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Dee74 12-23-2013 12:53 AM

Merry Christmas to everyone - I'm taking a few days off - I'll be back for most peoples Xmas tho :)


Tamerua 12-23-2013 04:21 AM

Courage, have a safe trip! I've never been to AZ, one day though. Do you have a smart phone? The app is a life saver.

Napster, hope you feel better. I don't know about where you are, but we had a rotten bug going around here that would last 3-4 weeks. Stay strong.... that's a lot of wine for that many people. Do you have a game plan for those visits?

Dee, have a good holiday! You deserve it!

I'm on my way to work, moving kind of slow this morning... I'm in a carb haze, I fell off the wagon for healthy eating and I'm suffering from it so today is water, veggies and lean meat. Good meeting last night about family and how much they drive you crazy. lol

Everyone have a good day! 2 days until Christmas.... I'm sure that my son will remind me several times today.

gonzo4419 12-23-2013 09:04 AM

Morning all, just a quick check in. Spent most of yesterday with the nephews and niece, was fun, they're all jazzed for Santa. Woke up to a freezing house this morning, was a lot of fun. Automatically assumed something wrong with the thermo I installed myself because probably I screwed it up somehow. Messed around, then finally went downstairs and it was just the furnace cover had come off so the killswitch was on. Lots of swearing for an easy fix...

Here's a new one of the rugrats, as you can see, bonding = smashing success.

And the 'little one' who is 2.5 months behind has almost caught up to his sister.

And here is what I've been working on for the last week, not too bad for my first kick at it if I may say so myself. Now just what I thought would be the hard part, getting, y'know, fish... Compared to all that it should be a cakewalk.

Hope everyone has a good holiday if that's your thing.

Tamerua 12-23-2013 03:33 PM

Those little guys are soooo cute!

courage2 12-23-2013 04:06 PM

The kittens are adorable! Do they have ANY bones?

It's best as I remember to let the tank kind of get seasoned before inserting any fish, so you have time to think. I liked corydoras which are bottom feeders and like to travel in packs. How big is your tank?

I'm in the Dallas airport.

ReadyAtLast 12-23-2013 10:45 PM

Cute pics Gonzo :)

Hope you have a good trip courage and manage to log in to SR some time

Have a good few days off Dee

Hope you feel better for healthy eating today Tam. bet your son is as excited as mine!! We've got the Norad Santa tracker on-he's setting off in 15 minutes!!

Napster-hope you're ok with all that wine in the house :(

happy holidays everyone. quiet one for us this year,just the 3 of us :)

gonzo4419 12-24-2013 08:28 AM

Do they have ANY bones?
Yeah I call that beanbag mode. I have a 37 gallon, not too big, but large enough that any screw ups as I learn won't have as much of an overall effect. Yes, you mean 'cycling', which I'm doing right now, getting rid of ammonia and nitrates, building up the good bacteria etc. It is far enough along now that I am going to get a betta today, or siamese fighting fish, they are hardy, like goldfish that you see in unheated bowls in offices and such. Then I'm getting a zebra snail next week once the algae is built up some. Probably won't get actual fish for a few weeks still.

courage2 12-24-2013 08:38 AM

37 gallons seems big to me! It's a good hobby, though.

I made it safely to Tucson -- resisted the lure of airport bars by riding around the Dallas airport on the SkyTrain a ridiculous number of times lol. The sun is shining brightly and the hummingbirds are buzzing about.

I'm a little stunned by the open expanse of free time ahead of me for the next couple of weeks. The funny thing about free time is you're free of everything except your mind, which is the one thing you want to be free of. O well. I'll try to soak up some sun instead of some gin, and see if I can get blissed-out on that.

It's already Christmas in some parts of the SR world.:Xmastb Merry Christmas to all!

NapsteR1 12-24-2013 02:30 PM

An hour or so to go but I'll be hitting the hay shortly, lots of festive best wishes to all!

Marria 12-24-2013 05:31 PM

I hope everyone has a very Happy Christmas! I have found it too busy and stressful the last few days.....and my family are pushing all the wrong buttons. Last night I actually thought that a drink would be a lovely reward for all my stress.... Imagine I thought that after all the struggle to get sober. I didn't go for a drink though, I drove home and watched tv instead.. Thank God for SR :-)

courage2 12-24-2013 05:35 PM

Marria, I'm glad you checked in. Indeed, it can sneak up on you. I recommend a long, hot bubble bath with the door locked.

Marria 12-24-2013 05:44 PM

Here's to a very Happy Christmas my dear December classmates. Well done to everyone and thanks for being there every single day of 2013. :)




Dee74 12-25-2013 12:35 AM

merry Christmas all :)


ReadyAtLast 12-25-2013 01:24 AM

Merry Christmas everyone :Xmasmc

Rickh54 12-25-2013 06:28 AM

Congratulations to all of you members of December 2012. One year sober. Wow. That is awesome. I am on day 44 and it is getting better and somewhat easier each and every day.
Keep on keeping on folks. I am proud to know of you and your successful struggles.

tazzle 12-25-2013 07:53 AM

A merry Christmas to everyone! Isn't it great knowing we will actually remember every clearly not in a booze clouded haze!!

ReadyAtLast 12-25-2013 08:04 AM

Hope everyone has a lovely day.Just thinking what a huge change from last Christmas when we were just a few days sober and I know for me, I was on SR most of the day and clock watching till my guests left,feeling pretty odd not drinking. This year I've not thought of drinking.My bucks fizz this year was orange and sparkling water:)

Hope everyone is having a great day .Getting tired here now.been up since 6.00 it's now 4.00pm :)

courage2 12-25-2013 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by Marria (Post 4365745)
thanks for being there every single day of 2013.

Perfectly said, Marria -- every single day, from first thing in the morning to the middle of the night. :thanks

Rickh54, welcome! 44 days is an awesome accomplishment! Keep it up -- everyone here is pulling for you.:c011:

Dee, welcome back. I hope you had a good day with family.

I'm in the US desert southwest with my husband. Will spend the morning (Christmas day) getting some sun & reading. Then to the airport to pick up my son, who should be here in time for a quiet dinner just the three of us. This part of the planet can be very beautiful in a silent, empty way -- if you find the serenity to appreciate it. I'm finding it hard to unwind so far, but I'll get there!

Tomorrow we have a family party to endure. I am trying to focus on the present, so will save the details on that for another post ;)

Tamerua 12-25-2013 09:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Morning and Merry Christmas!! It is so awesome to wake up and watch my son (who at 13 still gets really excited about presents) open presents and not have a hangover and "need" coffee. And the cat is delighted the presents are gone, he has an odd fascination with the tree skirt and now he can lie there without sharing the real estate.

Everyone have a great day! We are going to Starbucks and to watch grudge match, it's a tradition to go to the movies for Christmas. :)

Dee74 12-25-2013 01:27 PM

It was ok Courage - glad to be home tho :)


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