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Dee74 02-25-2015 05:28 PM

Class of January 2015 Part 5
last part here :)


LiveLikeGold6 02-26-2015 12:08 AM

Jojo you rock! Losing that weight and freezer cooking. I love freezer cooking and meal prepping.

Day 55 ending here. Had a nice day to myself. Felt a bit lonely here and there. I want to force myself to go to an aa meeting tomorrow. I just need to not make it a big deal. I see my therapist on Friday. Ive had a fww thoughts of my ex but I also feel that im probably just out of my comfort zone of constantly obsessing over our ups and downs. Now that I dont have to do that anymore its prinetime to focus on the little changes id like to make within my self. So far so good :)

Congrats to every1 reaching milestones and getting back on the horse when you fell off!

JamesSquire 02-26-2015 01:31 AM

James Squire is dead !
Well I hope he and his mates are.

James Squire is the last brand of beer, I had over Christmas 2014 in copious amounts.

Tomorrow will be 49 days without JS and his alcoholic mates, so I hope JS is no more. He and his mates have wasted the best of the last two years of my life.

But please keep calling me James as a reminder to me why I'm here.

Love reading how everyone's going, Jojo you're an inspiration.


waywardson8260 02-26-2015 05:53 AM

Good morning and thanks for your inspiring stories of turning things around with alcohol! I finally have a well deserved day off of work today. Days off are the days I have to worry about, but I'm confident I will resist any temptation today.

I'm going to do this!

Jojo1965 02-26-2015 10:21 AM

Hey! Hey!!

Day 40! I am so happy! I don't want to say I can't believe I've made it this far, because that really discredits myself. But I'm just so happy for each and everyone of us who are on this sober journey.

Making roast chicken/potatoes/carrots & onions. I did my gym routine, came home showered and then ran out and bought my chicken etc. Now I'm home, my house is a mess and I have Roper hair all over. But I have today off, and I'm just going to widdle away and get things done. I work the next 6 days so I'll get my ducks in a row today.

Have a great day everyone!


saoutchik 02-26-2015 10:36 AM

Evening everyone, checking in.

Thank you Dee (and Anna) for your personal and technical input on this thread.

Congratulations on your test results Teebee - you must be very relieved.

LLG6 Glad you're coping and staying strong

Well done on killing James Squire, James, good work. I agree with what you say about Jojo too

Enjoy your day off Wayward

I saw some green shoots in the park this evening - spring is coming

OnMyWay7 02-26-2015 11:18 AM

LLG6 -hang in there - I'm sure it's different without your ex. Getting to a meeting will probably be a good idea.

James - Never knew it was the name of a beer. Glad you kicked the JS habit.

It is STILL cold here - Ok i don't mind the cold but it's getting a little bit tiring. I wish I saw some green shoots or buds. I'm really happy we have a YMCA with an indoor pool. I hoping that I can hit that this weekend with my girls and get out of the house a bit. My SO is at a cheer comp with my 13 yo in Texas for the weekend so I'm alone with the 3 which should be fun. I see a sleep over in my room one night. I'm lucky that the girls are young enough to still want to do that.

Happy Thursday everyone.

MyShadow 02-26-2015 11:48 AM

Day 40

JamesSquire 02-26-2015 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by Teebee (Post 5226481)
James - Never knew it was the name of a beer. Glad you kicked the JS habit.

My favourite was called 150 Lashes and it felt like had been given 150 lashes the night before by the morning.

Glad to be sitting here with a cup of tea and a clear head.

Going out with some of the boys tonight but these guys don't worry if I don't drink. I'll drive!

Have a good day everyone.

saoutchik 02-26-2015 02:08 PM

:a122:Hi gang,

Just realised today is my 2nd payday since quitting

I reckon that's £400 saved

Dee74 02-26-2015 02:19 PM

Congrats to all you guys on milestones reached - great stuff :)
Thanks for the kind words saoutchik :)


Tang 02-26-2015 05:17 PM

I had slipped into February by my heart is still in January.

