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Marria 12-29-2013 04:34 AM

Congratulations Alice!!! A fantastic achievement and especially with the challenges you have faced this year.



And Happy birthday Courage and Taz!!

I have been enjoying the aftermath of Christmas and feel full of positive thoughts about 2014. Now that my 1 year mark has passed I need to get more motivated about living this Sober life more fully!!
Christmas always gives me the chance to make my home clean and warm and welcoming for friends and family. So I want to sustain this for myself beyond Christmas and get more fun and energy back in my life. I've made some new friends through meetings which automatically makes it easier to socialize sober!

Love to you all as Dec 2013 comes to a close and soon we venture forth into a brand new year xxxx

tazzle 12-29-2013 06:11 AM

Yeah Alice!!
Peacehappyness don't be a stranger! every day sober is worth it.

We just got the news that hubbies dad is in the hospital and on life support. We will not keep him on it, This is not unexpected but always a shock. Do not worry if I do not post but trust me I will be checking in via cell phone. Love you all...

gonzo4419 12-29-2013 08:58 AM

Sorry to hear that taz, hope he goes peacefully for you all.

tazzle 12-29-2013 01:51 PM

He did gonzo. He had a incredible life to be celebrated not mourned. Now if hubbies family avoids fighting all will be great.

gonzo4419 12-29-2013 05:28 PM

I prefer those to funerals myself.

Here is one of the kids with their new roommates. They said they were only discussing what to name them.....

Dee74 12-29-2013 05:31 PM

I'm sorry Taz.


NapsteR1 12-30-2013 12:28 AM

Sorry about the situation Taz and Happy Birthday too, sorry I missed the day.

ReadyAtLast 12-30-2013 12:37 AM

I'm sorry to hear of your loss Tazzle. Sending good thoughts to you and your family.

I hope everyone has had a peaceful Christmas and is enjoying the holidays,where ever you are. Ours was very quiet. I have eaten my body weight in chocolate and cake which has obviously increased my body weight somewhat :( I am feeling extremely toxic and unhealthy, both inside and out.

I have had to change my spa booking dates so will be there 4 weeks from now . I've also extended it to 5 days/4 nights as it's such a long journey. Napster will understand how far the west coast of Scotland to Leicestershire is, that it's not a great drive and I will just have to stay longer!!

So today I am starting to be healthy again . I'm just not eating puddings,chocs etc and will eat more healthily. Why wait till New Year.

What are everyone's plans for New Year? I'm not a huge fan,especially as not drinking now though I do like NY Day, fresh start etc. I'm with Marria on this too (great post Marria btw :) ) I feel year 2 of sobriety is a good chance to start being healthy and living well on the foundations of sobriety we now have.

On NY Day near where we live some people go into the sea-crazy!! Whilst I won't be going in I will be watching :)

Hope everyone is well.

tazzle 12-30-2013 07:19 AM

Morning all. Setting up details for funeral today. No fights so far, but it is early and only one of the sisters are here, so plenty of time ahead

Our New Years is always quiet usually in bed early. Agree on eating and living healthier. But I think I say that every year.

Take care all and thank you for the support.

ReadyAtLast 12-30-2013 08:15 AM

mmm this healthy eating isn't as easy as I thought. Just opened a box of chocolates :( It is the last one - I can't have the dam things in the house :(

Tamerua 12-30-2013 08:17 AM

Sorry to hear Taz. :( ugh. You will get through it but man, that is draining. And I'm sure you miss him too. Hang in there.

RAL, I'm back on the LC bandwagon as of 2 days ago... My jeans were snug and if I'm not eating clean, I feel like you do. Toxic. Completely. It affects my whole mood.

For NYE, I have two invitations, one is for a recovery dance and another is for a small gathering of the guys in AA (my home group is mostly older gay men, my partner and I are usually the only chicks that show up to these things. Lol) I do know that when I was drinking i didn't typically have any invites because I had isolated for years to drink because I used to make an arse out of myself when I drank in public. Now I have a couple of options.

