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OnceNice 09-05-2006 07:44 AM

I haven't drank Yet!!!!!
Well I made it through the Holiday. No drinking.

I'm eating so much though. Yesterday, I bought a bunch of seedless grapes and ate the whole bag. I know grapes are suppose to be good. I'm trying to eat the right things. Its like I've really become obsessed with food.

I think I'm on day 12 or something. Food and sleep is bothering me more than the not drinking. Don't get me wrong. I'd love a MillerLite right now. But at this point I think I'd grab a buffet before a beer.

Its like I'm obsessed with eating now. All I think about. And the sleep is horrible. I go to bed at 9:00 or 10:00 and I"m automatically up at 2:00 a.m. and cannot sleep. Is all htis normal.

I'm boing to the AA threads now. Went to a meeting and I need to ask a question over there.

Just wanted you all to know that I still didn't drink.

Erin 09-05-2006 07:47 AM

That's awesome!!!

My substitute for booze is juice/club soda and water. Occasional bowls of ice cream.

You must feel so good!!!

PaperDolls 09-05-2006 07:47 AM


I'm proud of you girl! I can't answer the questions you have about sleep and food but I'm sure someone will be around to answer soon.

Glad you had a good weekend.


RubyT 09-05-2006 07:49 AM

Yay!!! I've wondered about you all weekend. The eating thing...I know what you mean. I'll eat anything that won't eat me first! : )

Glad you had a successful weekend. Thanks for keeping us updated!!

laurie6781 09-05-2006 07:51 AM


That is awesome!!!!!! Ask away on the questions, if we can help you know we will.

Oh btw, they use to p*ss me off at meetings, cause they would tell me that "no one dies from lack of sleep" grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but they were right, I made it through that part of detoxing and so have many others. That to will get better.

Again, congrats on the 12 days.

Love and hugs,

Smyle 09-05-2006 07:54 AM

awesome Rose....I am so glad you are not drinking ....

OnceNice 09-05-2006 07:55 AM

FOOD, I WANT FOOD. Geez, this morning I ate a turkey and cheeze sandwich. then i got to work, and at a banana, and some skittles, I'm still hungry. ugh. i hope i didnt trade one addiction for another here.

thanks everyone.

Erin 09-05-2006 07:59 AM


Please don't say 'yet' - implies you will.

I have faith you won't drink. You've rocked through 12 days and I know you've had some tough ones.

So rock on!!!

I have a candy drawer at work. There's a chocolate manufacturer within walking distant which doesn't the chocolate cravings.

NEEDTOBESOBER 09-05-2006 08:24 AM

Congratulations on the not drinking over the weekend! As far as the eating goes, I don't know, it could be your body is needing more nutrition, drinking depletes a lot of vitamins from your body, I found out when I went to the Doctor and when I got Campral that I had a B12 vitamin deficiency, so I have been trying to eat foods w/B vitamins and taking vitamins, did you eat a lot when you were drinking or did it start after you quit drinking?

RubyT 09-05-2006 08:26 AM

A turkey sandwich and banana sounds pretty healthy though. At least it wasn't a dozen Krispy Kremes.. : ) I thought once I quit drinking I might smoke a little less, instead I'm smoking addiction at a time I guess. I'm just really happy that you're doing better.

OnceNice 09-05-2006 08:30 AM

Needstobe I pretty much had a liquid diet. MillerLite was my "porkchop in a bottle" so they say. Well, gonna eat an orange now. I have an apple too.
Food Food Food.

Ruby. I'm smoking like a chimmney myself. I guess once an addictive character, always an addictive character. Why can'tI get addicted to work and cleaning and church or something that is good for me.

RubyT 09-05-2006 08:36 AM

We'll pull it ALL together someday...

NEEDTOBESOBER 09-05-2006 08:37 AM


Your body is probably craving food since you are not drinking. And I often wondered the same as you why can't I get addicted to something that is good for me, my guess is probably cause things that are bad for you make you feel better, probably the dopamine that goes to your brain-heck, I don't know.

janeeyre 09-05-2006 08:40 AM

Rose, you are doing SO WELL! I'm so glad for you!

OnceNice 09-05-2006 08:44 AM

Well to be honest with you all, if it wasn't for my friend not drinking too, I'd probably wouldn't have made it this far. He's young and I know that he's probably using me to not drink for a year. But its nice to have someone to talk with who is not drinking also. We go to meetings together. I don't like them but I'm going. I"m just afraid that if something happens with our relationship that I'll start up again. I've been trying to quit for years, so I'm hoping I'm doing this for myself and him being there is making it easier, but what if I'm doing it for him. THEN I'M DOOMED TO FAIL. Oh well, I'm trying not to think about it and I'm watching how much money we are saving by not drinking. Its amazing. We each set money aside that we would normally spend on drinking. My goodness, we are in the hundreds already. Such a short period of time. And htat is just doing five bucks aday. Help I know I spent more than that.

Take care all.

Krys_wyo 09-05-2006 08:45 AM

I hardly ever ate, i dont how i survived half the time cause hot pockets at midnight wasnt a very nice balanced diet.
I too am smoking ALOT more i am going to quit that to someday but one thing at a time right.
I still dont eat much, i take alot of vitamins and im still getting fat from the fudge
Im sure getting into a daily eating patterns will come eventually.
Today is the first day of school weeeeee but it is also the day i promised my cousin we will start going to the workout place eeeeeekkkk.
Guess ill get that dopamine and endorphines going today :banana:

OnceNice 09-05-2006 09:22 AM

Krys wyo. Let me know how your work out goes. Geez. Not drinking is one thing. All this other stuff that goes along with it. LIke eating healthy and exercising and trying not to smoke 5 packs a day instead of the normal 3 LOL.

