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forabetterlife 04-28-2016 07:14 PM

Hi guys :)
Just a quick check in before I head to bed on day 5. I had an amazing, almost magical, day all around. Met with my ex for dinner and I was stronger and more confident than Maybe ever in my life. I told him how I felt, what I would and would not accept, and basically how I've changed and grown these past 7 months and that I'm not going backwards. If he wants to be a part of my life, it needs to be on my terms. I won't be dragged down by drama and my own desperation. I was genuine , I wasn't faking it to sound tough. I'm the end, he wants to prove himself. I don't know how this will go, but I know that my happiness is not tied to the outcome and that is one of the best feelings ever.
This feels way better than drinking, that's for sure.
For those of you struggling, I'm only on day 5 this time around but I really believe that one time, and this could be the time for any of us, it will stick. We have to push through the darkness as it comes and goes to get to the good stuff.

samantha14 04-28-2016 07:18 PM

I think I may try to sleep as well. I am considering a sleeping pill as the first night is always the hardest

LoftyIdeals 04-28-2016 07:41 PM

That is great FBL! Sometimes it takes just a little sober perspective to get your thoughts in order and deliver them genuinely and effectively, right? I think thats why I am still riding high (pardon the pun) on day 2 today. I spent an honest 90 minutes or so with a counselor yesterday and then had an honest share at a church study last night. It felt good to both get it out and to be heard and understood. It was like a cinfidence building purge, with a sense afterward that all will be okay in the end. And, a cleared sober mind has proven to be the difference for me already. Good for you in your success!

CaseyW 04-28-2016 07:51 PM

Just got home from the meeting. Thursday night is newcomers night at my AA home group, so the topic is always something very basic. Tonight's was one near and dear to my own heart, as you all know--the insanity of that first drink. Heard a lot of great things, shared for a little bit myself.

I ate very unhealthy tonight--lots of fried foods and I'm kinda feeling it now. Should have stuck with my original plan for pizza. Oh well, about to take a couple of antacids and drink a little of my soda water and cranberry juice, see if that helps any.

Sorry you're feeling bad, immri. Hope it gets better as the day progresses.

Good on you for sticking with it tonight, samantha14. It really does get easier with time and some work on our parts--there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of active members here who are proof of that. Nothing wrong with a sleeping pill as long as you're taking it as prescribed or directed if its OTC. Hope it helps you tonight.

LillianGish, like I said before I'm not a huge video game player anymore because of my work-related arm/wrist issues, but all the various Zelda games are my favorite series of all time. I was mainly playing Super Metroid last night but I did spend about an hour starting a new playthrough of Ocarina of Time. I've played most of the games in the series all the way through at least four or five times.

Bobbieka, I was sober for the entire last season of Game of Thrones and still don't remember big chunks of it. I was glad they did a really thorough "Previously on" segment before this past Sunday's premiere.

I'm way more a reader than I am a video game player, ManInTheArena. My dad is a voracious reader so I grew up with a great role model in that respect. I was one of those weird kids who all of a sudden could read when they were four years old. I guess all that Sesame Street and bedtime stories paid off. Glad you made it thru your concert. I'm buying tickets tomorrow morning to see my all time favorite band play in Dallas on the day before my birthday in August. I've seen them live many times but never sober. Should be interesting. And your story about the waitress at Buffalo Wild Wings ticked me off--I nicely chewed out one of our newbies at work a couple of weeks ago for doing something similar (it's part of my job, I wasn't just being a know-it-all jerk.) Of course we're a little bit finer dining and a little less sports bar-ish than Buffalo Wild Wings. Sounds like a hectic week--probably a good idea to steer clear of those situations for a bit, like you said. But congrats on getting through them sober.

Absolutely love your video game story, Mish. That's so funny that your kids don't even bother killing you but just let you stay lost in your own little world. Congrats on day 5!

Dee did have some great advice for you there, KiKi. Glad you're open to listening to it. The only way you'll for sure fail at this is if you stop trying. Don't quit trying ten minutes before the miracle happens.

I sound like a inspirational refrigerator magnet manufacturer sometimes.

