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FBL 01-12-2021 03:47 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Piotr 01-12-2021 04:09 AM

Grateful for a long walk yesterday.
Grateful for going to a meeting yesterday.
Grateful it is not snowing.

Grateful to be in recovery.
Grateful to read all your posts.
Grateful to be sober.

Canadian Koala 01-12-2021 05:14 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober this morning ☼

Have a good day Graters :wavey:

PalmerSage 01-12-2021 05:14 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for telework, and other silver linings of the pandemic.
Grateful that vaccines are coming, even though it's chaos right now.
Grateful that according to YouTube, I am not a procrastinator, I just have a habit of procrastinating, which can be broken. ;)
Grateful that my husband saw friends last night and is at the office today. He needs to be around people.
Grateful for my sweet dogs who wait for us patiently.
Grateful that our dogs always have company now.
Grateful to be sober.

Fearlessat50 01-12-2021 07:00 AM

Grateful to see Aly. Glad your computer is working again
Dev’s, glad you are feeling better and more positive
Thanks for that video, Courage
Daisy, my cat Charlie is vicious. He once killed a mouse, bit the head off a lizard, and another time brought a cedar wax wing bird in his mouth to the sliding door for us to see like his prize possession. The bird was only injured and we were able to take it to the local wild care place for rehab and watch them set it free a couple weeks later. Special memories
Grateful to have a big pillow fight and tickle fight with sonny boy last night
Grateful to feel challenged at work today. Not going to stress. Looking at it like an opportunity
Grateful for support from school as tech problems have prevented access to sonny boys assignments
Grateful for healthy food
Grateful for the special friendships from grat pack ❤️

Rusty Zipper 01-12-2021 09:38 AM

welcome home aly!

grateful to be watching an online auction

Hevyn 01-12-2021 10:05 AM

Grateful for my sobriety & the calmness it brings.
Grateful for the belief that if we just hold on a little longer, things will begin to get better.
Grateful for my new drying rack so I don't fry all my clothes in the dryer. :)
Grateful for all of you, every day.

courage2 01-12-2021 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by PalmerSage (Post 7574153)
I am not a procrastinator, I just have a habit of procrastinating, which can be broken.

You and me, both. I'll get around to it someday.

Grateful for my neighborhood businesses.

least 01-12-2021 10:34 AM

Grateful to wake up sober with Billie beside me on the bed. :)

Alysheba 01-12-2021 11:39 AM

Thank you for the welcomes back so very much! Grateful to be here.
Grateful for my blessings, which are easy to forget in these times.
Grateful for my many friends on the Grat Pack. Love to each of you!
Rusty, hope you're doing ok. You continue to be in my prayers.
Fearless, thinking of you and how you are getting along. Sometimes feelings come up later. I'm always here for you, my friend. Love and prayers to you and your family.
Love and peace to all today during all the craziness around us. :VA005:

Mags1 01-12-2021 10:52 PM

Grateful for sober days always

least 01-13-2021 12:03 AM

I too am grateful for my sober days! :) Because I am sober, anything is possible. :)

This early morning I'm grateful to see Billie sleeping on her blankies, content with her lot in life, and with complete faith in me. :hug: I'll work hard to earn her trust. :)

Devizes 01-13-2021 03:01 AM

Grateful for another addiction-free day

Grateful for a soft and gentle start this morning

Grateful for my lovely husband

Grateful for coffee!!

PalmerSage 01-13-2021 03:21 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful that I am not hung over this morning in addition to being exhausted.
Grateful that I have all the tools I need to power through a tough work challenge today.
Grateful that my setback with healthy eating is not permanent.
Grateful for takeout.
Grateful to be sober.

Canadian Koala 01-13-2021 04:46 AM

Grateful to see Alysheba is back...we miss you on the Sober Bus!

Grateful to be on vacation

Grateful to be sober this morning ☼

Have a good day!

Hevyn 01-13-2021 06:37 AM

Grateful for sobriety & sanity.
Grateful for an exciting trip to...the grocery store. :yup:
Grateful to begin my eating healthy campaign next week.
Grateful I no longer wake up with a feeling of dread.
Grateful for the changing seasons.
Grateful for the loveliest people family here at SR. :grouphug:

Fearlessat50 01-13-2021 07:08 AM

Grateful for Hev’s post about the calmness sobriety brings
Aly, yep. Started therapy this week 😊
Grateful to have a quick moment to stop in and say Hi. It’s a busy day ahead
Grateful to be one week F-bomb free. Something I’m really working on is my emotional intelligence and getting back in balance and staying calm. No more potty mouth for me. Yesterday I had every opportunity but just said “dagnabit” in a soft voice. Proud of myself

tursiops999 01-13-2021 09:00 AM

I'm grateful to Least for the invitation posted in Newcomers, to check out the gratitude forums!
I'm grateful for a good night's sleep and waking in a quiet, peaceful home.
I'm grateful to have a job I can do remotely during covid.
I'm grateful to be able to watch birds out my back window -- Towhees and sparrows today.
I'm grateful that I can choose to limit how much time I spend reading upsetting news on the Internet, and remember the difference between being informed vs obsessing.
I'm grateful for SR.

