SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information

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Dee74 05-08-2012 08:51 PM

I'm sorry all that happened flickedhisbic but I hope you had a happy birthday today - its good to see you back.

It's good to see you back too alaska :)


flickedhisbic 05-08-2012 09:24 PM

Thanks :) It hasn't been too bad. I had a final that I did pretty well on and it's mainly just been quiet.

thesun 05-09-2012 03:33 AM

Welcome to the new people, this is a great class.

Well done FrenchPink for not buying cigarettes. I'm on day 4 of sobriety.

Fdm 05-09-2012 04:42 AM

Almost felt a little bit of euphoria this morning. I walked a mile or so instead of driving on an inspection yesterday and instead of drinking, I mowed the lawn, grilled chicken, and did laundry and vacuumed. Slept well, woke up clear headed and proud.

FrenchPink 05-09-2012 05:00 AM

Good morning, boaters. A hearty welcome to all of our new members. Committing to sobriety is one of the best life-changing victories you'll ever experience.

Congrats to all celebrating another sober day and to those resolving to make today their quit day. Today, I'm still drink-free and smoke-free, yay! Hey, Rory, no nervous breakdowns or electro-shock therapy...yet. :)

brdlvr 05-09-2012 05:39 AM

Hi classmates --

Day 3 for me. Starting to feel little better, but the upcoming weekend has me feeling little nervous (I'm a weekender). That and damn if it seems that to one degree or another everyone drinks ( I know, go to AA - and see not everyone does), but dang, you log on fb and there is plenty of comments about drinking - and not just problem drinking. Posts of picutures of alcoholic beverages, posts about drinking on the weekend, posts of jokes about wine etc. I'm starting to feel the pour me..I'm going to be an outcast not drinking

Livinday2day 05-09-2012 05:59 AM

Originally Posted by brdlvr (Post 3395190)
Hi classmates --

Day 3 for me. Starting to feel little better, but the upcoming weekend has me feeling little nervous (I'm a weekender). That and damn if it seems that to one degree or another everyone drinks ( I know, go to AA - and see not everyone does), but dang, you log on fb and there is plenty of comments about drinking - and not just problem drinking. Posts of picutures of alcoholic beverages, posts about drinking on the weekend, posts of jokes about wine etc. I'm starting to feel the pour me..I'm going to be an outcast not drinking

Good for you brdlvr, hang in there. if you think you're feeling better now wait till you see how you feel after another week. I'd suggest you might want to stay away from fb for a while, sounds like it's having a negative impact on you right now. As for your comment about feeling like an outcast don't worry. I found the people I was hanging around were my friends but I now realize that they were just people to hang around who had the same problem as me therefore couldn't judge as me as being alcoholic. Hope that makes sense. If you follow through with this you will find new people to hang with who will become true friends.

thesun 05-09-2012 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by brdlvr (Post 3395190)
Hi classmates --

Day 3 for me. Starting to feel little better, but the upcoming weekend has me feeling little nervous (I'm a weekender). That and damn if it seems that to one degree or another everyone drinks ( I know, go to AA - and see not everyone does), but dang, you log on fb and there is plenty of comments about drinking - and not just problem drinking. Posts of picutures of alcoholic beverages, posts about drinking on the weekend, posts of jokes about wine etc. I'm starting to feel the pour me..I'm going to be an outcast not drinking

Don't feel like an outcast. Think as yourself one step ahead of the game, most people (well people i know) are on a slippery slope and for them their drinking is only going to increase. Be pleased to get out of the cycle before it was too late. I also find fb a very warped view of reallity. People rarely post the negative effects drinking is having on their lives.

Well done for making day 3. Like you weekends were the hotspot for my previous binges, i just need to refuse to go out to places that i think may be a problem for a while. Luckily I live out of town so I have to drive or be drove into town to drink, slightly more work than just strolling into town.

Livinday2day 05-09-2012 06:17 AM

Well, I'm well into day 9, and felling very optomistic. Went to my 9th straight meeting last night and am hoping to complete the 90 days, 90 meetings. A couple interesting things happened yesterday that I thought I'd share. Firstly, I was getting ready for work this morning and as i'm planning on golfing this afternoon I thought, maybe I'll just have one beer with the guys when I'm done. Immediately I started praying "Lord, You have really been helping me these last few days in my efforts and I pray You will help me resist the temptations that I will face in the future. No biggie as I've been trying this praying thing for a few days, until it dawned on me that before this I'd say to myself OK, the Big Book says you should pray so here we go..............but this happened without any thought! Pretty cool.

