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Horselover 12-30-2010 04:19 PM

Animals We Love Grats
Thanks Fandy! Brilliant idea I must say!!

I love all animals because they are non-judgmental, adoring, adorable, warm, fuzzy, full of love for you and have absolutely no regard to appearances.

I am grateful to share the planet with dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, pigs, goats, cows, lamas, alpacas, and EVEN snakes!! LOL!

There it is done!

LaFemme 12-30-2010 05:11 PM long as the snakes stay

I am grateful God made the horse...without which mankind would not be where we are today (think about it, its true). Additionally...there is nothing as good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse:)

I am grateful for dogs...especially Summer and Sargent...and I am grateful they no longer look at me with eyes full of worry.

Fandy 12-30-2010 05:31 PM

who would have guessed that our Horselover was running the underground puppy railroad??? she's like Oprah! (well much younger and blonder).

grateful for my loving pets who keep me on track and are always thrilled to spend time with ME. adopting a dog after 3 months sober was a huge thing for me, because it is a sober responsibility....I wouldn't have a dog if i wasn't going to take care of him properly.

I waited 4 years since my Akita passed was a time of change....relationships started and ended (badly) mother got sick, then we had to place her in a nursing home and her dementia grows by leaps and bounds...but she loves it when I bring the new dog...(who only weighs 10 lbs.) he doesn't care if my mother is lost in her mind, he can sense love and kindness.

i agree the snakes will please stay outside....away from the house.....

i'm grateful for being an animal loving person.....they never talk back, stay out too late, run up the cellphone bill or take my credit card to Nordstroms and Sephora. (like my daughter). they never complain about my cooking or housekeeping.

the dog eats much more neatly than Mr. Fandy...less food on the floor and on salsa stains on the ultra-suede couch!

i think this will be a good positive thread...for everyone.

Sneezy 12-30-2010 05:44 PM

For the horse lovers in the group (which so far includes Horselover and LaFemme) - I just watched The Black Stallion (1979). If you've never seen it, you MUST! (It's on Netflix streaming video...) I don't know much about horses and I fell in love. There's nothing better than a good kid/horse story, especially with the beautiful cinematography in this film.

My dog is a big part of my sobriety for two reasons that come to mind and I'm sure I could think of more. First, her unconditional love makes my heart melt, especially on days when I'm mad, feeling unloved, and like the world has just pooped on me (you all know those days). She's so happy to be with me, is the best snuggler in the world, and is such a goofball that I can't be crabby for too long. The other way she helps is that I am responsible for her. This makes me straighten up, make sure her water bowl is full, put stuff away that's toxic for dogs, take her for at least one good long walk a day (we cheat on the other one--it's shorter), make sure she gets regular vet visits, play with her/train her etc etc. Like least often says, I am so glad I'm sober because I am a better mom to her. It makes me feel good to know that she's happy and well taken care of. I wish you all could meet her, she's such a funny girl - a rescue girl, HL!

Thanks for starting this thread - great idea!

Fandy 12-31-2010 12:18 AM

both my Akita and my new Pom are rescue dogs....if you go through Petfinder and plug in the type of dog you want and your zipcode, they put you in touch with various rescue groups in your immediate area...In NJ the groups are sponsored by the big Petsmart chain....when you adopt through a group the dog is up to date on meds and shots, you get a true picture of their behavior from the foster parent and about $100 worth of coupons from the store.

my Pom came to me freshly groomed and very happy...i was prepared with a crate and lots of patience (along with good weather) 5 years old he was just neutered...but has greatly improved to the point of being 95-98% housetrained.

he's gone from the crate to a big enclosed room with lots of windows during the day while i'm at work and for my short runs to the grocery, he has been left in the house with the cats to accidents and nothing is broken.

everyone smells the same and they are used to eachother.

lisamazsam 12-31-2010 12:47 AM

Great thread. I remember the old days with the cat litter pan fumes running over my house. I am so grateful to do the mondain things today like cleaning the litter pan everyday, while holding my breath. I looked up the word mondain and it says " to become fashionable in society". Yes taking care of my pets helps make me a responsible member of society. I now have one dog, three cats, two rabbits, 3 fish, and 7 chickens. It takes me one hour a day to care for their needs and they love me the rest of the 23 hours in the day.

Grateful to become a member of society
No matter how mondain it may seem,


LaFemme 12-31-2010 03:41 AM

@ sneezy....loved that movie as a every Walter Farley book a dozen evetry other horse book I could find:-)

ItWillBeWorthIt 12-31-2010 05:45 AM

Love this thread and have enjoy reading everyone's posts... put a huge smile on my face.

All my life I have loved animals... I was raised that way because my parents loved animals as well. I lived on a farm and it was normal for a new born calf to come into the house in the cold when the mother dis-owned it and we would feed the calf with a baby bottle.

I remember having chickens in the house for a short period of time because the power didn't work in the chicken house to keep the warming lights going.

