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Devizes 01-09-2021 08:11 AM

Ooh, so late with this morning's gratitude.... sorry!

Grateful for another chilly great-for-walking day

Grateful that my friend's potential covid symptoms are mild and that she's able to rest

Grateful for everyone in my life

Nearly forgot! Grateful to be 11 weeks bulimia-free today!!! :nanarock

sunpengwn 01-09-2021 09:32 AM

Walk on beach went well with God holding my hand as it was dark....
Grateful for the coffee ...
Grateful for the sunshine ....
Grateful for Hope...
Grateful for the Peace of today...

least 01-09-2021 09:44 AM

Grateful to wake up sober with Billie beside me on the bed. :)

Hevyn 01-09-2021 10:22 AM

Cour - Thank you! I feel emboldened. A fresh pound is on the counter, softening. :tongue:
Hurray for Boardwalks worldwide - I agree.
Dev - You were way earlier than me. :)
Grateful for the bright sun today - been too long. Vitamin D deprived.
Grateful for a brighter mood -holiday slump over. :yup:
Grateful to avoid being drawn into an argument that no one can actually win.
Grateful to know I will be slimmer by spring. Sure I will. :)
Grateful for all my dear friends here.

courage2 01-09-2021 11:43 AM

Devizes, congratulations on 11 weeks! :)

Grateful for sobriety, and all it makes possible.

Mags1 01-09-2021 08:59 PM

Hoping Ali is ok, sending up prayers and lots of love. 🙏 xx
Devizes, congratulations on 11 weeks. :c011:

Grateful the heating is back on.
Grateful for modern amenities
Grateful to have driven out in the icy weather yesterday, safely.
Grateful for fresh fruit and veg.
Grateful for our doctors and nurses and key workers. :tyou
Grateful for all the Grat Pack. ❤️

Devizes 01-10-2021 03:42 AM

Grateful for all of you and your wonderful support ❤❤

Grateful for a slow but lovely start to the day

Grateful to have negotiated a few urges yesterday. They're getting stronger and more frequent but I refuse to be bullied by my addiction any more!! :a043:

FBL 01-10-2021 04:35 AM

Grateful to re-discover my love of fresh fruits and veggies. And also my love of walking outdoors. Much more of both from now on!

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 01-10-2021 05:34 AM

Grateful for Dev's 11 weeks - you're giving such an amazing gift to yourself and your family (speaking as the daughter of a mom with bulimia who has worried about it forever). :grouphug:
Grateful for the boardwalk pictures Courage posted.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for a sleepy, quiet house where I'm the only one awake.
Grateful for this laptop, and every other tech tool and modern, creature-comfort amenity we have available.
Grateful to be trying some new things, and experimenting with some new products.
Grateful to remain aware that everything I bring into my house counts as "inventory" that I have to manage.
Grateful for a decent night's sleep last night.
Grateful that my husband took my son hiking yesterday.
Grateful to have a splurge sweater purchase on the way. :)
Grateful to have a brother who shares my ridiculous sense of humor.
Grateful to be sober.

Numblady 01-10-2021 05:58 AM

Daisy, forgot to say I’m so sorry about your dad’s cat. Big hugs.
Joining Mags in prayers that Aly is ok.

Grateful you all are inspiring me to make some more bread! (Or to get my bread maker to make some more :) )
Grateful we are supposed to have a wintry mix here in TX today, with possibility of actual snow. Trying to not let my kids’ hopes get too high but definitely holding out some hope they may see some actual snow.
Grateful for a drive-by birthday party for my daughter yesterday.
Grateful Dev is beating back/down those urges.
Grateful the whole house is still asleep.
Grateful for all of you.

Canadian Koala 01-10-2021 06:22 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean this Sunday morning.

Have a good day Sober Graters ☼

Fearlessat50 01-10-2021 07:58 AM

Mags, glad you are ok after the icy drive and glad the heat is back on
Devs, congrats on 11 weeks! Bulimia is a different disease but it is like other addictions. There is a pink cloud phase in the beginning where you are feeling on top of the world and you know you’ll never go down that path again. The pink cloud does start to lift at so,e point, though - maybe why the urges are more frequent now- and life settles in. Keep going strong through this phase and those urges will get less and less. One day at a time! My mom suffered from an eating disorder too 🤗
I heard from Aly and she is ok. She has been having computer problems and is getting it worked on. She said she hopes to be back here in a couple days ❤️
Grateful to have slept well again
Grateful to start Queens Gambit with Mr F last night. So good!
Grateful to be going for a hike with a friend today
Grateful for all of you

