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justinJustQuit 01-02-2014 10:45 AM

My wife canceled all of our plans. I skipped on seeing family this year to stay sober. It always sucks while you're going through it, but that next morning will always be heavenly.

Dee74 01-02-2014 01:48 PM

welcome back Autan - how did the meeting go?


Marcher13 01-02-2014 03:03 PM

Autan have a look in your posts at how may times you "told myself". Normal people, unlike us, don't have these long conversations with themselves about alcohol because they don't have an alcoholic voice (AV). You were not telling yourself, AV was telling your brain and AV is interested in nothing but the next drink.

autan 01-02-2014 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 4383422)
welcome back Autan - how did the meeting go?


Still sober. Very interesting meeting, learning how others have hit rock bottom and was told, everyone trips on the road to sobriety.

Feeling pretty good. Coming up to my first 24 hours, sober. No cravings, drinking jasmine tea. Reading everything I can on the site.

autan 01-02-2014 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by Marcher13 (Post 4383548)
Autan have a look in your posts at how may times you "told myself". Normal people, unlike us, don't have these long conversations with themselves about alcohol because they don't have an alcoholic voice (AV). You were not telling yourself, AV was telling your brain and AV is interested in nothing but the next drink.

So very true.

GLitz22 01-02-2014 04:18 PM

Loved your share. We are in the same boat. For the most part I can convince myself I can't drink, then out of nowhere somewhere my head says "just one". Enjoying day 2 of the next journey.

Serotonin 01-02-2014 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by ClearMind (Post 4382633)
Good luck, Autan. There is no moderation for people like us. Hang in there buddy! 2014 will be a great year if you do.

Great post.

autan 01-03-2014 06:31 AM

Made it to Day 2. No desire to drink. No AV yet. Thank you to everyone here at SR

KateL 01-03-2014 06:48 AM

Wonderful xxxxx

copperfield 01-03-2014 10:35 PM

Congrats Autan! I made it as well, though I did experience the AV I fought it and kept busy. Best for tomorrow and enjoy waking up sober!

autan 01-04-2014 03:20 PM

Day 3 Sober and already more positive than ever before.

GLitz22 01-04-2014 05:35 PM

5th day just starting over again for me. Keep it going. I know I want it more than anything.
The other night a friend of my daughter who doesn't know me tried to pour me a drink. My daughter said "he hasn't had a drink for 14 yrs he won't start now". I don't want to let her down, let alone my self. Some times I think if it was just me I wouldn't care; I'd just drink.

paralysedforce 01-04-2014 05:55 PM

Wow, saw a lot of my thinking in your conversations with yourself about drinking. Crazy how we can convince ourselves that it's under control, even as we're waking up hungover, day after day, just to do it all over again. Tired of that. Day 5 here. Let's do it!

autan 01-05-2014 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by paralysedforce (Post 4388139)
Wow, saw a lot of my thinking in your conversations with yourself about drinking. Crazy how we can convince ourselves that it's under control, even as we're waking up hungover, day after day, just to do it all over again. Tired of that. Day 5 here. Let's do it!

Yes lets do it. On day 4 and today has been easy, I keep waiting for the AV to start with its nonsense.

I just made myself a cup of tea with some lime in it and said to myself "Theres no f--k--g way I am drinking again".

I think I can do it this time. This time I want it more and more each day, because I have had the sobriety and relapsed and then missed being sober more than wanting to be drunk.

I think I beginning to realise what people mean at AA, when they say "Nothing is more precious than their sobriety".

I think their talking about not about some life changing event, which of course it is, but being able to do things, you just couldn't do when we were drinking. Its about going to bed and not hiding empty bottles, so people wont know how much if anything you have had to drink.
Waking up without feeling sick and not having a hangover means I can work hard tomorrow, working hard means making money, making money makes me happy.

In short, drinking was making me unhappy, so I drank more (Now thats crazy).

Looking forward to life.

GLitz22 01-05-2014 04:06 PM

Love your note to self. I need to see this every time I get the urge to drink.

GLitz22 01-05-2014 04:07 PM

Heading into day 6 & grateful for making it through day 5.

autan 01-05-2014 05:45 PM

With you there Glitz22

paralysedforce 01-06-2014 03:20 AM

Day 7 here, autan- hope your Day 5 is treating you well :) I'm also drinking a lot of tea!

GLitz22 01-06-2014 03:32 AM

Funny that paralysedforce, I am just having a lovely cup of Moroccan Mint Tea and enjoying my 6th day of "freedom".


paralysedforce 01-06-2014 04:21 AM

Congrats Glitz! I picked up lemon ginger and lavender honey teas this weekend. They are quite tasty.

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