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Bobbieka 05-01-2016 10:31 AM

I was just thinking the same. I was spending more time there. Need to do that again. I told my son about SR. His girlfriend told me he is active. I'm glad.

CaseyW 05-01-2016 10:46 AM

Yeah, it's easy to get caught up in our own little world here. And there's nothing particularly wrong with that. We're all still babies in recovery here, and obviously we all still have many of our own struggles.

But it's good for me to remember that these forums are much bigger than this class--that there are new people joining here every day who need help and also so many people here with years and years of experience and wisdom to share. I've been getting a little too wrapped up in my self here lately.

That's cool about your son, Bobbieka.

LoftyIdeals 05-01-2016 10:50 AM

I wish I'd read your post before WWIII erupted here, Bobbieka. We just had a 45 minute yelling match, me my DD and DW. It needed to happen, but a lot of hurtful things were said. We all got it all out, except DW who is still fighting, but mostly with herself. I don't want to have to lay down the gauntlet that its my sobriety or my marriage, but it could come to that. Its been laid before, and gues which lost? I am too old for this stuff.

CaseyW 05-01-2016 10:55 AM

Can you get out of the house for a bit, Lofty, and let things cool down? Even if it's just to a workshop or something?

It's probably best not to lay down any big ultimatums or make any big life-changing decisions in early sobriety. (Well besides that ultimate decision of getting sober itself.) Get your own foundation built firmly first.

You're in my thoughts today, my friend. Always remember that drinking will only make things worse, never better.

Bobbieka 05-01-2016 11:05 AM

Sorry it's going crazy there, Lofty. I remember coming home from college, my mom was ready for this new, independent me, but my dad was not. We've dealt with the same things in this house. Daddy's aren't ready for our girls to grow up. You love her dearly. Don't get so angry you forget that. My dad smacked me once, it was around 16 or so. I truly deserved it. A few years later, I was leaving for college and he said, "I'm sorry I smacked you that one time." I had completely forgotten. It weighed on him for years. Just love her through this stage as you have all of the rest. I have faith in you.

LoftyIdeals 05-01-2016 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by CaseyW (Post 5932716)
Can you get out of the house for a bit, Lofty, and let things cool down? Even if it's just to a workshop or something?

It's probably best not to lay down any big ultimatums or make any big life-changing decisions in early sobriety. (Well besides that ultimate decision of getting sober itself.) Get your own foundation built firmly first.

You're in my thoughts today, my friend. Always remember that drinking will only make things worse, never better.

Thanks, Casey, you are right. And guess where I am? Yep, the workshop. Thinking it through. Thanks

CaseyW 05-01-2016 11:08 AM

You're pretty smart sometimes, Bobbieka.

Bobbieka 05-01-2016 11:10 AM

Sometimes. Like the new avatar. Threw me off a bit.

Bobbieka 05-01-2016 11:12 AM

I think I'll miss Dr. Nut, though. Don't let him go far.

CaseyW 05-01-2016 11:14 AM

Trying to protect my anonymity a little more. Anyone who knows me in real life that stumbled upon SR would immediately have known that avatar coupled with my first name/last initial equals me. I'd actually kinda like to change my name here for the same reasons, felt that way for quite a while now, but I think it's too late for that. Everyone would still call me Casey anyways. I guess I could just lose the "W". There's not a regular "Casey" on the member list here. But I think I'd change it to "NoMatterWhat" if I did make that decision.

beerbgone 05-01-2016 11:31 AM

Gonna' miss the Dr. Nut avatar Casey.

CaseyW 05-01-2016 11:42 AM

You can have it if you want, beerbgone. I hereby bestow the honorary degree of doctor of nut on you.

beerbgone 05-01-2016 11:46 AM

LOL. I just did a quick look to see how to add an avatar. Didn't have any luck.

Bobbieka 05-01-2016 11:51 AM

BBG, I think we can walk you through it. Do you have one you want?

CaseyW 05-01-2016 11:52 AM

The option is in your user control panel at the top left of every page.

Bobbieka 05-01-2016 11:54 AM

It says user CP, then you choose edit avatar.

Don't assume CaseyW. Lol

CaseyW 05-01-2016 11:58 AM

Here's a good one for BBG:


But smaller, of course.

rah555 05-01-2016 12:10 PM

Checking in midday of day 1. So far so good today. Taking care of myself today. I've been resting a lot. Didn't sleep well last night. I downloaded a book called recovery and addiction for dummies. I started reading it today. It is helping me understand things and is helping me sort through my thoughts about seeking outside help. I want this to be my last day 1 bad the last Sunday where I have to lay low because I overdid it with drinking.

LillianGish 05-01-2016 12:44 PM

Oh, the Doctor is not on call anymore? Love the Zelda reference though!!

Someone will ask, "Shouldn't it be I am IN error?" Or, "I am erroneous?" I make several errors every day...particularly typing on my little phone here.

Error pointed Link in the right direction. Nice metaphor - you're good at that. :)

My oldest daughter is about to graduate high school and will be living with us (I hope) for another two years while she attends community college. Your stories are reminding me why it will be important to set up ground rules that balance my sanity and her independence. Thank you!

LillianGish 05-01-2016 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by rah555 (Post 5932817)
Checking in midday of day 1. So far so good today. Taking care of myself today. I've been resting a lot. Didn't sleep well last night. I downloaded a book called recovery and addiction for dummies. I started reading it today. It is helping me understand things and is helping me sort through my thoughts about seeking outside help. I want this to be my last day 1 bad the last Sunday where I have to lay low because I overdid it with drinking.

I'm glad you're here and sober. I remember how sick I was with my last hangover - that memory is still with me thank goodness!

Take good care of yourself rah - always worked for me.

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