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lmvalentine 08-30-2022 06:19 AM

After all my whining it is going to be a good and productive day. Plus I will pickup Gdaughter from preschool and have her all evening. Things will workout for the best in the long term.

venuscat 08-30-2022 06:41 AM

I don't hear you complaining, love. You are handling all of this with courage. :hug: s

I understand that your daughter's home is not really suitable, but it won't be for too long, I hope. xx ❤️

lmvalentine 08-30-2022 08:05 AM

I just spoke with the landlady who was very nice. I called a flooring company to get an estimate on kitchen floor and they were confused and called her. She has already placed an order with them and said it’s not my responsibility to pay for. She will try and cancel eviction court due to my moving out on the 6th. I’m still going to attorney appointment! Things change rapidly with her moods. It would be wonderful to get this done amicably. There is always hope! I’m very grateful the universe is looking out for me!

venuscat 08-30-2022 08:34 AM

Oh my gosh, what is her deal? You never know which version of her you will get. (Must admit, my landlady is like that).

Good news, though! :) xx ❤️

RAL 08-30-2022 08:39 AM

Thsts awful how your ll is treating you. Is there someone you can speak with about tenants rights. I dont know the us system of course. In the UK it is very difficult to evict a tenant and takes a very long time. Years even.

I hope you get it sorted . Great result you stating sober throughout this challenging time :You_Rock_:scoregood

Pekelover2 08-30-2022 08:54 AM

Hooray Todd and Red!
RAL…that sounds like a great ideal

gosh Valentine. I’m app sorry that you’re going through this ordeal. It’s a lot to process I’m sure. But I am grateful that you have your daughters place to stay in. I mean it’s better than nothing and you do have your own bedroom and everything. I know that you will get approved for ERAP!

I boarded the plane yesterday. It was the largest plane I have ever been on my life. It’s a long flight but it’s not trans continental. Anyway I do what I normally do we just go to the back of the plane and as a flight attendant if I can help out. He would be surprised, they actually welcome this. They let me do things like in bag that the ear phones, pour water for ppl who need meds etc. I spent about 30 minutes back there because it was a huge flight that boarded. Anyway at the end I went back to my seat and the flight attendant came over with a glass of champagne for me. She was very sweet. She goes honey I’ve never seen anybody hustle like you. I couldn’t give it back to her. I didn’t have the heart to. So I just sat there for a while then we made the announcement that they were going to takeoff. So I ran back to the bathroom and put the champagne down the toilet. It wasn’t hard though. Mostly because I don’t care for champagne.

after my meeting today I will fly home. My flight is at 4:30 PM. I’m not as nervous about drinking because once I get home I have to drive my car 100 miles back to my house. And I darn well won’t do that with any alcohol my system so I’m less anxious today. Sorry to go on like this! A friend of mine that I haven’t heard from in a while texted me and that made me happy. She apologize that she hadn’t reached out in a while. She’s been having a lot of problems with work and she was also injured and a lot of things were going on. It always makes a person happy to know that they’ve been missed and that they aren’t being blown off or whatever.
I miss my husband and my dogs. He works the next five nights (Wed-Sun) all 12 hour shifts. I will see him Monday though.

How to make plans during these days to keep busy! I’ll see friends I’ll do stuff. Even though I can’t run for about two weeks ago and still like it stuff. Thank you for listening

Pekelover2 08-30-2022 08:56 AM

I apologize. I didn’t see your second post! I was not on the last page of this thread for some reason. Wow your landlady is a real Jekyll and Hyde. But I’m grateful that she’s come to her senses.

lmvalentine 08-30-2022 02:20 PM

I am one tired old lady. I picked up prescription, cleaning supplies, saw attorney, made a thrift store drop off. I’m also a former shoe and clothes addict! I picked up boxes at a huge liquor store and ran into a high school and former co worker. She is still at the Post Office. She was picking up wine on her lunch hour in uniform (that’s a no no). Anyway I saw their advertisement that they deliver to your home now and open at 7:30 AM. Thank God I never knew that before. I have no idea when that became legal here.

I hope your plane and drive home go well Peke. I’m terrified of big city traffic. My XAH drove like a maniac and scared the crap out of me.

I don’t know if I could do a camping adventure with active heavy drinkers around Red. But it’s a month away so plenty of time left to make a plan.

I’m spending the evening with my Gdaughter from Son. She can hangout and have a happy meal for dinner. She doesn’t understand the idea of me moving yet. She lived here from 6/2019-5/2021.

Thank you all for your support!

Red78 08-30-2022 02:55 PM

Invalentine - omgosh that would be both horrible and a god send for alcoholics. They only did that here in NZ during lockdown, everything was closed except supermarkets, petrol stations and bottle stores were delivery only. At the time we thought it was great and bizarre that alcohol was considered an essential daily item..
I'm glad your landlady is having a change of heart? Although ild be a bit nervous about that, she sounds a bit bipolar.. I really hope it works out in the end..

