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STDragon 12-31-2018 07:04 AM

Thanks for the box breathing link Bim, I shared it with my family.

Happy new year to our Aussie friends and everyone else whos past the midnight count down.

Me and the family when to a movie and the book store yesterday. Kids saw the new spiderman universe and the 'adults' saw Mule with tought guy Clint Eastwood. I thought for sure he was gonna stick it to the cartel. Son got his usual big load of books. I think he needs an e-reader as he has no more space for books but he preferes the books.

Today we are going out for an early supper. I'll probably end up in bed early.

STDragon 12-31-2018 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by andyh (Post 7088120)
...Dragon - here's something for you to try on the uke:

Cool. Thanks!

STDragon 12-31-2018 07:06 AM

How you doing today Petals? Thinking of you....

saoutchik 12-31-2018 07:30 AM



MantaLady 12-31-2018 07:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
^^^what sao said!!

Thanks Bim, I really needed a kind and grounding word today x. Exercise...hit the nail on the head as I have done none, nada, ziltch, not a bean! My thoughs have been getting a little messier each week for the past few weeks and have done no exercise other than walk to and from the train station at work. I know that getting out helps my head clear and a bit annoyed with myself that I have been sat here not doing what I should do and wondering why I am starting to feel all over the place. I think I needed it pointing out so thanks Bim, really appreciate it.

With that in mind rather than sit back down and binge on more netflix I just made the yummiest asparagus soup and chopped some fresh basil from scratch, eated a big bowl and even though it looks like the heavens are going to open are just putting on my trainers and going to get out for a half an hour walk!

biminiblue 12-31-2018 08:06 AM

That soup sounds really good.

I will do my three miles at the zoo in a couple hours.

Purplrks3647 12-31-2018 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by Purplrks3647 (Post 7088147)
:nyah Happy New Year to all of our SR friends across the pond! :nyac


Speaking of overthinking, pardon my ignorance but does 'over the pond' include our Aussie friends as well? Or should I have been more specific?!? Happy New Year across the pond and down under! :wave: :bbk:

andyh 12-31-2018 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Purplrks3647 (Post 7088473)
Speaking of overthinking, pardon my ignorance but does 'over the pond' include our Aussie friends as well?

over the other (Pacific) pond maybe Purps? ;)

MantaLady 12-31-2018 11:08 AM

Living on an island (UK) anywhere that is not on this island is across the pond to me! :)

I bought a diary for 2019 (page per day) and are looking forward to using it to journal everyday next year. I have been sparadic with my journal writing since rehab but know that it's an important part of my 2019 recovery plan.

I don't want to spend any of NYE looking back at the past, it's done. Instead I am trying to decide what my goals/things I want to do or achieve are for next year and writing them on the first page of the diary. I am making them achieveable and realistic to start with otherwise I am setting myself up for failure and that is an old habit I want to quash. I always made my plans so big and complicated that I didn't have a chance in hell of achieving them which then fed my "you're useless and will never do anything" narrative and kept me drinking.

I have to just say that I am distracted somewhat as I have new neighbours on both sides, I live in a row of cottages so we have shared walls between the houses. The house on the left has had a screaming and tantruming child going all day and when the child is not screaming their new puppy is whelping constantly. The right hand side seem to have been playing what I think is a saxaphone for the past 2 hours, currently I am getting a rendition of George Michael's Careless Whisper which is a great improvement on the jazz that proceeded it...I don't really like jazz. In fact jazz really pisses me off, so do children and noisy dogs lol. I might have to add "move house" to my list of goals haha! xx

MidnightBlue 12-31-2018 11:19 AM

Happy New Year to those across any pond who are already in 2019


I wrapped my training year up with 3 hours in the gym) Though we had almost full foxing class, I was the only one who did the following crossfit too. The gym is closed on 1st and 2nd, so I can relax that I put some work.

Now it's time to reflect a little but on the past year and head fast forward into the future.