I can remember hunting for our missing dog in minus 35 below to find her, she had got lost... and we did.

I could tell so many stories.

As for horses, I was raised with horses... and of all the beautiful animals out there they would definitely be at the top of the list. Absolutely beautiful. We would ride for hours when I was younger.

Right now, we have a bichon frise, who still sleeps with us even though she is 7 1/2 human years... we know her birthday and invite other dogs over on her day and have a party... we really do.

We also have three bearded dragon lizards and they are so friendly. The biggest one... who is 2 feet sits on my desk during the day and absorbs the sun coming through the window while munching on his romaine lettuce.

Yeah, animals are just so comforting.... the love they share is unbelievable, I don't know how anyone couldn't share that love back.

Fandy 12-31-2010 05:49 AM

Now the catlitter I use absorbs a lot of the cat smells (except for the big stinkies)...i'm grateful for easy clean-up most days and have my pet care pretty much down to easy.....4 fresh bowls of water 2x a day, wash the food trays and keep the dog away from the catfood.

least 12-31-2010 06:09 AM

So grateful for my loving critters who share and enrich my life.:) Grateful, as Sneezy said, that I love them so much better sober, paying careful attention to diet and exercise and vet visits. Grateful that Riley (elderly beagirl) is in such good health for her advanced age - 14 yrs and going strong!:) Grateful that Nikko (Little Diabetic Dog) is so healthy despite the diabetes that took his vision two years ago, tho he still has some vision in his left eye. Grateful for little Jack (Former Foster Dog) who's never known me drinking and who was a gift from a friend who paid his adoption fee so I could keep him.:)

Grateful to share my life, my bed, and my home with them. Grateful that the love and care I give to them is returned a thousand times over in their devotion to me.:) Grateful that now that I'm no longer spending so much money on wine I can now afford necessary things for their well being. Grateful too that I am able to take good care of my stray kitties, providing food and shelter to them in a harsh Ohio winter.:)

Grateful also to my friend for sending a 'dog support' check every month for Nikko's insulin. Grateful too for my many friends here who are animal lovers like me!

Britta 12-31-2010 07:57 AM

I am forever greatful for all of the loving fuzzballs in my life!! The unconditional love is all one needs. When you are down, they sense that and give extra TLC.... My cats help me read the paper and type on the computer, they snuggle up at night and feel like little heating pads that vibrate. My cats give gentle sandpaper kisses while my dog gives soft full facial lovin'.
"Dogs have owners.... cats have employees" :rotfxko

Fandy 12-31-2010 08:53 AM

Horselover, i think you have another successful ongoing thread sprout here.

but Sneezy's avatar still makes me hungry for lambchops!

DrunkenBasement 12-31-2010 09:45 AM

Horses are beautiful, breathtaking, mysterious. . . When I see one I can't take my eyes off of it.
Dogs are childlike, playful and innocent, simple and wonderful and they don't ask much!
Animals of all kinds are wondrous creatures. . . I can't get enough of them.

Britta 12-31-2010 10:08 AM

I have a funny story about a horse for you all....
This really happened to me. Keep in mind that I think horses are soooooooo beautiful! I love them (don't worry..... nothing bad happens).
Me and some friends were camping in Woodstock. They wanted to go horseback riding at this dude ranch. I kept telling them that I am severely allergic to horses. (BUMMER!!!) Did they listen? Of course not.... Was i smart? Heck no!! I went. I got on my horse. We were on a trail, just starting off. My eyes instantly swelled shut. All I could feel were the painful slaps of branches on my face and my arms. My horse wandered off the trail and into the woods. I was in the middle of a severe allergic reaction and this silly horse kept going and going. My friends were laughing so hard. I had my epi pen on me and thankfully avoided a hospital visit. I looked like "The Fly". That night over the campfire, I could not live it down.... it was ok cuz I took part in the fun, too!

Hevyn 12-31-2010 11:36 AM

I see some of my fellow "Whiners" here - thanks for recommending the thread. I didn't even know my dear friend HL had started it.

One of my main reasons for wanting to get sober was my English Mastiff puppy. She counted on me for walks and fun when she was first with us. I wasn't fully participating in life then - taking my beer in a coffee mug when I took her for walks - being annoyed when she wanted attention. It was no life for her - and when she was 7 mos. old I quit. I would have missed so much if I'd stayed numb & foggy as she was growing.

I'm lucky enough to live near Assateague Island, where the wild horses are. They are often on the beach & out swimming in the ocean. Also, Chincoteague isn't far away - where the annual pony swim (& auction) takes place. (Trying to get hold of the movie, Misty of Chincoteague, which was filmed there.)

This is a lovely thread - thank you S!

DrunkenBasement 12-31-2010 12:31 PM

Hevyn: wild horses on the beach and swimming in the ocean? THAT sounds like heaven to me!

Britta: funny story. Sorry about your allergy- I don't know what I would do if I were allergic to horses

Horselover 12-31-2010 03:59 PM

Wow!!! This is proof to me that there are many more people in the world that are decent, compassionate, animal lovers then people that are not. I really needed this.