Peke - your amazing!!

Suze - I like your idea of enjoying the company. My mates wife possibly won't be drinking or drugging as she may be still breastfeeding and that might be my saving grace, she's been totally sober for over 2.5years now due to being pregnant and breast feeding 2 kids, she's not much of a drinker anyway but a huge stoner.
There isn't an option of not going as we have nonrefundable plane tickets and I want to go and see everyone as we only catch up maybe once a year or twice if we extra lucky and the last time I saw the wife and the kids was October last year and it's been a turbulent year for all of us with the mandates etc..
The last time we saw our best mate he came up for a job and surprised us on the last night and none of us remember much of the evening, we all got sooo drunk and I don't wanna go through having a blackout again..

I'm looking at cutting down my coffee and choc intake now as its time I think, I've been very Liberal with it the last 39 days but time to tighten the bootstraps. I've got chai tea as a substitute for now and it's delicious however it doesn't pack a punch like coffee but I guess neither does water compared to alcohol lol let's see how long I last..


venuscat 08-30-2022 03:07 PM

OK, so your mate's wife is going to understand that you need to stay safe. And she is a mum, so I have a feeling that if you reach out beforehand and chat with her, she will be on board, making sure that the grass is out of sight, or at least not thrust into your face. :)

This is doable. You have a month under your belt and a lot of determination. Plus—life. We need to get back to that. It is precious, and we lost so much for almost three years. With some good planning, I think this can be a beautiful weekend for you, love. :hug:

Pekelover2 08-30-2022 03:08 PM

My surgical scar is red and sore. The doctor was concerned/worried that it might be infected.

Back at the airport. Got here four hours early. Took my flight meds. Feeling tired. Flight was now delayed. I have to be careful not to fall asleep.

Thank you all. I did it thought!

Red78 08-30-2022 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7846628)
OK, so your mate's wife is going to understand that you need to stay safe. And she is a mum, so I have a feeling that if you reach out beforehand and chat with her, she will be on board, making sure that the grass is out of sight, or at least not thrust into your face. :)

This is doable. You have a month under your belt and a lot of determination. Plus—life. We need to get back to that. It is precious, and we lost so much for almost three years. With some good planning, I think this can be a beautiful weekend for you, love. :hug:

Weed won't be the issue Suze, I have no desire for it, I've been pretty much clean of that for over 20 years, it's any harder drugs that may come out that will be harder to resist. I broke my sobriety of drugs with the bday boy and his mates a few years ago. I never ever seek out drugs or have cravings but if anyone puts a line in front of me then I need to be restrained so I have to be really prepared for that too and also any sweet treats that go around I can't touch as they will more than likely have weed or hash in them.
It sounds like I shouldn't go I know but I'm writing this all out so I'm prepared for any scenario as all scenarios have happened with these people before so anything could happen..

venuscat 08-30-2022 03:50 PM

If you want to go, I think talking about it at length is the best way to make it a successful weekend.
The same thing applies, whether it is grass or something else: if you talk to your friends beforehand, you can at least get a feel for things.
If it were me, I would want to know that I would be somewhat protected, that the people who cared about me had my back.
Not that it is their responsibility, but well, why not?

If I invite people to a weekend party, isn't it my responsibility to keep them safe? Or, at the very least, to not put them in harm's way?

TiredCarpenter 08-30-2022 03:50 PM

Sounds like you’re standing up and facing life’s waves head on Imvalentine.
That’s all that any of us can do. Kudos.

Lixie, I gained alot from the book in the top-left. I’ve enjoyed a freedom since.
I can’t entirely explain it, but some truths that I just couldn’t see in the past have been illuminated.
I’m very glad that I read that book.
Hope it serves you well.

Be well folks.

Dee74 08-30-2022 03:55 PM

Its a tough ask so soon Red but its not impossible - no means no, whether its your AV or your companions.

I'm sorry to hear about your domestic issues Imvalentine but I'm glad you have things in hand :)
Hope you have a good flight PL.

Good to 'see' you TC :)


venuscat 08-30-2022 04:03 PM

Good morning Dee :)

I am guessing you have some nice weather at the moment. :hug: ❤️

Dee74 08-30-2022 05:15 PM

Fairly changeable at the moment Suze :)


venuscat 08-30-2022 05:22 PM

But nice, soon, hopefully. This is my favourite time of year in Aus. :)

lmvalentine 08-30-2022 06:46 PM

I’m sorry I got names mixed up before!

TiredCarpenter 08-30-2022 06:49 PM

I wasn’t seeing an entire page also when I posted Peke.

Looks resolved now though.

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