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EmeraldRose 03-01-2011 09:02 PM

There is alot of support here as I am finding...but your situation is alittle more serious than us just saying go to AA. Court will decipher your fate. The best thing you can do is whatever is required of you. Take it from step one, jump through the hoops...then move on and get better.
I go to rehab and am the only self registered person in the group...ALL the others are court appointed. They HAVE to go and you can tell who wants to be there to really change and who is there to appease the court and get the h*ll out.
Don't be that it for it to really it for your future...I know you don't want a life of drinking and getting arrested so take it to heart and know we are all here for you! Good Luck in court...I'll definately be thinking about ya.

Kmber2010 03-01-2011 09:22 PM

Glad you came here and shared mtn! I will have you in my thoughts today and considering how much positive progress you have made hopefully things will come together for you.

You have much good support in this thread and on a side note - I totally get the whole not really riding through a craving before bit. I like you used to use it as an excuse until my last time when I said I will do whatever it takes to change and wow......they do pass!

Keep us posted and stay strong.

NobleCause 03-01-2011 10:15 PM

It is completely normal to be freaked out about going to court/trial - it would be far more concerning were you not bothered by the prospect at all.

I remember clearly the night before my trial began - I was terrified, ashamed, angry, numb, hopeless, sorrowful, defiant; in short, a frustrating wreck. The next morning I arrived at the courthouse, waded through the press, the metal detectors, and the onlookers to take my place in the defendant's box. It was so incredibly surreal. The day's events seemed to move in altered speed and I felt like I was living someone else's life, just showing up on set for the day to fill a role. Granted, my circumstances were different than yours - mine was a complex DUI trial that lasted many days and there were terribly injured folks on the other side of the aisle (and at the end of my trial, I didn't get to go home), but I imagine there are some similarities in the way you're feeling now. It's heavy stuff. My best advice - stay sober, chin up, tell the truth, and breathe. You can and will get through it.

Hope it all works out for the best.

Veritas1 03-02-2011 12:48 AM

Hello Mt. Magic.

Hoping you will see this in the morning.

Please remember to read pages 86-88 in the morning and remember we ask God to remove our fear.

If given the opportunity to speak, admit that you suffer from alcoholism, apologize for your bad behavior, and assure the judge that you are working on your recovery. Then give an explanation of what you are doing, AA, etc.

There is no shame in telling your truth.

Best of luck to you.

God direct my thinking today so that it be divorced of self pity, dishonesty, self-will, self-seeking and fear. God inspire my thinking, decisions and intuitions. Help me to relax and take it easy. Free me from doubt and indecision. Guide me through this day and show me my next step. God give me what I need to take care of any problems. I ask all these things that I may be of maximum service to you and my fellow man in the name of the Steps I pray. AMEN

Veritas1 03-02-2011 12:59 AM

See you are online! Since your "up"!...

God forgive me where I have been resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid today. Help me to not keep anything to myself but to discuss it all openly with another person - show me where I owe an apology and help me make it. Help me to be kind and loving to all people. Use me in the mainstream of life God. Remove worry, remorse or morbid (sick) reflections that I may be of usefulness to others. AMEN

CarolD 03-02-2011 01:18 AM

Prayers for peace coming your way...:hug:

least 03-02-2011 02:59 AM

Prayers for your peace of mind and a fair outcome from the court hearing. Hugs to you for your continuing sobriety.:hug: You can get thru this and come out stronger on the other side.:hug:

Stevie1 03-02-2011 04:04 AM

I hope the court date goes OK, you have a fair judge, and I am proud of you for staying sober.

Almath 03-02-2011 05:08 AM

Hey there Magic,

Just a little word to thank you so much for the courage and trust you have shown in opening up here with us on SR :tyou

You are in my thoughts and prayers today and as 'least' said above I also hope that you get peace of mind and a fair outcome and also the strength to go from here step by step.

God bless you and keep posting with us!!


LexieCat 03-02-2011 05:29 AM

Just sending "good luck" vibes to you this morning.

