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Marria 12-25-2013 05:55 PM

I hope you have all had a good Christmas Day... My day was very enjoyable once we all sat down to dinner! I find all the preparation and cooking stressful so the act of finally sitting down with my family to eat always feels so good.
There was only slight conflict between a few of my siblings and thankfully the sober me stayed calm rather than getting stuck in there too. I had a difficult moment though during dinner explaining why I no longer drink. This actually caught me by surprise and I felt like a rabbit in headlights! I need to be ready for this when it happens again. I realize that my stress beforehand made me less steady in my answer. Ah well not to worry and it helped that two people there knew the truth so they were silent support to me while I awkwardly answered the surprised queries!

I got some very thoughtful gifts which I loved as I don't usually treat myself that much... Jewellery, books, CDs and various bath and body lotions. It's good to have a reason to pamper myself now as I don't spend much time on such 'luxuries.' Funny how I always had time, and money for drink in the past....which of course was a necessity not a luxury.

The time has come for real self-care and good luxuries like bubble baths, new clothes, lots of sleep, good food etc.... basically what most people consider normal living!!

AliceTW 12-25-2013 05:55 PM

Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you for being so amazing.

Sorry to read about your loss, Gonzo, but enjoyed your posts. I had a marine fish tank once, it was great. I loved my peppermint shrimp the most. When I put a finger in the water he'd scurry over and clean my nail for me. Funny little guy.

Courage I loved your zombie pics (haha!) and am sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you well before your trip away :) Have a great time.

I will keep this short, as I have only a short time at the PC.

Loving the cat photos, here's my oh-so tolerant boy, wishing everyone a merry Christmas.

courage2 12-25-2013 06:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Glad everyone got through the Christmas holiday -- it's probably over by now for most of us, tho I still have a few hours to go. It's a good day but seldom an easy one. :)

Things I'm grateful for today: this morning I found a store open in this somewhat one-horse town and selling decent coffee; I had a chance to hang out with my husband in the a.m. which we almost never spend together; the sun was warm and I got to bask in it; my son arrived from NYC looking and feeling fine; they took a Christmas Day swim at the pool which isn't something most people get a chance to do on Christmas on this side of the equator. And, because we don't have a Christmas tree, my son drew us one.

((Hugs to all!))

courage2 12-27-2013 08:32 PM

Hi everyone, anyone -- it's awfully quiet here lately. It's my birthday today. I'm not very fond of birthdays and I'm feeling kind of sad. It's a good thing my husband has been keeping me busy today because I think if I'd been left alone I might have drank. But I wasn't and I haven't and so another day winds down. We're leaving for Mexico through 12/31 tomorrow -- I'll check in here before we take off, but then it will be no internet for a few days. I hardly know what I'll do without SR.

I hope everyone's well. I should be back at least for some portion of someone's New Year's Eve, somewhere in the world.

Dee74 12-27-2013 08:43 PM

Happy Birthday Courage :)
If birthdays bum you out, I'll wish you a happy 2014 instead :)


courage2 12-27-2013 09:36 PM

Dee, thanks. I don't know why I feel so low. Just old I guess. And tired of people and celebrations. I hope you're well and as always thank you for all you do. Since we won't overlap again in online time until you're in 2014, Happy New Year to you, too!:nyl

Dee74 12-27-2013 09:50 PM

I'm a bit like that too these days Courage :)


NapsteR1 12-28-2013 12:32 AM

Happy Birthday Courage :) Catering size bucket of love just shipped for instant delivery to you :)

ReadyAtLast 12-28-2013 01:08 AM

Happy Birthday Courage :) It's my sisters birthday yesterday too and she hates it-she says it just feels flat after the celebrations of Christmas.

We've been without power since the 26th hence my absence.Finally came back on this morning, It's good fun to start,cosy with fires and candles but then it just gets a bit annoying into the second day :(

Hope everyone is enjoying a happy,peaceful,sober holiday.

gonzo4419 12-28-2013 06:58 AM

Happy birthday courage. Yes quiet here, everyone decompressing after the holidays I guess, know I am. Just planning to relax for the next week. New Years will be low key, most everyone is off in Mexico or Hawaii, so I'll just be relaxing with the critters, maybe something simple with a few people, but no big bashes on the horizon. House coming along slowly, mostly small changes now, been going pretty hard and body is still catching up to the new 'we actually do stuff now' routine, so get the odd sore knee or wrists or ankles, but its the good kind of sore. Finally got my first half dozen fish for the new setup, so far so good, went with a red minor tetra, not too fancy but good colour to them. Going with a community school type tank for my first here so will get a few others next week.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Deleteda 12-28-2013 07:08 AM

Congratulations to everyone who has made it to a year, its a fanastic achievement and you should all be incredibly pleased with yourselves :):) :c011:
I was a member of this class when I first joined up but had a few relapses last year and am now back on day 2 again :( Don't do it folks it just isn't worth it!! Im very sad Im not still in this class and celebrating a years sobriety with you all but I have learned a lot this past year about myself and Im hoping that every time I recommit to sobriety that this is the time it just sticks!!
Again well done all of you and keep at it :) X

tazzle 12-28-2013 01:47 PM

Very quick check in. Was out of cell service for the holidays.
Courage your birthday was the 27th?? So is mine !! Happy belated! Off again for home will post more later

gonzo4419 12-28-2013 03:35 PM

Happy birthday tazzle.

TTBABP 12-28-2013 07:43 PM

Happy Belated B-Day Courage. Keep your chin up!

Dee74 12-28-2013 07:51 PM

Happy Birthday to you Taz :)


AliceTW 12-28-2013 08:55 PM

Happy birthday Tazzle and Courage :)

Nice to see you back again TTB, and you also Peace - well done on your 2 days. Everyone starts with day one, and then a day two, so you're right on track :)

My one year is tomorrow! I can't believe it. I am getting the whispers to try and see if I can handle "normal" drinking, especially now I have only one kidney, so I can't afford to abuse it. I'll ignore those urges and spend more time on here though.

Tamerua 12-28-2013 08:59 PM

Happy Birthday Taz and Courage!!!

AliceTW 12-28-2013 09:02 PM

I decided I'd look back at some of my first posts here to remind myself of where I've come from. I think this was my second post in the December thread:

On day 1 and so far so good. I'm proud that I have not succumb to my usually mentality of "Well, it's the start of a new month soon, I should wait until then".
If I could do it back then, I can keep it up now. Sad to see so many names that aren't with us in the December thread still :(

Dee74 12-28-2013 09:05 PM

Happy one year Alice - I know you'll be OK :)


ReadyAtLast 12-29-2013 12:57 AM

Happy Birthday Taz :)

Congrats on 1 year ALice :c011:

Good to hear from you TTBABP & Peace

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