-2016 11:10 AM

I know exactly how you are feeling. Water and food will really help. I know you don't feel like eating, but do it anyway.

LillianGish 06-01-2016 11:12 AM

<<<sitting in spirit next to Sam on the couch.>>>

Sam, have you eaten lately? How about some hot soup? I like chicken noodle when I was nursing hangovers. It reminded me of my grandma who always took care of me when I was sick. It made me feel like I was worth caring for. Water is also really, really good for you. And sleep. Rest and care for your body.

Throw away the alcohol. It means more pain, not less....

You are loved here and I wish I could take all that pain away from you now. <<<holding your hand>>>

ManInTheArena 06-01-2016 11:16 AM

Bobbie, what a great note. Thanks so much for taking the time to write that up.

Kiki, sending positive thoughts your way for you and your son. I don't know when it got so hard to be a kid and I often wonder what is causing the trouble we now have with bullying. Honestly, I'm clueless - be strong for you and him!!

Sam, my heart is breaking reading your story. What a scary situation. Please don't drink and consider sharing your day with your husband. Keep posting here as much as you need.

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 11:17 AM

Really? How do they test for not being "bad enough"?

Just so you know I just sent a LOT of prayers up for you....

KiKi0615 06-01-2016 11:21 AM

Thanks MITA! I have no idea why kids are such a-ssholes these days! They probably learn it from their parents! There are ALOT of a-sshole parents out there too! It's terrible!!! It really is and karma is a B!

Thx for praying for my son. We will try to stay strong.

samantha14 06-01-2016 11:49 AM

I guess they checked my heart and my blood and thought she's fine. I did actually hear the doctor telling the crisis counsellor that I'm not an alcoholic.

clearlyheaded 06-01-2016 12:02 PM

Wow, I'm actually pissed for you, Sam. You went to the fricking ER for because you are having a crisis related to alcohol and they blow you off?!? That's pretty negligent if you ask me. I think Bobbie ha some good advice for getting through the withdrawals, but if you feel like you need medical attention do not hesitate going back to the hospital. I'm with you in spirit!!

clearlyheaded 06-01-2016 12:08 PM

Kiki - sending strength to you your son! I wish more parents taught their children empathy. It would be a much better world. I tell DD that I don't care if she is the best student, the fastest runner, the most popular...those things aren't as important as kindness.

clearlyheaded 06-01-2016 12:12 PM

Bobbie - as always, thank you for your thoughtful post. I'm feeling better today, and very thankful I have kept my resolve over the last several days, no matter how hard it has been. DD and I slept in again today (loving the start to summer break!), and I'm about to tackle some errands and do some job searching this afternoon.

LillianGish 06-01-2016 12:52 PM

Sam, the ER is a place where they stabilize you and send you home or admit you into the hospital. That's not the right place to get diagnosed as an alcoholic, but is a great place to quickly get you medical care for your heart and breathing and such.

That doctor who said you aren't an alcoholic was obviously not only an idiot, but extremely uneducated about alcoholism. Unfortunately, that's not usual. As one of them told me...."you know, half of the medical school enrollment is in the bottom 50% of the class in terms of quality." Ha!

I'm an alcoholic, and that's a conclusion I had to come to myself anyway. Even if a doctor told me I was, I wouldn't have believed it. So....blow off the ER doctor in terms of alcoholism. Not the right venue for that diagnosis.

Are you by any chance in an HMO for your medical coverage? Those plans tend to kick people out of the ER and downplay conditions that cost any money.

How are you doing now?

LillianGish 06-01-2016 12:58 PM

My heart breaks for you and your son. Ouch.

My daughter went through a similar experience in the 5th grade and I remember how truly awful it was for her (and me). It was a problem I had difficulty fixing.

We ended up changing schools and that was the right move. She's blossomed now - almost more than she should. Now she has too much of a social life, but that's another story.

In the new school, we hooked her up with the right teachers and network....talked to the Principal and got many adults on board with getting her connected in the 6th grade. Left all that old baggage behind.

Kids really are mean. I'm so sorry to hear your son is being treated so poorly. Have you talked to the school? When I mentioned "bullying" and "legal action" in the same sentence....I did get some attention.

LillianGish 06-01-2016 01:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry for the multiple posts - I'm at work and have just bits of time.

Did you guys see this on the 24 hour thread? Thank you for letting me be here. I am thankful for you guys.

samantha14 06-01-2016 01:08 PM

Well I am still shaky but feeling some improvement :) I think a lot of my symptoms now feel worse than what they actually are - I am my own worst enemy....

Kiki - sending prayers and hugs for your little one - young people can often be so cruel

Lillian - I live in Canada where heath care is free for

Bobbie - your post was so sweet! :grouphug:

MITA - I did fill my husband in and now it's this huge thing in the house right now. :(

Well I still haven't eaten so I am going to attempt that - but I will be around here all night....thanks again for all your help today - I wouldn't have made it without you.

Bobbieka 06-01-2016 01:09 PM

Lillian - Sam is in Canada.

Never mind - she told you herself.

LillianGish 06-01-2016 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by Bobbieka (Post 5979243)
Lillian - Sam is in Canada.

Ah, that's right. Silly me I forgot. Thank you.

National healthcare.

Free eh? Have you seen your taxes lately? :) I hope you can see a better health care provider very soon.

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