Grateful for my 2 mutts and my superior feline (at least she believes she is).

Happy 2011 everyone!!! Welcome to the grat pack Hevyn and everyone else. You all rock as human beings. Perfect creations I would say. The world is a friendly and loving place and if you ever doubt it then you need to spend more time on SR.

least 12-31-2010 04:12 PM

I am always 'at home' among animal lovers.:)

din 12-31-2010 04:44 PM

I have a Jake, a 4 year old yellow Lab I adore!

He wouldn't leave my side the first 2 weeks I quit drinking....I figured I could handle the withdrawals on my own........Jake musta thought otherwise, hung with me, knowing I wasnt okay.........God, Thats love right there!

I'd take a bullet for him any day :scoregood

Hevyn 12-31-2010 05:08 PM

din, my yellow lab Jackpot is like that too. If I get upset, even watching a movie, he'll come up and stare at me like, "You ok?" He comes to find me when I do dumb things like let a pot boil over. He's my guardian angel.

Fandy 12-31-2010 06:52 PM

my cats crowd around the keyboard to read my I am a famous author...of course it is hard to type on a netbook anyway, but with 35# of cat crowding it is almsot impossible....Fandy is currently "guarding" my purse by sleeping on top of it.

Horselover 01-01-2011 08:14 AM

Talked with Animal Control officer today on New Years Day and he's working. Some people just don't get it. He told me they confiscated 3 dogs over the weekend that people left outside and obviously went away. One had a frozen chain that he was hooked to with a bucket of frozen water. They are all safe and secure now and he said no owners have come forward for them. These are the people in the world that really make reach deep to understand why their existence is even necessary.

I love our Animal Control officers. They do a job that I couldn't do in a million years. I told the officer that I would end up breaking the law trying to save all of them. He said there is that temptation for sure.

Update on neighbor dog - It is 9:12 am and he hasn't been let out into the big yard. I told the officer that he was out for 3 hours yesterday morning when my dogs couldn't stand being out for more then 10 minutes. He told me he would drive by and keep checking up on them and he asked that I keep updating him. Luckily they seem to have him inside today.

Well, Happy New Years and hug those animals tightly. I have found myself giving my animals extra love because of this.

least 01-01-2011 08:41 AM

My doggies are really enjoying their new year's day bone.:)

least 01-01-2011 02:50 PM

Roomie's kitty adores my beagirl. He snuggles with her all time, even lying sprawled out on her back!:) It's so sweet to see how all my critters get along so well...:) Makes my house a very peaceful place. You know how they say that the lion will lie down with the lamb at the Second Coming? Well, I've already had that at my house as I had a pet mouse who used to sleep with our cat and a guinea pig who used to sleep with me and the cats. So yeah, it's the peaceable kingdom at my house.:)

Horselover 01-01-2011 04:22 PM

Very, very grateful for that picture Least. Thank you! :You_Rock_

least 01-02-2011 06:28 AM

Grateful for little Jack's watchdog abilities... even if he is barking at ck coming home...;) Grateful for his waking me up every morning when he has to go potty. Grateful to watch them enjoy their tasty healthy breakfast.:) Grateful to wake up to the dogs on my bed, sprawled out sleeping contentedly.:) And so so grateful to be sober to give them the care they deserve and need to be healthy and happy.:)

nogard 01-02-2011 03:20 PM

grateful for Tobi and Rana, my two Weimarranners who where with me for 13+ Years. Tobi died July 2010 and Rana simply fell apart and follwed heim. I still miss them, still talk to them, still reach down to pat them as one of the was always at my leg

Fandy 01-02-2011 04:07 PM

as i'm typing, i have Slim the maine coon spreading across the table, and the Pom is on his big dogpillow in the corner...everyone has been fed, pooed, walked watered and now we are relaxing.

it seems that Jumbones have quite a bit of fiber in them.....pom-poo was enormous and frequent!:scared:

Norgard i waited almost 4 years since my Akita passed to get another dog....are you thinking of it yet?

grateful i take great pleasure and there is lots of humor in all the pets...but cat-racing at 3am must stop.

Fandy 01-03-2011 05:14 PM

grateful that I scooped up my netbook before the cat deposited a hairball on the keyboard.

grateful that the dog decided to barf up his throat outside instead of inside...

it's the little things to appreciate....finally the roads/walks are cleared enough after last week's snow for a much-needed dog exercise....i hand counted the steps to the mailbox....a mere 760 of the 10,000 i need every day....but at least the dog worked off some of his pent-up energy.

Horselover 01-03-2011 06:19 PM

Grateful that even when I sleep at my Mom's house I am not without animals in and near son's and my bed. Mikey, her little terrior, slept under the covers with us and Charlie, her huge bear of a dog, slept next to our bed. :)

Grateful to be home tonight and to have my 2 dogs nearby and my cat that hasn't forgiven our disappearance this weekend.

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