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Dee74 09-27-2021 01:28 AM

Morning Gratitude Part 110
last part here


FBL 09-27-2021 02:46 AM

Grateful for the new part. Thanks, Dee!

Grateful for another day sober.

Numblady 09-27-2021 03:31 AM

Grateful to Dee always.
Grateful to least for reminding us of the Zip, may he Rest In Peace.
Grateful to see Arbor.
Grateful for CBS’ beautiful photos. I want to go to the mountains now.
Grateful PS is feeling okay even with husband’s Covid results.
Grateful that even though I missed Dumpling Day yesterday, I can simply celebrate it a different day.
Grateful I have sporadically but continually kept up a journal. When I didn’t have anyone to talk to and felt ashamed and scared to share some of the things going on at home, I at least wrote some of it down in my journal. I mean, there were other reasons I wrote there too, like wanting to preserve some of the wacky stuff my kids were saying. Just grateful to see some trends and patterns in concrete terms, even if it’s painful.
Grateful for my health. Visiting an old friend and seeing that her health has deteriorated quite a bit (to the point she said she felt almost suicidal in the spring) makes me appreciate the freedom from pain, freedom of movement, freedom in cognition.
Grateful I will be seeing a different old friend this evening. She is one of the most incredible people I know.
Grateful waking up at 4 allows for more quiet time in the morning, even if I’m not very awake!
Grateful for this group.

PalmerSage 09-27-2021 04:43 AM

Mags, that thread is crazy but in a lot of ways, all too familiar! I'm so glad we made it to the other side without horrifying consequences like those. :grouphug:
NL, I loved your comment about just looking how you look! I really aspire to that level of acceptance. Also happy that you kept journals to look back on. I'm too paranoid that my husband or someone will find them, but it's so therapeutic. Lucky to have SR for a little bit of that!
CBS, love your photos - and that feeling of getting home to your own bed and shower is the absolute best. Almost every night, as I'm snuggling into my own bed, I'm filled with so much gratitude that I can go to sleep sober and comfortable.
Fearless, I hope you found something good at Marshalls!

Grateful for coffee (sooo strong, OMG).
Grateful that I have fewer presentations this week.
Grateful that I took some time to relax this weekend. I'm in the home stretch of the first phase of my project, so I can't afford to crash and burn now! This is a concept that would have been totally foreign to me in the recent past, but I had a small epiphany about the fact that I'm hired to do a job like everyone else. I now constantly remind myself that I need to do my best, but maintain boundaries and focus on what matters. Not always being obsessed with doing the absolute MOST. I have a job to take care of my family too, including myself as a member of said family. ;)
Grateful for gorgeous early-fall weather.
Grateful for Trader Joe's ridiculous amount of fun pumpkin food items.
Grateful when my boys get along and are laughing together.
Grateful for my sweet, adorable dogs.
Grateful to be sober.

Fearlessat50 09-27-2021 06:33 AM

Least, glad the heating pad is working
Palmer, I don’t know how I missed the rest of your post yesterday, except that I must have gotten so excited about Marshall’s that I skipped right over the rest! I did read the rest just now, including the story in your link. Truly horrific! I know a few PTA moms here who drink way too much 😞
Btw, I found two products at Marshall’s I am trying. One is an eye cream, the other is a tea tree oil. There were so many products there and I wanted to buy them all! Such good prices.
Numblady, hope your husband is ok. Glad you are writing in a journal. It inspires me to get back to my own writing. I get into this all or nothing pattern, and when work gets busy like this month, I just stop doing my writing altogether. I’m trying to focus on just one simple topic at a time
Grateful to have therapy today. Nothing particularly stressful or sad going on in my life at the moment. But I’m keeping up with once a month therapy. It is good for me on a regular basis. I like discussing parenting issues if I can’t come up with anything else to talk about.
Grateful for Dee, as always, for keeping this thread going
Grateful to be trying an intermittent fasting plan. I’m not trying to lose weight. I’ve read about the health benefits of fasting, but not “extreme” fasting, when combined with healthy eating like keto or Mediterranean style. I’m only doing it a couple days a week to see how I feel. I should probably call it “Intermittent eating” to avoid any negative connotations.
Grateful to have slept well. Though I’d like to get to bed 30 min earlier
Grateful for each of you