MidnightBlue 12-31-2018 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by MantaLady (Post 7088511)
In fact jazz really pisses me off, so do children and noisy dogs lol. xx

Have you tried box breathing, Manta)

Purplrks3647 12-31-2018 11:31 AM

2:31 pm New Year's Eve....Saw this on IG from an "Introverts" profile that I follow :laughing:

:nyk Happy New Year everyone! :tyou

saoutchik 12-31-2018 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by Purplrks3647 (Post 7088528)

2:31 pm New Year's Eve....Saw this on IG from an "Introverts" profile that I follow :laughing:

:nyk Happy New Year everyone! :tyou

LOL! I know who will be feeling better tonorrow.

OK let's have some music

MantaLady 12-31-2018 12:25 PM

All seems quiet now so all's well.

Just put on that new movie Bandersnatch on Netflix and it's really freaky...spooky! It's an interactive movie that you choose the plot like the old adventure games in books we used to have. I wondered how this would come to life and the movie starts and you think your just watching it, then it says you can choose what happens...use your remote and select yes if you understand. I sat there doing nothing at first...but out of curiosity just picked up the remote, pressed the right cursor key and OK and it only went and took me to my first part of the movie! Black Mirror get's me everytime!!

OK, time to get stuck in...this is all quite exciting haha! x

Hootowlhoot 12-31-2018 12:47 PM

Day 23 but Not feeling so good today. I’m working and my husband isn’t and has our daughter today. I feel
Like he is mad st me but I’m not sure what for other than he keeps saying I’ve been grumpy and sensitive and crazy the past “few days this flares up my anxiety so bad and I think he is mad st me. Since I’m alone my av is talking to me to stop and get booze on the way home but I know that’s not the way! Ugh. This is awful!

I actually rang in 2018 sober. Had gave up alcohol around December of last year and was sober until I Think March . Had 2-5 weeks scattered sobriety in that time but I know 2019 I need to stick with this.

I just feel so emotional and sad right now!

MidnightBlue 12-31-2018 12:55 PM

It's ok to feel sad emotional, Hoot.

In early sobriety my emotions were all over the place.

I had been numbing them for so long that when they finally emerged I had no idea what to do about it.

Emotions are not bad or good, they are just telling us something, calling attention to what should be taken care of.

You don't have to feel any particular way - just be in the moment.

It gets better.

MantaLady 12-31-2018 01:47 PM

Hi Hootowl, try and calm your mind a little and like MB says, just be in the moment. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow or even a hour away. Just keep in the present moment. It's perfectly normal to be emotional in the early days and please do know that it will not always be like this, things will settle down with more sober time. Also try not to worry if he is or isn't mad at you, we can't control other people or how they think but we can chose how we respond to it. You are strong and you can do this Hootowl xx

MantaLady 12-31-2018 03:02 PM

Goodnight lovely weekenders and see you in 2019! xx

Purplrks3647 12-31-2018 03:08 PM

Went for a walk and watched the final sunset of 2018.....on the way back the neighbors said "You gotta stay up 'til at least midnight tonight.....we got the fireworks all ready to go!"

(Thanks for the warning) :D :herewego

biminiblue 12-31-2018 04:17 PM

I'm back from the zoo and a little stop at the grocery. I bought some sparkling cider with grape and a bottle of San Pelligrino (soda water, basically.) I rarely drink anything other than regular water, coffee or hot tea - so this is really festive for me. Love the bubbles. :) The cashier at the store asked me what the Pelligrino is like because he's never had it. Of course this convo ended with me saying, "A glass of wine is your story, go ahead and stick with that!" because, you know, he thought I should drink some wine on New Years Eve.

Chicken, peas, delicious Australian sharp cheddar cheese, mixed nuts and apples was my dinner. Best part - few dishes to wash. I may make popcorn later but I'm super full right now.

HNY to all - Onward to 19!

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