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TiredCarpenter 05-16-2020 09:27 PM

Splendid, dig!

So glad to here it!

So good to read about everyone’s successes. Great stuff!!

mystified 05-16-2020 09:36 PM

Is there room for another classmate?

Stepping into day 4 here in the UK


Dee74 05-16-2020 09:48 PM

Welcome mystified :)


TiredCarpenter 05-16-2020 09:50 PM

So glad to hear it!

think I got bit by auto correct....grr.

Coz 05-16-2020 09:51 PM

Welcome mystified - and congrats on day 4!

I take it you have had a few day 1's and know that day 4 is a great milestone. Those first three days for me were absolutely awful and day 4 so much better physically (mentally still not so great though).

Great to have you in the May class.

mystified 05-16-2020 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by Coz (Post 7445982)
Welcome mystified - and congrats on day 4!

I take it you have had a few day 1's and know that day 4 is a great milestone. Those first three days for me were absolutely awful and day 4 so much better physically (mentally still not so great though).

Great to have you in the May class.

Hey cos and thank you for the warm welcome.

Yes. I've had a.....few day ones. I've been in and out of SR for a good few years.

I miss my people.

I'm blessed with a wonderful family, some pretty awesome colleagues and a few excellent online friends. I wasn't very outgoing even before lockdown, always preferring to keep myself to myself, so I don't have any 'real life' friends really, none that I would share my sobriety journey with anyway.

But I'm finding that keeping my own counsel isn't enough to keep me sober. Not that that's a life changing observation really.... It's a monumental realisation for me though, and one that I don't think I would have reached had it not been for over 2 months of lockdown (I'm in the UK). Being forced to slow down has forced me to think.

Contemplating the things I was doing when I had longer stretches of sobriety in the past led me back here. I am immeasurably grateful for the non-judgemental welcome back.

I do tend to ruminate a lot though. And I think out loud too, so forgive me if I tend to spout a lot of weirdness that doesn't seem possible to remark on.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday wherever you are.

freedomfries 05-16-2020 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by mystified (Post 7445975)
Is there room for another classmate?

Stepping into day 4 here in the UK


Day 4 here too

Be123 05-17-2020 01:08 AM

Morning all from the cloudy UK. I'm dropping in from the March 2020 class to wish you all well. I check this thread daily - I'm only 80 days sober and I stick close to this website most days!!

i saw this poem on Facebook and it made me think of how I feel sometimes, and especially how I felt in the first ten days of withdrawal. Hope you like it, and hope you all have a good day!!

Everyone who terrifies you is 65% water.
And everyone you love is made of stardust,
and I know,
you cannot breathe deeply, and
the night sky is no home, and that you are down to your last 2 percent.
But nothing is infinite, not even loss.
You are made of the sea and the stars and, one day,
You are going to find yourself again.

ReadyAtLast 05-17-2020 01:19 AM

Morning all

Great story Venus, very inspirational, thank you :)

Congrats on 40 days Karen & 50 days Dig :) Impressive milestones.

Welcome Mystified :)

Day 6 and I woke again feeling rough - doughy was a great description thank you :) It was after 1am before I fell asleep but I got up at 8am trying to get into a routine. And I didn't take a sleeping pill so that's a positive. I know sleep and feeling better will come in time.

Had plans of painting etc today but feel like I've been hit by a truck so will lie on sofa with fire on and read. It's going to be a wild, rainy and windy day anyway so pretty gloomy.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Tryharder2 05-17-2020 02:14 AM

Day 1 again. Just burst into tears as a neighbour asked me if I was drinking again and said they were there for me if I needed them with no judgement. I’ve never admitted out loud to them that I am an alcoholic but I did tell them I had given up drinking. I can’t keep anything down, but I am just going to have to get through the day as best I can. Thrown all the remaining alcohol in the house down the sink aswell.

Dee74 05-17-2020 02:20 AM

welcome back tryharder :)

Many of us faltered a time or three.

my advice is to think about what you can do differently this time - is there something you can add maybe?


ReadyAtLast 05-17-2020 02:23 AM

Welcome back tryharder. Please don't beat yourself up. Great idea getting all alcohol out of the house. Keep posting, especially if you want to drink. There is always someone here to talk you out of it and help you get through cravings.

Tryharder2 05-17-2020 02:42 AM

I should have posted when I was planning on going to buy the alcohol. That’s something I don’t do that I will do next time. I am so annoyed with myself, I was starting to feel much better. The anxiety is back, the deep feeling of dread, shame and all the other horrible stuff.

freedomfries 05-17-2020 02:58 AM

Don't beat yourself up. It happens. It sounds like you have a good plan for when you have urges again.

