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Impurrfect 01-14-2009 01:37 AM

What's good is it looks like I may actually get the day off, today. Dad has offered to help me out with the work he and I both do, so I can get some sleep:)

All the furbabies are inside for the night, and just conned me into giving them treats for the 2nd time since I got home earlier this morning. They're spoiled rotten, but it's okay because they bring a HUGE smile to my face, every morning when I get home and they are waiting for me!

Hugs and prayers!


mxchaos 01-14-2009 01:41 AM

I know I'm not alone fighting this because of all the wonderful support I've been getting here at SR.

thanks everyone

kakell 01-14-2009 03:43 AM

What's good today is that I spoke with an old friend that I haven't talked to in 5 years. She has no idea about my opiate addiction. I was catching glimpses of my old self when her and I used to hang out and it was a great thing. We had so much fun together and we didn't use alcohol or drugs. She was very uplifting for me. I think I'll dig up a few more friends like that that I have lost contact with.

stone 01-14-2009 03:48 AM

Today I feel quite good, no extremes of emotion and no desire for oblivion....quite mellow.

Also I have realised recently that I am learning from things, I am dealing with problems and challenges and learning from them....that is unusal for me!

least 01-14-2009 05:36 AM

What's good today is that I have a warm house to live in and my dogs are inside dogs, not outside cold and lonely like so many poor dogs. What's good today is having so many friends here supporting me in staying sober. I don't feel so alone.:ghug3

Aysha 01-14-2009 07:29 AM

So far today. I got up bright and early. Got my Bobble kitty to the vet to get fixed. Made it to the pdoc. Always feel good after that. We are having cheeseburgers for dinner. My fav food in the world.
I feel good today. Happy and calm.
And its only 10 in the morning. LOL

Fubarcdn 01-14-2009 09:34 AM

The heat is on and the pipes haven't frozen in my apartment. This is good and surprising.

ByronBay 01-14-2009 03:41 PM

11 days
Being been sober for 11 days. I'm really proud of my great achievement.


flutter 01-14-2009 03:44 PM

LOL Trish... you and your cheeseburgers :P

Today is good cuz my energy is great, I kicked ass at work, and I'm back in my gym routine. AND ate a salad for lunch.

Wahoo :)

28 days sober is good too!

Aysha 01-14-2009 04:58 PM

Those cheeseburgers ROCKED!!
Lettuce..onion..mustard..ketchup..mayo. No pickles in the house :(

Poor Bobble is falling all over the place. Its kinda funny. But I feel bad for her. She is getting frustrated and growling. I have never heard her growl before. LOL.
At least she fixed. No fleas. No ear mites.
She got her shots.
Payed my aunt back today for buying my secret santa present.
I kept it together for once and took care of quite a bit today.
Never in my life have I ever took the kind if responsibility as I have today. Apying for the vet and all that.
It was a huge step for me.
So YAY me...Great day.

least 01-14-2009 05:04 PM

Altho a cold snowy day, I didn't have to go out and spent the day relaxing with the dogs and taking a nap. My headache's gone and that's good too. Just having a warm safe place to live is very good.

Impurrfect 01-14-2009 05:21 PM


If they gave Bobbles the same stuff they gave Mots when he had to have surgery, she'll be acting like a drunk kitty for a while. Mots wobbled around, growled, tried to stick his nose up my nose, and was pretty darned looped for a few hours. We had to keep him inside (he's and indoor/outdoor kitty) 'cause he had sugery on his neck. He wanted out and was howling at the door. Dad said, jokingly "it would be a shame to pay all this money on him and have to kill him to shut him up!!" I'm proud of you for doing all you did today!

What was good today was lots of sleep!!! Boy, did I need it! I've done nothing but eat, sleep, and hang out on SR all day....perfect day:)

Hugs and prayers!


Aysha 01-15-2009 09:13 PM

Whats good is my cat can walk again.
Got almost a full days work in.
Got a bunch of sample perfumes like prada..fendi..dolce gabana and some others.
And I have a nice warm bed I am about to crawl into and watch tv.

Fubarcdn 01-16-2009 11:57 AM

Today a great thing happened to me here on SR. someone sent me a message that said I made them laugh. This is something I was obsessing about while deciding to quit so it made my day. Thanks, you know who you are.:ghug3

Impurrfect 01-16-2009 12:23 PM

I had an awesome day yesterday. Had spent the day before, doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and hanging out on SR. Yesterday, felt on top of the world! Still feel that way, today...amazing what a little rest can do for you!

I go back to work, tonight, and will try to keep up the good attitude.

It's freezing, here, too. They're even predicting SNOW by Sun. This is GA! Snow is a very rare thing here, so we'll see!

Hugs and prayers!


flutter 01-16-2009 03:51 PM

Today is good cuz it's been 30 days since a drop of liquor has passed these lips.


Ok, what's also good is my hubby left a dorky funny message for no reason, and told me I could pick out any place for dinner mmmm dinner :)

allport 01-16-2009 06:26 PM

What is good today is that I have 24 hours sober.

I may have let myself down again but I think Im learning from my mistakes, making new ones, but at least Im learning.

I think I can do this.

Aysha 01-16-2009 08:23 PM

Today it is good I have a job that I actually like.
The hours may not be all that. But I really like my job. Time flies every time I work.
Everyone I work with is pretty cool. I dont have to deal with people. Its nice.
And its really cold tonight. -9 degrees out. BRRRRR!!!

Isaiah 01-16-2009 08:54 PM

The best part of my day was sitting alone in church and praying. Lately my prayers have been feeling awkward and sticky. Today it was just simple and flowing--I wasn't even thinking about the words. Right towards the end of it the sun crested over the windows and a sunbeam just fell right on me... I'm not sentimental enough to think it a "sign" but I thought it was a nice touch.

And I also didn't lose my job! I don't usually mark a "good day" as having avoided catastrophe. Yet I'm not complaining either.

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