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Croissant 04-10-2014 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by Leshar (Post 4582334)
She's like a spoilt child, and I realize I was so like this at times, and took my dear husband for granted a time too many.

Wow, look at us all, growing up and re discovering ourselves! It's magical, and I love you all!!

Yes, Leshar, so true. I saw myself in her response to you. It's easier for her to say she feels unwelcome as a deflection to the fact she's been presented with a situation where she needs to abstain from drinking.

I think it's a good idea to sit on it before responding....let the emotion of it all diffuse for both of you. I responded too quickly to my sister today, before i saw my counsellor...I should have waited a few hours at least!

Anyway, it's all reasonably fixed now. My Dad said a few unrelated things that annoyed me on the phone, but I saw them as not for me to get bothered about. So, as my book keeps telling me...I'm seeing difficult things as an opportunity to learn new skills (with the occasional rant and washing frenzy thrown in for good measure!)

Oh And Leshar, you are right....we have all learned so much, even reflecting on that crazy stuff I used to do earlier makes me feel like I can deal with things better. I just need to pause, reflect....when so many times, there was no was just hi ho, off to the bottle-o I go.

Leshar 04-10-2014 08:57 AM

Croissant, thanks so much, it's really warms my heart that you "get" my family dynamics and it sounds as though you have some similar dynamics going on with your family.
I'm glad you have a counsellor in whom you can confide, someone you trust.
Yeah, so glad I've left that "I need a drink" knee jerk response to all ills behind.

Oh, would you remind me of the book you're talking about? Sounds like I need to do some such reading at present!
Oh and if you feel like visiting and going "laundry" on me here, well, that would be great! (I hate laundry!)

Croissant 04-10-2014 09:08 AM

Thanks Lovely.xx

The book is "Be Who You Want, Have What You Want"....Chris Prentiss. I bought it in my iBooks on my iPad. About 14 bucks I think.

He started the Passages rehab facility with his son.

Also, you reminded me of another book when you spoke of feeling guided by a spirit guide. It's called "Journey of Souls"...I must buy another copy as I lent my last one. I found it spoke to what you are experiencing, death is not forever and we all have guidance, we just need to be in tune with it. I particularly liked that the research was grounded in hard facts....i can be quite a logical person, so that helped a lot.

Two recommendations for your holiday reading!

Leshar 04-10-2014 09:11 AM

Ta so much, Croissant!

resolute50 04-10-2014 04:42 PM

Well, it's Thursday night and a little windy outside.
Watching a little TV and checking out the internet.
I still light a fire in the stove to warm up the basement.
It's a little cold still. but we're suppose to get warm here quick this weekend.
Hope everybody is having a wonderful day/night.

Leshar 04-10-2014 05:38 PM

Hi Bob,

Super windy here today. The screen door almost came off its hinges this morning when I went out. It was recycling/garbage pick up day today, and my front lawn is now festooned with other people's rubbish!
I went to the hairdressers this aft and I can truly say that after coming out and walking to my car, I'm rocking the "windswept" look!

I went to Boston Pizza for supper, I didn't feel like cooking. Brought a travel book on Madrid to read, and I'm excited to make a list of things to do/places to see...alone!!

Croissant 04-10-2014 07:47 PM

Ha... Leshar, I guarantee 99% of the time! when I go to the hairdresser, it turns out to be a windy day or pours rain at some point.

Leshar 04-11-2014 12:29 AM

Hey ho, here we go again, awake after 3 hours. Same last night and I was too bagged this am to make my morning yoga class which I love, so I'm disappointed about that.

I do think I will have to do something about this sleep issue.

On a positive note, I got a lovely, encouraging email from a new friend I've made from my acting class. I'd shared some of my concerns about my sister with her.
She was auditioning for a part and ran into the director of my scenes, and he told her I was terrific to work with and really the heart of our scenes.
It was so lovely to hear this. I do miss the positive feedback I used to get from my husband about so many things.
We all need to be valued, and respected and our worth honoured, from time to time, whilst keeping in mind the need to be self reliant and resilient, for at the end of the day, we have only ourselves.
But hey, who doesn't love a compliment now and again!

Croissant 04-11-2014 02:26 AM

That's really lovely, Leshar.

I'm glad the performance is going well and I'm sure it's helping your confidence...which is great.

Now, I hope you have a plan for your Saturday....anything fun to keep the down thoughts away??

SnoozyQ 04-11-2014 03:24 AM

Hiya guys :wavey:

Only 2 days til Shaun gets home , i spoke to him on the phone last night and as soon as i heard his voice i just wanted him home .

I'm really looking forward to Sunday 8 pm ;-))))
Had a Nanna nap after work which lasted 4 hours ! Wow , must've needed it lol .

I'll pop back a bit later , need a cuppa tea.

Hope you are all well , , Pete , Purepoison , Lulu , EQ , Humbug , Nikki , hugs xx ;-))

Hugs to the regulars ;-))) :Val004:

Croissant 04-11-2014 04:47 AM

Glad your husband will be home safe for some hugs, Wendy.