Alysheba 09-27-2021 09:12 AM

Grateful my mom is sleeping late these days. She needs it. With her broken foot and I suspect torn ligament in her ankle when she fell the second time. She won't go to the doctor. She has a boot the dr gave her she's been wearing. God bless her. :hug: She and I may have a little bug we're passing back and forth. I'm getting my flu shot as soon as I can. I have a bunch of tests I'm supposed to have and I just don't feel like it. It will get done in due time.
I have a couple of sisters I'm trying to get rid off, any takers? LOL Let go, Let God. 💘
Grateful to be up, showered, dressed. Mom is still sleeping so I'm trying to be quiet.
Love to you all. Grateful for you all. :grouphug:

CBS62 09-27-2021 09:41 AM

NL I hope you get a nap or longer sleep tomorrow. 4 am is awfully early to rise. Depending on when you go to bed I guess ;0)
Palmer work life balance is so important. Sounds like you have a good perspective.
Fearless I like the idea of therapy once a month. I was doing every week for my anxiety and went to every other week. Now I think I could do monthly.
Aly you are such a devoted daughter your mom is so lucky to have you.

Grateful my daughter's birthday flowers are safe inside in her apartment building waiting for her in Brooklyn.
Grateful to be alive. The older I get the more I realize that life is precious and short. I am now the age my dad was, 59, when he died. It is eery.
Grateful for another gorgeous day where the heat is not stifling so I can exercise outside after work without sweltering.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Alysheba 09-27-2021 09:43 AM

Thank you, CBS. My dad died at 52 and for the whole year I was 52, I kept wondering...
You'll make it through. Love and good vibes to you and Sarge! :hug:

least 09-27-2021 10:51 AM

Grateful for the old gentleman who offered to take Billie's leash when she was fooling around and it hurt my back so bad to keep pulling on the leash. He walked her back to my house, then said God bless you when he gave me back the leash. There are still good people in the world. :hug:

Mags1 09-27-2021 07:27 PM

Aly, you’re such a good, caring daughter love. Pleased your mom is catching up on sleep. :hug:
Least, how kind of the man to help with Billie.

Grateful for my morning coffee
Grateful I’m sober
Grateful for SR and the Grat Pack :grouphug:

Numblady 09-28-2021 04:01 AM

Grateful this too will pass.
Grateful for a few quiet minutes.
Grateful for a life that is really quite comfortable.
Grateful the cats seem to be getting a little braver with the doggo.
Grateful there are still kind people in the world and that one of them helped least.
Grateful for my wonderful friends in the computer.

PalmerSage 09-28-2021 04:32 AM

Fearless, I'm SO glad you found a couple of things to try at Marshalls! It would kill me to buy an expensive product and have it just be like "eh." Let me know if you like either one. :)
That Diane Schuler case has really stayed with me. The way people reacted, like "she definitely wasn't drunk, she carried on a normal conversation, she loved her kids and would never put them in danger, she was a supermom" - welcome to addiction, people.
Least, I love the story of your good Samaritan.
NL, so happy the cats are coming out of their shell with your sweet dog - as long as they don't come too far out - ha!

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for a decent night's sleep.
Grateful my husband took my son to his 6 a.m. practice.
Grateful for a quiet, overcast fall morning.
Grateful to see some former colleagues in a meeting yesterday, although I hated that they struggled with technology - the worst.
Grateful that my meeting with an elected official was quick and painless.
Grateful for my sweet dogs.
Grateful that today is a light meeting day.
Grateful that a slight weight gain isn't cause for panic anymore.
Grateful to be sober.

CBS62 09-28-2021 06:19 AM

Grateful that my "baby" is turning 27 today. Makes me feel old though.
Grateful that I finally have a long awaited appointment with a GI doc today. Hopefully, they can put my worries to rest about my issues.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for a half decent sleep even though I was anxious about my doctor appointment.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Fearlessat50 09-28-2021 07:45 AM

CBS and Aly, I’ve thought about these aging issues too. My mom died at 64. My husband will be 64 next year
Numblady, hoping you get caught up with sleep
Palmer, my eyes seem a little less puffy! Not sure it’s the eye cream. I did get a great night sleep!
Grateful for coffee
Grateful to read more about the benefits of intermittent fasting, like cell regeneration and resetting the immune system. Grateful I’ve done my two days and plan to eat regularly today 😊
Grateful to educate myself on phishing since I’ve failed at work. Now I’m on IT’s hit list
Grateful to work on an article for work today.
Grateful to download Sprouts app and save in bulk items. A friend told me about this
Grateful Survivor is back!
Grateful sonny boy is so cheerful this morning

least 09-28-2021 08:25 AM

Grateful my doctor appt is in two hours. The pain today is the worst it's been since this started a couple weeks ago. Grateful the heating pad helps a bit.