Its just all too much sometimes. I've actuall been drowning myself in Lifetime movies and eating grapes.

I know the girl at work is gonna ask me to go with her to TGIFriday's tonight.

That's the hardest. Telling people "no" I can't do that with drinking or anything else. I usually just say yes to whatever someone asks me

RubyT 09-05-2006 09:31 AM

I went to my brother's wedding reception Saturday night...drinks galore. I drank water. Even had people say YOU'RE not drinking??? Like it was a stop the presses moment! I just smiled and said "not today". If you're asked to go and don't feel like you can go and not drink just say...NOT TODAY!! It's hard, I know. But you'll feel better in the long run.

OnceNice 09-05-2006 09:35 AM

Everybody, I ate and apple and now I'm peeling my orange.

I think I'm growing a curly tail. 11:34 here. 26 more minutes for LUNCH.


Must find someone to go to the pizza buffet. YUMMMMMMY.

Are you sure this is better than drinking??????

Don't answer the question, I already know.

RubyT 09-05-2006 09:50 AM

I don't think you should beat yourself up over eating fruit...wish that was all I was eating. This weekend was a disaster! Burgers, fries, appetizers out the a$$, cake...hmmm I know I'm leaving something out....and yet I whine about not losing weight. Like abstaining from Miller Lite was gonna make it all just drop off! I say go enjoy the pizza buffett, concentrate on staying alcohol free and worry about the weight later. You gotta do something to make you happy, right?!

Hope 09-05-2006 09:50 AM

I was just thinking of you. I'm so glad that you haven't picked up a drink. I'm very proud of you!

Don't worry too much about the food now- you're replacing the lost nutrients that alcohol stripped away. Just for now, focus on not drinking and everything else will fall into place.

livefortoday 09-05-2006 10:07 AM

Little Debbie Is Evil!
Fudge Rounds-Yikes! I hadn't had a Little Debbie since I was a kid before I got sober. Now I can't keep them in the house even for my son because I end up eating them. I might as well just glue them too my hips. That being said, with 12 days sober, I wouldn't worry about it! Be kind to you. Your body is used to taking in an awful lot of sugar, after all, what is booze made of? It's got to have time to adjust. The Big Book of AA talks about keeping chocolate on hand for emergencies and most of us having a sweet tooth. I was always told "Quit your addictions in the order they will kill you". First the booze had to go, the second for me was cigarettes (not until I had been sober ofr 18 Months) and now, now I have to work on letting go of the darn sugar!! Argh! Congrats on your twelve days sweetie and keep coming back!

StrongR2Day 09-05-2006 10:24 AM

I've been trying to quit for years, so I'm hoping I'm doing this for myself and him being there is making it easier, but what if I'm doing it for him.
Sometimes we get into recovery for all the wrong reasons, our spouse, children, boyfriend, doctor, priest, etc. But we end up staying there for ourselves. It happens more frequently than you think!

Fudge Rounds-Yikes! I hadn't had a Little Debbie since I was a kid before I got sober. Now I can't keep them in the house even for my son because I end up eating them.
I went through the same thing! So every day after homework was done, I would take my kids to the local store to pick out one treat for after dinner. That way I didn't tempt myself having sweets in the house, and they still got their, we got a little one-on-one fun time. I also always kept Friday as my cheat day, and I got whatever little treat I wanted for myself. (And yes, Little Debbie is by far the most evil, selling those horribly wonderful treats for so cheap!)

michski 09-05-2006 10:33 AM

:You_Rock_ :Val004: :c031:

Good for you!! Wow.. I think you're developing the knack!

OnceNice 09-05-2006 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by michski
:You_Rock_ :Val004: :c031:

Good for you!! Wow.. I think you're developing the knack!

I think I'm developing an extra thigh, butt and stomach.

But thanks.

Fall is here in St. Louis. Sure do miss having a cold beer on a crisp fall day.

Stupid things I think of to make me drink.

PaperDolls 09-05-2006 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by OnceNice
I think I'm developing an extra thigh, butt and stomach.

:lighter: LOL Rose! I know exactly how you feel!

OnceNice 09-05-2006 11:23 AM

Well, I ate a Italian sub sandwich for lunch and a BUTTERFINGER CANDY BAR.


Arura 09-05-2006 11:24 AM

:funjump: WTG (((Once))) ...! Fantastic stuff...:dance6:

When I first got clean, from the methadone..., I started eating jacket potato's., With cheese n beans ...British beans of course...!

Cellulite ooohhhh Baby...! Im not that old for cellulite...Too much buttter.

I was 'eating for Britian' as we say...LOL...As the food is crap...! lol...!


PaperDolls 09-05-2006 11:27 AM

I had Ding Dongs and a Diet Pepsi for breakfast!

Salad and Mountain Dew for lunch.

I'll have a candy bar (or two) for a snack later I'm sure.

I'm addicted to pop lately. It used to be that I'd only drink maybe 3 a week. Now it's more like 3 a day!

Like I've said before -- oink, oink.

I love food!

Arura - what's jacket potatoes? and what makes the bean british? I don't know 'bout that stuff!

OnceNice 09-05-2006 11:33 AM

I hear ya about the soda. I never drank soda. Beer and coffee were it for me. A liquid diet too. Hardly ate.

Sh#t I thought I'd be saving money. Now I got Dr. Pepper, MOuntainDew, Freakin Orange Soda, you name it.

heck I never ate chocolate or ice cream. Been eating butter pecan Icecream with caramel on top evernight for the last 12 days.

throwing my clothes out and buying a tent.

Who the heck said you save money on not drinking.

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