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Numblady 10-10-2021 04:56 AM

Daisy, poor Mandy. Glad you are there for her.
Thinking of least with her sciatica and Aly with whatever she is dealing with.
My grandma is not doing so hot. Ended up with C Diff after intestinal surgery. Hope to know more today.

Grateful for a few moments to post.
Grateful we’re all going up to my son’s cross country meet, even if it is too darn early.
Grateful I survived a very long bike ride yesterday.
Grateful for all your grats.

CBS62 10-10-2021 06:48 AM

Grateful for a good night's sleep.
Grateful for a fun time with my granddaughter. She is growing up so fast and maturing now that she is in kindergarten.
Grateful the rain has stopped.
Grateful fro my sobriety.
Grateful for al of you and SR.

PalmerSage 10-10-2021 07:02 AM

Daisy, my husband always complains about the state of my car, too. His is spotless at all times. I do my best to remind him that I have an entire house to keep clean, so the car has to fall down on the priority list. Plus, all parents and guardians drive "dumpsters on wheels," right? :lmao
Fearless and NL, there's an Instagram account called TeenagerProTips that posts pictures of what teens leave lying around, and then comment, "9/10" for dropping shoes in the middle of the doorway or whatever - so funny. Raising teen boys is definitely a job, but at least we can laugh together. :)
NL, I'm so sorry your grandma isn't doing great. I'll be thinking good thoughts for her today. :grouphug:

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful I was able to sleep in again today! I didn't realize that perimenopause caused so much insomnia, there is nothing worse than lying awake in a panic. Thankfully I've had better luck lately.
Grateful my younger son has a day planned with his girlfriend and her family, even though I think the girlfriend puts too much pressure on him.
Grateful for all the months (years!) of full-time telework. I'm really not looking forward to returning tomorrow, but it will be another transition to work through gradually. And I still get to telework up to 2 days! Planning what to wear is a little bit fun.
Grateful NL's son is running cross country! My older son is a pretty slow runner, but the structure it offers and the great group of kids has been a really awesome experience for him. Now that he can drive himself to meets and practices, it is AMAZING because we can get there when it starts rather than when the students have to get there. ;)
Grateful to have made a tiny bit of progress with my older son on his college application prep. Soooo stressful.
Grateful we were able to celebrate my younger son's birthday early last night.
Incredibly grateful to be sober.

Fearlessat50 10-10-2021 07:38 AM

Daisy, hoping your family gets back to good health soon!
Awesome, Palmer - thanks for the Instagram TeenagerProTips info! Yes, we must keep our sense of humor through this.
Numblady, I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope she is ok
Grateful to have another cup of coffee - decaf this time. Very little sleep again last night because Charlie was puking up hairballs in the middle of the night. The point of the decaf coffee is to psych myself out without going back into the vicious cycle of too much caffeine to help with no sleep but causing less sleep. Palmer, the insomnia can get worse after post menopause. Exercise early in the day, yoga, meditation and natural sleep supplements have all helped me. Of course, being a teetotaler also helps. But sleep is still not always consistent.
Grateful for a good dinner with friend last night. The husband was sick and Mr F decided to not go with the girls and offered us to have a ladies night. Had such a great time just talking
Grateful to go for a run even though I’m exhausted
Thinking of least and Aly ❤️

lmvalentine 10-10-2021 07:41 AM

I’m grateful I snagged my bread yesterday at the last farmer’s market of the season yesterday.
Grateful I have a huge NYT’s newspaper to read with toast and coffee.
I’m grateful my Grandsons can get the yard in shape before it snows this week.
I’m grateful for all of you.

least 10-10-2021 09:20 AM

grateful my brother came over and pulled me out of bed and took billie out.

Hevyn 10-10-2021 10:30 AM

Least - I keep praying for the pain to end.
Daisy - Sad to read about Mandy. A reminder to be thankful when we're blessed with good health.
Sorry about the family being hit with Covid. :(
PalmerSage - I would've benefited from that Insta account many yrs. ago when my son was a teen. I wish so much that I had lightened up & not been so worried all the time.
Grateful for summer-like weather. Not ready for coats & boots quite yet.
Grateful for cream filled donuts, but MrH should not have bought them.
Grateful alcohol rarely crosses my mind. Imagine that.
Love to everyone.

Mags1 10-10-2021 11:24 PM

Sending prayers for all with health and daily life problems 🙏
Grateful to be sober
Grateful for everyone here. :grouphug:

PalmerSage 10-11-2021 03:52 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for my incredibly comfortable bed.
Grateful for my air purifier and its white noise.
Grateful for a dark, quiet morning when everyone else is still asleep.
Grateful I did some prepwork so the transition back to the office feels a little easier this morning.
Grateful to keep reminding myself that I don't always need to try so hard to do the absolute MOST.
Grateful that I was able to cut my dog's "bangs" last night so she can see better.
Grateful for some of the structure that I know in-person work will bring.
Grateful that an important project is coming together, even if it's taking me a long time to do my sections.
Incredibly grateful to be sober.