I'll be really grateful if my doctor gives me something to relieve this pain. :(

Grateful for Billie's love and grateful that her Cytopoint shot yesterday has cured her itchies. :) She's not scratching anymore. :)

Alysheba 09-28-2021 08:27 AM

Good luck at the doctor Least. I hope they can give you some relief. Really lay it on. Sometimes they don't believe you if you downplay it.
Sending prayers to my dear friend. :hug:
Grateful for all the wonderful people here. :grouphug:

tursiops999 09-28-2021 09:37 AM

Least, grateful you have a dr's appointment, and hoping you get some relief.
Grateful for my therapy appointment later today. I was just about ready to "graduate" from therapy, when Mr. T died. So I'm committed to continue for the foreseeable future, until I get my feet under me a little better. I don't know where I'd be without therapy, a grief support group, and the support of you awesome friends in the computer.
Grateful for my new paddleboard and the courage to go out and give it a try later this morning.

Mags1 09-28-2021 07:25 PM

Grateful Tursiops has a good support team round her. :hug:
Grateful Least got to the doctors :hug:
Grateful to be seeing the consultant for my post op review and X-ray later this morning.
Grateful for being sober through my daily life.
Grateful for all the Grat Pack :grouphug:

overforty 09-29-2021 12:49 AM

Grateful for a good friend's kindness
Grateful for feeling refreshed after a good sleep and waking up without a hangover ( that never gets old! )
Grateful for my home- its the first time I've lived alone and I'm 46yrs old!
I wake up every day so grateful for my own space.

PalmerSage 09-29-2021 04:00 AM

Fearless, I do IF too! It's honestly been life-changing for me. I hope the eye cream helped, but sleep is the real key.
Turs, paddleboarding sounds so peaceful and relaxing. I'm so glad you have a great support system too.
Least, so sorry you're in pain! I hope the doctor can give you some relief.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for an OK night's sleep.
Grateful that some weight gain is making me look more closely at my behavior so I can make some necessary tweaks, not completely freak out like I used to.
Grateful to recognize that being organized, prepared, and focused is the key to so many things.
Grateful for the beautiful view outside my window.
Grateful for a group of people on FB who have started posting preschool pictures of my now-HS senior and his classmates. It's so much fun to reconnect and bond over those happy times.
Grateful to recognize that even if my two difficult meetings today go completely south, it's unlikely that there's anything I could have done to prevent it (because politics).
Grateful to focus on what I actually can do, to make things go more smoothly.
Grateful to be sober.

lmvalentine 09-29-2021 06:21 AM

Grateful I had a full nights sleep.
I’m very grateful to be sipping coffee with the heat on. It’s going to be a cool rainy day here.
Grateful I got so much done yesterday around the house.
I hope you get some relief at the Doctor’s office least.
Grateful to be here.

Fearlessat50 09-29-2021 06:52 AM

Hoping you get the relief you need, Least. I agree with Aly as far as not downplaying your symptoms
Palmer, good to know other people on an IF plan also
Turps, glad for the support around you!
Grateful to be refreshing my geography. I can’t let sonny boy beat me. Lol.
Grateful I’m a little nervous about a work meeting in an hour. It keeps me on my toes
Grateful to check in and say hello to all of you and I’m grateful for our bond ❤️

Alysheba 09-29-2021 08:15 AM

Grateful for all of you. Love and peace to the best people. :grouphug: 💘☮

CBS62 09-29-2021 09:15 AM

Welcome overforty.
Least I hope you are feeling better.

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful I unjammed the paper shredder at work 😉
Grateful for decent sleep.
Grateful for a quiet office.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

tursiops999 09-29-2021 09:36 AM

Grateful for a new bed which helped me sleep a little better.
Grateful for plans to see a friend this morning for coffee.
Grateful for my new paddleboard ... so awesome to be out on the water, breathing and paddling.

least 09-29-2021 10:09 AM

grateful that my daughter mk is coming down to feed Billie her breakfast and take her out for potty afterward. The pain today is excruciating. :(

Alysheba 09-29-2021 11:20 AM

Can she stay with you, Least?

Canadian Koala 09-29-2021 02:38 PM

Grateful to be sober and clean today ☼

Alysheba 09-29-2021 05:51 PM

me too, CK

Hevyn 09-29-2021 05:57 PM

Grateful to finally be able to return here after our move ! Will have to catch up on all your grats tomorrow. Will read each one. Looks like a lot has gone on. Missed you all so much. :grouphug:

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