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12skiptomylue 04-13-2012 01:06 PM

Where's the Happy??
I keep hearing newly sober people on here saying, "I feel so much better!" "I wake up refreshed in the morning". "I love being sober!".

And then there's me.

I feel like a f-ing person-sized raw nerve. I cry ALL THE TIME. I go from feeling fine to feeling super depressed. I'm obsessive. I'm angry and irritable. I'm exhausted ALL THE TIME. And then I have little blips of "this isn't so bad", and feeling VERY thankful for all of the support and care I am receiving in AA.

I just don't know what's wrong with me! Why am I not happy like the rest of the freaking sober people??

Anna 04-13-2012 01:09 PM

I think it depends on how much inside work you need to do.

I had a lot of guilt to work through so I felt much, much better, but it took awhile for 'happy' to settle in. :)

Hevyn 04-13-2012 01:14 PM

12skip - I felt like that for a few months, honestly. Every day was a little bit better than the last, though. Those blips of 'this isn't so bad' eventually took over, and I began to come out into the sun again.

Don't lose patience with yourself - you are healing. Everyone recovers at a different rate. I predict one day in the not too distant future, you'll wake up feeling fantastic.

stepping 04-13-2012 01:20 PM

skip - hang in there. we didn't turn into alcoholics over night so we dirn sure arent gonna feel better over night.

I can totally relate to you.

Just know life wasnt getting any better while we were drinking so we might as well try out this sober bit just to see what it holds in store for us. I got a feeling itll only get better.

Huge hug and thanks for the post.

Makes me feel good to know I am not alone! & you are not either!!!

Let's scream!!!!!! :::::::: :react

soberlicious 04-13-2012 01:27 PM

Yeah don't compare yourself and your journey to others...just keep walking your path. Your body and your mind are healing from the effects of a huge toxin. Hang in and keep moving forward, never back.

Dee74 04-13-2012 01:33 PM

Hi Skip - sorry you're down.

I'm not sure what posts you've been reading, but I think the majority of us would say the first 90 days are full of ups and downs?

It actually took me a while to feel happy - I had a lot of work to do....

Try and not measure yourself against others skip - this is your journey...there's probably no journey so uniquely yours as the recovery one...:)

Whats your support network like? lean on them...and keep moving forward :)


doggonecarl 04-13-2012 01:38 PM

Skip, it's the addicition that isn't happy. Next it will be telling you that you might as well drink. I say let it suffer without the booze like it made you suffer with it.

sugarbear1 04-13-2012 02:15 PM

Are you working a program of recovery or just attending meetings? The solution is in working the steps with someone who works the steps into their lives. Get phone numbers and call people, read the literature, do service work, reach out to the newcomer, work the steps!

You are on your way to that happiness. Hang in there! Stay strong and stay stopped, it gets better!

CaiHong 04-13-2012 02:17 PM

I used to wonder that at the beginning and thought people were exaggerating.

Happy sober people who were living amazing peaceful lives. But it has turned out true for me and no one is more surprised than me.

I did have a spiritual awakening and this certainly turned things around a lot. Time is also time is a great healer and my body needed to be rid of the alcohol completely and this can take quite a few months

Hang in there


12skiptomylue 04-13-2012 02:22 PM

Thank you all for your kind words, and not making me feel like a freak. I want to respond to a couple questions.

Yes, I am working the steps, not just attending the meetings. I speak in meetings. I meet with my sponsor regularly. I call the phone numbers on the list, even though it is SOOOO hard to do. I go to meetings even when I don't feel like going. I'm still on step one, but that has been a doozy for me. But, I don't want to just power thru the steps. I want to really mean them. I want them to become my truth. So, I keep wrestling with my brain and my heart and my emotions....but I'm confident I will get to step two.

OMG stepping. I lol to the little screaming guy. That is EXACTLY where I am some days. And it's true, neither of us are all alone.

Dee, I am still trying to "get" the whole, stop compairing my experience to others. Look for the similarities and not the differences. That should be a 13th step, I think because it is freaking HARD!

I'm hanging in there, and just trying to be with myself and my craziness right now. This too shall pass. Someday.

DisplacedGRITS 04-13-2012 02:30 PM

Are you seeing a therapist, 12skip? I found that i honestly needed a therapist, a psych and medication to get myself under control and even have a chance at sobriety. If i stay on my meds (i treat them like vitamins) i find that i'm way more stable and able to stay sober. You may need more help than AA alone may offer.

Dee74 04-13-2012 02:30 PM

ok, I think you're hard at work right now Skip :)

once you set out what you want to do, I think you'll step back a little, smell the flowers a bit more and then...I think you'll realise like I did, not only that that you're happy...but you deserve to be :)

I hope so anyway :)


Sometime 04-13-2012 02:35 PM

I think if these feelings are really bothering you see a Doctor and be honest.

I've got to say, I'm on day 46 and I still don't get the thing about feeling so great in the morning, I don't, but I'll still avoid drink...

