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CaseyW 05-06-2016 07:06 AM

And I've been on this website for almost three years now and only just discovered the "New Posts" link at the top of every page. That thing is awesome! Makes browsing through the entire forum so much easier. Though I have to steer clear of that Friends and Family forum--sometimes I think those people are even crazier than us. Who would put up with our crap all these years and not be a little out there themselves? Anyways, I highly recommend that "New Posts" feature.

Oh, and I have an exciting contest coming soon to our class! With a prize and everything. I was inspired yesterday. Stay tuned!

And I'm kidding about the Friends and Family participants being a little crazy.

Sorta kidding anyways.

LoftyIdeals 05-06-2016 07:15 AM

Congrats on 55, Casey. Yep the Van Gogh museum was great. And it was a business trip so no cost to me!

Having a son in Korea def. ratchets up the chronic stress levels a few notches for me, Bobbie, but facetime brings it back down a couple. We get to see him on screen about once a week. Thanks for asking. He comes back stateside in the fall.

Fabela 05-06-2016 07:19 AM

Just wanted to say hi, and let you know that I'm still alive. If you ever wondered. ;) Thus far I have baked two out of three cakes and seen my therapist and bought flowers for a lot of money, and now I'm taking my family and SIL/BIL out to dinner. I simply refuse to make more food today!

(I only use the "new post" button, and I too have to stay away from the Friends and Family part of the forum. Good job on those 55 days, CW!)

Surrender2win 05-06-2016 07:19 AM

Good morning everyone! I'm feeling much better today. Thanks to all of you here for your support, helpful ideas, and kindness. Means the world to me. :tyou

My daughter and the girls came over last night and we had a wonderful "make-up" dinner. I hate it when we don't get along. After a long talk and dinner, the girls (ages 3 and 7) decided to give Mom and Nana a make-over. I ended up looking like Bozo the Clown, but it was fun!! :clown:

Off to work now. Beautiful day here. Sunny and 83. Hopefully, the weather will stay nice all weekend. I have plenty of work to do in the flower gardens.

Congrats to everyone making the commitment for another sober day. Hope all of you have a fantastic Friday. :)

LoftyIdeals 05-06-2016 07:35 AM

Well done, S2W!

CaseyW 05-06-2016 07:38 AM

Here's you a new avatar, Surrender2win:

That's pretty much how I'm going to picture you from now on. And your mention of Bozo sent me down a short internet wormhole looking at old Bozo "Grand Prize Game" videos. It was really weird how different areas of the country had their own local person playing Bozo. Assuming you grew up in Illinois, I probably am familiar with the same Bozo as you since I watched the Bozo on WGN out of Chicago.

Glad you had a nice dinner with your daughter and grandkids. Have a wonderful day!

Missy7 05-06-2016 07:39 AM

Day 11
Friday! I feel good as I head out to work. Tonight I have a meeting and dinner with the outpatient posse.

Be well Marchers.

Bobbieka 05-06-2016 07:40 AM

Glad you two are on the mend, S2W. I hate fighting with my children. Plus, I'm always right. (except when it was about my drinking)

Lofty - technology is awesome! I'm glad you get to see him. Thank you for his service.

Jemma - Good morning! Sounds like things are getting much better! Yay!

Casey? Contest. I hate losing at anything. Is it food related? Give us hints. I love contests!

Fabela - still wish I could smell your house. It sounds like it's always filled with awesome.

Bobbieka 05-06-2016 07:42 AM

Congrats on Day 11, Missy! Enjoy your day!

Casey - I would say I don't have a fear of clowns, but that picture you shared creeped me out for a second.

Bobbieka 05-06-2016 07:46 AM


CaseyW 05-06-2016 07:46 AM

Sounds like a solid plan for Friday, Missy7! Have a great day.

I'll probably start the contest on Sunday or Monday. And, nope, no hints, Bobbieka. Patience is a virtue. And Virtue is the name of a stripper I saw once at a sleazy club in San Antonio. Seriously, there were back to back dancers named Virtue and Chastity. I don't think they were trying to be ironic.

CaseyW 05-06-2016 07:46 AM

Just picture Bozo as your AV. Argh!

Bobbieka 05-06-2016 07:55 AM

Your brain takes a lot of left turns, Casey.

CaseyW 05-06-2016 07:59 AM

Four left turns makes a circle, Bobbieka.

Bobbieka 05-06-2016 08:00 AM


Surrender2win 05-06-2016 08:10 AM

Omg Casey, that's pretty funny. I am laughing at my desk right now. The smiling Bozo is great. That's pretty much what I looked like too. Haha. The scary IT clown is what creeps me out. I love Stephen King books/movies, but that clown was definitely a scary one.

Autumnlover19 05-06-2016 08:29 AM

Lmao at Bozo! Brings back memories!

Bobbieka 05-06-2016 08:57 AM

Joke for today:

Two men are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State
Building. One turns to the other and says: "You know last week I
discovered that if you jump from the top of this building-by the time you fall to the 10th floor, the winds around the building are so intense that they carry you around the building and back into the window."
The bartender just shakes his head in disapproval while
wiping the bar.
The 2nd Man says: "What are you a nut? There is no way in hell that could happen."
1st Man: "No it's true let me prove it to you." So he gets up from the bar, jumps over the balcony, and careens to the street below. When he passes the 10th floor, the high wind whips him around the building and back into the 10th floor window and he takes the elevator back up to the bar.
The 2nd Man tells him: "You know I saw that with my own eyes, but that must have been a one time fluke."
1st Man: "No, I'll prove it again" and again he jumps and hurtles
toward the street where the 10th floor wind gently carries him around the building and into the window. Once upstairs he urges his fellow drinker to try it.
2nd Man: "Well what the hell, it works, I'll try it." he jumps over the balcony, plunges downward, passes the 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th floors... and hits the sidewalk with a 'splat.'

Back upstairs the Bartender turns to the other drinker: "You
know, Superman, you're a real ******* when you're drunk.

Ladybug2 05-06-2016 09:12 AM

Hi everyone,

My little bug still has a fever - took her to Dr this morning, but they couldn't find anything wrong - no ear infection, etc so hoping it's just a little virus. I hate mystery fevers like this - I am such a worrywart. Casey, my older bug is doing fine. She is so excited for our trip to the beach in a week. Thanks for asking :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend ! If I'm not around much it's because I'm busy taking care of little bug. Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommas out there :)

Fabela 05-06-2016 09:16 AM

BOBBIE! That joke was in one of my 10th grade books!

And yes, my house smells of awesome, and of dog.

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