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D122y 08-14-2015 03:03 PM

I got headaches when I slept a lot. Felt like I was hungover.

For me they passed.

What helped me, i believe, was I worked out pretty hard with my new energy.

I started with some basic exercises off of YouTube. Got that heart rate up, sweated.

2muchpain 08-14-2015 03:16 PM

I started getting panic attacks in my mid 30's. Leaving my house was torture. Couldn't drive highways or shop for food. Couldn't do anything. The panic attacks would actually cause severe pain in my stomach, doubling me over. I don't know how I did it, but I was eventually able to see a doctor. I'll never forget the relief I felt when he told me he could help me. He put me on meds. Once the meds kicked in, I went to group therapy that dealt specifically with anxiety and panic attacks. I still have minor panic attacks today, but I've found ways to deal with them. Hopefully, you'll find a way to see a doctor. I really feel for you. Take care. John

2muchpain 08-14-2015 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by JayG123 (Post 5477320)
Thank you all for your supportive words. A few more days gone by and still sober !! I have to tell you a big concern of mine is, going to the doctor will result in a prescription for xanax that I know can be very addicting!! I have already demonstrated my weakness in regards to addiction and don't want to start a new viscous cycle. Has anyone had any experience with anything like this?

I am on meds that are non-narcotic. You could ask for them. John

oldsoul1122 08-14-2015 03:32 PM

I'm at 30 days sober and agree with the magnesium supplement for stress and anxiety. I use Natural Vitality Calm. It's a powder I got at the health food store. It has great reviews on Amazon. But always check with your Dr.

biminiblue 08-14-2015 03:57 PM

I used to get migraines. I don't know if you are getting migraines or something else. Migraines are debilitating and have several causes - all of which need a doctor's intervention. A migraine may or may not come with a visual aura and will include severe light and sound sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting. They are most commonly on one side of the head. They can be really serious, see a doctor.

If your headaches start in your neck (and if you don't think they are migraines) or if your neck and/or shoulders are painful/tight, then maybe try sleeping with a very flat pillow on a firm surface and sleep on your side or your back for two or three days and see if that helps. It works for me.

Dehydration is also a common cause for headaches. Try drinking two liters of water every day.

BlueFairy 08-14-2015 08:49 PM

I read a book on anxiety that helped--it was just an old one I found at goodwill, but it was great and they recommended some herbal stuff in there I think helped me. I've been taking yoga-- that helps a Lot. I've been listening to a book on cd by Claire Weekes that I think would help you a lot. I've always had some anxiety issues-- shy, I'd get embarrassed and blush easy (red) different issues like that but when I quit drinking my anxiety went Sky High. You have to get it under control or it will only get worse.

JayG123 09-26-2015 09:34 AM

Ugh, 3 1/2 months out and still struggling with headaches, dizziness and anexity. Always feel on edge, could this be a hardcore case of paws???? Anyone else still been bad off after this amount of time? Just looking for support ����

sva777 09-26-2015 11:06 AM

How is your anxiety? I have gone through a similar path as you and just keep at it. I am at 9 months and the anxiety is so much less now then it was at 6 or 3 months. It has been a slow but steady progression towards happiness.

teatreeoil007 09-26-2015 11:51 AM

When I feel anxious or uptight I like to go for long walks outdoors-there is something about it that is very soothing. If I cannot go for a walk outdoors then I go to the gym and have a good workout.

When we quit drinking, there is a type of void in our lives: booze. We need to replace that with something healthy. Hope this helps.

Dee74 09-26-2015 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by JayG123 (Post 5573916)
Ugh, 3 1/2 months out and still struggling with headaches, dizziness and anexity. Always feel on edge, could this be a hardcore case of paws???? Anyone else still been bad off after this amount of time? Just looking for support ����

Have you considered seeing a Dr, Jay?


