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Alysheba 07-23-2020 05:05 PM

I too am grateful for my good friends on the grat threads too!
All of you.
Love and peace to all of you, esp anyone suffering in anyway tonight. :VGRearth:

least 07-23-2020 08:19 PM

Grateful for a long walk in the evening with Billie. :) Grateful I don't drink anymore. :)

Fearlessat50 07-23-2020 10:14 PM

Daisy, my son is still doing Zoom karate. Ever since the shutdown started here in March and not opening up anytime soon. I am so grateful for the instructor doing this. It’s so hard for small business owners. Glad we can support him and he is supporting our kiddos however he can
Grateful to go to dinner in a nice outdoor setting with a good friend. I’m starting to adjust to getting out more but it is weird walking around in the middle of the street, everyone wearing masks. Grateful to have some cute masks to match my outfits. Lol 😆
Grayeful for good food
Grateful to go on a hike today
Grateful to find All Trails app and to be learning about hundreds of places to hike in my county that I never knew about.
Grateful to make progress on a work project
Grateful sonny boy is enjoying his online coding class
Grateful to talk to my Dad and reminece about long ago memories.

Astro 07-24-2020 05:36 AM

Fearless, All Trails is fantastic, my son turned me on to that app!

Grateful that it's Friday and while we go out as little as possible, I'm just looking forward to hanging around the house. I'll be grateful for the smoker, putting on some trout, crawdads, and beef jerky tomorrow.

Daisybelle 07-24-2020 03:14 PM

Hi Fearless, my g.son's karate teacher has been doing open air karate sessions in a park very close by, when the weather has permitted, just 6 pupils at a time, very socially distanced, it's been great to watch. Then there's been the Zoom classes too, it's been good for him to have something to focus on. Like you, I'm very grateful for the teacher doing this and it's good to support him, his business has suffered a lot.

Grateful for a sober and peaceful Friday night.
Grateful to get my groceries early this morning.
Grateful there were no queues.
Grateful to help my step g.daughter by having her 3 babies for a couple of hours this afternoon.
Grateful for the trampoline, they wore themselves out.
Grateful Fearless reminisced with her dad about long lost days.
Grateful that Astro is having a good friday. xx

least 07-24-2020 03:34 PM

Grateful for a long walk with Billie. :) Grateful that it's not too hot to walk her. :)

Grateful I don't drink anymore. :)

Alysheba 07-24-2020 03:46 PM

Grateful my eldest nephew is supposed to stop by sometime to get his birthday presents. Grateful he just got a new job at PG&E. I so hope he likes it and does well. He's had a bit of a time of things. Grateful that hopefully he'll make enough money to get his own place. I haven't seen any of my beautiful niece and nephews in some time. Grateful for them so much. They are wonderful kids. Before the pandemic, the twins are at a very good local college and are on the track team doing discus, I don't remember the names of the other ones, the strongman track sports :lol:. They are big, buffed, strong kids. One of the twins had a couple of schools looking at him for a track scholarship, which would be great. Hopefully no more knee injuries. I hope they get to go to college, going forward, together. I don't think they have ever really been separated for any substantial length of time and they are so close. Grateful they are continuing their studies on line. Love those kids. :love: Wish I got to see them more, but it's great they all have their own lives and interests.:Val004:
Grateful for Daisy's energy. You pack more into a day than almost anyone I know! Love you and the beautiful things you do for your family out of pure love :hug:
Grateful Astro is chilling today! :wavey:
Fearless, glad you have so many friends and safe get togethers. Very healthy. You, my darling one, and your Dad are always in my prayers. I'm sure you have a fun, action packed weekend! Grateful you are doing good things to take care of yourself. You are really a wonderful soba sista! Just wonderful in general. :hug:
Always grateful for Least and Billie and Least's inherent kindness, my dear friend. Hope your walks were fun today. :love:
Grateful my infusion went very well today and I actually had the energy to run an errand after
Have a great evening all. Grateful so much for each and everyone of you. Forgive me if I forgot anyone. I have had a long day. ;)
Hoping Buttermarsh is well.
All my love to you all. Peace to anyone suffering in anyway tonight. :grouphug: :Dance7::v8

least 07-24-2020 07:07 PM

Grateful Aly's infusion went well. :hug:

Grateful for the peace in the den when Billie and Lily are both sleeping on the rug. :) I get the most wonderful feeling of contentment when they are both in here. :) It's my own private world where the lion does lie down with the lamb. :)

Here's my pet mouse from 50 yrs ago sleeping with our cat. :)

Hamlet the mouse with Taffy the cat - The Peaceable Kingdom :)

Alysheba 07-24-2020 07:10 PM

That is adorable! :love:

Astro 07-25-2020 06:18 AM

Grateful for everyone's posts, I really enjoyed reading them this morning, as I do every day.

Grateful for a low-key no-plans day to relax and throw some trout and beef jerky on the smoker. My employer sent me a gift card for groceries so I might take a trip to the store too. I love weekends like this!

