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sunpengwn 01-17-2021 08:23 AM

Grateful for the cool walk on the beach early this morning.... it wakes me up...
Grateful for the coffee...
Grateful for the Serenity Prayer....
Grateful for the sunshine in California and possible high winds later this afternoon....
Grateful for everyone here today....

Rusty Zipper 01-17-2021 08:53 AM

way to go dev!

love your new avi hev

and grateful for some scrambled eggs for breakfast

labgirl 01-17-2021 09:02 AM

Grateful for 65 days sober
grateful for a sober Sunday
grateful for my spouse who is on this sober journey with me
grateful for our beautiful old lab
grateful for the health of my mom and family
So grateful for this group. Your threads inspire me!

have a blessed day everyone.

least 01-17-2021 09:52 AM

Grateful to wake up sober with Billie beside me on the bed. :) That always starts my day off right. :)

tursiops999 01-17-2021 10:07 AM

Grateful I overslept, my body needed it.
Grateful I have only a minor flu and not covid.
Grateful my health plan got me a quick covid test that was negative.
Grateful for sunshine this morning.

Fearlessat50 01-17-2021 10:17 AM

Tursiops, so great you get to spend time with your grand baby 👶
Welcome Elly. This is a great place to start the day (and end the day too. The bedtime thread is awesome too)
Labgirl, way to go!
Palmersage, you are the first person I know who has family that has been vaccinated. That’s great and hopeful
Grateful to reorganize the living room. Loving that the comfy chairs face the view now. Don’t know why I did not think of that before.
Grateful for a second cup of coffee
Grateful for a wonderful sunset hike with a friend last night. Grateful that even though she has over 30 years of sobriety, she has decided to return to AA and get a sponsor to restart the twelve steps. She feels her emotional sobriety slipping and is aware of this putting her at risk for a relapse which she has actually been thinking about. Grateful for the reminder that no longer how long we are sober, we must remain diligent in our efforts
Grateful to be going for a run soon and for the sense of rhythm, balance and meditation this brings
Grateful to make some more bread today with a different starter recipe for extra sourness

Hevyn 01-17-2021 10:52 AM

Hi Elly & Labgirl! We're so glad to see you here. :)
Fearless - That's a wise friend you have :yup:
Kinda busy today but grateful to drop by & say I'm so thankful for all of you & your wonderful grats.
Grateful my new healthy eating plan starts in 3 days. It'll be a difficult change from eating whatever I please - but I'm ready.
Grateful for the attempt at being more open minded. Always thought I was, but I need to work harder on it.
Grateful for a feeling of contentment, despite all the negativity swirling around us. Things can and will change.
Grateful for the good intentions of most people in this world!

courage2 01-17-2021 11:10 AM

Welcome, labgirl!

Grateful for Epsom salts.

Mags1 01-17-2021 09:28 PM

Hi labgirl:wave:

Grateful for Mr. Mags and his humour.
Grateful for the nhs and all the doctors, nurses and key workers, who keep on working through the pandemic.
Grateful for my friends and family.
Grateful for SR and all my Grat friends. :grouphug:

Devizes 01-18-2021 02:35 AM

Grateful for a healthy breakfast

Grateful for all the love in my life

Grateful for the strength and motivation to overcome addiction

FBL 01-18-2021 03:28 AM

Grateful to talk to my friend over the weekend. They caught his cancer early and it hasn't spread, so the outlook is good for now.

Grateful for another day sober.

Canadian Koala 01-18-2021 03:34 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean this morning ☼

PalmerSage 01-18-2021 05:13 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful for a work holiday in honor of the heroic MLK.
Grateful that my husband and sons had such a great ski trip yesterday.
Grateful to enjoy my day, instead of using it as another chance to drink heavily.
Grateful that my older son seems to have had a breakthrough of sorts?
Grateful for moving one chair from the LR to the FR, and seeing what a difference it makes!
Grateful for interior designers who keep it real.
Grateful for the shock/reality check on the scale this morning - I needed it.:(
Grateful that a very old (and formerly very close) friend reached out to me yesterday.
Grateful for a peaceful, quiet house.
Grateful to be sober!

Numblady 01-18-2021 05:31 AM

Grateful to see Elly and Labgirl.
Grateful for Devizes now over 12 weeks bulimia free!
Grateful to be going for a walk in a bit with a friend.
Grateful to text with a couple of friends from my old job. I feel so bad for them but I think this job may have aced my life. I am starting to feel more and more human every day. And things are getting organized all over the house. It brings me so much relief.
Grateful my grandparents got vaccinated a while back. They are not sure when they will get their second dose but being in their 90s it is a big relief to me. Can’t wait until the day I can hug them!
Grateful for online grocery ordering and the fact that you can supplement your order if you (like me) always forget things!
Grateful to Fearless for sharing about the call from the hospice social worker. What a just beautiful gesture and picture. Not that I takes away the grief or anything but what a gift in terms of feeling that the transition was so peaceful.
Grateful to all of you for being here and inspiring me!

sunpengwn 01-18-2021 06:23 AM

Grateful for the walk on the beach....
Grateful for coffee....
Grateful for a Peaceful day...
Grateful for Serenity Prayer...

