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sarah1414 08-04-2011 07:07 AM

I'm in too. I love the July class (wonderful people!) so I'll still post there, but I slipped up for the last time. Today is day 2 for me. I no longer drink. Hate the stuff. Despise it. Good-bye Enemy; I used to consider it an ol' friend, but a friend doesn't desire misery for you.

So good to see you all here. Glad were in this together!

Suresh 08-04-2011 07:17 AM

As they say, strength grows in numbers! we can do it!!

amy55 08-04-2011 07:49 AM

Hi Everyone,

Day 3 for me.

Day 1, poured out my remaining 6 beers, stayed home, isolated myself, didn't want to get in car that has automatic pilot to the beer store. No sleep at all the first night, even though I stayed in bed for 10 hours.

Day 2, stayed home again. Did a little cleaning, did force myself to eat some fish. Had dry heaves, drank plenty of water, got about 2 hours of sleep, with a nightmare that starred my ex.

Day 3, Still resolved to do this. Don't have cravings for beer. Still a little jumpy, but also realized that I have felt like this for several weeks, and the beer wasn't making it go away. What will make it go away to to try to make the "barn" that I live in, liveable before the winter. Today, I will be calling contractors to get this going.

I need to start living again

prayforstrength 08-04-2011 08:05 AM

Day 4 here...first attempt to quit. I must say, first three days I was a little shaky, ACHY, sweaty and anxious. Today, I feel like a million bucks!! Not to get all religulous here, but I did ask the man upstairs for some help, and I feel Him with me!! Last night, however, after receiving some good news at work, I had to fight all my urges to "celebrate" with a drink. Difficult, but accomplished! All the best to everyone here!!

Really4Real 08-04-2011 08:11 AM

Great Suresh - have a great night!

Stevie - No apologies needed.... and I commend you wanting to detox on your own. If you don't have anyone to keep an eye on you.... please watch yourself and the first sign of serious trouble - get to the hospital, k? You really can beat this.... starting with that self-talk ;) You obviously want help - or you wouldn't be logging in and talking.... keep at it, friend.

EE - Welcome and glad your partner is supportive. It's totally possible to live without it and still have fun :)

Hi Sarah!! We're in this together, right.... not going to slip up today... right? Just for today!

Any -- Welcome to you also --- Life is Good! Alcohol is Death!

Really4Real 08-04-2011 08:12 AM

You snuck in PFS -- hi! If you ask, He'll be with you.... all through it ;) We still have to fight though...

prayforstrength 08-04-2011 08:13 AM

PS: My hubby, also a heavy drinker, told me "oh just go ahead and get some jager, you can have a couple shots to celebrate"..."the real test is having your preferred alcohol in the house to see if you can resist it" said he. I am so glad I didn't cave. He drinks beer, which I can't stand, so thankfully his beer is not tempting. I am hoping to be an example for him. Fingers crossed :)

SindyLuhu 08-04-2011 08:17 AM

I had a wonderful relationship with a french man. His name was Sauvignon Blanc. He became too controlling. So I broke up with him on August 1.

I'm happy to join this class. Day 4.

prayforstrength 08-04-2011 08:45 AM

Hi Sindy - I see we are in the same boat, only my relationship was with a nasty German named Jagermeister! Happy Day 4!! We can and will do this!! All the best to you!

LittleMissSober 08-04-2011 08:51 AM

I'm so glad the August group was created! YAY! I am on day 2! It's not easy but I know it will be worth it!

SindyLuhu 08-04-2011 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by prayforstrength (Post 3059343)
Hi Sindy - I see we are in the same boat, only my relationship was with a nasty German named Jagermeister! Happy Day 4!! We can and will do this!! All the best to you!

Those Germans are hardcore! LOL.

BTW--Jagermeister was the drink of choice for my Avitar's bandmate, Tommy.

Let's do this!:grouphug:

Want2BMe 08-04-2011 11:41 AM

Hi folks - just checking in. How is everybody today?

I'm on day 4 for the first time in a while. I woke up this morning feeling rested and REALLY hungry, which I guess makes sense since I would normally have at least 4-500 calories in beer PLUS whatever junky food I could get my hands on after that! Ahhh to think of all the calories I've consumed in alcohol alone...

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!