FBL 10-11-2021 04:27 AM

Grateful for a brand new week of sober adventures.

Grateful for another day sober.

CBS62 10-11-2021 05:33 AM

Least I hope your pain doc appointment today goes well.

Grateful I made my last car payment yesterday. I now have paid off my beloved Subaru.
Grateful for Indigenous Peoples Day off. I will try to honor them somehow today.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful a friend is letting us stay at her beach house this coming weekend.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Numblady 10-11-2021 05:42 AM

Grateful for my health and the health of my children. Seeing so many around struggling—least, my grandmother, Mandy, my friend’s stepdaughter (only 15 and has deadly brain tumor), friend with breast cancer, and on and on—makes me realize how much I should never take that for granted.
Grateful for another bike ride yesterday. It was only about 10 miles but on the heavy e-bike, in the wind, while sore from the ride the day before. Glad I did it!
Grateful it rained last night and the storms (which were very loud) did not keep me awake for too long.
Grateful I could sleep in.
Grateful even though I slept in, no one else is stirring yet except the pets.
Grateful to be realizing this dog may be more catahoula leopard dog than Great Dane. Think I may do one of the DNA tests after all. That kind of makes a difference in how you handle the dog.
Grateful to be trying to make forward progress on emotional sobriety through experiencing feelings. Or trying to. Instead of suppressing and rationalizing.
Grateful for sobriety.
Grateful I could drive the Friday night dance car pool and offer rides to 4 other young dancers. Safely.
Grateful for all of you.

Fearlessat50 10-11-2021 06:45 AM

Great reminder, Numblady. Yes!
So interesting about the dog dna tests. Of course, it makes sense that if you know what more about the breed, that makes a difference how to handle your dog.
Good luck today Least
Grateful for the warm fire and Charlie finding his new spot right in front of it
Grateful for Fall weather and talk of Halloween
Grateful mask restrictions are being lifted again in my county this week. Apparently we have the highest vaccination rate in the US.
Grateful to have slept pretty well
Grateful that continued work from home allows me stick to my morning routine - SR/gratitude, Duolingo, yoga, meditation, exercise, a little bit of work 😊
Grateful for self compassion
Grateful for the ongoing reminder I really need to stop comparing myself to others.

lmvalentine 10-11-2021 07:59 AM

I’m grateful I got a lot of housework done yesterday and will keep going today.
I am very grateful for being fully vaccinated. We are one of the least vaccinated states in the country and have no mask mandate.
Least-I hope your doctor appointment goes well today.
Grateful to be here with all of you.

Canadian Koala 10-11-2021 08:57 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean today

Have a good day Graters! :grouphug:

tursiops999 10-11-2021 09:50 AM

Grateful this morning for love and care from family members.
Grateful for this beautiful fall weather.
Grateful for restful sleep.
Grateful for options and choices.

Hevyn 10-11-2021 10:17 AM

Grateful for another summerlike fall day.
Grateful new house is starting to look civilized.
Grateful Least will hopefully get some good advice today.
Grateful to 'see' you all each day - even if it's no longer morning.

Mags1 10-11-2021 11:11 PM

Grateful for another sober day
Grateful for peace and calm.
Grateful for your Grats. :grouphug:

PalmerSage 10-12-2021 03:21 AM

Fearless, I am horrible about comparing myself to others too. :(

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful that I "survived" my first full day back at work. It really made me appreciate telework. I was mentally exhausted by the end.
Grateful that things like this always get easier with time. Grateful I can still telework 2 days a week, which is absolutely amazing.
Grateful I will get to see my main colleague in person today.
Grateful I started a tradition of "breakfast birthday parties" when my kids were little. It's a lot of work and stressful to pull it together when I have to run off to the office, but it's so sweet that they still want me to do it now that they are 15 and 17. I make a tower of doughnuts and when the birthday boy discovered it last night I was devastated. :lmao
Grateful to recognize that my older son will be away at college at this time next year. Time is truly flying.
Grateful that the movie Ghost is on Netflix. It's so cheesy, but I loved it so much as a kid and there are some really awesome scenes. I had forgotten that Whoopi Goldberg had received an Oscar for her performance, so I went down a little rabbit hole to discover that she credits Patrick Swayze with insisting they offer her the role. It was a sweet, 1980s diversion.
Grateful for a decent night's sleep, even though it seemed much too short.
Incredibly grateful to be sober.

Fearlessat50 10-12-2021 06:27 AM

Congrats on your first day back, Palmer! Also, I love the breakfast bday parties and doughnut tower idea.
Grateful though I didn’t sleep well, I probably will sleep better tonight because not every night is like this
Grateful to stay in my own lane today. Mr F and sonny boy are on my last nerve. Lol. Grateful for a big house with a lot of personal spaces including my penthouse office suite 😊
Grateful to have my hair done yesterday. Letting it grow out a little just below shoulder now that I don’t seem to have the hair loss problem anymore. I like the more ash tone my hairdresser is using too
Grateful for the world geography puzzle that arrived from Amazon. Sonny boy ordered this and is very excited about it.
Grateful for all of you

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