Rusty Zipper 01-10-2021 09:47 AM

dev congrats on 11

grateful for a few canollis brought over

Hevyn 01-10-2021 10:32 AM

Fruit & veggies - hmm, there's a thought. :yup: Must get off this sugar kick.
Grateful for bright sun.
Grateful for another sober weekend. They were once so sick & sad.
Grateful to know you are all gathered here each day. :)
Grateful we are closer than ever to kicking this virus out of our lives.
Grateful for this lovely life that I was blessed with.

least 01-10-2021 11:11 AM

Grateful that it's warm enough (39 F) to take Billie for a long walk. :)

Grateful to be connected to the rest of the world. :grouphug:

courage2 01-10-2021 12:06 PM

Grateful for stability.

Mags1 01-10-2021 07:04 PM

Grateful for Fearless’s update on our dear Aly. :tyou
Grateful Mr. Mags colonoscopy went well yesterday.
Grateful for everyone here, hugs all round :grouphug:
Grateful for sobriety.

FBL 01-11-2021 03:41 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 01-11-2021 05:05 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful my only big meeting/presentation today is scheduled for 10, rather than the afternoon (I get very stressed out!)
Grateful to connect with a friend yesterday whose whole family has COVID. :(
Grateful that my own family has remained healthy (knock on wood).
Grateful that I organized my office space a little bit yesterday.
Grateful to be sober.

Fearlessat50 01-11-2021 06:42 AM

Grateful for Hev’s upbeat post
Good luck with the presentation today, PalmerSage
Grateful for the yummy coffee Mr F brings me every morning. He makes a mean machiato
Grateful to look for the silver linings. They can always be found
Grateful to feel that life is manageable once again

sunpengwn 01-11-2021 07:28 AM

Grateful for the walk on the beach....
Grateful for the coffee...
Grateful for SR....
Grateful for everyone...

Devizes 01-11-2021 07:33 AM

Grateful so much for the support on here

Grateful that Aly is ok

Grateful that Mr Mags colonoscopy went well - I can think of more pleasant things to undergo!

Grateful for a lovely long walk with my husband

Rusty Zipper 01-11-2021 07:58 AM

grateful to be able to kick drama to the curb

Alysheba 01-11-2021 09:06 AM

Thank you, my dear friend, Fearless. Thinking about you lots these days. Hoping you are doing well. :hug:
Grateful I had the money to get my computer fixed. I always panic when my computers act up. It's so expensive and you feel even more isolated than I already feel! Oh well. Things work out.
Grateful to see all my friends. Rusty, hope you're doing well.
Least, thinking of you and Billie and all of you guys and gals.
All my love to each of you. :grouphug:

courage2 01-11-2021 10:36 AM

Grateful for Casablanca.

Hevyn 01-11-2021 10:48 AM

Aly - Love back at you - we sure miss you when you're not around. :hug:
Cour - That is killer! sniff.
Grateful for a bit of sun.
Grateful laundry is done.
Grateful healthier eating starts soon.
Grateful for freedom.

Mags1 01-11-2021 06:53 PM

PalmerSage hoping you’re friend’s family are soon better from the virus. :grouphug:
Grateful to see our dear Aly, pleased your computer is better. :hug:
Grateful for all of you and your Grats

Daisybelle 01-12-2021 01:11 AM

Great to see you back Aly. x

Grateful to wake up this morning.
Grateful that it isn't icy.
Grateful to feel well.
Grateful to laugh at naughty Luly cat sat on the window sill meowing at pigeon in the garden, it's like she's saying 'come to me so I can kill you and eat you.'
Grateful that home schooling g.son is a lot more organised this time round.
Grateful for the serenity prayer, oh how I needed it yesterday with the wayward one.
Grateful for patience an a sense of humour, they both get me through a lot.
Grateful for this thread.
Grateful to be here with you all. xx

Devizes 01-12-2021 02:23 AM

Grateful for you wonderful Grat Pack! :tyou

Grateful our garden waste bins have been emptied - itching to fill them again!

Grateful to have got through the past few days and to feel much more positive today

Grateful for my gorgeous gorgeous husband ❤❤❤

Numblady 01-12-2021 03:25 AM

Grateful Aly is back and her computer is working.
Grateful to read about Daisy’s kitty. Mine too sings the happy chirp song of death sometimes.
Grateful my kitties are only good hunters in their dreams.
Grateful to be here and for each of you.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 05:14 AM.