Daisybelle 07-25-2020 04:40 PM

Grateful to be ending Saturday sober and present.
Grateful to be tired in a good way.
Grateful for quite a lazy day, just wish I didn't feel so guilty about it.
Grateful to watch 2 parts of a series on Netflix about the royal family. This is a big thing for me because I very rarely watch anything, I can't sit still long enough, lol.
Grateful for a relaxing bath.
Grateful that Aly is such a loving and caring Aunt to her nephews and niece, they are so lucky to have you in their lives. Fingers and everything crossed that they are offered places in college.
Grateful to see Least's photo of her pet cat and mouse, that is just amazing, thanks for sharing it.
Grateful that Astro is having a low key weekend and enjoying it. You deserve it. x
Grateful to be on this journey with you lovely people. xx

least 07-25-2020 05:36 PM

Grateful for a productive walk with Billie after supper. :) Grateful for all the critters I've had the pleasure to care for over the years. :) When I get to heaven, I'll have a menagerie waiting for me. :)

Fearlessat50 07-25-2020 11:15 PM

Grateful for our friendship here
Thank you, Aly ❤️
Least, such an adorable picture
Grateful for microclimates where I live. I drove only 20 miles south and it was 20 degrees cooler. Grateful for a beautiful hike and flowing water falls
Grateful to make s’more bars for the boys and treat myself to one
Grateful for my little cat Daisy who really gave me a laugh. She curled up on a pile of clean clothes on the bed and when I went back in the room later, she had somehow managed to get into a pair of my underwear and was wearing them almost just like a human. Lolol

Astro 07-26-2020 08:13 AM

Grateful for a nice Saturday night at home with my wife. She brought home a healthy meal and we watched church online and then a movie together.

least 07-26-2020 04:30 PM

Grateful that Billie ate all her supper and then did a Lawrence Welk on our walk after she ate. :) Grateful that it's been 10 days since Billie threw up last and it seems that her stomach is alright now. :)

Grateful that Fearless's cat Daisy is so amusing. :) Cats are hilarious sometimes. :)

Grateful for all of you, my fellow Gratters. :grouphug:

Alysheba 07-26-2020 04:35 PM

Least, Leigh made Billie a yummy looking cake today on the sober bus. Very cute! :hug:
Grateful I didn't have to do too much today as I've been very tired.
Grateful for the A/C, as the weather is warming up again.
Grateful for all the Bedtime Gratters!
Peace and love to you all! :coaster:puppy::grouphug:

Daisybelle 07-26-2020 04:39 PM

Grateful for a peaceful ending to a peaceful day.
Grateful to change the bedding and put fresh on.
Grateful the new blind I bought for the bathroom fits well.
Grateful my g.son is fast asleep upstairs.
Grateful to get some gardening done today.
Grateful for people like Least who love critters, great and small.
Grateful to read about the antics of Fearless's cat, that is just so funny.
Grateful to be here with you all. xx
Grateful that Astro and Mrs Astro have such a good relationship.

Daisybelle 07-26-2020 04:39 PM

We did a cross post Aly, grateful you're here. xx

Alysheba 07-26-2020 04:56 PM

Thank you, Daisy, my other sister. I am grateful you're here too. :hug:
Sleep well all. :love:

least 07-26-2020 05:02 PM

:) I went and looked, the Billie cake is cool. :) I love that we have so many animal lovers here. :grouphug:

Alysheba 07-26-2020 05:05 PM


copperfield 07-26-2020 07:35 PM

Grateful for another 24 hours

least 07-26-2020 07:48 PM

Grateful for another day with my beagirl Billie. :hug: She is my side-kick, my constant companion. :)

Astro 07-27-2020 06:33 AM

Least, I'm happy to hear that Billie is doing so well :hug:

Grateful for music practice the last couple days. Finger-picking, scales, stretches, improvs, power chords. Grateful to feel a little creative and see my progress.

Alysheba 07-27-2020 02:36 PM

Grateful to receive a message from a very good friend on SR, who, due to work, etc. hasn't been able to post for a while. So good to hear from an old friend.
Grateful to be winding down after a fairly peaceful day.
Grateful to be sober.
Grateful for Luke.
Grateful for all of you. :love:
Love and peace to all of my good friends here. :inbed :grouphug:

least 07-27-2020 03:07 PM

Grateful for my brother who takes me to the store when I need something. :hug:

Daisybelle 07-27-2020 04:29 PM

Grateful to make time to check in here tonight.
Grateful to have my 3 g.kiddo's today.
Grateful to take them out for lunch.
Grateful they wanted to decorate biscuits and paint pebbles this afternoon, it passed the time on nicely as it has been pouring down all day.
Grateful my S.I.L came and collected the older 2 from my house.
Grateful for the serenity prayer.
Grateful for all of you. xx

least 07-27-2020 06:54 PM

Grateful for Billie's love. :hug: God's love in a doggie-shape. :)

copperfield 07-27-2020 08:09 PM

Grateful for my house, my cat, my music, and my friends.

Astro 07-28-2020 06:41 AM

Grateful that I got my bike tire fixed again and was able to take a ride yesterday afternoon. Dragging my butt out the door is ponderous but once I'm riding a bicycle I feel great!

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