JayG123 09-26-2015 06:30 PM

I have considered it, but it's not gonna happen. The most i have done is simple walks around the block. The anexity is too intense. I have been to the doctors before for this and was offered medication to treat it. I do not want to put anymore mind altering substances into my body. I have read it takes some time for the gabba recetors in the brain to heal. The terrible thing is I know how to make it all stop, the solution is only a couple swigs away. Errrrrr!!!

teatreeoil007 09-26-2015 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by JayG123 (Post 5574425)
I have considered it, but it's not gonna happen. The most i have done is simple walks around the block. The anexity is too intense. I have been to the doctors before for this and was offered medication to treat it. I do not want to put anymore mind altering substances into my body. I have read it takes some time for the gabba recetors in the brain to heal. The terrible thing is I know how to make it all stop, the solution is only a couple swigs away. Errrrrr!!!

Maybe you don't mean when you say the solution is taking a few swigs...I sure hope not. Drinking now will only make things worse for your brain healing. Keep on healing. Continue to tell yourself that your brain is healing. It does take time and patience. Hang in there...

JayG123 09-27-2015 08:29 AM

No, I will not drink again!! What I mean is, alochol does work for my anxiety. I could have a drink and I would have the courage to go into the world that have shut out. I know that doing so is a band-aid on a bullet wound. The rebound anxiety would be horrible!! It's not a feasible option. So I will continue to wait it out, push myself slowly but surely in the proper direction. I will keep reaching out to cyberspace with hopes that someone reads this, that is in or has been in a similar place. May strengh find you all !!

sva777 09-27-2015 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by JayG123 (Post 5574988)
No, I will not drink again!! What I mean is, alochol does work for my anxiety. I could have a drink and I would have the courage to go into the world that have shut out. I know that doing so is a band-aid on a bullet wound. The rebound anxiety would be horrible!! It's not a feasible option. So I will continue to wait it out, push myself slowly but surely in the proper direction. I will keep reaching out to cyberspace with hopes that someone reads this, that is in or has been in a similar place. May strengh find you all !!

But this is incorrect, drinking actually makes your anxiety worse. Yes it is a temporary band aid for a couple of hours but then it wears off and is that much worse than it was before.

Look at what I posted before, I have anxiety issues as well. 3 months still it was there intense at times, 6 months still but less often and now at 9 I am so much better I rarely get it. It was such a gradual come down from the anxiety that it is not instantly noticeable but my wife can tell. I was expecting to go from one day having anxiety to one day all gone but it did not work that way. Give it time and remember it was much worse 3 months ago.

JayG123 09-27-2015 09:45 AM

I agree. Keeping my eyes on the prize!! Appreciate the advice. We're u ever housebound?

biminiblue 09-27-2015 09:50 AM

My experience was similar to sva777. Time takes time. Remember this feeling, write it out on here so you can look back at it - this horrible anxiety is the price that is paid for drinking alcohol.

I agree that adding a drug to make it better isn't really dealing with the issue, I think the raw discomfort is a good thing in the end. I nevernevernevernever ever want to do that again.

Hang on, my friend.

SereneEdition 09-27-2015 12:31 PM

JayG123 -

I avoid doctors most of the time myself.

When I stopped drinking I had lingering symptoms - foggy brain, anxiety, etc. I tried for a long time to self treat before finally reaching out to a doctor. She was able to treat me drug free and I started feeling better within a week.

If I had to do it again, I wouldn't have waited so long. YMMV.

Dee74 09-27-2015 03:29 PM

What I mean is, alochol does work for my anxiety.
Like others have said, it really doesn't Jay.

It doesn't cure anything - it just kinda smooshes it to one side for a while. We both know it comes back.

The more dependent I became on alcohol the worse my anxiety got - I not only had the original anxiety but then also the anxiety of wanting my 'alcohol fix'

I've been housebound through anxiety before but only when drinking. If you're effectively housebound now, I think you really need to see your Doc.

Being a prisoner in your own home is a pretty crappy way to live.

Even if you're against meds, it must be worthwhile hearing what they have to say, Jay?

JayG123 09-27-2015 06:00 PM

Yes dee, being a prisoner in my own home is a very crappy way to live!! Belive me I am working on it !! I know it sounds pathetic but some days I pat myself on the back for just going into the yard to mow the grass. Baby steps I suppose. Like blue was saying, it was worse than this in the first month of recovery so its logical to assume it will be better than this in a few months.