Sisterbobby 02-26-2015 06:15 PM

went to the horse races today and had water and peanuts only....sure wanted some wine

Dee74 02-26-2015 06:17 PM

are you doing ok now, Sisterbobby?


DeannaM77 02-26-2015 08:27 PM

I am very grateful for every night I fall asleep sober and wake up without a hangover. 40 days sober. :)

OnMyWay7 02-26-2015 08:52 PM

40 days is great D and MyShadow!

How are you doing Sisterbobby? Cravings passed?

Late here - got my daughter packed for a trip to Texas and had a talk with my son who's having a rough time. He has anxiety and issues with controling it when he gets into sports situations. When he knows he's good he does great - when he's trying to prove himself he falls apart. He last it at practice and is now home angry and sad - poor kid - I wish there was something I could do to help.

Have a good night everyone.

Sisterbobby 02-26-2015 09:45 PM

Made hamburgers and tatter tots and drank diet pop for dinner tonight. In bed with Moe with water at the bedside. Avoiding AV today and tonight was doable. Having a great time with sister...I haven't been the the races in years, lost a few bucks...not much..

Glad to hear about all doing great, have a good night.
44 days:dance3::dance3::dance3:

JamesSquire 02-27-2015 03:41 AM

Home from the boys night out, no alcohol for me.

Just re-read my 'James Squire is Dead' post and realised I was trying to blame someone/something else for my woes. It wasn't the beer that was responsible ... I am responsible for myself.
Sorry needed to get that off my chest!

Saoutchik ..... Aust vs NZ tomorrow. Should be a good game.

For those wondering what we're talking about,

Cricket World Cup 2015 - ICC Cricket | Official Website

waywardson8260 02-27-2015 03:45 AM

Good morning. Made it through my day off yesterday without any real serious thought about having a drink. I feel to good now and the thought of another hangover sounds awful. I've made it too far to screw it up now. I have to day off too so I will stay vigilant. It has been very cold here too but I'm going to brave it and go for a walk this morning.

Stay sober everyone.

Jojo1965 02-27-2015 09:39 AM

Hey guys!

Day 41 and feelin' groovy! Hubby has an interview this morning for a different position, same company but he's still nervous. He got out of his truck and wiped out on the snow/ice then about fell again coming in the door. So I said to him "Slow down..." Well then I just launched into the Simon and Garfunkel song... "Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last...." Wether he found it funny was a moot point as he blew by me to change clothes. Hahaha! Life is too good for me right now to be in a hurry or to let anyone else get me riled.

Today is yet another Friday. Just another day of the week. I work 5-11 so I should be completely fine. By the time I get home it will be bedtime. Beautiful, blissful sleep!

Have a great sober Friday everyone!

Hey James, great job on the outing with the boys! Woooo Hoooo! That's fantastic!


saoutchik 02-27-2015 10:13 AM

Evening everyone,

I know it is still still bad weather wise for some of so don't think I'm gloating but it has been a beautiful day in London - uninterrupted blue sky wow, that doesn't happen too often here, especially in February.

I managed to get out of the office for some of the day

Hope your boy does OK at his sports. When my daughters were at school it was hard work making them take part at all

Glad you enjoyed your day at the races SisterBobby I've never been but I have been invited later in the year, looking forward to it

Good luck to Mr Jojo. Shame you have to work Fri evening but I suppose the upside is no temptations

I think that the Aus/New Zealand fixture is dress rehersal for final. There has been some extraordinary batting to date

saoutchik 02-27-2015 10:16 AM

Teebee that was your boy I was referring to

Sisterbobby 02-27-2015 10:39 AM

today is 44 days...going to cafe by the river and play pool. I got this...My sister is wonderful and going to slap me if I grab for a drink...
later gaters and good job to everyone...

OnMyWay7 02-27-2015 12:10 PM

Hi all,

Ok - I'm going to need to figure out a way to stop eating.

