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Opivotal 07-08-2020 10:38 AM

Bedtime Gratitude ~ Part 88
New Thread Continues From Here. :)

Alysheba 07-08-2020 10:44 AM

Thank you Opi! :tyou I hope you are well.

Opivotal 07-08-2020 10:54 AM

((Aly)) :thanks :flowers1:


Daisybelle 07-08-2020 04:20 PM

Grateful for the new thread, thank you Opi x

Aly, moving out is the right thing to do if living with your mum is making you so unhappy and ill. Toxic relationships cause a lot of damage to your well being and you just don't need that. I hope and pray that things work out for you, you deserve love and peace.

Fearless, young Sheldon's hair is below his shoulder's now but when he has it cut on 18th, his too will be a jaw length bob, it looks good on him long but it's just too long now.

Grateful to get chance to post this evening.
Grateful for the things we share here.
Grateful to have this place to empty our thoughts.
Grateful to take live in g.son to a karate lesson in the park.
Grateful to sort my sewing box out and no Aly, I'm not organised, I'm actually very untidy, I'm just trying to make an effort.
Grateful to take some unwanted clothes to the charity shop at last.
Grateful for all my 'haves'
Grateful to be on this journey with you all here.
Thank you. xx

least 07-08-2020 08:06 PM

Grateful that I don't drink anymore. :)

Astro 07-09-2020 06:44 AM

Thank you Opi, grateful for another BG grat thread!

Grateful that we can always start over when we fall back a few steps, or pounds in my case. Lost 20, gained back 6. Ugh. Grateful for ongoing motivation to exercise and eat healthy.

least 07-09-2020 04:00 PM

Grateful for another day with my sweet beagirl Billie. :) Grateful for beef barley soup. :) Grateful to start and end each day sober. :)

Alysheba 07-09-2020 07:57 PM

Grateful for my sobriety.

Astro 07-10-2020 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by least (Post 7474530)
Grateful for beef barley soup.

Ya know, it's 115 here and that still sounds really good :D

Grateful for the homemade fish tacos last night, and for all the healthy foods we eat. Grateful that my weight is dropping again, even though I've been cheating a little.

least 07-10-2020 01:24 PM

Astro, a couple months ago I got a can of beef barley soup that had almost no beef in it. My brother called it "beef barely". ;)

Grateful for a nap this afternoon with Billie. :) Grateful for her steadfast companionship and love. :hug:

And I too am grateful for my sobriety. :)

Alysheba 07-10-2020 01:46 PM

We are soo hot here too. I think a lot of the country is in a heatwave. Hopefully, next week will cool down, but now by much. Praying the fires don't act up so badly this year. It's kind of scary, no rain, hot as can be and a wind that comes and goes. Perfect storm for a fire. Grateful God will protect us if that happens or maybe it won't happen.
Grateful for a restful day. I haven't been feeling that well today. I just made a ton of appts on the phone with my doctor. I have to redo my MRI, endoscopy, Covid test, blood tests, etc. I'm just so tired still, it feels overwhelming. I'll be glad to get my iron infusions. It takes a while for it to make you feel better, but it does. I have to look at my calendar and see when I go.
Very grateful for the doctor I talked to today. Really good doctor and he set it all up. That is a huge relief.
Have a great day all. All my love and peace to all of you! :grouphug:

least 07-10-2020 03:18 PM

Grateful to my brother for taking me to the store to stock up on groceries. :) Even got some watermelon. :)

Grateful to have food to eat. :)

Grateful that the rain we got cooled things down a little. :)

Alysheba 07-10-2020 04:47 PM

We got a watermelon the other day, Least, it was good. I hope you enjoy yours. It always reminds me of summer.

Daisybelle 07-10-2020 05:09 PM

Grateful for ending the week sober.
Grateful to get my grocery shopping done and put away.
Grateful to spend a couple of hours with G.son no 1 this afternoon, it's the 1st time he's been to my house this side of Christmas. He's such a lovely child, beautiful inside and out.
Grateful for all my blessings.
Grateful for all of you xxx

I'm sorry this is short tonight, I'm almost falling asleep as I type.

Goodnight all xxx

Fearlessat50 07-10-2020 09:53 PM

Thanks for the new thread, Opi
Least, lol on the beef barely
Aly so glad you got to talk to a good doctor
Astro, so grateful for healthy food too
Daisy, love your time with your grandkids
Grateful to be finally winding down. Been such a long day with many things that went wrong. But I’m grateful it’s over and tomorrow is a new day. Will post more on stuff later
Grateful for each of you

Astro 07-11-2020 06:52 AM

Least, I may take a can of beef barely with me on my camping trip next week :wink:

Grateful to spot comet NEOWISE at 4:00 AM this morning. Grateful nobody called the cops on me thinking I was a peeping Tom, walking around the neighborhood park with binoculars in the dawn hours :lmao

Astro 07-12-2020 07:42 AM

Grateful for Saturday to help my stepdaughter out with some home repairs and to visit with the grandkids. Grateful the pool still feels refreshing, it's pukingly hot outside.

