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Nonsensical 12-01-2013 02:58 AM

Toast soldiers? Is that fancier than a side of toast, or the same thing?

After a couple of too short night's sleep Thursday and Friday, I got over 6 hours last night, so I am feeling rather chipper this morning. I want to work on my shed project today, but the Missus wants to go to a movie. I suspect we will compromise and go to a movie. :)

That's OK, she's put up with a lot from me over the years.

Another glorious day in Soberville. Hope you are all feeling it, too!

Fandy 12-01-2013 03:19 AM

weasey, you need to fill those new chairs and table with a bit of company?
i hope you get some social stuff going soon.
i am doing dinner today, my annual Thanksgiving Rerun with a stuffed turkey breast ( i buy hotel style, not boneless) and another round of bread pudding. i've been awake since 3am...ugh trouble sleeping all week, plus my kitten likes to wake me at all hours, licking my nose and being very gassy!
thankfully i am off both tomorrow and Friday from work.

mecanix 12-01-2013 03:36 AM

Toast soldiers are a side of toast buttered then cut into long slim columns (so they look like soldiers on parade) you then dip the soldier into your soft boiled egg yolk and hey presto life is a wonderful thing :)

Bestwishes, m

Weasel1966 12-01-2013 04:13 AM

Good morning!

Thanks for the support.

Fandy... Yes I do need to fill those chairs. I agree and this week I am starting to make a concerted effort to do just that. It's time. No more wearing black for what was. The mourning period will be passing the beginning of December and I should start to prepare for things.

Going to see catching fire today. The second of the hunger games movies. Said to be really good.

Smile today folks. I was down but I learned to just let it sit for a while and things will change. Sometimes I have to make them change. So... I am putting in the effort.


ClaireFraser 12-01-2013 05:18 AM

Woke up after a nice loooooonnnnggg sleep and things seem much better this morning than they did last night. It's so funny, but so true that everything seems better after a good night's sleep. Our financial situation isn't bad, but things are definitely tighter this year, due to my husband's business not having a particularly great year--my income has been the only stable thing and I tend to become angry, stressed, and resentful over that. And I need to stop. I recognize that he's trying to change that, but I'm just so good at getting myself worked up over things...particularly financial things. I suppose it's at least a start that I'm able to recognize it and try to change the thought, right?

At any rate, feeling much more in control this morning and am about to make buttermilk biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast, as my son has made a specific request. Then to yoga to burn off some of said breakfast, then to the grocery store and to pick out the tree to bring home and decorate. Looks to be a thoroughly enjoyable day. :-)

Ruby2 12-01-2013 05:36 AM

Mechanix you had some good words about Saturday. It is only one seventh of a week. I think that the extended weekend combined with holiday stress took a toll on people but it is Sunday. A new week.

Claire, I wholly understand what you are going through. I have the steady income as well and betted wrapped in anger and frustration. Mine comes from husband still actively using and spending a lot of money we don't have or can't afford on his substances of choice and then not recognizing or acknowledging to me that this is very stressful. Ah. One day at a time.

If I move quickly I can make an 8 a.m. meeting for myself. Too cold to move though. Brrr. Church later on, grocery shopping and laundry for the week. The usual stuff I should have done yesterday. Husband going to work after calling in hungover yesterday after his "this will be the last time, I promise." Reason I didn't sleep Friday. Will check in later.

Ruby2 12-01-2013 05:37 AM

"Remember to relax your body once in a while, i hunched my shoulders for the first 8 weeks of sobriety". Great advice mechanix. I constantly have to do this!

DoubleDragons 12-01-2013 06:43 AM

One of my yoga instructors makes a point of telling us to relax our mouths. Sometimes when I do that, it automatically makes me relax the rest of my body.

Things are very tense here. MIL has been here for about 6 days and everyone is on
everyone's nerves. Okay, DD, just breathe and relax your mouth . . . .

My family and I had our worst financial years from 2009-2012. We were inches away from bankruptcy. However, we held the faith, kept the course, and we are back to solvency and security and ridiculous amounts of credit card offers. If you are going to have problems, financial ones are the best to have because they can be rectified. Don't let financial issues rob you of the important things: your health, your serenity, your family, your marriage, your sense of adventure, etc. I am so grateful that those things all stayed intact for me, and now we are back in the black! Also, I like my kids better now that they understand the value of a dollar. It can be good for kids to realize that they have to sacrifice some of their wants sometimes for the greater good of their families!

Valll 12-01-2013 07:55 AM

Thank you to each and every one of you who post here.

This weekend thread is so inspiring...I always read here looking for tips to help my brother. He is so vulnerable at weekends. Lives alone now. Lost a lot over the years, wife, children - and as he comes from a family of 7 he is used to having warmth around him.

Ken and Mec you are just F.A.B.

LiaAc 12-01-2013 08:05 AM

Valll, you are awesome to be here for yourself and your brother.

Ruby2 12-01-2013 08:15 AM

Hi Valll, sorry about your brother. It is a hard time come weekends. But I too find the weekend thread inspiring. And so, well, normal. People doing normal things that normal people do all the time, without alcohol.

Made my meeting and am very glad I did. A friend of mine was there and I had the feeling today that she would be. I avoided her calls like the plague during my relapse. She is a bonus friend because she is not only in the program and is great support but she is a dual alcoholic/addict and can give me perspective on dealing with my husband who is also an alcoholic/addict who is actively using even though he is snarling that he is "sober" today. My friend has five years sober this week! Awesome.

