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ButterMarsh 09-05-2020 02:59 PM

Grateful for the lessons I learned today.

Grateful for making positive changes.

Grateful for having had a long and full day.

Grateful for late nights, quiet time and getting work done.

Grateful for the new me; growing and becoming better by the day.

Grateful for the grat pack!

Grateful for sobriety and for grace.

Alysheba 09-05-2020 05:09 PM

Grateful for a peaceful day.
Grateful I got Luke's Simparica down him on time this month! (Rx for flea control).
Grateful for a nap today. Sometimes naps feel so decadent and I love to take one when I can.
Buttermarsh, I too am grateful for grace. :hug:
Grateful for A/C as the temps are getting hot again.:Wman:
Grateful for all of you and look forward to your posts.
Love and peace to you all. :WE1Sunny:

Daisybelle 09-05-2020 05:22 PM

Grateful for a drama free Saturday.
Grateful to be going to bed stone cold sober as is the usual these days.
Grateful to give my mum a lift into town this morning.
Grateful to get some grocery shopping.
Grateful to get my laundry dry.
Grateful to help my step granddaughter out by looking after her grumpy/teething baby for an hour.
Grateful to remember to put parasite treatment on my little cat.
Grateful to read about Least's 'Island of Peace' it sounds idyllic.
Grateful to read Astro's grats.
Grateful that Buttermarsh is making positive changes.
Grateful that Aly got Luke's Simparica down him, we must both have been thinking similar things re fleas, lol.
Grateful for a hot cup of tea.
Grateful for a comfy bed to go to.
Grateful for all of you. xx

Alysheba 09-05-2020 05:55 PM


least 09-05-2020 06:03 PM

Grateful for another sober day with my beloved beagirl Billie. :hug:

copperfield 09-05-2020 08:26 PM

Grateful for starting to feel positive about my future.

Astro 09-06-2020 07:58 AM

Grateful to wake up sober every day, and to not be influenced by anyone who isn't sober.

Daisybelle 09-06-2020 04:15 PM

Grateful for a sober start to a new week.
Grateful that the weather brightened up this afternoon.
Grateful that all my ironing is done and put away.
Grateful that packed lunches are made for tomorrow and uniform is laid out.
Grateful that my granddaughter spent some time at my house today, she's just 11 and starts high school tomorrow. A new chapter.
Grateful for a telephone conversation with my mum.
Grateful that Mr D.B is not a fussy eater.
Grateful that help is always there when you ask for it.
Grateful for the people who’ve dedicated their lives to inspiring others.
Grateful for all of you. xx

Alysheba 09-06-2020 05:34 PM

Grateful for a restful day. I was a lot more tired than I thought I was. Grateful I could get caught up on some sleep.
We have some great neighbors on our other side. There was a moving truck outside their place today. I sure hope they are not moving. We love them. Next time I see them, I hope, I'll have to try and find out what is happening. I only wanted the bad neighbors to go, not the good ones! :eek13: Maybe they won't go. Whatever happens, I'm practicing acceptance and what will be will be.
Have a great evening all. Pleasant Dreams! :inbed :v8

least 09-06-2020 05:46 PM

Grateful Billie ate all her supper (topped with a hard boiled egg) and did her business afterward. :) Grateful for her company in the den. :)

Grateful for my fellow 'grat packers'. :grouphug:

Bekindalways 09-06-2020 08:37 PM

Sigh . . . I was kind of grouchy today which made me grateful for some errands to run. Getting out and about always helps me on bad days.

One errand was to a grocery story. It was the first time I've been since March. I was so impressed that every single person old, young, male, female wore a mask . . . . . it made me feel some hope for humans and for this I am grateful.

Astro 09-07-2020 06:26 AM

Grateful for the start of a 9-day road trip adventure to CA. Grateful we've got our little camper and some yummy meals to eat along the way. Grateful that my best friend is always with me for these, as well as every day.