That's good your dinner went well, forabetterlife. You're sounding very strong and motivated these past few days, more so than I really ever recall you sounding before. Keep on doing what you're doing!

Glad you checked in, LoftyIdeals. I asked earlier but I know it's easy to miss questions in my blabbermouth posts--any idea how often you're supposed to see this counselor?

Going to put my PJs on now. No video games tonight. Might put on a movie and try to crash at a reasonable hour. I'm thinking maybe that new Pee Wee Herman movie.

If you haven't checked in yet today, it's never too late! Get back in here! And if you're struggling right now, remember you really don't have to take that first drink today no matter what BS your addiction is throwing at you.

LoftyIdeals 04-28-2016 10:43 PM

Can't sleep. Ears are ringing, wife is snoring, dog has been walking around in the middle of the night lately. Fortunately, one of us can escape to the guest room to get some peaceful shuteye when all that happens. That someone is me tonight. My wife's snoring is generally a gauge for how much wine she's imbibed the night before, and how long before bedtime she drank it. I'd guess 2-3 glasses tonight. I asked her to refrain from red around me until I am stronger, and she's obliged. I get real sensitive to the pungent aroma, like a recent ex-smoker might get to those with a smoke odor. I quit smoking cigarettes about a year ago.

Sorry, Casey, that I missed your question. The plan is for weekly meetings. This counselor runs a 12 week group therapy session based on addiction topics that I presume I will eventually "graduate" to in the future. In all the years of trying different programs over the last 30 years (yes, this journey started for me in 1983), I've never had a real sponsor. I hope that this guy will serve in that purpose, although I will take a hybrid aproach to overall recovery that includes various methods. That approach has worked well with my weight control efforts and I believe it will work for continued sobriety as well.

My bigger challenge is going to be surrounding myself with less of a drinking culture among my close friends. There's not much my wife and I have done for recreation over our 21 yr marriage that doesn't involve drinking. It's been the demise of my sobriety before. I'm hoping counseling will help me strenghten my resolve without necessarily ridding those relationships for the sake of my own social needs and those of my wife. But, I also want to grow closer to sober people, places and events, too.

There is actually plenty that I need and want to change in my life, and I look forward to those positive outcomes.

Sorry that I dont recognize each person and their struggles in my posts. I am a little newer to the group, and dont know each of you as well, but am grateful for your acceptance of me. Please know that I read your posts and am often mindful and prayerful of your situations. Once I have greater sobriety, I will have increased interest in my fellows, as AAs Promises states. And, yes, Casey, I am very mindful of the miracle. Sobriety is, indeed, transformational to those who seek it.

In the 38 yrs or so of my drinking life, I've had stretches of sobriety totaling about 5 years of sobriety. A 2 year period, a 1.5, initially, that included my inpatient rehab, and several multiple month stretches. Why do I return to drinking? For reasons that I pray are expiring with older age. Would my life be much different had I stuck with any of those sober stretches? Most definitely, yes. It would be stable, probably successful, and consistently peaceful and serene. It's what I hope comes now.

Well, I can probably get back to sleep now.

Good night, all!

CaseyW 04-28-2016 11:13 PM

I'm still wide awake too, Lofty.

I had never thought of this before--but one of my big inspirations in sobriety right now is an ex-girlfriend and still very good friend who has been sober for 3+ years now. She was a HUGE snorer when we dated, but we both drank like fish so it never bothered me most of the time. I wonder if she'd take it the wrong way if I asked her if she still snored as much in sobriety. Probably best to just let the mystery be, eh?

Sounds like a good counseling program. Thanks for giving me the details.

As far as getting away from the drinking culture, I guess that's one good thing about my moving away from my hometown and my other favorite city three years ago. I haven't gained any drinking buddies in my current town and almost always drank in isolation here. I know I've heard people say before in meetings and on these forums that their drinking buddies were just that--drinking buddies and not real friends, but that doesn't ring true for me. Or at least not exactly true. I know I've got some real, good, true friends who are still very active drinkers who are very happy for me today. Not all my drinking buddies, of course, but a good handful. I'd say it's probably best to steer clear of the bars or any of your old drinking hangouts but there's nothing wrong with having lunch or dinner with friends in a sobriety-friendly environment. Your real friends will understand.

