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Jack16 06-10-2022 12:34 AM

Morning all - this is a great thread! Loved reading the posts

This morning I'm grateful for the sunshine
I'm grateful for another day of life
I'm grateful that I have the next four days clear so I can finally put my essay to bed!
I'm grateful for a full belly and food in the fridge - that's really something
I'm grateful for all the brilliant stuff that is free and useful to my life: podcasts, Youtube videos, TV shows
I'm grateful that I live in a country where I can take safety and clean water for granted
I am grateful for everyone involved in growing, producing and shipping the coffee which I had this morning

Love to all

FBL 06-10-2022 02:43 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Canadian Koala 06-10-2022 02:47 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean today ☼

Numblady 06-10-2022 04:18 AM

Jack, so glad you are here! Loved your post. Inspiring!
FBL, going to be PM you. Sounds like even if I can’t make today there will be other chances. Sounds like a very cool meeting.
Alpine, lol re: history of pi!

Grateful I will have a bit of kid free time starting later this morning. Unfortunately all I can think of is catching up on what feel like hundreds of to-dos. But hopefully I can slip into some relaxation.
Grateful I’ll be seeing old friends tonight. Really hope they don’t focus too much on booze.
Grateful the house is relatively clean.
Grateful I can email my son a letter they will print off for him at camp. (He’s homesick :( )
Grateful we have Friday afternoons off this summer.
Grateful for all of you.

CBS62 06-10-2022 06:26 AM

Hi Jack16 good to see you!

Grateful to be at the beach.
Grateful my daughter and granddaughter are joining us today.
Grateful my other daughter is pet sitting. She had to stay in town for work.
Grateful for coffee and homemade DF and GF blueberry muffins.
Grateful this Paleo Granola from Costco is good.
Grateful I will be walking on the beach in a bit.
Grateful for my sobriety. Grateful for last night's sunset.
Grateful for SR and the GP.

Fearlessat50 06-10-2022 06:35 AM

Free, I hope you feel better
Alpine, that’s hilarious! Incidentally, sonny boy also likes that movie for same reason - he’s a math nerd and loves the concept of Pi- 3.14. I’ll have to tell him about the other Pi book 😊
CBS, beautiful pic!
Grateful for a beautiful morning while it’s still cool. It’s going to be a scorcher
Grateful sonny boy had fun with friends at Target yesterday. Grateful to laugh at something he said. I felt like it was time to talk again about drugs and alcohol because that time is coming when there will be peer pressure. He said “mom, do you realize I have 13 years of sobriety? Do you really think I’m going to mess up my streak?” He’s 13. Lol
Grateful to have a landscape designer coming today to discuss repaving options
Grateful for a supportive work team

tursiops999 06-10-2022 09:59 AM

Jack16, welcome! Glad you're here.
CBS, stunning views of the sky! Glad you'll have time with your daughter and granddaughter.
Fearless, so funny what your son said!
Grateful for time with my grandson last night.
Grateful to have plans to go hear some outdoor music this evening with a friend.
Grateful for sunshine and warm weather today.

Hevyn 06-10-2022 10:33 AM

Hi Jack - So nice to have you join us.
CBS - You post the best pics. I envy you being at the beach.
Fearless - Congrats to sonny for his 13 yrs. of sobriety. :tongue:
Grateful for a sunny, cool day.
Grateful to talk myself out of negative thoughts. We can't resolve anything by feeling sad & helpless.
Grateful to be within driving distance of so many wonderful places.
Grateful for kind & considerate neighbors.
Grateful for you all. :grouphug:

Alpine 06-10-2022 12:28 PM

CB, beautiful picture
Grateful to have gone canoeing today for about 4 hours. It was a bit windy but beautiful, saw lots of birds including an eagle
Grateful for another sober night last night and day today. What freedom
Grateful Mr. Alpine was able to take the day off which is very unusual so he went canoeing too. When we stopped for a rest break along the shore and took a little walk I had to use the "bathroom" I told him if I got poison ivy on my butt he would have to scratch it for me... He said " I doooon't think so" LOL I guess love only goes so far
Grateful I can laugh at myself again and find humor in simple things
Grateful on our drive back along a dirt road we saw a Mom coyote and 4 of her babies.

Britbird80 06-10-2022 02:49 PM

Hi Jack 👋 welcome
CBS gorgeous pictures, looks so lovely and hope you enjoyed walk on the beach.
Fearless, brilliant response from your son lol 😆
Hev I'm glad you were able to give the negative thoughts the heave ho!
Alpine lol that's quite an ask 🤣 hope you had a good day and glad your feeling positive and free.
Turs I hope you enjoyed the outdoor music.
NL hope you managed a little bit of R & R while kid free, I'm the same when kid free! Always end up doing jobs.
hope everyone else is good.

Grateful to be planning a little trip next month.
Grateful to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel on an assignment I've been working hard on.
Grateful no school run for 2 days.
Grateful for Salmon (its just so delicious 😋)
Grateful that feeling so much more positive and stronger this week.
Grateful to catch up properly on SR.
Grateful to have had an unexpected coffee with a friend today.

