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Ruby2 05-03-2015 04:16 PM

I'm always the monarch butterfly/milkweed promoter. I leave both alone in my yard and along the garage in the alley.

Honeybees are under threat from not only the pesticides but from a parasite.

I'm still here and still sober. I'm glad you came back Brain. I thought it was "I'm taking my ball and going home" for a second.

Saoutchik, as frustrating as the Lancia project must be, I'm impressed. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

It's still warm here. Kids are running around in the hose. Getting dark so they'll be in soon. Baths before bed.

DreaJean 05-03-2015 04:47 PM

Hello Sunday thread. Still sober! I did a trail run with a friend this morning, did the Home Depot trip for the flowers and pulled weeds by the patio. With the nice weather, I had some real cravings today, but just kept moving and they passed. Just grilled a burger and it tasted divine! Hope everyone's having a great Sunday also!

EndGameNYC 05-03-2015 04:54 PM

Fight Of The Century?
All of us here have been through it, are going through it or will go through it. And with a much better quality of people among those in attendance. None of us goes home feeling cheated.

Lily123 05-03-2015 05:01 PM

im still sober this weekend:) pretty proud of that! I worked earlier but now just have to do choirs. Feeling pretty good today. Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.

PurpleKnight 05-03-2015 05:08 PM

Fantastic DreaJean and Lily!! :You_Rock_

Alright, this one has some meaning, Ben E. King sadley passed away this week, but his biggest hit is inspirational!!

For me this is what SR is all about!!

"When the night has come . . . No I won't be afraid . . . Just as long as you stand . . . by me"

LBrain 05-03-2015 06:10 PM

Want some cracker with that cheese?
I made a nice meal for my buddy who has been studiously stoodying.
Grill bbq pork chops, corn on cob, carrots glazed w/ honey, nice salad and half baked potato - for two please.
I've been having weird feelings. Ringing and buzzing in my ears started last night I think, just went to left side. When I was at market I thought the display was falling - nothing moved. I'm hearing an echo. Also the thump thump thump of my heartbeat in my right ear. Hopefully just a sinus thing going on. If it gets worse I'll have to go to dr. But not until she is finished with final exam.

Almost forgot, I got John Travolta queued up. Try to contain yourself Ruby.

OH - MY - GOD, get a load of the poofy shirt... :)

also, by my calculation and taking a few things into account, Ruby would have had post 500, congratulations!

Della1968 05-03-2015 06:12 PM

Is your blood pressure normal?

Ruby2 05-03-2015 06:16 PM

Lol! Della!

LBrain 05-03-2015 06:19 PM

a little high 130/84, normally 120/72, but probably has been on the rise the past few months...

Della1968 05-03-2015 06:19 PM

Lol for once I wasn't being flippant. I was wondering because of his symptoms. I actually do worry about you all :)

PurpleKnight 05-03-2015 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by Della1968 (Post 5352145)
I actually do worry about you all :)

Not a bad idea!! :lmao:

Della1968 05-03-2015 06:21 PM

I would go to the Dr if it rises anymore. When is the exam?

LBrain 05-03-2015 06:28 PM

starts at 9 tomorrow. My house doc is already on the case... I just don't want her to worry about me until after she takes her exam...

Della1968 05-03-2015 06:30 PM

Well tell her good luck!

gettingsmarter 05-03-2015 06:38 PM

Want to say thank you to everyone for hanging out this weekend. :You_Rock_

GroundhogDay 05-03-2015 06:39 PM

And another weekend draws to a close. :(

happyandfree 05-03-2015 06:52 PM

Wow...I thought I'd have a lot of catching up to do....I guess not. Never saw a part 2.
Well anyway. ..I always have loved John Travolta. Those tight pants may have been the original leggings.
Good job Drea Jean and lily! I'm glad you both didn't drink this weekend, . Keep pushing forward.
What a nice weekend I had. Life is pretty good these days. I hope it's good for you all too.
ok...back to my book.

MesaMan 05-03-2015 07:15 PM

There's some Vids on You Tube of David Hasselhoff - in the cheesedick Vid linked above - singing while Hammered; including into the Crowd celebrating the Berlin Wall coming down. His Daughter famously recorded him Hammered at Home, and unable even to get up. This, long before anyone heard of Charlie Sheen doing his 'Winning' Routine. All part of David's 'legacy'. 'Tape don't lie', as we used to say in the Video Production Biz.

We sorta wound down tonight, and opted for Pick Up Pizza. Fruit & Yogurt later...

I'm now slathering on some Cream that sloughs off funky White Boy Skin, and allows new Skin to establish. I look like some fn Leper. With Measles. This Cream is >$200- a Tube. After Insurance. But, beats all Hell outta Melanoma, which this Cream application avoids preemptively. I guess the Root Cause is old Sun damage done back in the Stone Ages before Sunscreen #bazillion.

This aging stuff is getting old... That said, being chilled through this pending Mountain House BS while Sober is generating good internal Vibes bordering on some sense of achievement.

bigsombrero 05-03-2015 07:21 PM

Wow, checking back in and seeing a milestone hit in the number of posts. Very cool! Hope Mex and Weas are feeling good about the tradition tonight.

Getting late in to a Sunday down here in the highlands of Guatemala. I was able to clean and prepare well for my houseguests who will be occupying my home for the next week. They are paying a nice price, and it's great to get back into the side biz of hosting tourists. They are here with a women's foundation of some sort, there's a big call to action down here this week, nice to see that kind of activity in the area.

As for me, I am holed up nicely in a comfy little quaint hotel room this evening in town. Tomorrow at first light I will breakfast, then hit the road for the western highlands in the truck. Solo adventure up to the volcanic lakes deep into the Mayan villages: Panajachel, Solola, San Pedro, Santa Cruz. Just a man, his truck, his backpack....and his WiFi connection. Bringin' the laptop so I can work from the deck over the lake and get paid while I'm there. Hee hee. Very happy to be fully alert on the cusp of this trip, there's not a chance in hell I could do this kind of thing without my most valued possession - sobriety.

Great to see you all again, may great adventures await all of you in sober-land this coming week. Ciao for now, as they say.

Ruby2 05-03-2015 07:33 PM

Wow BigS! You put it all in perspective. No way I could do half of what I do if I were still drinking. Not a chance.

Everyone in bed but me. And the cats. I'm headed that way soon myself. I bought some budget cold remedy and I'm regretting it because I've been unattractively mouth breathing all day and my nose is running. Sleep may be difficult. I miss nyquil. And no more budget dayquil.

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