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Ladybug2 10-07-2013 10:14 AM

Hi Moms,

My daughter is in school today until 1:30 vs the usual 11:30 pickup time so I have had the whole morning to myself. Went to the gym and then came home, swept and cleaned bathrooms - fun, fun! Oh well, it needed to be done and that is something I don't usually get done with her around. It is raining hard here and we have a tornado watch, ugh. It is a nice break from the hot, sunny weather we have been having, though.

Lost 2 more lbs so that makes 9 lbs I have lost since giving up drinking. I am back to where I was when I met my hubby, woohoo :) I really do think most of that weight was alcohol bloat, yuck. Never again.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday! Hugs to all of you xxx

Dollyangel17 10-07-2013 11:17 AM

Hello all...

Pretty decent day here. Congrats on the 2 pounds and getting back to dating weight Lady!!! Doesn't it feel great?

With all the weight I have lost, I am still not back to what I weighed when I got married, never mind dating, but all in due time. I bought a new outfit as my work clothes have gotten soooo baggy since my weight loss. At least 3 people have told me how terrific I look.

One of the people was one of my supervisors, and she then said..."can I ask you something personal...did you stop drinking?" I said yes, and she again told me how great I looked! I wonder why she asked that? We didn't socialize together, so she never saw me drink except for the annual Christmas lunch (which we would all only have 1 glass of wine).

It makes me wonder (and the idea fills me with with embarrassment) if she ever smelled it on me. I would often have 2 quick pops on my lunch hour, so it's pretty feasible that she did. Ugh...the idea that my supervisors might have suspected my daily drinking is humiliating:-(

Oh well...I got past it, and relished in the compliments!

I now go to the gym on my lunch hour....yay, much healthier! Today however, I was watching the Pioneer Woman on the FoodNetwork channel while I was on the treadmill (yeah...not the best idea), and she was making rigatoni with chicken thighs, the cheesiest garlic bread I have ever seen, then finished the show with some peanut butter cup cookies!

Well let me tell the time I got back to my office, I was famished and proceeded to demolish my turkey sandwich. Anybody looking over to my desk would have only seen flying bread crusts and heard growling noises:-)...LOL.

Anyway...check back in later mommies!:SteprobL:

Ladybug2 10-07-2013 11:30 AM

Dolly, I love the Pioneer Woman! She has a great pot roast recipe that I make a lot. Her recipes tend to be easy, too, which I like ;)

That is strange about your supervisor asking about your drinking. Especially if you weren't drinking buddies, etc. Towards the end I would sometimes have a couple glasses of wine on my lunch hour and would worry about my boss/colleagues smelling it on me, but no one ever said anything. Not sure where you work/what you do, but I imagine if she had smelled it on you she would have said something? Anyway, it's great you are getting so many compliments! Makes you feel like it is all worth it, right? The weight loss and being there for my family is what keeps me motivated :)

JustSarah 10-07-2013 12:33 PM

Ladybug / Dolly, good for you on the weigh loss - am so jealous as my scales are stuck....eugh - am having a serious fall out with them at the mo! Anyways - good for you guys :)

sunny, I still haven't finished season 2 of Downton so it's all on tape at the moment. I did watch x factor though and me and the hubby couldn't believe the Irish girl didn't go through for the 4th year running - I thought she was amazing! Boo to Nicole for that one, but i also thought Joe would go through too with Sharon, not the blonde from ******* (she's awful) !!

Anyways - I had such a busy morning, hubby was up and out early so I had the kids to sort, house to tidy, school run, workout, ironing / washing to do - picked up 3yr old at 2.30 then the grocery shopping got delivered - fed kids - breathed a huuuuge sigh and parked my butt on the couch for an hour! It was productive though - although with 3 loads of washing done, my ironing basket is still full - I HATE ironing. May have to look into getting that sorted when I go back to work ;)

Other than that another warm day today - I'm enjoying delaying winter for a few more days :) it's now 8.30, kids are Kipping and I'm in bed - at this rate I'll be asleep before 9pm ;)

Hope everyone's doing well and having / had a good day :) xxxxxxxx

Bebetter 10-07-2013 01:51 PM

Congrats on the weight loss, Lady! I haven't seen the scales budge even a lb since I quit drinking... I'm sure I'm eating more. I think it's funny that most people are trying to get back to their wedding day (or dating time) weight, and I hope to never see that weight again! I'm a good 20 lbs lighter now than on my wedding day...