Back to work I go! It is dead in the office, I can get stuff done.

Tamerua 12-30-2013 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by ReadyAtLast (Post 4376303)
mmm this healthy eating isn't as easy as I thought. Just opened a box of chocolates :( It is the last one - I can't have the dam things in the house :(

Can you throw them out? I threw out almost an entire pie someone gave us.

ReadyAtLast 12-31-2013 12:49 AM

Morning all.
I hope the arrangements go smoothly for your family Taz.

Tam,thanks, I ate some of the chocs but going to get rid of the rest today. Feel even worse today -my body is desperately telling me to eat healthily. I hope you had a good day at work and managed to get a lot done when it was quiet.Hopeyou have a great NY Eve,whatever you decide to do.

Happy New Year Dee & Alice-think you get NY before us :) It will probably be 2014 where you are when you next read this.All the best for 2014 :)

Hope everyone else has a happy,sober and peaceful NY Eve,whatever you do.

NapsteR1 12-31-2013 02:58 AM

Had Dad over for Xmas Day and he stayed over till Boxing Day, Ma came over later on in the day on Xmas Day and also stayed till Boxing Day. Dad ended up taking 6 of the 12 bottles of wine he bought home with him and got through 3 or 4 of those himself. As it was our wedding anniversary 27th Ma took the kids home with her to give us a couple of days kiddy free, I think Dad was expecting them and her to stick around for longer but hey, out of my hands, she missed Boxing Day lunch as she was upstairs feeling unwell, I can't force her to stay.

Got an email last night from Dad entitled "Us" stating that "It probably won't surprise you to hear that there were several respects in which my stay with you left me feeling unhappy. We need to talk. Tomorrow, eightish?"

Great, so had a rubbish nights sleep stressing about it and am wound up to the point of shaking hands now - plus missus N decided that she would finish of the rest of the wine in the house last night (bottle and a half left over from Xmas) in preparation for a dry January so woke us all us being sick in the early hours (amateur drinkers hey...).

So it's a trigger day for me today, this goes back to where I would have been smashed myself over Xmas so would be trying to remember what the hell was said to whom!

This time I'm trying to calm down and rotate my perception of to one of a sober person trying to deal with a drinking Dad who's no doubt spent the last 4 days polishing off the 6 bottles he took back with him (lives on his own) and deconstructing the events of Xmas - key to this is him doing this on his own, therefore no one to bounce his ideas off of, so what I'm in line for later on today is to be on the receiving end of a monologue about how it all didn't go the way he wanted it to and how I should have done things differently to make things work better for him.

AV is helpfully suggesting that a proven way of getting rid of the gut wrenching pre-call anxiety is to get good and drunk myself before we speak...

Helpfully it's peeing down with rain as I could really do with disappearing out on the bike for a couple of hours, might have to hit the gym instead but I've been overdoing that over the last week and my knee is starting to grumble, grrr...

Dee74 12-31-2013 03:27 AM

You could always not take the call Napster?


Tamerua 12-31-2013 04:55 AM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 4378086)
You could always not take the call Napster? D

I like that idea!

NapsteR1 12-31-2013 05:50 AM

Sadly doesn't make it go away though does it?

Needs facing head on and with a tranquil disposition in order that I can lay his jittery nerves and an alcohol fuelled paranoia to rest.

Keep calm and carry on as the saying goes...

Dee74 12-31-2013 05:53 AM

no, but it allows you to decide when you want to talk and set the time of the conversation...and he might just be sober?

I've learned, finally, that head on is not always optimal.

Just a thought :)


NapsteR1 12-31-2013 06:22 AM

From previous experience he would have got good and drunk yesterday lunchtime and afternoon and then wrote the email to me, he suggested 20:00 this evening to give himself 24 hours to sober up.

ReadyAtLast 12-31-2013 11:16 AM

Hope all goes well Napster. Don't be afraid to put your own needs and feelings first

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