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BarbieKen 05-20-2018 10:15 PM

Pooped, but checking in for my next 24!
:grouphug: Bobbi

lilymaz 05-20-2018 10:43 PM

In for another 24

theVman31 05-20-2018 10:54 PM

I'm in for 24 too.

Endoftheday 05-20-2018 11:20 PM

Another 24 please , 7.20am

Rowlands1 05-20-2018 11:35 PM

Good Morning :)
Checking in please x

Shilla 05-20-2018 11:42 PM

It is 8:40am, and I am in for the next 24hr. Waking up sober is amazing☺️. A brilliant sober 24 to the rest of you :grouphug:

Gabe1980 05-21-2018 12:52 AM

24 more for me please.

So glad I took this time off work 😊 my mind is all over the place but I'm only trusting thoughts that tell me I don't want alcohol in my life and that I'm a good person. Anything else is just trying to sabotage my getting sober and well.

Congratulations to all our milestoners today !!
Lots of love to you all. Gabe 💗💗💗

Gabe1980 05-21-2018 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by Stubbs16 (Post 6902062)
Today has literally sucked!!!! In a mood, fighting AV for hours now! Staying busy, cut grass, walked dogs, etc.

I hate, hate, hate this!! Urge surfing isnt working today...:(

Im literally holed up in my bedroom. Still holding strong tho.

Hey Stubbs. Good on you. I hope you have a better day today my friend 👏😊

Gabe1980 05-21-2018 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by PhoenixJ (Post 6902198)
Dr Obvious told me this advice every waking hour of mine.

My brain often tells me I am no good and I 'should, have to and must'.
So today- I have set up a regime for achieving goals. If I was perfect- I would stop eating, exercise 8 hours a day, give up coffee, meditate in the middle of a building site without distraction, save 95% of my budget and volunteer (with the goal of getting paid work tomorrow) 14 hours a day. If I do not meet these targets- it is obvious then that I am a what's the point?? That is the dysfunctional- stupid child voice whispering at me.

So today- (0837), I have cleaned me unit, exercised for 30 minutes,.....
and the rest of the day will unfold.

Conclusion: should's voice is stressful. It is better to do a small amount of something, rather than aiming for perfection and doing nothing...absolute thinking does not work (except for not drinking/drugs) and achieving a little all of the time will help us feel a little better each time.

EXACTLY this!!! This was what I was dealing with yesterday. Now I'm not drinking I should, should, should....
Then it occured to me. When I drink I just sit on my bum and watch tv. Why do I have to turn into some sort of super human cause I've stopped? I refuse to set myself up for failure.
Thank you Phoenix. You are a legend 💗

wiscsober 05-21-2018 01:06 AM

one more check-in g'morn….0305 Too Early Time

Sweetpeacan 05-21-2018 01:10 AM

Hello 24'ers and it's another 24 for me pretty please.

Going to read around and catch up with what's happening with you all as I have been caught up with family stuff for the last few days. I struggle with family as a lot of them feel they can (because of my drinking past)be pretty mean. Not going to let them affect me today, I am me and perfectly happy with that for today.

Jo,so sorry that you are going through your break up. Time truly is the only thing that heals. I know how badly it hurts, I have been there with someone I thought would Love me forever and when he left I honestly thought the pain wouldn't end and no-one would ever Love me again.......standing here to say you will sweetheart get through it and it will get easier. You are a lovely person and you will heal and your knight in shining armour will arrive when you are ready for love again. So much Love & hugs heading your way.

Kenton, Fabulous Lady, you dealt with your friends so wisely and as was said you can always say something at a later date.

Suze, So happy to see that you are slowly but surely getting better. Your garden is going to be a haven of loveliness. You are inspiring me to to get out and do the same with mine, yay. pleased things are going well for you. Lucky lady!!

PhoenixJ....Your wise words inspire me constantly

Leigh... Wonderful cakes and lovely lady

Realised I am running off with this thread now and I so want to"talk" to you all, but not enough room. It will have suffice to say I am proud to be part of this group...the struggles,the honesty,the love,the caring,the wisdom it blows me away.

Congrats to milestoners, Love & thoughts to those struggling.

Much Love to you all my lovely 24'ers, have a safe lovely day, SP :a194::a194::a194::Val004::Val004::Val004:

Ps... Off to find my off switch now, lol xx

PhoenixJ 05-21-2018 01:25 AM

24 and support to y'all

kenton 05-21-2018 01:33 AM

Loads of great posts.... Quitter, Phoenix - thank you xxx

Sweetpeacan, stay strong. For a while my family felt my past drinking meant I could constantly be used as everyone's emotional punch bag. Happy to report that continued sobriety has put an end to this. When people see you are sober and serious about staying sober, they realise they can't be mean to you all the time anymore. Just as our opinions of ourselves gradually change, so too does other people's xxxx

Jo, hope you are feeling OK today and not too apprehensive about tomorrow. It's been such a crazily busy few days I haven't had a chance to message you but I've been thinking about you loads xxx

Neoo, so pleased it's going well with your new lady...I feel so happy for you. But a little sad for all the ladies in the swimming pool! Xxx

Feeling a bit out of sorts this morning and kept thinking that I needed to read a particular poem but I couldn't remember which one and then I remembered and it made me feel a lot better and if it makes one other person feel a bit better too it's worth me typing it here ......

The Guest House by Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone today. 24 more for me please xxxx

tgirl 05-21-2018 01:35 AM

Another 24 please

julietUK 05-21-2018 02:21 AM

Good morning everyone, its 10,20am (very late for me) here in the UK, Please count me in for another 24 hours sober and clean,

Neoo 05-21-2018 02:49 AM

10:49am....24 more please...Love to All :grouphug:

Saskia 05-21-2018 02:53 AM

In for another 24

yukonm 05-21-2018 03:00 AM

Signing up for 24 hours drink and drug free. 6:00am in Jacksonville, Florida!!

Congratulations to all those celebrating milestones today!!

Including me...10 years and 9 months!! :a122:

Sunflowerlife 05-21-2018 03:13 AM

Originally Posted by Stubbs16 (Post 6902062)
Today has literally sucked!!!! In a mood, fighting AV for hours now! Staying busy, cut grass, walked dogs, etc.

I hate, hate, hate this!! Urge surfing isnt working today...:(

Im literally holed up in my bedroom. Still holding strong tho.

How are you feeling today Stubbs?

Sunflowerlife 05-21-2018 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by yukonm (Post 6902549)
Signing up for 24 hours drink and drug free. 6:00am in Jacksonville, Florida!!

Congratulations to all those celebrating milestones today!!

Including me...10 years and 9 months!! :a122:

CONGRATS Yukonm!!! What an amazing achievement:You_Rock_

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