I got an interesting email from a new friend of mine last night. She and I have gotten together just a few times - introduced through a mutual close friend of mine. We have tons in common, and up until I quit drinking, drinking was one of those things. Anyway, her email to me was that she's taking a cue from me and has dropped her drinking down to 1 night a week, and realized that wasn't working for her because she always really overdoes it, and is thinking about quitting entirely. It's very cool to think that my quiet sobriety is being noticed, and that it can affect other people in a positive way too.

GotGrace 10-07-2013 03:32 PM

Hi Ladies,
A busy day here, too, but beautiful fall weather always makes me so happy. I went to a hot yoga class this morning. I hadn't done this particular class since before I stopped drinking and I wondered how I even did it with a hangover! I thought I was going to drop a couple of times. My legs are dead now and my husband and I are supposed to go for a walk after dinner. Not sure I can do it!
Dolly, about your boss's question. I wonder if she could tell you drank from puffy face/eyes, bloodshot eyes, etc. I know I always had bloodshot eyes and I thought it was from my contact lenses and being tired. Duh. Slow learner over here. Anyway, congratulations on all of the compliments and the weight loss. I am with you, Bebetter, my scale hasn't budged since I stopped, I think because I am eating more sweets. I am not happy with my weight, probably a good 30 pounds overweight, but I would rather be fat and sober than fat and hungover. Blech.
Have a great evening, all!

Ladybug2 10-07-2013 03:46 PM

BeBetter, I was 4 months pregnant at my wedding so I definitely don't want to look like I did at my wedding, lol ;) I gained 60 lbs with my daughter, yikes! Luckily, we were already engaged and had the wedding planned when we found out I was pregnant. She was an unplanned, but pleasant surprise and, knowing what we know now, our precious miracle :)

Babs78756 10-07-2013 08:11 PM

Good evening moms... Busy weekend at the festival and had to be up early to fly out of torn for a meeting and back home tonight. Exhausted but still good. Even managed to bypass celebratory drinks with my team after our meeting today. Gave my drink ticket away to the more day down. Want to write more to give feedback from some of your posts. Ill do that tomorrow - feels so good to be in bed. It's going to be a long week!

Babs78756 10-07-2013 08:11 PM

Still no word from Joygirl?

sunnyc5 10-08-2013 02:21 AM

Hi all in work ansd quite slow!! My scales have only budged 2lbs need to loose another 6 by 25th Oct as we are going to a Halloween Ball and I have a hot dress to wear!!! Sarah I am with you on Xfactor!!!! I used to drink all afternoon in work mixing wine with coca cola!!!! Madness!!! I am finally starting to feel human again ...still deaf in one ear though!! I went to bed at 8pm last night but woke for an hour or so at 3am still feel better! My H and I have a night away at a lovely hotel booked for friday!!! we are going to head in the am and have lunch on route ..enjoy the spa ansd dinner out . My sister has the kids yeha!

JustSarah 10-08-2013 05:51 AM

Hey Sunny, awwww that sounds like a fab getaway! Have an amazing time! :)

I can't believe it's nearly 2pm already! I've finally made it to the bottom of my ironing basket! Woohoo! It'll be full again in a few days but I found loads of tops / jumpers for the kids that I'd forgotten we had so result! Their winter wardrobes are all sorted so that'll save a bit of money at the shops ;). Oh and my scales moved this morning - yaaaay 139 lbs Wooohoooo - I have a hen doo on OCT 26th so would like a few more lbs to go - we're off into London and as I'm only going for the day (and my BFF knows I've stopped drinking) I'm actually looking forward to it - no big excuses - just a good girly day out and I'll be on the 10pm (ish) train home just as everyone started getting sh*tfaced ;). After falling off the wagon on the last hen-doo (batherlorette party for those across then Atlantic ;)) I will be aware of the pitfalls this time!