Fearlessat50 01-18-2021 07:52 AM

Mags, I’m grateful for the healthcare workers too and how hard they are working. Grateful for all our other frontline workers and teachers too. Grateful for all those carrying on doing the best they can in this crazy time
FBL, I’m glad your friend’s cancer was caught early and I hope he’s ok
Palmersage, so great that your husband and sons had a good ski trip.
Numblady, very happy that this new job has been good for you and things are looking up
Grateful for Hev’s healthy eating plan
Grateful for work flexibility and work- life balance. Today is a holiday but since I attended a personal webinar on Friday, I’m working a small bit today. Then I have a therapy appt this afternoon. Grateful my work allows me to choose how to organize my day and manage my work-life
Grateful to work toward a better balance with sonny boy between a little bit of pressure and letting him be in control. Grateful to remember to always show him love and support no matter what
Grateful to watch Robin’s Wish last night. Loved Robin Williams. He was a beautiful man!
Grateful for our collective soul here

EllyB 01-18-2021 08:31 AM

Missed yesterday. Thanks for the welcomes!
Grateful for 8 hours of sleep.
Grateful for my puppy dogs!
Grateful for fewer urges to drink as the weeks go by.
Grateful for the light between the trees.
Grateful for my family
Grateful for starting to FEEL more grateful again!

Rusty Zipper 01-18-2021 09:18 AM

welcome to the grat pack lab & congrats on hopefully 66 days!

good news on your friend fbl

grateful for some of the best friends in the world!

least 01-18-2021 10:04 AM

Welcome to the Grat Pack Elly and labgirl. :grouphug:

Grateful to wake up sober with Billie next to me under the blanket. :)

Hevyn 01-18-2021 10:12 AM

FBL - Glad to hear of your friend's positive news.
PalmerSage - I am dreading the scale reveal. Has to happen soon.
Numblady - It's good you realized the old job was bringing you down & that you took action.
Grateful the snow left a pretty dusting & then stopped.
Grateful for good movies - to give our brains a little vaca.
Grateful that sobriety has helped me get to know myself. :yup:
Grateful for the consistency & hope that SR gives us each day.
Love to all. :grouphug: Best people anywhere.

least 01-18-2021 12:49 PM

Grateful for a long walk to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. :) Grateful that Billie is always so glad to see me when I come home. :)

courage2 01-18-2021 05:11 PM

Grateful for blankets and pillows.

tursiops999 01-18-2021 06:39 PM

Grateful my SR friends will probably forgive me forgetting to post this morning but remembering this evening.
Grateful to start learning more about SR friends in this thread.
Grateful for a beautiful sunny day and the chance to hang out with my grandson for a little while.
Grateful for my employment even though we work all the spring holidays including today.
Grateful for the chance to zoom with a couple old friends this evening.

Mags1 01-18-2021 08:46 PM

Grateful FBL’s friend’s cancer is treatable:hug:
Grateful for my morning coffee.
Grateful my groceries are being delivered today.
Grateful for SR and all of you. :You_Rock_

FBL 01-19-2021 03:25 AM

Grateful for all of you!

Grateful for another day sober.

Piotr 01-19-2021 04:06 AM

Grateful the extreme cold is slowly ending.
Grateful to go to a meeting yesterday.
Grateful for talking to a friend.

Grateful to read all your posts.
Grateful to be sober.

PalmerSage 01-19-2021 04:32 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful that Hevyn is with me on the weight-loss struggle bus. :lmao
Grateful that the scale was a little bit more kind this morning.
Grateful that I got some decorating done yesterday - I'm normally such a perfectionist/procrastinator.
Grateful to have a lighter work week, in terms of presentations and high-stress meetings.
Grateful for telework.
Grateful to be able to type this from my bed.
Grateful to be sober, where all things are possible as long as I don't drink.

Devizes 01-19-2021 05:43 AM

Grateful my friend has recovered from covid and is finally able to go outside!

Grateful to be up early

Grateful for my waterproof coat and shoes.... and grateful for my husband who braved this morning's elements with me! :abca:

Grateful for all of you xxxxx

Fearlessat50 01-19-2021 07:01 AM

Tursiops, it’s always morning somewhere!
Elly, glad you are feeling great
Palmersage, grateful for your comment on things being possible when sober. Strangely, it’s something that I take for granted nowadays. It’s important to remember this sober journey, how we took control of our drinking and how it’s changed our lives. Just realizing my four year soberversary is in two days!
Grateful for my therapy appointment yesterday. This is a new therapist I sought because of her emphasis on mindfulness as well as grief and loss. We were able to meet social distanced in person the first time because of nice weather. She has a beautiful zen like garden setting with Buddha statues, a pond, bamboo and wind chimes. I felt like I was in a different world. Grateful for this self discovery journey. We are always growing and learning
Grateful for self compassion
Grateful Mr F is able to take care of parent and school duties with sonny boy. I have a lot of work and some stressful meetings this week
Grateful I can work in my hoodie-footie PJs all day if I want to
Grateful to share this special space with you all

sunpengwn 01-19-2021 07:10 AM

Grateful for the walk on the beach very early this morning....
Grateful for another HOT day in California....
Grateful for SR....
Grateful for Hope...
Grateful for Peace...
Grateful for everyone here today....

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 01:05 PM.