Daisybelle 07-12-2020 03:14 PM

Grateful to be going to bed sober and tired, but it's a good kind of tired after a productive day.
Grateful that my family and myself are all well.
Grateful to have some time to myself this afternoon when Mr D.B went to visit his mum in the cemetery and then his brother.
Grateful to finish the front garden.
Grateful for a sunshiny day.
Grateful that Mr D.B and myself walked round to my mums this evening and had something to eat with her.
Grateful to have eaten healthily all week.
Grateful for a relaxing bath.
Grateful to read all your grats.
Grateful to be on this journey with you.

Fearlessat50 07-12-2020 09:41 PM

Astro, lol about walking around the neighborhood
Glad you finished your front garden Daisy. Sounds lovely. I worked in my garden today too
Grateful sonny boy is learning some important life lessons Glad Mr F and I are supportive of him. Sometimes it is so hard raising a kid!
Grateful to have spent yesterday with a close friend hiking and enjoying lunch in a beautiful outdoor settings with aiderondack chairs
Grateful to enjoy dinner tonight with some newer friends and grateful sonny boy had fun with their daughter
Grateful for you.

TiredCarpenter 07-12-2020 11:30 PM

Grateful for: health, warmth, well-being, and kindness.
Can’t shake the thoughts of beef barley.......

Astro 07-13-2020 06:48 AM

Grateful to have a weekend fishing trip to pack for. Grateful for a couple little side jobs for gas money to get to the fish! Grateful for some TV binge watching after work yesterday, I started The Boy's and I'm really enjoying it.

Alysheba 07-13-2020 08:49 AM

Grateful Astro has his fishing trip to look forward to! It's so good for our souls to get out in nature.
Grateful for a decent night's sleep.
Grateful for the weather cooling, albeit very slightly.
Grateful for all of you so, so much! :grouphug:

least 07-13-2020 04:37 PM

Grateful for friends. :hug:

least 07-13-2020 05:57 PM

Grateful Billie ate her supper tonight (had an upset tummy yesterday and didn't eat at all) and was eager to eat. :) I gave her some banana slices on top and she wolfed them right down. :)

So grateful that she seems to be feeling a lot better. :)

Fearlessat50 07-13-2020 10:19 PM

I’ll have to check out The Boys Astro
least, I am glad Billie is better
Grateful for a productive work day
Grateful for my cogs
Grateful to watch Locke and Key with my boys
Grateful for leftover apple and cherry pie. Glad it’s all gone now too 😊
Grateful for each of you

least 07-13-2020 11:05 PM

Grateful for Billie's steadfast companionship. :) Grateful that she's an (unintentional) good watch dog - she barks at everything. :)

Astro 07-14-2020 06:40 AM

Lawdy it's hawt out there! Grateful for A/C :D

Grateful for the dropped lbs and increase in exercise. Now if I can just get rid of the afternoon fatigue I'll be back 100%.

Fearlessat50 07-14-2020 09:02 PM

Grateful the weather was a couple degrees cooler today
Grateful the AC guy is calling tomorrow and hopefully coming out to fix the AC
Grateful to play Monopoly. We picked up where we left off on a game that’s been going on for over a year on and off. Some real creative deals going on at this point
Grateful to be learning some new stuff at work
Grateful for people helping others and for kindness

Astro 07-15-2020 06:48 AM

Grateful to get through a long work yesterday and spend the evening running errands. Grateful that my side work provided the income for some necessities for the home.

Alysheba 07-15-2020 04:03 PM

Grateful Luke's vet check went well and his ear infection is all gone. I'm going to do his ears weekly. We take him to a groomer, so I thought that was enough but I guess his ears need a little more attention. We bought some special and expensive ear cleaner for him. I'm sure he'll love that - NOT. He hates anything like that. It's funny, my Doberman was sooo good about anything like that, I'd tell him to jump in the tub and he do it with his stub wagging. Luke, of course had a hard life before he came to us and had been put through so much he really hates spa treatments, except being brushed. Poor baby. That doesn't mean he gets out of getting his ears cleaned!! ;)
Fearless, I hope you are ok sans A/C. At least it's cooler this week than last. Hope you are well. Love to you and Dad. xxoo
Hi, Least and Billie and the girls! Least and Billie are getting so fit with their walking. I need to start moving a little more than I've felt like. :wavey: :hug:
Astro, these summers are killer. We get super hot through September, but I think AZ has more triple digits days than we do. :hug:
Daisy, my dear friend, hoping all is well with you and sending you good thoughts. I'm still looking back at my special elephant photos! :love: :tyou
Have a great eve all. Love and Peace to all. :VGRearth::grouphug:

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