You sound like you're in a good place tonight despite the lack of sleep. Hope that sleep comes tonight and I look forward to continuing to walk this road of recovery with you. You're a good man.

Fabela 04-28-2016 11:53 PM

Casey W! You go to bed right now! Even big boys need their sleep!


CaseyW 04-28-2016 11:55 PM

You can't make me!

CaseyW 04-28-2016 11:57 PM

Just kidding. I just brushed my teeth and turned off the lights. Was about to turn off the computer. Good morning, Fabela. Good night, Fabela! You and immri and Mish stay out of trouble, you hear?

Fabela 04-29-2016 12:14 AM

Sweet dreams, Casey. Mish, immri and I will behave while you are in dreamland.

samantha14 04-29-2016 04:17 AM

Well I am awake and sober this morning. On to day two. I have a dentists appointment this morning to have my final wisdom tooth removed and then I work the PM shift tonight. I hope everyone is having a good day.

1stepup 04-29-2016 04:19 AM

Hi all, just gone midday here on day 4, not 100% back to normal yet but getting there, stayed up until the early hours last night so tired today. Its bank holiday wkend here in the UK- a usual drink-fest for a LOT of Brits, I have my girls from this afternoon until Sunday evening though so I'll be away from the madness and focussing on them and their needs. Hoping to maybe get an AA meeting Sunday evening.

Have a great sober day everyone.

Mish 04-29-2016 04:34 AM

Sweet dreams Casey. Promise we will behave :grouphug:

Bobbieka 04-29-2016 04:39 AM

Just woke up. Have a busy day ahead of me at work, so just wanted to say good morning. Happy Friday/Saturday everyone!

Mish 04-29-2016 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by Bobbieka (Post 5928915)
Just woke up. Have a busy day ahead of me at work, so just wanted to say good morning. Happy Friday/Saturday everyone!

Have a lovely day at work Bobbieka xxx

LoftyIdeals 04-29-2016 04:48 AM

Good morning, Marchers! On to day 3 today. Didn't sleep much and my ears are still ringing. Hope that stops soon. Wishing everyone a happy, sober day!

Kayak63sc 04-29-2016 05:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
the good old times

Attachment 29504

Kayak63sc 04-29-2016 05:30 AM

Just a quick check in this morning still sober hope I can keep on going. I have some new plans I actually have some friends that are reaching out to help me. Still on the road will be home in the morning hopefully I can make it home without stopping by the Bottle Shop.
Then a weekend of kayaking with my sons.

I hope everyone has a great day I will catch up when I can

Fabela 04-29-2016 06:19 AM

It's so windy here that trash cans and trampolines are flying through the air. It's dangerous to be out there, even for me, coz the wind caught my car door and slammed it into another car... Waiting to hear from the other owner, hope it doesn't get too expensive. But when I came home, I opened the door and reached for Charlie - but there was no dog there. Both me and DD2 panicked and pictured how the wind must have flung the door open, leaving Charlie free to roam the world. Then I started thinking, how the wind could have opened a locked door, and let Charlie out with both collar and leash... So, it turned out that DS had taken it upon himself to take the pooch for a walk, for the very first time. Poor kid, he's 14, but so skinny, I was afraid that the wind had caught him. (I mean, he's so skinny that I rarely show myself in public with him, people must be thinking I'm eating all his food.) Well, at least he had Charlie to hold on to. Now they're both inside, safe and sound, and I'm about to start dinner for next Saturday.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

clearlyheaded 04-29-2016 06:43 AM

Just a quick check in. Last night was pretty comfortable thanks to the combo of a nerve blocker and pain meds. Sleeping upright wasn't too bad either. I have PT later today to change my dressing and learn how to take my sling on and off. My brother and SIL are coming later tonight to help out for the weekend. Other than that it is rest and sleep as much as possible.

Keep up the good fight Marchers!

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