Alysheba 09-07-2020 10:15 AM

Astro, have a great time and be careful!
Grateful for the Grat Pack! :grouphug:

least 09-07-2020 05:39 PM

Grateful to spend another sober day with my beloved beagirl Billie. :hug: Grateful that she enriches my life with her love. :)

copperfield 09-07-2020 07:33 PM

Grateful for my sobriety thus far. Grateful for the work the universe is giving me and grateful that I am not freaking out. Grateful for learning to take a breath. Grateful for a productive day. Grateful for my bed, home and cat and to have a sober night sleep.

Fearlessat50 09-07-2020 08:37 PM

Grateful to be here tonight
Grateful to have a great time in Nevada with my close friend who is moving there. Went for an 8.5 mile hike and feeling sore! Grateful to be fit. I couldn’t have done that had I not been working out and if I was still drinking
Grateful for AC. We have been having record high temps.
Grateful to be back home with my boys and cogs. Little miss Daisy missed me the most. I can just tell
Grateful to get back to eating healthy. I wasn’t completely awful over the weekend, but too many carbs
Grateful sonny boy is settling in to distance learning. The first two weeks were stressful (more for me than him)
Grateful to find a Youtube station called Therapy in a Nutshell. Don’t know how I came across it but I’m grateful. Grateful to listen to a talk about catastrophizing and relate so much, get some good tips on how not to do that and what to do instead

Astro 09-08-2020 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by Alysheba (Post 7507201)
Astro, have a great time and be careful!

Thank you! It's been interesting so far. We drove 6.5 hours to our campsite yesterday...where they turned us away. All campgrounds in southern CA closed due to wildfire danger. Sooo we just started driving towards the ocean, my wife made some calls and we're currently at an RV park in Ventura across the freeway from the beach. It's noisy, quirky, and definitely not the campsite in the woods we expected but hey at least we're away from work for 6 days!

Grateful that sometimes plans changed and we can just roll with the flow.

Daisybelle 09-08-2020 02:03 PM

Astro, have an amazing time and stay safe. xxx

Grateful that I don't drink anymore.
Grateful for my health.
Grateful to have running water and food in my cupboards.
Grateful to have enough.
Grateful for some sunshine today.
Grateful to sort my cutlery drawer out.
Grateful to be getting a bit more organised.
Grateful for thank you notes.
Grateful for my kindle.
Grateful for all my grat pack friends. xxx

Alysheba 09-08-2020 06:06 PM

Grateful I didn't have to go out much today. The air quality, heat, and smoke are so bad and all the irritants and yuk in the air give things kind of an orange hue. The sun is even red, bright red, for a while in the morning. I think it has been making me unwell for the last couple of days. Prayers for all the fires to be put out everywhere. CO is burning in part too. Prayers to those working the Line in life threatening work. Cal-Fire, volunteers, inmate volunteers blessings for the safety of everyone involved in or near fires and the great work being done to put them out. :tyou
Love and peace to all. :love:
Sleep Well. :inbed :yup: :doggy: :VGRearth:

Hi Astro :wavey: Hope you're having fun and were able to find an open campground

copperfield 09-08-2020 08:03 PM

Grateful for a productive couple days and to be going into my day job gig tomorrow. Grateful for waking up sober and tackling everything and heading to bed tonight with a clear head for tomorrow's work.

least 09-08-2020 08:38 PM

Grateful for another sober day spent with my beagirl Billie. :hug:

Grateful to read others' grats. :grouphug:

Fearless, I looked up that Therapy in a Nutshell and it looks interesting! Thanks for the tip! :hug:

Astro 09-09-2020 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by Alysheba (Post 7507980)
Hi Astro :wavey: Hope you're having fun and were able to find an open campground

We're at an RV park until Friday, hopefully our campground reservation at Point Mugu won't get cancelled. I took a walk to the beach for a bit yesterday and did a lot of reading. At least it's nice and cool. We eat yummy stuff when we're in the camper, I'm grateful for this experience even though it wasn't what we planned.

