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teej 07-04-2007 02:22 PM

(((trish)))........hey, what stone said on post #12 is right on the money. I'll keep you in my prayers girl. :hug:

Dee74 07-04-2007 03:24 PM


Hope 07-04-2007 03:34 PM

I'm thinking of you and hoping you're alright. Please let us know either way. No matter what happened, don't be ashamed to come back here.

If you did slip, the quicker you stop it, the better off you will be.

(( .. ))

Hugs and prayers for your safe return.

Alive 07-04-2007 04:47 PM can count on all of us..we wouldn't be here otherwise...we're more than strangers on screens..where actually caring friends..i don't know about others here, but i remember the screen names throughout the day...and i imagine people living their lives faraway,but with a similar path....

love ya...

nogard 07-04-2007 04:52 PM

hi Chiy, I am guessing you still have the desire to quit using, thats what its about. Come say hello and hope your safe and well.


Jules62 07-04-2007 05:30 PM

Hey chiy.....still thinking of you,hoping you're okay and wanting to see you back here-no matter what.


Love, Julesxox

Rusty Zipper 07-04-2007 06:03 PM

i hope your just away from your computer, maybe a malfunction, or at a great 4th cele...

i pray thats the case...

IO Storm 07-05-2007 01:15 AM

I don't know about anyone else - but I get upset and frustrated about threads like this one. Someone who I care very much about - is out there, who knows where, and I am utterly powerless to help. I get so angry at addiction.

Rowan..I feel the same...we don't know what to think when they drop off.. can ALWAYS come back.



indigo 07-05-2007 01:57 AM

Walking with you girl, keep on you're doing the right thing, tell your dad if you can just how you're sure beats using.

hugs indie

Missymae737 07-05-2007 04:10 AM

Please check in with us...We are concerned about your well being...

Dee74 07-05-2007 06:37 AM

I'll keep sending out hugs til you come back


t_a_n_y_a_ 07-05-2007 06:44 AM


Please come back. Whether you used or not. Just to say your ok

parentrecovers 07-05-2007 07:25 AM

hugs, chiy....and prayers. k

Alive 07-05-2007 07:47 AM

this is a thread i put to send some prayers for chiy....take care, thanks...

AAFreeportPA 07-05-2007 11:41 AM

As of this post she hasn't logged in since 07-03-2007 07:47 AM

I really hope it's just a computer problem and her enjoying life outside of cyberspace. I really don't feel like dwelling on the worst possible scenarios as I try to be optimistic.

Yours in Recovery, Mark B.

ljhill11 07-05-2007 02:37 PM

what is this all about? does this person want help or just wants to hear all of the people beg to come back on this thread? it seems a little selfish to me when so many people care enough and the person in need will not even show face.
for me, the bottom line has always been to help myself. then i will be able to let others help as well. but you shouldn't waste people's time. because it's obvious they care a great deal.

i mean, she posted for help in march and it's july now.

Alive 07-05-2007 03:14 PM

chiy has been coming back for some months..she helped me a great deal...when i came...and you know addiction is not who we are so we can't judge..i understand that we get worried..but it's our job to protect our own health..that doesn't mean we can't still think about her...she told me something i'll never forget...she told me only i can let people get me down....and to me that was and is priceless!

we don't know were she is..and that's why we're worried...
even tough we're people on computers, we're still people, who need to share and to hear...
if there's a reason for so many contributing for her return is because she is a wonderful, strong person....

and believe me, the reason why we're worried is because she would never let us be worried unless something was going on......

i understand your point..but it's the individual who needs to protect himself... who needs to know what things to think about in me, i could never turn my back to my friend Trish...she recently opened my eyes...and she helped me, not worrying about her, so why should i now forget her....

i had to respond to your post..i need to make clear, that she helped all of the ones writing here....don't be mad at me for responding..i can understand your point...but every case is a case..

keep recovering ok lj.....maybe we can know you a little more..i just had to say something...that's why we are all free, so we can talk and come to conclusions through finding the best way in society...

Anna 07-05-2007 04:43 PM


We are here to support any and all people who are looking for help with addiction. We always care about members who seem to disappear for awhile. That's how we work here.

If you don't like our approach, please don't read the posts.

Dee74 07-05-2007 06:46 PM

sorry bit worried and cranky today -
Mark, I don't even like *mentioning* worst possible scenarios.
Trish'll be back.


and thanks for your post Anna

parentrecovers 07-06-2007 06:47 AM

hey chiy, extra hugs coming your way today. we're here and willing to listen.

blessings, k

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