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sissy07 05-31-2012 05:02 PM

Someone years ago told me this in AA, and it has stuck: "Don't compare your insides to other people's outsides". Just because someone is walking around with a smile on their face or putting their best foot forward doesn't mean that they aren't having problems, or are totally happy. I hope they are, but I am sure everyone gets down sometimes, just like all of us do. I know that sometimes I act happier than I am at work or wherever....not because I mean to be phony, just that I think that I should try to be positive, and sometimes acting happy makes me feel happy. (one of the most upset people that I know has a stellar facebook page, and you would never guess she feels badly most of the time)

There is nothing wrong with being a little somber, especially when you are working on sobriety! I am, and I think that it is entirely appropriate. I think anyone with a lick of sense will find this modern day world a little depressing at times, add to that trying to be sober, and, well..... Allow yourself to roll with the punches, and just realize that more than likely everything or everyone is not how it appears. It will get better. Promise. Take care.

Endofline 05-31-2012 05:43 PM

Skip I'm not the aloloic but rather the Codie that's trying to recover. And I have to tell you I feel the same way as you do. I'm depressed tired sometimes I have terrible anxiety feel irritant no patience and certainly nothing really makes me feel happy anymore. So your not alone I guess we have to just keep moving forward everyday and hope that one day we will feel true peace and happiness

StevenT 05-31-2012 05:52 PM

Happiness is an attitude, which is contingent on our perspective of the circumstances around us. Changing your perspective will change your attitude. No, it isn't easy. There are plenty of times where I fail to be happy because of negativity I let get to me. This is where a gratitude list really helps. I'm a firm believer that if you're around negativity, if you internalize negative things, then you will be negative. If you're around positivity, if you internalize positive things, then you will be positive. I'm not sure if this will help anyone, but sometimes it helps me. Other times it pisses me right the ... off :P But that's ok too, as long as I don't pick up or act out on the feelings I'm going through. Don't forget HALT - Hungry, angry, lonely or tired means halt and do your best to take care of it.

tomsteve 05-31-2012 06:07 PM

it might sound cruel, but i am glad yer feeling like you do. yes, people come in and get on a pink cloud. then a shoe lace breaks.
i was extremely miserable for quite some time, prolly about the first 3 months. it was a blessing in disguise. it meant i wasnt still trying to stuff everything and pretend there was nothing wrong with me. it was when i knew alcohol was but a symptom and i wasnt denying it. i was extremely screwed up mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
i had SERIOUS peaks and valleys for them first 3 months. as i was doin the 4th step, everything stared making sense and i learned a LOT about what makes me tick. then as i continued on the step and started practicing the principles in all my affairs, the peaks and valleys started to get closer( i dont really want em to level out in a straight line. thats how i was when i was drinkin).

today, my past is a valuable posession and them first 3 months i dont want to ever forget.

And then I have little blips of "this isn't so bad",

this sounds like progress!!!
keep goin back!!! the miracle WILL happen!!!

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