Remember, whatever happens, YOU are gonna be OK.

mtnmagic 03-02-2011 12:27 PM

Thank you everyone for your support. I'm getting ready to head to court now.

Sure doesn't feel like it now, but who knows this could be the best thing that has ever happened to me? Ughhh. I will get through this and I will not drink!

Belier 03-02-2011 12:33 PM

It will all work out Magic, I have been thinking of you and wish you all the best today

Stevie1 03-02-2011 01:24 PM

Fingers and paws crossed, mtn!

Dee74 03-02-2011 01:53 PM

Look forward to an update later MM :)


aussieblue 03-02-2011 02:19 PM

I hope things go your way. Good Luck!

mtnmagic 03-02-2011 08:58 PM

Court is over, I am relieved however I find myself going through some real emotional upheaval aftermath. The judge was more then fair, IMHO.

I had written down everything I have done since my arrest in a kind of outline form. Court even in this small town is very busy and I think that helped because it gave the judge and DA something concrete to focus on.

I didn't have an official attorney, but when I walked into the courtroom, one of the Public Defender's happened to be a person that I have known for many years. (I did private nonprofit work in Tahoe for 18 years and we worked together and were on various boards and committees.) I had thought of contacting him prior to my hearing, but didn't because I was so ashamed of myself. He reviewed my case, also talked to the DA and I'm sure it helped me out. He encouraged me and explained as things rolled along. Lucky to live in a small town!

I was a little freaked out because there was an added charge of resisting arrest that I was not aware of. When I talked to the PD I told him that I had no way to defend myself on anything because I was in a blackout and wouldn't even recognize the people involved, nor could I remember any of that night. More humiliation, but I thought it better to be completely honest.

I plead (sp) no contest and the sentence was as follows:
Resisting arrest charge was dropped with something called a Harvey???
It meant the way I understand it that the charge was dropped, but the sentence took that into consideration. Still not sure on that one.
One day in jail with credit for my time served when I was arrested.
Attend 10 AA meetings in the next thirty days.
$220.00 fine paid in 30 days.
18 months Summary Probation. I don't report to anybody but I get the feeling that if I got in trouble again in this time, I'm really going to be in
big trouble.

I go back to court April 6th for a review to make sure I have paid my fine and
completed my AA meetings.

I am so grateful. Like I said, my emotions are all over the place. Must be kind of aftershock or something. I take authority figures very seriously.
I can't eat, I tried and I'm just in general still a wreck. I had no desire to drink before court and none after. Not even much of a thought passed through my brain. Not a let's go celebrate or anything. For that I'm grateful to, because this sure is something my insane brain could have run with any day of the week before.

Thank you all for your kindness, wise words and support. You have helped me out tremendously. I had included my participation here on SR on my outline. I was afraid it would be perceived like a social network site or something. It wasn't. There wasn't anytime to discuss in court but the PD
took down the website and mentioned about looking it up so he could
understand how it worked. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

All in all I think I am very fortunate. I know my God whoever that is, was definitely looking out for me. It is still beyond my own comprehension how I have stayed sober. My God surely works through all of you too. If I keep this up I believe more will be revealed.

Dee74 03-02-2011 09:06 PM

I'm glad you're ok MM :)


ReadyAndAble 03-02-2011 09:16 PM

Awesome news! That's great to hear. Maybe getting arrested was the best thing that ever happened to you, after all!

Sometimes I feel getting sober is kind of like being sentenced to time served and probation—I'm being given one more chance, and have to make the most of it every day.

artsoul 03-02-2011 09:37 PM

:scoregood So glad this is behind you now (at least the court part)...... but even more happy and proud of the way you dealt with it, how you reached out for support when you needed it, how you stood up and accepted responsibility, how you were honest, and how you have worked hard to stay sober. :You_Rock_

I think you deserve the all-around SR hero of the day. :c043::nyc

NobleCause 03-02-2011 10:00 PM

That's a great outcome - I'm happy that it swung that way for you.

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