Like others have said, sobriety is still the best path. :)

stepping 04-13-2012 02:35 PM

LOL skip! That little screaming guy is so cute!! He is EXACTLY where I am today (and most days). You are not alone..I am here for ya anytime you need to vent. I am only on day 13.....I have more bad days than good days ugh! But when I was drinking every day was a bad day! Hang onto those slight moments of "this isn't so bad" and let's hope one day we wake up with that outlook all day long :)

OCDDan 04-13-2012 03:16 PM

ya gettin a little exercise Skip? even taking a little walk helps me sometimes.

langkah 04-13-2012 03:18 PM

Digging into the first step and understanding a little more of what you've been fighting not to recognize means you're digesting some seriously bad news. You'd need to be nuts to be happy about things like that.

Down the road you'll be grateful you didn't remain ignorant, but that's for later on.

Pigtails 04-13-2012 03:22 PM

Hi Skip. During early sobriety I was allllll over the place. I felt depressed, anxious, tired... it took awhile but now I feel so much more balanced and happy. :) Just stay sober and keep working your program and I think it will happen for you too!! All the best.

gr8fl2aa 04-13-2012 03:39 PM

Step one was easy for me, there was no question in my mind.

One step of only twelve, they all have their challenges.

Remember that we deal with whatever it was we are dealing with, and it is cunning, baffling and powerful. It can and will use those feelings of unhappiness to get you back in that saddle again.

It does get better, the promises can and do come true.

“If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us — sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.”

Page 83-84 Alcoholics Anonymous~
You are probably right where you need to be.

I'm praying for you, and I know you can find the happiness. :c011:

fuzzy1 04-13-2012 04:15 PM

You should have seen me during my first year :-). It was just awwwwwul. Good we don't have to go through this twice. This too shall pass.

hope73 04-13-2012 04:26 PM

Hi all, I am new to the forum, and was going to basically post the exact same thing as skip...I am 19 days sober from alcohol and prescription meds. I had a couple of really good days this week, but yesterday and today were just depressing and awful...I feel like I am going backwards and not forward. Glad to be on this forum. Glad I am not alone with the depression. (Though I wouldn't wish it on my enemy)
My boyfriend got clean over a year ago, and he didn't have the depression I am having...

stepping 04-13-2012 05:37 PM

Hi hope :) Maybe post to the newcomers board so you can get some better attention/responses.

Hang in there and stick around and post'll help you, hope. Glad you are here! :)

2granddaughters 04-13-2012 08:14 PM

12skip, don't quit just before the miracle happens.

Keep coming, it gets better.

Bob R

neferkamichael 04-13-2012 08:29 PM

What's wrong with you? You're a recovering alcoholic, that's whats right with you. You spent 1000's and 1000,s of hours being and alcoholic, and now you must spend 1000's and 1000's of hours being sober. It gets better as the days go by, it really does. :Flower:

eJoshua 04-13-2012 09:52 PM

Honestly? I didn't start to feel better until 8-10 months in. Even now, there are bad days and good days. There were no sunshines and rainbows when I got sober, but things slowly got better over time.

lydiebreeze 05-31-2012 11:27 AM


aeo1313 05-31-2012 12:18 PM

Thanks for posting this. I am on day 30 and not real thrilled with life right now. I am doing what I am supposed to be doing and I will have good moments, but also really crappy ones. I don't work in the summer and am trying to stay busy because boredom is the death of me. I am definately restless and irritable today.

ru12 05-31-2012 02:12 PM

When I got sober I didn't get happy. What I did get was the capacity to become happy. I had no chance at that as a practicing drunk. I had a lot of damage to repair from my drinking life and it sure wasn't pleasant examining that and putting it to right.

Perhaps you shouldn't fear getting through the steps. If it were me I'd work them like my hair was on fire. You can never work them perfectly and you can do them again at a future date. I would get on with it and see if you get the lifting of the obsession that the BB talks about.

I will tell you, it gets better. Slowly, in my case, but better.

steelmagnolia 05-31-2012 02:16 PM

One of my fav lines from "0 Brother where art thou" is when they are headed to the homestead place and all hell is breaking loose...Delmer says..."where's the happy little tire swing"! I do believe that ignorance can be bliss! And, today I'm trying to not be too smart for my own breeches. I am happier than I have ever been! Good love, mags

OneLessLonely 05-31-2012 03:55 PM

I do not wake up every morning and **** rainbows and lolly pops by any stretch, but waking up not hungover, and not anxious, and not regretful is enough of an improvement for me right now. I still have to get up and go to work and pay bills and deal with all the crap I normally do, but I try at being grateful that I get the opportunity to be doing it with a clearer head. People did not miraculously stop cutting me off in traffic, or stop telling me what to do at work, but since I've taken drinking off the table as a remedy to these annoyances, I'm no longer constantly thinking about how much alcohol/mixer I have at home, which liquor store I went to most recently, how many drinks I can get in before hubby gets home. I make myself see these things as "refreshing" and that is satisfying enough for me for now. If I try hard, I can see that I have not become a millionaire, or lost 30 lbs, or turned into the perfect person, but that's depressing so I choose/force myself to focus on those little positive accomplishments and turn them into big positives for myself. Keep yourself focusing on the fact that you are doing something positive for your life and for your body, and being grateful for your support. I hope you can take something from this message and that I didn't sound too preachy or anything. :)

OneLessLonely 05-31-2012 03:57 PM

Oh geez, I didn't realize I used a word that would censored, sorry!

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