Sober369 05-17-2020 04:38 AM

I'm sending you a big hug Tryharder. I agree, don't beat yourself up. It doesn't help at all. You had the courage to come back, be honest and start again. That's huge. Just make a strong sobriety plan and stick to it every day.
Welcome Mystified! I'm glad you're here.
Congrats on fifty days, Dig! Awesome!
RAL, I hope you feel better fast. Reading by the fire on a wild and rainy day sounds wonderful to me.
I love the poem, Be123.
It's a great day for staying sober.

Coz 05-17-2020 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by mystified (Post 7446024)
Hey cos and thank you for the warm welcome.

Yes. I've had a.....few day ones. I've been in and out of SR for a good few years.

I miss my people.

I'm blessed with a wonderful family, some pretty awesome colleagues and a few excellent online friends. I wasn't very outgoing even before lockdown, always preferring to keep myself to myself, so I don't have any 'real life' friends really, none that I would share my sobriety journey with anyway.

But I'm finding that keeping my own counsel isn't enough to keep me sober. Not that that's a life changing observation really.... It's a monumental realisation for me though, and one that I don't think I would have reached had it not been for over 2 months of lockdown (I'm in the UK). Being forced to slow down has forced me to think.

Contemplating the things I was doing when I had longer stretches of sobriety in the past led me back here. I am immeasurably grateful for the non-judgemental welcome back.

I do tend to ruminate a lot though. And I think out loud too, so forgive me if I tend to spout a lot of weirdness that doesn't seem possible to remark on.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday wherever you are.

Hi Mystified

Thanks for your lovely post. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond.

I think we have a bit in common! I too am a bit of a loner and only have one close friend - but she lives about 800km away, so don't get to see her very often, particularly with COVID in the mix. I also know that I can't take this sober journey alone and really rely on the support and cyber-friendships on SR where everyone understands the journey and how hard it is. My last failure was for a few reasons, new job stress, lockdown and also I hadn't been reading and posting here very often as the new job was keeping me far too busy. I have recently quit my job to remove that stress and give me time to focus on my recovery (I started the job when I was only 5 weeks sober).

I am an Aussie - I live in central Queensland in a little town on the coast. Only moved here in December, so don't know many people and lockdown didn't make it easy to start exploring or meeting people.

I'm now on day 10. Very excited to have made double digits again. I never want to do that first week again! I am also like many here - one drink is never enough, which is followed up the next day by starting to drink within an hour of getting out of bed. Not a way to live.

It is great to have you in the May team. At my last count, about 35 people have joined this month.

Look forward to continue to hear about your journey.

Coz 05-17-2020 05:08 AM

Originally Posted by Tryharder2 (Post 7446076)
Day 1 again. Just burst into tears as a neighbour asked me if I was drinking again and said they were there for me if I needed them with no judgement. I’ve never admitted out loud to them that I am an alcoholic but I did tell them I had given up drinking. I can’t keep anything down, but I am just going to have to get through the day as best I can. Thrown all the remaining alcohol in the house down the sink aswell.

I feel for you TH. I was so disappointed in myself when I had to start back at day 1 and go through those first days of physical sickness.
It is great that you haven't given up and getting back on the sober bus. Do you know why you started drinking again?

Take care of yourself and post lots so we know you are OK.

venuscat 05-17-2020 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by dig12 (Post 7445963)
Headed to bed and Day #49 is over in 2 minutes :)

The Big 5-0 tomorrow for me!!! I'm sure we've all said this at certain points regardless of the milestone, BUT I never ever thought I could be where I am right now. It was only 50 days ago where I found the resolve to at least try even though I expected certain failure within a day or two.

SR has been a huge part of my "Dream Team" in making even a day or two of sobriety possible.

Hope everyone is well. Try your best. We can do this. We can keep doing this!!!

Zzzz from Canada, eh.

Ooooo, we shall have an SR birthday party!!!! :) :hug: ❤️

venuscat 05-17-2020 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by TiredCarpenter (Post 7445980)
So glad to hear it!

think I got bit by auto correct....grr.

You always make me smile big time dear TC. :) :hug:

And oh yeah, man, what on earth did Google do to their auto-correct....for a few months now I notice that if I am not careful, words pop up in my posts that I would never even use. He he. :) ❤️

venuscat 05-17-2020 06:25 AM

Originally Posted by Be123 (Post 7446063)
Morning all from the cloudy UK. I'm dropping in from the March 2020 class to wish you all well. I check this thread daily - I'm only 80 days sober and I stick close to this website most days!!

i saw this poem on Facebook and it made me think of how I feel sometimes, and especially how I felt in the first ten days of withdrawal. Hope you like it, and hope you all have a good day!!

Everyone who terrifies you is 65% water.
And everyone you love is made of stardust,
and I know,
you cannot breathe deeply, and
the night sky is no home, and that you are down to your last 2 percent.
But nothing is infinite, not even loss.
You are made of the sea and the stars and, one day,
You are going to find yourself again.

Be......that poem is divine. Thank you love. :hug: s ❤️

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