Rusty Zipper 01-13-2021 10:16 AM

grateful for inner peace and serenity

courage2 01-13-2021 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by least (Post 7574602)
I too am grateful for my sober days! :) Because I am sober, anything is possible. :)

Thanks, least.

Grateful for times of mental clarity.

Mags1 01-13-2021 10:37 PM

Grateful I learned gratitude.

Daisybelle 01-13-2021 11:31 PM

Grateful for a sober life style.
Grateful to feel well.
Grateful our Internet is up and running again, it all went down yesterday, the land line too, not the best thing to happen when you've got home schooling on the agenda.
Grateful to see you all here posting.
Grateful for a sense of humour.
Grateful that the other's in the house are still asleep.
Grateful for a bit of peace and quiet, though it will be short lived.
Grateful for morning coffee.
Grateful for the smell of beautiful hyacinths that are in a vase on the coffee table.
​​​​​​​Grateful to be here with you all. xxx

Devizes 01-14-2021 02:05 AM

Ooh, DB, I love the smell of hyacinths!

Grateful that today would have been my beautiful mum's 101st birthday. So very grateful that her 100th was pre-lockdown and I could spend such a special day with my sister ❤❤❤

Grateful that my mum was released from the awful pain and cruelty of MS

Grateful to be up early and to welcome daylight

Grateful for all of you xxxxxx

Canadian Koala 01-14-2021 03:38 AM

Grateful to be sober this morning ☼

Numblady 01-14-2021 03:48 AM

Grateful to see Tursiops, and to be inspired to go look up said word, and to least for encouraging newcomers to grat thread.
Grateful for the image of Fearless calmly saying “dagnabbit”
Grateful to be meeting all the people on the new work team. There are 18 of us so I can actually have a meet and greet with each person.
Grateful to not be so overloaded that I can actually have meet and greets.
Grateful I managed to connect son’s new school laptop to the Internet by some miracle. Wasn’t working despite my best efforts yesterday, and calling the “help” desk. Guy was nice enough but advice was basically to restart the router and hope for the best and/or try to go BACK to the school to get another one and hope that one would work when we got it home.
Grateful my son and I are going to volunteer at the food bank tonight. I sentenced him to community service for breaking the last computer intentionally, but I’m grateful that it gets me out and helping too.
Grateful for all of you.

PalmerSage 01-14-2021 04:50 AM

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful that Numblady's new job sounds a lot more reasonable than the last one! ;)
Grateful for a slightly better night's sleep last night.
Grateful I was able to take dinner to my sweet MIL.
Grateful that my older son shared some of his struggles with us, so we can do more to support him.
Grateful that bad days can sometimes lead to important breakthroughs.
Grateful for telework.
Grateful for YouTube.
Grateful to be sober.

Hevyn 01-14-2021 06:31 AM

Tursiops - Lovely & wise post. :)
Grateful for all of you - good morning! :yup:
Grateful to be working my way out of a grumpy mood.
Grateful the snow didn't materialize. So far, a mild winter for our area.
Grateful all my delayed mail is finally starting to arrive.
Grateful most of us are doing remarkably well in a crazy time.
Grateful to be going shopping for nothing in particular.
Love to all. :ring:

Rusty Zipper 01-14-2021 07:45 AM

grateful to be working my gratitude today

courage2 01-14-2021 10:34 AM

Grateful for a voice of support.

Fearlessat50 01-14-2021 02:09 PM

Hi Tursiops!
Dev, how lovely to remember your mom! Sorry for your loss and glad you have your sister to share memories
Daisy, glad your internet is back up running. Numblady, rebooting a router? No way! I’m too afraid to try it
Grateful for a good work meeting
Grateful I can come here any time of day. It’s morning somewhere!
Grateful the shoes I bought for sonny boy fit me too. He wore them once and is no longer interested. They are sketchers and super comfy for Target and store runs
Grateful to be ebbing and flowing with the early teen years
Grateful to avoid the news for now

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