If you're near these wildfires I hope the air quality and respiratory situation improves soon, and I too am praying for the firefighters, this is just crazy. The sun is so surreal looking, it gets redder as you near the coast.

Bekindalways 09-09-2020 08:01 PM

Grateful today for:

having a better day
getting a couple of piles boxed up and mailed
doing lots of yoga

Fearlessat50 09-09-2020 08:09 PM

You’re welcome, least. I need some more therapy in a nutshell and will go there again tonight
Astro, I hope you are enjoying camping. I hope you are no where near wildfire. Some campers in Fresno CA got trapped. But I believe they all made it out
Grateful for my professional pedicure. Yay! Loving the purply brown color
Grateful my Dads place had a birthday celebration for his 85th and sent me videos. One of the videos was of the residents trying to eat donuts hanging from strings with just their mouth. They couldn’t use their hands. They were all sitting in their wheel chairs around a big round table. It was such a hoot. Laughable and cryable at the same time. A little bit Cocoon and a little bit One Flew Over the cuckoos Nest.
Grateful for fresh grown zucchini from the garden

least 09-09-2020 08:22 PM

Grateful for fresh grown zucchini from the garden
I've made my share of breaded fried zucchini slices and enjoyed every bite. A little butter, salt and pepper, delicious! :)

Grateful that Billie ate the spinach I put in her supper tonight. Just a couple Tbs but she liked it. :) That dog eats better than I do. ;)

Astro 09-10-2020 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by Fearlessat50 (Post 7508545)
Astro, I hope you are enjoying camping. I hope you are no where near wildfire. Some campers in Fresno CA got trapped. But I believe they all made it out

Grateful my Dads place had a birthday celebration for his 85th and sent me videos. One of the videos was of the residents trying to eat donuts hanging from strings with just their mouth. They couldn’t use their hands. They were all sitting in their wheel chairs around a big round table. It was such a hoot. Laughable and cryable at the same time. A little bit Cocoon and a little bit One Flew Over the cuckoos Nest.

We couldn't be much safer, we're "stuck" at an RV resort on the coast until tomorrow (and enjoying the time to just relax) , then we'll hopefully be able to check into a campsite across from the beach, assuming they don't close that one down! I'm looking forward to being able to do some hiking and lots of walks along the beach for 4 days.

Fearless, that made me smile to read about your Dad's place. I'm sure that many elderly residents in homes are just confused or scared right now, it's nice to hear they're doing activities that might help to keep their spirits high.

Although we're on vacation we still had a Zoom Bible study with our friends in Phoenix last night, I'm grateful for their friendship, the experiences we share, and the laughs that we have.

least 09-10-2020 03:03 PM

Grateful that my brother took me to the store to get some food. :) Grateful for my brother. :hug:

TiredCarpenter 09-10-2020 08:09 PM

Grateful to be sober.

Astro 09-11-2020 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by TiredCarpenter (Post 7509027)
Grateful to be sober.

Amen. Grateful to go to bed sober and wake up hangover free.

Well I'm grateful for our experience with RV resort life but it's time to move to our campground for the final four nights of our vacation. Grateful for seafood last night and a restful breakfast before we pack up.

Daisybelle 09-11-2020 04:35 PM

Grateful for a sober start to the weekend.
Grateful to pick my prescriptions up from the pharmacist today.
Grateful to get my laundry dry.
Grateful to be watching Tom Jones singing 'sitting on the dock of the bay' on t.v. I was never a fan of his when I was younger, but I quite like him now, I think he has an amazingly strong voice for his age.
Grateful that my little cat is in for the night.
Grateful to have a roof over my head, a comfy bed and enough food.
Grateful for a relaxing, bubbly bath.
Grateful for the kindness of others.
Grateful for nature and all it's wonders.
Grateful to read about Fearless's dad's 85th birthday celebrations.
Grateful that Astro is safe. Enjoy the rest of your stay and be careful driving home.
Grateful that Least has such a kind brother.
Grateful for fire fighters and first response workers everywhere.
Grateful for all of you.

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