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DisplacedGRITS 08-07-2011 12:04 AM

Hello fellow August friends! Hope everyone has a great Sunday. My butt and thighs are still sore from Tactical laser tag on Friday and my knees look like someone went all Tanya Harding on me. Still worth it! I wanted to go hiking this afternoon but my husband's back is still out of sack from the game. Take care everyone and have a sober and fun day everyone.

coffeespoons 08-07-2011 12:12 AM

Thanks for the welcome guys!

Cleareyes, that convo with your hubby sounds really powerful. Great job opening up and being honest with him AND yourself about everything! I hope your BIL is a huge help

Ginger, how did the festival go? That sounds so fun.

I'm on day 11 now! Went to a bachelorette party and bday party at a baseball stadium and did not drink, those are huge triggers. I'm not overconfident though...I've always been the type to not drink for weeks at a time, only to binge way too hard once or twice per month. By the time I quit a few weeks ago it was like playing Russian roulette with blacking out whenever I DID drink. There was about a 1 in 3 chance I'd black out if given the right drinking environment! Such a terrible feeling.

Anyways, happy early Sunday everyone :)

Piotr 08-07-2011 12:19 AM

Starting day 2.

After a bad night of trying to fall asleep and sweating a lot I woke up a bit tired but no hangover.

Weather is nice so going for another hopefully longer walk.

Envy you running - I used to and it was the best power booster ever - I had to stop due to a foot and knee injury, now I'm way overweight to try.

But I want to start rollerblading again - just have to build up my physical shape

alaskasunshine 08-07-2011 01:35 AM

Try, try again
Well here goes, day one. August 7th. :whoop:whoop

alaskasunshine 08-07-2011 01:39 AM

Originally Posted by Piotr (Post 3062571)
Starting day 2.

After a bad night of trying to fall asleep and sweating a lot I woke up a bit tired but no hangover.

Ohhh, I am right there with you. Last night was awful..tossing and turning, my stomach in "knots, sweating.. Tonight will be better, it always is. Damn why do I keep putting myself through this? UGH. Lord, help me to never forget!!

Hooped 08-07-2011 02:14 AM

Day 6 coming up.
Hangover free.. and looking forward to enjoying every minute of this day.

laana 08-07-2011 04:55 AM

Hi all,
I'm also joining you! Day 2 for me today!!
Way to go everyone!!!!!!

aidadeb 08-07-2011 05:21 AM

Hi Everyone,
I am on day 13 so I didn't make it into the July group. Would like to join the August group. I am feeling really good, after coming off a 5 day horrible binge and detox. I have been really lucky that I am not craving alcohol. I have been keeping busy which really helps. I even went to a bar on Thursday and Friday with a friend for dinner. She drank...I didn't and it didn't even bother me. Maybe there is hope for me. Thanks everyone on SR...I couldn't have done this without all of you. Good luck to everyone!!!!!:whoop

DisplacedGRITS 08-07-2011 06:16 AM

Hey Alaskasunshine! Welcome to the August crew. Good luck and I hope the next few days aren't too rough on ya. Heck, if it wasn't for withdraws, relapse would be an even bigger problem.

Really4Real 08-07-2011 06:18 AM

Happy Sober Sunday, Augustians!

GT - Good job on the bike ride, instead of giving in to festival activities! Welcome to day 3!

IWMB - Welcome back! Of course you are welcome here... so come on in and join the fun! Day 7 today for both of us -- YEA!!

Amanda - Welcome! Yep, so easy to gain weight when we're drinking - I did the same thing... although it only took my six weeks to gain 15 pounds :gaah Glad the bottle was dry ;)

Amy.. Thanks for checking in.

DG - LaserTag is really fun - you talking one of those indoor places or something else? Glad you got some 'playtime' though... that's important!

CS - Congrats on Day 11!

Piotr - Sorry about the sleeplessness and sweats... they should subside in the next few days. The body just has to adjust to not having the toxins inside! I wish I could rollerblade...had a pair, just couldn't get used to them... heck, I can't even rollerskate very well!

Alaska - So glad you're trying again.... been there too. This time, I'm not turning back!

Hope things are going well today Stevie, Suresh and everyone else!!!

Everything that alcohol did for us was just a smokescreen for what it really did to us.
Let's stay sober together today! We WILL beat this! We WILL live sober - for today!

Really4Real 08-07-2011 06:23 AM

Shoot.... didn't see this page :)

Congrats on getting to day 6, Hooped!