Jack16 06-11-2022 01:04 AM

Morning all - and thanks for the kind welcomes :-)

Grateful this morning for all your posts. CB - those pictures, wow.....
Grateful for some insights I had last night about my life and things I need to do
Grateful to be reuniting with an old friend later
Grateful for more sunshine today
Grateful for SR and being able to connect with other sober people
Grateful that a Facebook post this morning reminded me about Watership Down, a book I love and haven't read for too long
Grateful for another day of life on this planet

FBL 06-11-2022 03:44 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Numblady 06-11-2022 05:06 AM

CBS, wow I want to be at the beach now! Gorgeous.
Alpine, as someone who has had poison ivy on my nether regions thanks to an outdoor pit stop in the dark, i will say I very much hope you avoided it.

Grateful to be sober. Did an overnight trip to see friends and the preoccupation with drinks and weed (on their part) just made me so glad to be free of it. Actually it more made me annoyed with them. Which I probably need to work on.
Grateful the feeling of annoyance passed. We had a lot of good food my friend made and watched an entire documentary series on the FLDS.
Grateful my daughter made it safely to my mom’s and that my son is reportedly doing better per the camp director (think I mentioned but he was very homesick)
Grateful for a couple secs to post but my friend keeps coming in so bye for now!

Alpine 06-11-2022 05:14 AM

NL, I have had more times than not. Not a fun thing. When my Dad was a child he got it in his lungs, my grandfather (his Dad was burning it). My Grandfather could handle it and never get it
Grateful for another sober day
Grateful for skipping rocks yesterday. I have not done that in a very long time
Grateful that NL shares with what's going on with her kids. Makes me feel part of the family
Grateful to be enjoying the simple things in life
Grateful for Mr. Alpine and Riley

PalmerSage 06-11-2022 05:41 AM

Jack, so great to have you here with us - love your posts. :)
NL, I'm so happy your son is doing better! Did you watch that doc on Netflix, about the child brides? I binged it too, so crazy that these groups still exist in this day and age.
Hev, your comment about not being able to solve problems with negative thoughts was the simple thing I needed to hear this morning.
CBS, always love your pictures, and the beach looks absolutely incredible.
Fearless, that is the best thing I've ever heard from a kid about drinking! I really hope he keeps that streak going forever.

Grateful for coffee.
SO grateful to have my car back from the shop. The day before I had to take my son to his orientation (overnight and 3 hours away), my husband took it for an oil change. They overfilled the oil, causing $4k in damage, so I was sharing a car with my son while my husband was out of town all week. Of course, my office is about an hour away and my son had mandatory school stuff, which wasn't working at all. It definitely makes me appreciate my car much more!
Grateful my older son's last day at work is tomorrow. It was a good first job, but I feel like he needs to focus on graduation stuff and leaving for college in (*gulp*) 2 weeks.
Grateful we can send him to this very expensive summer program, which will hopefully help him with his transition to this huge university.
Grateful a couple of my Amazon orders for dorm stuff finally showed up.
Grateful for my beautiful neighborhood.
Grateful that the annoyance of our next door neighbor's pool construction is definitely a first world problem - although I wish my husband had more of a sense of urgency about planting trees along the property line.
Grateful to be much more aware of my negative thoughts and what seems to prompt them. Grateful to keep refocusing on the only two paths I really have when things crop up - action or acceptance that it's something I can't control. But pausing before I automatically react is also important.
Grateful to be sober.

ClearPath64 06-11-2022 06:37 AM

Grateful for the laugh this morning regarding poison ivy and 'nether regions'.
Grateful to be able to help my daughter out with the three kids this weekend.
Grateful for all of you. I need to spend more time here.

Zura 06-11-2022 11:40 AM

Grateful this morning:
- to be hangover free, colds are bad enough
- to have a warm cosy house while the wintry wind blasts away outside
- for peace, calmness and tranquility

tursiops999 06-11-2022 12:15 PM

Hev, glad you were able to let the negative thoughts go. And thank you for the reminder that we don't have to entertain them!
Grateful to hear lovely music yesterday evening and share a meal with a friend.
Grateful to spent last night by the water ... it was very hot at my house (heat wave) and someone must have hit a skunk because the whole neighborhood reeked. I knew I wouldn't fall asleep here, so I grabbed my jammies and some snacks and drove my van to the sailing club where I keep my paddle board. Spent the night there, and awoke to see the beautiful water, sailors getting ready for a race, and the nest of ospreys that lives on the breakwater. Grateful for a lovely night and morning.
Grateful to be babysitting this afternoon. It just never gets old, watching a little guy learn new things every day.

Hevyn 06-11-2022 02:47 PM

Turs - That sounds heavenly. :)
Jack - I love Watership Down - need to read it again.
Hi Zura!
Grateful to be getting up an hour earlier than I used to. It really makes a difference.
Grateful to turn the light off at a sensible time & stop reading. (Doesn't always result in sleep though.)
Grateful for the abundance of flowers in the neighborhood, & mine are all still living.
Grateful for all the posts. Happy weekend everyone.

Jack16 06-12-2022 03:09 AM

Morning all

such a pleasure reading everyone’s posts on here, little glimpses of all our different lives in different places

I'm grateful this morning for coffee in the garden with an old friend who stayed over.

grateful for the art print he gave me

grateful that the future is always possibility

grateful for Spotify and access to all that music!

grateful that I’ve got some money coming my way that will make life a lot easier

grateful that my body has been so forgiving despite all I put it through over the years

grateful for another day of life

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