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tursiops999 10-07-2021 01:21 PM

Sending hugs to you, Least.
Grateful for a booster shot today.
Grateful for plans to play boggle with friends in the backyard.
Grateful for SR & you all.

Hevyn 10-07-2021 02:46 PM

Grateful to have a moment to catch up. :yup:
Grateful to see the colored leaves out my window - it's finally starting to look like Fall. Late this year.
Grateful to plan a zoo trip on Sat. have no business leaving things in disarray, but need a break. :)
Grateful for our special meeting place here.

Mags1 10-07-2021 10:41 PM

Grateful for another day sober.
Grateful for reading your Grats :grouphug:
Hoping Aly is ok. Sending love and hugs :hug: xx

Numblady 10-08-2021 04:14 AM

Grateful to see Deserto
Grateful least can see the pain doc though also sorry the soonest was not until Monday.
Grateful it’s almost the weekend.
Grateful that like Turs I got some good help from therapist yesterday.
Grateful for coffee. Hope it kicks in soon. I’m in a fog!
Grateful (sort of) I’m starting and ending my day carting around a bunch of kids in a car pool.
Grateful for all of you.

PalmerSage 10-08-2021 04:45 AM

NL, thinking good thoughts for your grandma - so happy she pulled through OK.
Also really relieved that Least is getting the pain relief and treatment she needs. Hopefully she will be able to check in soon.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful my husband is finally feeling a bit better. Covid is no joke.
Grateful that although my older son had an epic meltdown last night, I was able to talk him through it and help him advocate for what he needs. He did really well with distance learning during Covid (or seemed to) but the senior year college admissions pressure is REALLY getting to him. He's come such a long way, but I still really worry about his future sometimes.
Grateful that my younger son, while also ridiculously overscheduled, is also opening up a bit so we can give him some coping tips.
Grateful my co-worker pointed out that we have a presentation this morning, which I had completely overlooked! It shouldn't be too bad, but I am just so sick of presenting at this point.
Grateful for a decent night's sleep.
Grateful it's Friday, and we have a long weekend coming. I'm SO grateful about that!
Grateful to be sober.

lmvalentine 10-08-2021 05:31 AM

Grateful to be awake early again. My sleep schedule has been off kilter.
Grateful I’m getting out with a friend from the old days. Almost 40 years ago old days.
Grateful to be here.

Fearlessat50 10-08-2021 06:44 AM

Numblady, I hope your grandma is ok ❤️
Me too about coffee. Feeling desperate this morning. My third night with very little sleep. Just tossing and turning wide awake. Not sure what is up. Actually, I know it’s work stress. It’s self perpetuated I have had three Zoom presentations this week. Three more next week. One is more of the salesy type. I’m nervous. I am grateful my boss has given me the opportunity to work with a sales and speaker coach. Maybe I’ll go back to toastmasters too. Loved my experience long ago
Palmer, I hope your husband is doing ok
Palmer and CBS, glad you are both such good moms to your sons. I am not looking forward to dealing with these types of life challenge stressors when my son is older. He’s got the academic thing down for now. But he lacks common sense and doesn’t seem to want to learn about life skills or take responsibility for chores, etc. Actually, now that I think about it, he’s better than many from what my mom friends say 😊 . I hate thinking about college applications and relationship break ups. It’s been a while since he’s had a crush on a girl and I’m happy to keep it that way
((((Aly))))) check in please
Grateful to discover Yoga with Adriene YouTube videos. She has a really cool one on just being still which I should have done before bed last night. I’ll do it tonight! I love her dog Benji 🐶
Grateful to make a soy dressing marinade to have on hand
Grateful for all my friends in the computer

CBS62 10-08-2021 07:21 AM

Fearless I hope you get some good sleep this weekend.
IMV I hope your meeting with your old friend is fun.
Palmer I hope your husband is all better soon.
NL glad your therapist helped. I am trying a new one soon.
Turs how are you feeling after your booster?

Grateful for Friday.
Grateful I am playing tennis today. Though I have a bit of a stiff neck. I am stretching.
Grateful that I went back to sleep this morning after I woke up early.
Grateful for 295 days sober.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Canadian Koala 10-08-2021 08:19 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean today ☼

tursiops999 10-08-2021 08:47 AM

CBS, thanks for asking -- booster packed a punch! Sore arm, nausea and discomfort last night, but I feel fine this morning, and I'm grateful for the booster.
Grateful for the chance to babysit today.
Grateful for remembering to pause and not vent anger on medical people, even when they're being unhelpful and bureaucratic. Grateful for a little patience.
Grateful for a good night's sleep.

Hevyn 10-08-2021 09:57 AM

Fearless - Your post 'almost' makes me want to check out the yoga video. :yup: I really should.
PalmerSage - Bummer about the unexpected presentation. Glad your husband's doing better. :)
CBS - 295 sober days - how wonderful.
Grateful MrH went grocery shopping so I could continue with the unpacking fun here. :irked:
Grateful the leaves haven't started to fall yet.
Grateful I've been sleeping well, which is rare.
Grateful to shut down negativity when it pops into my head.
Grateful for this gathering of like minded souls. :grouphug:

Mags1 10-08-2021 10:56 PM

Grateful to wake up with no hangovers :)
Grateful for all of your Grats:grouphug:
Fearless I started doing yoga with Adrienne. She’s great. Hev, she has a web site too. She has Yoga for all ages .