Welcome LN! Glad to have you here with us.....

And welcome to you Aidadeb - the more the merrier.... but you can still join the July if you want... no time limit ;) Actually, I still post there, too because that was one of the couple stops I made in my sobriety, before putting the last halt to the drinking this month.... third times the charm for me on SR!

DisplacedGRITS 08-07-2011 06:43 AM

Really4Real- yeah, it was an indoor facility. Not pitch black like other places but it had 3 or 4 levels and major obsiticals to move around and utilize. I spent most of my time crawling around in a basement crawlspace sniping people, hence the bruised knees! They rsn several games per session like capture the flag and one where teams had to escort a VIP to a check point past the opposing team. So much fun!

I'm officially in double digets now! I found a small amount of vodka that I'd squirreled away of Friday. I smelled it, gagged and dumped it. Felt strange but so good.

prayforstrength 08-07-2011 07:02 AM

Yay!! Made it through my first Saturday sober! Tough to do with the hubby throwin' back beers all day. At the end of the day, it just reminded me why I need to do this. I cooked all day and scrubbed my kitchen tile grout with comet and a toothbrush - now that'll keep ya busy!! Got more salads in the fridge than I know what to do with!! Also, I started a good book - it keeps that damned voice at bay! I actually look forward to reading as opposed to having a drink. Anyhoo, I'm calling this day 2 again what with my slip up and all. Feeling positive and today, again, I WILL NOT DRINK. All the best to all of you - I am SO thankful to have found SR - I feel like I have comrades in this madness. R4R and Dee - thanks for your continued support for all of us here and sharing your journey with us also. You are all such great people - Fight the good fight everyone!! Happy Sober Sunday.

Piotr 08-07-2011 07:19 AM

Really4Real -
My body has to adjust for a longer time - unfortunately. In may I had 6 weeks of being clean - night sweats lasted about 2 weeks; sleeping problems just changed - started wakeing up at 6am. I didn't want to take sleeping pills - but this time maybe I will.

Rollerblading is a lot like iceskating - only you are not limited to going around an ice rink and they require a lot more energy.

Had a nice long walk today - even though it rained at the end - but I managed to catch a bus home.

Trying to get my courage up for tomorrow to call the therapy center if I can join again and finally going to my first AA meeting.

amandaw 08-07-2011 07:51 AM

Prayforstrength - I envy your strength with your husband drinking. I'm so happy mine doesn't. If he drank it would be a green light for me. I'm so happy for you to have the ability to say no!

really 4 real - I weighed myself today - and 1 pound gone. HAHA. We'll just see how quickly the other 9 come off. I'm really trying to just focus on quitting drinking, but I can't stop myself from thinking about diet and exercise. Is it healthy to tackle all these behaviors at once? It seems like exercise comes naturally with all the extra time I have, but I don't want to be too restrictive with my diet.

Ok, here goes day 3! My husband will be home tonight, making it easier for me. I'm taking my daughter to a splash park in a few hours which will be a nice distraction! Other than that, grocery shopping and laundry! My life is so glamorous!

stevie88 08-07-2011 08:18 AM

Ok so today is my last day of tapering down,should only have 4 beers and that is gonna be tough as usually 4 beers wouldnt last me 5 minites....Oh well either way cold turkey tomorow,this time is for real.....Once again many thanks guys,you lot are a rock....

Suresh 08-07-2011 08:20 AM

Day 6 coming to an end for me all sober, looking forward for day 7, its gonna be a week real soon! yay!!

stevie88 08-07-2011 08:39 AM

Good work suresh....very well done...

PREGHOPEFUL 08-07-2011 09:42 AM

Not sure what's going on over here. On day 6 and doing great. Was up at 6:30 this morning - went grocery shopping at 7am when store opened. I've NEVER done that on a sunday! Feel great though - went to a bday last night and husband had a couple beer as did others and I didn't even want it! Just had my sparkling juice I brought and had a great visit.

Friday night went to a girls movie night - was weird not drinking there. Especially when they'd had their couple bottles of wine and were getting goofy. I left shortly after. Was kinda different being frustrated and thinking how silly they sounded!

Just checking in - have a great Sunday everyone!

alaskasunshine 08-07-2011 10:21 AM

i broke down and had two shots of rum yesterday, so i guess today is day one. I feel good. Plan on attending my home group's meeting today. At the moment I do not have any cravings or thoughts of drinking. Am sincerely hoping and praying that continues.

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