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venuscat 10-29-2019 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by taplow (Post 7298618)
It's day 9 for me. I've finished forever though so 9 days isn't really so impressive. Still, the longest journey begins with a single step. Big trees from little acorns and all that.
I went and had more blood tests today. It was with the same nurse who last time said she remembered me from a previous visit. I wasn't sure. I remembered how she'd asked me where my little friend was. What was she going on about? I said she was thinking of someone else, but she said then I must have a double.
Today I reminded her about how she thought I was this man who came in with his little friend? She said she was sure it was me. Then she said how when I'd given blood that first time how I'd asked for a badge for being brave.
So here I am being told I'm someone who goes to the doctors, accompanied by a little friend and asks for a bravery badge, and plenty other odd stuff as well.
Then I thought, how asking for a bravery badge might be something I would actually say. She said that was right, we'd had this funny conversation. But who was the little friend? She said she'd made him for me out of a plastic fork and a sticky label.
And then I remembered, it was true.
NHS at its best.

Montesquieu said something like, "to be happy is easy. The problem is we wish to be happier than other people, and that's difficult because we think they're happier than they are."
Forget what you should be because it's rubbish.

Best wishes everyone.

Thank you for is a really wonderful quote. :hug: s

Awesome post taplow.....reading your words now makes me so happy.
Thinking about how scary it felt when you were in Portugal.....spinning a bit maybe.....compared to now.....just kind of wow. You write so beautifully and your intelligence just jumps out of the page. :) :hug: ❤️

venuscat 10-29-2019 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by izzy1962 (Post 7298635)
Day 7. feel great other than a nasty cold :)

Hope your cold eases up love. :hug: ❤️

venuscat 10-29-2019 07:11 AM

Yes, I agree with Citrus Vinny :)
And thank you for the date. (Nov 5).
In case you can't be online, we will know you are safe. :)

Beef stroganoff and a husband who hasn't bought beer this week is just wonderful dear Citrus. :)

And so is the waterpark dear Vinny. :)

Loving all of your posts....go Octsobers!!! :) :grouphug:

Michael2019 10-29-2019 07:20 AM


I've just joined, just sliding in before the end of the month.

I have 7 days sober. Last couple of days have been pretty darn difficult.


venuscat 10-29-2019 07:23 AM

Welcome Michael!!!! :)
So very glad you joined us. :hug: s
And congratulations on 7 days....that's awesome! ❤️

taplow 10-29-2019 12:01 PM

Thanks lovely venuscat, I don't deserve that but you've put a smile on my face so wide I got stuck in the doorway.
Actually I have been writing. A while ago I joined a writing group but stopped going after a couple of times because, well I can't remember - drink probably. I'm not very good but some others there weren't very good either.
Anyway I've decided to go again. I thought I'd write these pieces set in an amateur writer's group and have characters reading and commenting on their amateur writing. I reckon the women might laugh and the men will feel affronted.
But thanks venuscat and best wishes to all.
Drink is death.

venuscat 10-29-2019 12:06 PM

Writers don't have to be popular as such.....I think it's what makes us (or me anyway) need to write....we have a strong voice and a head filled with unusual ideas.....the controversy is as fantastic as it is awesome dichotomy. :)

I think of Oscar Wilde.....I think Dorian Gray was one of the greatest inspirations I had....the power of creativity is so alluring. Even if it does tend to go hand in had with crazy.

izzy1962 10-29-2019 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 7299067)
Hope your cold eases up love. :hug: ❤️

Thanks! No such luck. Some nasty stuff going around -1/2 the office has it. I will say, I would rather feel sick with a cold than hungover anyday!!!

Misc72 10-29-2019 12:11 PM

All is well just saying hello and love to you all!!Day 9

Linners820 10-29-2019 12:12 PM

I guess I'll join all of you who aren't feeling well. I think I'm coming down with something too? Feel lots of sinus pressure and am exhausted. I'll catch up more later, I think I need a nap.

venuscat 10-29-2019 12:16 PM

Huge hugs for all the sickies. :hug: s xxxxxxxxx

I feel like American bugs are nastier than Australian ones.....maybe because of the extreme clue really. I do for sure know that eczema is a much bigger problem here....and sinus issues.....we have to use central air/heat 99% of the year. In Aus you get to go outside 99% of the year.

taplow 10-29-2019 12:34 PM

Oh and I forgot to mention, it's day 10.
Yes venuscat, creatives are often nutcases.
I only write nonsense. For instance I wrote a story where a woman meets a man online. He tells her he's a tall, handsome company director when really he's two midgets one balanced on the other's shoulders. Then it starts to get silly.
What do you write venuscat?

venuscat 10-29-2019 01:19 PM

So husband and I had a joke for ages that I was really a fat dude from Minnosota, and the cute Aussie chic was all a lie....mainly because I did not want to video chat before we met. We just talked for thousands of hours. :)

I write poetry and I am supposed to be writing professionally right now....article writing.....I have had too much on my plate to get there. Today is actually all about that. I am looking deep and deciding what my priorities are.

And silly/nonsense is good taplow. :hug: s

Citrus 10-29-2019 03:05 PM

100.9° fever here and I am freezing. Atleast I'm not drinking. I've got tons of water, tea and OJ. In bed with classic Aladdin on and my 11 yo for company. ❤

Dee74 10-29-2019 04:18 PM

Welcome Michael :)

Hope everyone had a good sober day :grouphug:


sadforldr7 10-29-2019 04:26 PM

Day 14 here. Still grinding through, it took me until day 12 to really feel what I would consider living.

Wish everyone well. :)

venuscat 10-29-2019 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Citrus (Post 7299330)
100.9° fever here and I am freezing. Atleast I'm not drinking. I've got tons of water, tea and OJ. In bed with classic Aladdin on and my 11 yo for company. ❤

Oh got sick baby.....I am realising now in living here that this part of fall is bad for many weather changes and stuff. :( Hope you are wrapped up and chicken souped and loved. :hug: ❤️

venuscat 10-29-2019 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by sadforldr7 (Post 7299372)
Day 14 here. Still grinding through, it took me until day 12 to really feel what I would consider living.

Wish everyone well. :)

Oh heart hurts for you....I know that feeling so well.
So awful that any of us go through this. :hug: s

Consider that it is going to get exponentially better, and fast. I promise you. This is worth is all the way. :hug: ❤️

venuscat 10-29-2019 04:56 PM

Hey soberjim.....come chat. :hug: s xx

Neverthought 10-29-2019 05:42 PM

Hey Octsobers.....

Hope everyone is doing well.

Citrus, you'll recover quickly. Everyone gets sick now and then!

And nothing like the comfort of hanging with your 11 year old. My boy turns 12 tomorrow.

Enjoying the fall foliage....Leaves are very colorful now in NE-PA.

Plus, winter is right around the corner...can't wait to go skiing!

Nothing like 4 seasons!

All is well here, and I hope all is well with the October-Newcomers, e.g. soon to graduate!

Keep the dream alive!

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