Nearly school run time so gotta dash - hope works speeding up for you Sunny! And everyone else - hope you're having a great day :)


JustSarah 10-08-2013 05:55 AM

Some hilarious ideas for Halloween! Thought you'd find amusing :) xxxxxxx

Babs78756 10-08-2013 07:13 AM

Good Morning Moms!
I got my alert from my sober calculator, 2 weeks. Feel pretty good actually but its still hard. I think about drinking, still a lot of the time. My brain still associates most things with drinking.... I did manage to do brunch on Sunday and not miss the champagne, though it doesn't mean that I didn't notice all the trays full of it going by.

Sunnyc5 - I'm sorry about your financial situation. I know all about hustling and thought I'd give a few suggestions, some things I've done in the past to make ends meet:
1.) Consignment - I clean out my closet pretty regularly and take my clothes to the local consignment store.
2.) Freelance work- I scour craiglslist or something like that and try to find freelance writing, editing etc. things I can do from home.
3.) Focus groups - again, craigslist - you can do fill out information to get into focus groups that will often pay $50 - $100/per focus group. There are also surveys online but I'm not sure how much you can make from those but it's still possible.
Just a few ideas on things that have worked for me.

I'm so tired from the weekend. I woke up and didn't know what day it was. I have been watching House of Cards and there is a character who relapses in it and I woke up thinking I drank this weekend. I hate when that happens.

JustSarah 10-08-2013 08:05 AM

Hey Babs - it's a bit if a cliche but time really does help! Hang in there :)

I loved house of cards - it's fab! No release date for season 2 yet though :( xxxxxxx

sunnyc5 10-08-2013 08:35 AM

pm'd Joygirl shes ok just been on other threads!

joygirl 10-08-2013 10:16 AM

Oh my goodness, my ears were burning!

Hiya, Mums! I am really sorry to have dropped off this thread suddenly. I've had some stuff going on. And have been focusing on non-mum issues. But I am here and clean and sober (although I nearly lost all that Sunday night...but I didn't cave!). I'll try to pop in from time to time. Hope you are all doing well. I read a bit here, but really its too much to try to catch up with it!
Have a great day!

Dollyangel17 10-08-2013 12:45 PM

Hi All,

Busy day here at work, so just checking in now.

Glad to know all is still well for you Joy..we missed you.

It's our crazy day of the week. My daughter has gymnastics this afternoon, and i have my once a week after work gym session, so don't get home until 6:30. It's always "leftover Tuesday" for dinner (yuck...hate leftovers--unless it's pizza), then bedtime for the little miss.

Tonight I am going to attempt a Halloween craft after my daughter goes to bed, if you gaze out your window tonight and see a faint blue streak lighting up the night's probably me issuing forth a profanity laced tirade;-)

Ah well, hope all you other mommies are doing great.

Chat later.

Ladybug2 10-08-2013 01:59 PM

Hi Moms,

Busy day today. Took my daughter to swim class and then met a friend and her son (who is same age as my daughter) for lunch and a trip to the local zoo. Nice fall day so it was good to get out and enjoy it! Now home and waiting for a pot roast to be done. Dolly, it is the Pioneer Woman recipe - you made me hungry for it ;) In the past I have always used red wine, but this time just used beef broth instead. Hope it will taste as good?? I still don't trust myself cooking the wine - too much of the bottle always left over and hubby doesn't really drink it.

Hope everyone is doing well. Good to hear from you Joy!

Ladybug2 10-08-2013 05:34 PM

So just wanted to report back that the pot roast was just as good without the red wine. So take that AV ;)

Dollyangel17 10-08-2013 06:11 PM

Woohoo...glad the pot roast was tasty Lady! Have you read her blog? She is pretty funny. Watched her again at the gym...and this time I was salivating over her homemade raspberry chip ice cream:-)

Nursing a small burn from my glue gun..,ouch, I knew this pumpkin craft would get me somehow:-)

Nothing my chocolate can't fix:-)

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