PalmerSage 10-09-2021 06:08 AM

Fearless, thanks for that tip - I'm going to check out Yoga with Adriene! And so sorry about the presentation stress - that is absolutely terrible, and anything that can help you relax beforehand is key. :grouphug:
Hev, that's great that you're sleeping OK and coping with the move.

Grateful for coffee. It's especially good this morning.
Grateful I was able to sleep in today!
Grateful to be in a MUCH better place than one week ago, when I was a ball of stress, not feeling well, and sleep-deprived.
Grateful to get through yesterday's unexpected presentation pretty easily and endure a difficult meeting late in the afternoon.
Grateful to be able to celebrate my younger son's birthday early, since my husband will be traveling, and that he is so easy to please.
Grateful to look at my fluffy blond dogs and know that there are pit bulls and giant shepherds within their DNA. The smaller one walks around like a little compliance officer, so we have always known that she was living a bigger life in her mind. :lmao
Grateful that I've had such a great run of full-time telework. We go back three days a week, starting Monday. I'm kind of dreading it, but know I will adjust.
Grateful to be sober.

lmvalentine 10-09-2021 06:19 AM

I’m grateful I’m going to the last farmer’s market of the year with my daughter this morning.
Grateful I had an unplanned job interview yesterday and coffee out with an old friend.
You guys should search for yoga nidra on YouTube.
Grateful I just remembered early garbage pickup due to Monday holiday!

CBS62 10-09-2021 07:13 AM

Hev I hope you enjoy the Zoo.
Turs I hope the booster illness is all worn off. I may get mine soon.
Mags I am going to do yoga today. Can't walk or play tennis we have flash flood warning. But I am not worried our house is on a hill.
Palmer good luck going back to the office. I have been going all along just to get mail and supplies. But now my boss wants me in there on a more regular schedule. Going to still work from home a few days.
Imv I love the farmer's market. Ours is open year round.

Grateful for the rain.
Grateful for Saturday.
Grateful for fun tennis yesterday. It helps take my mind of my PAWS symptoms.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for SR and all of you :tyou

Fearlessat50 10-09-2021 07:21 AM

Grateful to have finally slept last night! Grateful I was able to go back to sleep after briefly waking up around 3 am
Grateful to skip that second cup of coffee. It doesn’t help my anxiety, not to mention sleep no matter how early I have it. So I’m back to being a one cupper
Thanks for your thoughts n presentation stress, Palmer. My role is changing slightly and I need to get more comfortable with doing them. I was watching YouTube videos about presentation preparation and calming techniques yesterday. So grateful for the internet and Youtube! There is a wealth of information on Zoom presentations specifically which I love. And I am glad you are feeling better too, PS
Turps, glad you are feeling better and get to babysit
Grateful to be doing a Yo Adriene video this morning. That’s how I remember her - I just think of Adriene in Rocky Balboa 😂
Grateful to be going for a run after. Maybe more yoga after that
Grateful friends offered to take Mr F and ai to dinner with a gift card. We both have sitters so really looking forward to an adult dinner out. These friends don’t drink, which is even better. The next two weeks, Mr F and I have plans with other friends who are drinkers. Grateful I’m comfortable being a nondrinker now

Hevyn 10-09-2021 08:54 AM

Oh, ok - I'll check out the yoga thing with Yo Adriene. :rolleyes:
imvalentine - hope you found some good stuff at the Farmer's Market. :)
Fearless - an adult dinner out - imagine that. Have a lovely time.
CBS - Grateful for you, too. Glad the rain won't bother your house.
Going to zoo today. Weather is oddly warm. We're usually putting the heat on by now, but we're in the 70's.
Grateful for this thread every day. :yup:

Mags1 10-10-2021 01:00 AM

Grateful for my morning coffee.
Grateful for a sober morning.
Grateful to see the sun shining.
Grateful for all of you. :grouphug:

FBL 10-10-2021 02:36 AM

Grateful for the continued summer-like weather.

Grateful for another day sober.

Daisybelle 10-10-2021 04:37 AM

Grateful to wake up sober and well.
Grateful that the sun is shining.
Grateful that though my g.son and now his mum ( my daughter) and her husband now all have Covid, they all seem to have it mildly.
Grateful for a quiet morning.
Grateful for a text message from my Mandy, she isn't doing too well though she's a cheerful as ever.
Grateful that Mr D.B is cleaning my car, though I'm sure he'll do plenty of moaning later when he sees the state of it :lmao, he forgets that I transport children back and too and we've had lots of rain and they carry leaves etc in on their shoes. Oh well, he'll get over it.
Grateful for my kitties.
Grateful for morning coffee.
Grateful for all I have .
Grateful to be here with you all. xx

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