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Horselover 02-05-2009 07:16 AM

I'm healthy and I'm breathing. ;)

least 02-05-2009 03:25 PM

I don't feel that great today but I am still breathing and my dogs are healthy, and that's important to me.

ToABetterMe 02-05-2009 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by least (Post 2095397)
I don't feel that great today but I am still breathing and my dogs are healthy, and that's important to me.

And your not drinking!!!
Hope your day gets better hon!


Impurrfect 02-05-2009 03:35 PM

((Lovinmenow)) - no, they were MoJoe's wings. Sad thing is, two of the stores we used to go to, are now closed due to the economy.

It has been cold here, wind chill down to 0..brrrrr. Supposed to be close to 60 tomorrow, though.

Thanks to my cough medicine, I haven't been coughing at all, which is REALLy nice after coughing for 3 weeks, trying to tough out bronchitis. I got some ear plugs, yesterday, to drown out my 15-year-old niece, and actually slept 12 hours last night...feel SO much better! I haven't gotten anything accomplished that I'd planned on doing these 3 days off (other than to see the dr. and pay bills), but that's okay. I needed the rest.

Tomorrow I get to meet a friend from SR!!! She lives down the road from where I work, and is coming to eat dinner at the restaurant I work at. I am SOOOOOOOOO excited!!! This will be the 2nd SR friend I've gotten to meet in person.

Hugs and prayers!


Astro 02-05-2009 03:42 PM

What's good today is that I have some part-time help at work, a friend from my AA meetings. He gets to earn a little money, I get a short break from the chaos, and we both get a little serenity from being around another alcoholic.

Fubarcdn 02-06-2009 07:04 AM

Today I changed my avatar because it is the same as Least's and some members were confusing us.
I wouldn't want to have some of THOSE posts confused with mine as Least is crazier than I am.
Least, before you get upset with me look at my new avatar. Yes I was just kidding. I am the crazier one. No offence. :lmao

jsml1234 02-06-2009 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by Fubarcdn (Post 2096151)
Least, before you get upset with me look at my new avatar. Yes I was just kidding. I am the crazier one. No offence. :lmao

What's good today?

Watching Fubarcdn's sarcastic arss get kicked by Least:lmao

Impurrfect 02-06-2009 07:19 AM

Last night was a bad night. My stepmom took way too many lortabs, fell out in the bathroom floor. My niece thought she was having a stroke. I found stepmom's prescrption bottle...she's taken 50 10mg pills in 5 days, but doesn't think she has a problem (even though she was arrested 2 months ago for trying to get a fraudulent prescription filled).

I held onto the bottle of pills, to give to dad when he woke up. Stepmom came after me like a crazy woman, screaming "GIVE ME MY PILLS"..I was yelling for dad. This is normally a very meek and mild woman.

The GOOD thing about all this is, though I love my stepmom and my dad, this is not my problem to solve. She has legit pain, but won't admit she also likes being high. Dad pefers to live in denial, only coming out when he's smacked in the face with reality.

I could work myself into a frenzy, trying to make them see what they're doing wrong, or I can let them figure it out on their own. I'm going to let them figure it out on their own. I've shared my ES&H, and am letting it go.

It's a great feeling to know that I can have a good day, no matter what's going on with the rest of my family.

Hugs and prayers!


ToABetterMe 02-06-2009 07:28 AM

Amy, I am sorry that you have to witness that. And I'm sure you feel for your dad & your poor neice that had to witness this too.
Hope you stay strong & know that you are loved!

jsml1234 02-06-2009 07:29 AM

Hugs and prayers for Amy and family. May He camp His Angels around you.

masseyman 02-06-2009 07:32 AM

What's good today....

-It's Friday
-I've got venison alfredo for lunch...mmmmm
-I'm goin snowsleddin tommorrow
-My son won his basketball game last night
-My daughter cleaned the house
-I slept like a benadryl baby last night
-My youngest nephew is HOME from Iraq this morning after 15 months!!!
-My oldest nephew is home from 21 months in Iraq, and his wife is pregnant
-I am sober.

The list could go on I suppose, it took some thought....but that's what's good today.


KindBird 02-06-2009 07:38 AM


.. it is raining (it has been so dry here - drought year)
.. all the laundry is done
.. slept good
.. my work is slow (not much money but time for other things)
.. I have not had a drink in 27 days
.. SR is here (I worry that someday it might not be - am I crazy?)

least 02-06-2009 04:53 PM

My dogs are sleeping at my feet, having just had a delicious dog food dinner and a biscuit for dessert.

And I'm not kicking anyone's @ss. Feeling mellow right now. No offense taken!:ghug3

Fubarcdn 02-06-2009 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by least (Post 2097020)
My dogs are sleeping at my feet, having just had a delicious dog food dinner and a biscuit for dessert.

Hope you enjoyed your dinner and desert. I prefer people food. :lmao

Sorry couldn't resist.

least 02-07-2009 05:41 AM

I love you Fubar!:Val004: I love your wicked and slightly twisted sense of humor too! Keep it comin'!!

What's good this morning is that I woke up healthy, my dogs are healthy, and it's a new day and maybe something good will happen today!

I live for my dogs... as if you couldn't tell! I'll never have empty nest syndrome as long as I have dogs!

Fubarcdn 02-07-2009 06:26 AM

What is good today is a hug from Least. Back at ya.:ghug3
I also had McDonalds breakfast for the last time for awhile today.
Getting back in shape ain't a lot of fun but I will save that for Monday's whine.

Horselover 02-07-2009 11:39 AM

Fubar changed his avatar and is different from Least now. That's what is good today. ;)

Impurrfect 02-07-2009 12:02 PM

I got to meet a friend from SR last night at work!! I could have talked to her for hours, but it got busy at work:( I sent her home with a milkshake for her daughter, and next time she will bring her daughter..I love kids:)

After talking to dad, I am more able to detach from the situation, here, at home. I am scared that my stepmom will do something really stupid and my niece will be taken away from us, but I realize I can't control or fix this situation. I can't help anyone who doesn't want help..that includes the addict and the codie. I will do my best to set a good role model for my niece, and pray.

I have 2 of my 3 furbabies laying on the bed with me. Slept really good, actually fell asleep while on SR this morning:) I am going back to work in just a little while, and am grateful for my job.

In 2 days, I'll have 23 months clean...THAT is the best part of my day:)

Hugs and prayers!


weekendbinger 02-07-2009 01:07 PM

I got stuck in traffic last night. It usually takes me 15 minutes to get home from my son's tennis lesson.....last night it took an hour. I got home at 6:00 on a Friday night, about to go out of my mind. A beer would have been my usual remedy. It was hard to resist....but I did. Reached for a diet coke instead! That's what is good today.

CarolD 02-07-2009 01:23 PM

What happened good today?

The sun is's warmed up.

I went to my noon AA meeting...32 of us ...with a new man at
his first meeting. We shared on Step 1 especially for him.

"We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--
-that our lies had become unmanageable"

He left with a numbers to call and
a gleam of hope.

AA? what an awesome adventure....:yup:

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