DisplacedGRITS 08-04-2011 12:02 PM

Hey everyone! I'm a little disappointed because I didn't wake up till noon and I'd hoped to be awake around 9:30 so that's a bummer. Noon is closer to my drunk wake up time. Not long ago, that set back would have been the start to a relapse but today, I forgive myself and go forward. I probably needed the sleep!

Stevie, no need to apologize. We've all been through that and forgiveness was already in our hearts. Heck, there was never any anger or blame to begin with! Could you perhaps contact an actual alcohol rehab facility? Your doctor worries me. Don't they know you could kill someone of be killed in even a day? Get a second opinion. There is no need to be with a doctor you don't feel is working in your best interests. You deserve the best but you gotta go looking for it till ya find it!

I'm so proud of us "fledgling" recoverers! It's like learning to walk again. There are lots of falls and scrapes in the beginningbut it's either that or crawl for the rest of our lives. Whenever you fall, just look around. There will always be someone to help you back up.

Have a safe, happy and sober day!

Really4Real 08-04-2011 12:27 PM

SL - Well, I guess in that analogy - I went after anything in a sleek bottle or can :aargh4: I think his name was Al Cohol.... anyway, welcome our humble abode :)

I've been hungry also Want2 -- but curbing that also. It's usually the carbs -- cuz our bodies miss them..... Good Riddance I say!!!!!
I need to get in shape for a run I'm supposed to do in a couple months.... yikes!

DG - Yeah, I've had my share of falls and scrapes and being dragged around the block a few times. I'm standing now.... warrior chick that I am ;) On a crusade to fight against the evils of alcohol --- LOL.... I crack me up....

amy55 08-04-2011 12:40 PM

[QUOTE=DisplacedGRITS;3059560]Hey everyone! I'm a little disappointed because I didn't wake up till noon and I'd hoped to be awake around 9:30 so that's a bummer. Noon is closer to my drunk wake up time. Not long ago, that set back would have been the start to a relapse but today, I forgive myself and go forward. I probably needed the sleep!

With the amount of sleep that I had these last 2 nights, I would welcome a 12 hour sleep.

stevie88 08-04-2011 12:51 PM

To taper off or not?
Ok guys,so i saw my doc and she told me to taper off,i called AA and they also told me to taper off,i rang drinkline and they said taper off....I want to quit straight away as if i taper off i know it wont work when i can only have 4 beers.When i was 2 days sober i felt really bad and had bad lack of sleep.I have had a few beers today,not as much as i usually have,do i have even less tomorow and even less the day after or do i just quit full stop...Im so confused...Many thanks for your help guys,you are all legends....

Duke10 08-04-2011 01:00 PM

Today is my first day. OK I already forgot what we are called, Augustines?? My birthday is this month so it is a good a time as any. I hope we can all make this together!

DisplacedGRITS 08-04-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by DisplacedGRITS (Post 3059560)
Hey everyone! I'm a little disappointed because I didn't wake up till noon and I'd hoped to be awake around 9:30 so that's a bummer. Noon is closer to my drunk wake up time. Not long ago, that set back would have been the start to a relapse but today, I forgive myself and go forward. I probably needed the sleep!

With the amount of sleep that I had these last 2 nights, I would welcome a 12 hour sleep.

Hehe, I didn't get to bed 'till close to 3am and didn't fall asleep until at least 3:30. A couple of nightmares woke me up so I guess that's part of the reason I was pooped out. Hope you get some sleep relief. I took a valarian pill and I think that's what did it. You can't take it all the time or it will start to actually keep you awake but it's nice for occasional use.

DisplacedGRITS 08-04-2011 01:12 PM

Stevie, try keeping an honest log of how much you've had to drink. Try even assigning times for when you plan on drinking. Did anyone tell you when to drop a beer? Is your doctor having you check in at any time? I'm not trying to give medical advice but neither should AA or drinkline. Try looking into a drug and alcohol rehab facility where their only job is dealing with your situation and they have the medical knowledge and experience to deal with your situation. They will your respect your emotional needs as well as your physical ones.

Hooped 08-04-2011 01:18 PM

Day 3.

The last few days haven't been a picnic in the park

....but it's getting better every day.

Sure looking forward to finally getting a good nights sleep again soon.

Hang in folks

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