I tried shopping for flavoured teas tonight, but I can't being myself to buy them. I enjoy regular tea, green and white tea....but other than that...I find other teas just taste ODD to me. No biggie....but it just annoys me I can't say....ooh, I'm dying for a chamomile tea. Or oooh, a good peppermint tea goes down a treat. Yuck. Random useless fact...but just sayin' :)

I had a bizarre, but comforting experience today....I don't know why I'm sharing it, I guess I feel things are changing around me. And I'm delving a little deeper into things. Anyway...this afternoon, like Snoozy, I thought I'd lay down for a nap (kindy nap, Wendy!).

Anyway, I laid down, thinking about nothing deep in particular...nothing, just felt tired. All of a sudden, I had this overwhelming experience that my Mother was with me and I started crying for a minute or so....I don't even know what for or why, there was no thought. It just felt like I was surrounded by her presence or something. Then it went as quickly as it came and I feel into a light but tranquil sleep....and can only explain my dream as I felt all these things are going to work out, I just have to be present, plan and be in the moment. I can't even explain what the dream was. I think my Mother was telling me that my interview next week is very important, I have to prepare and be ready. These were some of the hazy feelings I had from the "dream" I had.

Hmmm....this is all trying to put into words, things that can't be described In was like an out of body experience. Nice though.

SnoozyQ 04-11-2014 05:16 AM

Crois , you don't need to put it into anymore words:kiss:

I actually got shivers when you said that about your Mum. It made me cry , i felt overwhelmingly emotional.

I don't know why it affected me so much , but i truly believe your Mum was with you .

You got such peace with her presence , i love reading something like that , it warms my heart .

But having said that , you don't escape the ******{slap}}}}} for the kindy nap ! Haha you young whippersnapper xxxxx

Bless ;-) xx

Ps... I don't know if you like Twinings teas , but earl grey is my favourite , even tho Shaun says it tastes like dishwater!

Croissant 04-11-2014 05:41 AM

Thanks Wendy for your kind words....they made me cry all over again.xx

Ummm and earl grey tea....ahhh, I'd rather suck on a lavender pomander....or a moth ball. Blurk!!!

SnoozyQ 04-11-2014 07:14 AM

Hahaha Crois ..slight over reaction much ! :p

My sis in law just told me Shaun has brought me home 80 cappuccino pods from London for my new coffee maker my daughter got for my birthday.

He is so thoughtful ;)

Dunno if I'll have time for coffee when he gets home :faint

:-) xx

Croissant 04-11-2014 07:26 AM

I'm with Shaun, saying it tastes like dishwater is an understatement though.

Yes, I gazed at all the teas. Twinings English Breakfast is my favourite. The thing is, so many other exotic teas are just flavoured, but don't have the real properties of the original there's no real medicinal quality to them. Apparently T2 tea is like that. Maybe I should go off to a health food shop.

Anyway... Time for me to see if I can get to sleep. I need to get back to healthy eating...too many white carbs. Not helpful.

How's your diet going, Bob? Any weight loss yet? I was losing weight, but I fear I became slack with work stress. Too scared to attempt the scales this week.

SnoozyQ 04-11-2014 07:39 AM

Hey Crois , just had a lightbulb go off ;-) ...

Have you ever tried a pot of tea with the tea leaves omg i used to have that years ago ....

My Mil was English , there I's something lovely about a nice cup of tea after it's been brewed .
I better hit the sack too , i have work 5 hours !

I just cant get to sleep ..grrr the harder i try , the more frustrated i get .

Might have a few scrabble games online then zzzzz , hugz xx

resolute50 04-11-2014 07:50 AM

I've lost about 5 lbs.
But,it's still cold here and when it warms up I'll be outside doing a lot of walking and hiking.

It's 10:50 am here,Snoozy.
Getting hungry for lunch.

SnoozyQ 04-11-2014 07:57 AM

G'day Bob :-)

It's about time you got some respite from the cold , my friend ! Surely it's gotta improve soon xxx

5 pounds ..terrific ...unfortunately you left them where I could find it ..ugh

I've been really good the past 3 days . I haven't eaten much , but i guess its cos i feel unwell with this reflux thing .

My mind went running away with me , lying in bed last night , thinking it must be cancer ...or oesophageal variices lol ...
I hate those time alone where things alwYs seem worse.

I'm over the nausea , I'd rather have pain than nausea least things work for pain

. Ok now I'm getting tired , hugs xx

resolute50 04-11-2014 08:02 AM

I have a routine now when I go to bed.
Been the same routine now for the last several months.
I make a cup of tea,get a glass of water and then watch a little TV in bed.
Usually by 10:30-11 pm I'm pretty much ready to crash out.

resolute50 04-11-2014 08:06 AM

One more note.
My blood pressure has dropped down to normal since about 3 weeks after I first quit.
I actually get cold these days.
Before I would have a window open in my office and still feel like I was wrapped in a wool blanket. I feel much more comfortable in my own skin........literally. :)

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