The other thing was I gave a co-worker a ride home and when I dropped him off at his house he asked me if I wanted to come in for a beer. Without a thought I replied, no I'll pass today. Interesting, as that's been my thinking since day 1, take it one day at a time. Looks like the AA meetings are starting to sink in.

thesun 05-09-2012 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by Fdm (Post 3395147)
Almost felt a little bit of euphoria this morning. I walked a mile or so instead of driving on an inspection yesterday and instead of drinking, I mowed the lawn, grilled chicken, and did laundry and vacuumed. Slept well, woke up clear headed and proud.

It's a satisfying feeling isn't it FDM, well done.

thesun 05-09-2012 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by Livinday2day (Post 3395224)
Well, I'm well into day 9, and felling very optomistic. Went to my 9th straight meeting last night and am hoping to complete the 90 days, 90 meetings. A couple interesting things happened yesterday that I thought I'd share. Firstly, I was getting ready for work this morning and as i'm planning on golfing this afternoon I thought, maybe I'll just have one beer with the guys when I'm done. Immediately I started praying "Lord, You have really been helping me these last few days in my efforts and I pray You will help me resist the temptations that I will face in the future. No biggie as I've been trying this praying thing for a few days, until it dawned on me that before this I'd say to myself OK, the Big Book says you should pray so here we go..............but this happened without any thought! Pretty cool.

The other thing was I gave a co-worker a ride home and when I dropped him off at his house he asked me if I wanted to come in for a beer. Without a thought I replied, no I'll pass today. Interesting, as that's been my thinking since day 1, take it one day at a time. Looks like the AA meetings are starting to sink in.

Well done on 9 meetings in 9 days, you are showing true dedication to your sobriety. Nice work in passing up an opportunity to drink.

cheeto 05-09-2012 07:44 AM

Day 8 here and feeling better.No more feeling hungover every morning and dreading getting up which was after 10AM.I am up as early as 7AM and head out for my power walk first thing and even before my morning coffee now.Feeling good and I can remember what I did last night too.:c029:
Hope you all have a great day!
hugs xoxox

aloneinthis 05-09-2012 08:12 AM

Day 6 here and headed to work. I will not be buying a six pack to bring home with me as a reward for making it through another day of work, which is what I would normally do on Wednesdays.

We can all do this today...

Livinday2day 05-09-2012 08:22 AM

Well done Cheeto & Aloneinthis. So glad I found this site, it's posts like these that inspire me to try as hard as I can to continue on the road to recovery.

BoozeFree 05-09-2012 10:21 AM

Hi guys just checkin in really quick. Day 6 and full of energy today. Will catch up on posts after work.

Hooped 05-09-2012 10:34 AM

Day 3 here and getting myself back on track.
Had almost 8 months in before traumatic life events sent me over the deep end and led to a relapse.
Set up an appointment with an addiction counsellor who has been a great help to me in the past.
Also going to 2 AA meetings this coming weekend.
Life is so much better sober.
All we really have to do is NOT take that first drink
Hang in everybody.
It's worth it.
..You're worth it!

HarpoMarx 05-09-2012 01:20 PM

May 9, 2012 - Day One
This is just what I needed today, so thank the person who started this thread and thanks to everyone who posted. I was 2 years sober and then fell into a few relapses that have simply become too frequent, and I know I MUST summon all of my willpower to say no to that duplicitous voice inside my head that tells me how wonderful it is to drink. Because we all know that it's not - at least not for us. I have friends who ask me why I can't just have a couple drinks, and I tell them, because I simply cannot. I drink until I pass out, plain and frekkin simple. Whether some of them are true friends is a decision I need to make in the near future because some of them bring out the worst in me.

No more.

We have lives not just to live, but to lead, and I cannot lead when I'm frekked up. So, I, we, must take a stand. Whether your stand happened 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago, I wish all of us godspeed. We will all do this, even if we fall a few times, if we stick together.


thesun 05-09-2012 01:24 PM

Welcome Harpo, well done for giving up the alcohol. This really is a great place, which offers so much support.

Dee74 05-09-2012 01:50 PM

welcome to SR Harpo :)


roosta 05-09-2012 02:54 PM

Day 6 :)

Today was tough, that little voice that says its ok to drink was ever present today. Instead of beating it into submission, (lol) I acknowledged its presence and silently said "no thank you, not today." It worked well for being such a simple phrase.

Off to give the dog a bath...I left myself some work to get done tonight that I enjoy so the boredom monster won't come looking for me. Have a great evening everyone!


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