Off to church. And check in here later.

kadidee 12-01-2013 09:36 AM

Weasel, I'm glad things are starting to look up. Moving is so hard, especially if it's to a place where you were a very different person the last time you were there. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I appreciate the honesty from folks like you and mecanix when you're having a bad day. It shows me that even as we get further along in sober time, situations that bring us down crop up, but we can choose healthy ways of coping.


endlesspatience 12-01-2013 10:13 AM

Good. I've made it through the weekend sober and without a cigarette. It's nearly over but I think i'll drag myself to a Sunday evening meeting of AA just to make sure i'm in a good place to start the week ahead.

Alysheba 12-01-2013 10:23 AM

I'm going to walk over to church in a little bit. Dealing with a lot of issues causing me anxiety. Ringing in sober and nicotine free for the rest of the weekend. Praying for all of you to be able to deal with challenges and making it sober!

kadidee 12-01-2013 01:23 PM

So I'm finally using my crockpot (I've had it for about 2 years but was too busy drinking). I had to wash it well to get all the dust off. Anyway, this is what I'm making:

Balsamic Pork Tenderloin

1 2-3 pound boneless pork tenderloin
1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
½ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon honey
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 cloves garlic, chopped

Place pork tenderloin into the insert of your slow cooker. In a 2-cup measuring cup, mix together all remaining ingredients. Pour over pork and set the timer for your slow cooker. (4 hours on High or 6-8 hours on Low)
Once pork tenderloin has cooked, remove from slow cooker with tongs into a serving dish. Break apart lightly with two forks and then ladle about ¼ – ½ cup of gravy over pork tenderloin.
Store remaining gravy in an airtight container in the refrigerator for another use.

Recipe by Cooking | Add a Pinch | Robyn Stone at Balsamic Pork Tenderloin Recipe - Cooking | Add a Pinch | Robyn Stone

Weasel1966 12-01-2013 01:46 PM

Valll... Glad you are here as well! This is where is all started for me. A weekend thread. When I made it through my first I was amazed.

kadi.... That recipe sounds tasty!

Yeah this move has been a lot. But at the same time a big release. Jury is still out on how to handle the day to day but I am just letting it level out on its own. Can't rush richness... Lol


soberclover 12-01-2013 02:44 PM

Staying sober strong as so many others are doing now too...watching Polar Express while my son and his girlfriend are in the kitchen cooking dinner from the cookbook she gave him for his birthday. Good thing his cooking skills are way ahead of mine!!

Busy week ahead for me but I've learned that I can do this with much more ease as I am sober

Nonsensical 12-01-2013 03:08 PM

Wrapping up a loooooong sober weekend. :)

Just a little vent...
My father-in-law is here. He is an active alcoholic with no intention of stopping. He drinks 2-3 bottles of red wine a day when he is around us. I have no idea how much he drinks when he is home,but I suspect it is more. I've seen the empty half gallons of cheap vodka in his kitchen. I suspect that he ratchets down when he is around family because he is trying to keep the 'feedback' to a minimum. He's been confronted numerous times in the past.

He was stunned his first night here when he asked where my bourbon was and I told him I didn't have any. We visited him back in the spring and I didn't drink then, but didn't elaborate as to why. I think he is figuring it out. :)

He cracks me up how he goes about his drinking. He starts right at 5 p.m. with an announcement, "I think I'm going to try a little of that Italian Pinot. Anyone else want to try that?" It's always presented like it's a special tasting. "I think if I buy this one again I will let it age for another year or two before opening it." He's not getting a buzz on, he's having a cultural event. :lmao

My wife has been having a few glasses a night with him. She likes wine and it's not a problem for her. She has been abstaining along with me, though, so she is just taking advantage of the opportunity since its in the house anyway.

I'm alright with it, but the constant exposure is stimulating my AV. "Sneak one of those bottles into the shop for later." "Drain that unattended glass." My AV isn't nearly as classy as my father-in-law's, I guess. :)

Tuesday he leaves. That's the danger zone for me, based on past experience. I need to make sure I don't come home from work Tuesday and find some leftovers in the wine rack. I go to AA meetings from time to time. Tuesday evening might be a good time for one.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Let's make it a good week, too!

cascademn 12-01-2013 04:12 PM

** ring ring ** Weekenders,
Was insanely busy this weekend, which was good. Kept me out of trouble. Did see "Girl on Fire" Saturday. Really liked it. Is it OK for a 43 you man to like that series so much? lol. Ended up spending most of the day today helping my x out with stuff at her house. It's ok, but I need to find a way to set some boundaries there. Have to makes sure I take care of my place too. Ugh, but I mortally fear confrontation.

Ken, sorry you are feeling low. It's a crazy time of year. Lots of ghosts in the air. Let's plow through it together. Deal?

Peace to everyone struggling out there. I think no other time of year better illustrates the "one day at a time" maxim.

Your Pal,

Fandy 12-01-2013 04:29 PM

I successfully murdered the mouse that was in my kitchen...caught him in a glue trip with a dollop of low fat skippy peanut butter....did I mention that I have 4 large cats who are sleeping in the baskets and bed and one curious kitten? and a dog too!

I confess I shriek like a banshee and smothered the thing in paper towels and a plastic grocery hands are shaking and if there were any bourbon in this house I would take a shot for my "nerves"...all I have is one lonely stella beer that I save for my son in law.

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