Yes Saoutchik it is still cold and not really enjoyable here but at elast the sun came out for a bit. I need some sun and warmth - vacation in a few weeks in Miami and I will very much enjoy that!

Getting ready for a run around Friday evening with hair appointment and kid stuff then I hope to crawl in bed with a few of my kids and watch Big Hero 6 that just came out on demand.

Have fun at work Jojo
Good job on 44 days SB!!

Where's JackDMissus been? and lovehoops?

lovehoops 02-27-2015 02:28 PM

Hi all,
Just checking in.Been busy last few days. I haven't posted much but have been reading about all of you. Sounds like we are all involved with life's ups and downs but doing it sober...great job!!

TeeBee...glad you are okay. I have a son with similar anxiety issues. He's a great athlete who is reluctant to perform because he lets it get into his head if not doing well. He's not a selfish player on any team, Just feels he is letting people down if he doesn't play well. Frustrating and he is 17!! (well his b'day is monday)..

I forgot who asked how I chose my name?? I think it was you, TeeBee???

anyway...I thought it appropriate to choose something with basketball. My 2 sons have always played, my husband did as well and now he is a referree as a side job. We are all also NY Knick fans (though I don't advertise that this season).
The last time I drank I showed up at my sons basketball game completely wasted, embarrassed myself and family, felt like a fool. He had the game of his life and won the game for the team. he was the hero at the end and the team carried him on their shoulders...the whole big celebration. I heard it was awesome. I missed it because my furious husband dragged me out at the last buzzer. :(....

I thought if I chose a name with basketball I would never forget that miserable night each time I posted and maybe it would help me think before I ever thought of picking up another far it has worked!!

That's my story. Have a sober Friday all!!

Sisterbobby 02-27-2015 05:38 PM

Lovehoops- thats a story to never forget. Sorry that happened to you. Here is to all sober days for now on.
Home after playing pool, played a few great games sober. Home now and still drinking water...

OnMyWay7 02-27-2015 07:38 PM

Lovehoops - that's a story I'll remember. I get why you chose that name and I'm sure your sons are proud of you now - but that's a tough memory. I remember my son 3 years ago asking me to stop and I did for a bit and then went back and mostly hid it from him (sure - right). I grew up liking the Knicks and Ben and I went to see them this past year play the Clippers - they won that game.

I hope you have a great weekend and that you're proud of the progress you've made.

Thanks for sharing Lovehoops.

LiveLikeGold6 02-28-2015 03:08 AM

Keep it up love hoops!

Well folks its day 58 and im just getting in bed at 3am. I am happy to announce that I sober partied and had a great time. I went to 2 hoppin bars with a friend and a date then back home for a movie with just my date and I. I do not plan on making regular appearances at bars because other stuff is way more fun but it's awesome to know that I can have a good time with supportive peeps.

Off to dream land. Night all!

waywardson8260 02-28-2015 04:27 AM

Good morning. Today marks five weeks sober for me and easily made it through two days off. Add that the very cold weather we're having when I would grab a bottle of wine and stay home. My wife even wanted to get some wine but I declined. Normally she only would get some if I did. I am very resolute about staying sober this time.

I'm ready for summer- even the 100+ degree heat after this week! Its the gym and back to work today. things should be much slower at work this week.

Have a good day everyone and stay sober!

OnMyWay7 02-28-2015 05:20 AM

I'm glad you had a good time LLG6. Just be careful about going to bars and being around that much alcohol.

Wayward - Does your wife realize your commitment and that you can never drink again? I'd be upset if someone suggested it right now - I'm way too early in recovery to watch someone drinking my drink of choice in the house on a cold night.

Running around this weekend - basketball and soccer then we'll have to figure out something to do tonight because it will still be really cold here. Last night we watched Big Hero 6 - that was pretty cute and funny. Maybe I'll watch a big person movie tonight.

Stay warm January crowd and have a great Saturday

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