BlueFairy 09-27-2015 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by emme99 (Post 5474459)
Welcome JayG123 :) I have about the same number of sober days as you and have occasional panic attacks. Most of the time mine occur at night when I am trying to get to sleep. I don't recommend drinking. I usually close my eyes and focus on my breathing which seems to help me relax and get through them.

I've had 2 actual panic attacks and they've happened the same way.

BlueFairy 09-27-2015 07:28 PM

The book I read which really helped me was Healing Anxiety Naturally by Harold H. Bloomfield. I pulled it out again after a panic attack Friday night and realized I hadn't finished it--still have about a third to read and just sitting there reading it was incredibly helpful. I felt like I had the anxiety stuff down after reading that much but obviously need to finish. This is one I'm going to keep around. It has a big section on what supplements help too. One of the reasons for my recent attack probably had much to do with the fact I've been without yoga the last 3 weeks--there was a break between summer and fall.

JayG123 01-09-2016 09:13 AM

So I wanted to take a second to to clarify something that I was not honest about when I started this thread. 10 years ago I was prescribed xanax for panic attacks. For the first few years I would only take a .25 mg maybe once or twice a month during periods of high stress. Fast foward about five years... My drinking had increased and so did my anxiety. My xanax use gradually increased to .25 mg daily, then to .5 mg daily and then most recently 1mg dailybefore I quit everything cold turkey 7 months ago. I realize now that I had been going through dose tolerance for years and would supliment with alcohol. I would mitigate my xanax withdrawls with alochol, at the same time mitigating my alochol withdrawals with Xanax. A truly vicious and debilitating cycle!! I was given this medication by my doctor and never abused it, well other than drinking while it was in my system. I was very naive to how dependent a person becomes on this toxic combonation. Initally I was embarassed to admit my need for this medication, hense i withheld this information in my early posts. I have now come to a much better understanding of what is going on in my mind and body during this recovery process. Things are still pretty tough as to be expected with this type of addiction. I just wanted anyone that may come accross this thread to know that things do slowly get better. Im not out of the woods yet, but I know the edge is there.
Having support during this time is crucial ! I would love to hear from anyone out there who has had a similar experience to mine. Any advice you have, any advice you need. Together we can overcome!

thomas11 01-09-2016 11:57 AM

Question Jay, is 1 mg of Xanax a lot? I have been prescribed 5 mg of Valium for muscle spasms and I break them in half. But I have not taken them in a long time. I did not seem to experience any type of withdrawal.

JayG123 01-09-2016 01:46 PM

1 mg of xanax is a moderate dose. It is the equivalent of 5 mg of Valium. The biggest difference between the two is Valium has a much longer half life, meaning it stays in your system longer. Xanax goes to work faster buts wears off quickly, and for me it would put me into interdose withdrawl. Many people I have talked to were switched from xanax to Valium during the taper process because of its longer lasting effects. I unfortunatley cold turkeyed, which made things considerably worse. I didn't give my body any chance to adjust to not having the medicine. Coupled with alochol withdrawls sent me into a seizure, and a nightmare of an acute phase. A smart taper is the way to go! How long have you been taking the Valium thomas?

Delilah1 01-09-2016 03:52 PM

I can definitely relate to the anxiety. I have been a worrier since I was a kid, but as I got older my anxiety increased. I have worked on remaining in the present, doing yoga, and breathing, all of these help. However, I also have a prescription from the doctor for times when o feel very anxious, it may be worth talking to your doctor.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

sva777 01-09-2016 04:48 PM

I took Xanax while I was drinking for anxiety on and off for ten years. Anywhere from,. 25 to 1mg at a time. Most of the time I would not mix he two but the last time I did and my wife took me to the hospital. After I quit both last January my anxiety was awful for months. It did calm down at month nine or so to a comfortable spot. I still have the Xanax for flying but I have my wife keep it at work far away from me.

JayG123 01-10-2016 08:13 PM

Thanks for the feedback, i too have a "rescue dose" stash of a few pills. Believe me I have sat and starred those little buggers more than a few times over the past months :) My biggest concern is all the reading I've done on kindling. Anything that could possibly send me back into the acute phase scares the hell out of me!!

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