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venuscat 05-20-2018 02:01 PM

he he he...a very cheeky girl I am....I was just reciting to Nick (earlier today) the poem my parents said to me every single day when I was little: ~

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead

And when she was good
She was very very good
And when she was bad she was horrid. :biggrin:

Stubbs16 05-20-2018 02:07 PM

TY venuscat. :)

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by theVman31 (Post 6901530)
Check me in for 24 too please.

Love your new avatar, Vinny!

Hevyn 05-20-2018 02:19 PM

I want and need another 24 puhleeese. :) Can't stop now.

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by kenton (Post 6901590)
Been up since 5.30am clearing up after yesterday's party. Yet another advantage of sobriety...... you can get up early and get loads of stuff done whilst everyone else sleeps off hangovers. It was a great day. My darling boy is now baptised, the sun shone and no one got concussion on the bouncy castle.... perfect. It was so great to see my old school/uni friends that I haven't seen for ages and none of my family members got drunk and had arguments with each other so it was great..... except......there's one thing that's really bothering me........and I keep trying to do mindfulness and tell my brain to focus on all the positives but......

The godparents are our friends who moved up north last year. They still have meetings in London and always use our house as a base when they're here. So they were obviously at the church yesterday and then they came back to our house and were there for an hour or so and then disappeared. There were over 100 people there and if I'd been drinking I probably wouldn't have noticed they were missing. And I certainly wouldn't have minded if they went AWOL for an hour or so. But they turned up 5 hours later ..... drunk. They'd taken the opportunity to meet up with other friends at a cricket match. So they came back and then slept over here last night. They're in the kitchen now with my husband making breakfast. I'm feeling a bit annoyed. I mean, they're the godparents. .... guests of honour and they went missing for most of the party. I know I need to keep my cool and smile until they leave but I'm finding it a bit difficult. I feel like they just use our house as a bed and breakfast and I'm surprised and disappointed in them. But as I'm writing this I'm already starting to feel better. I know I often behaved appallingly when I was drinking and it's nice to be sober and know that no matter how much other people may drink and disappoint me, it's actually nothing to do with me. Right, I need to take a few deep breaths and help them with breakfast......why do I find it so hard to hide my true feelings??? I'm going to try to be the best possible version of myself until they leave..... then I'll go back to being me.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone today. 24 more for me please xxxxx

I am so sorry that the Godparents behaved so badly and let you down. It was very rude of them to leave during your celebration and so inconsiderate to return to your home in a drunken state.

I know that you will, as you do with all things, deal with dignity and composure.

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Snufkin (Post 6901731)
I’ve taken a week off work too Gabe!! It’s an eye opener when I think about how long it takes for my body to recover after that night... My hands are still shaking and I can’t eat much; I’m sick and queasy every time I’m preparing food so I have to take deep breaths and close my eyes while making a sandwich lol.

Take care Gabe, we’re gonna get through this together ❤️


Keep moving forward, dear one. Easier and better days are ahead.

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by Gabe1980 (Post 6901608)
24 for me please.

Woke up still feeling quite rough and scared. It seems to wear off after a bit. I've taken a week off work to give myself some time. Bit worried already about keeping the balance when I go back. Trying not to obsess! ODAAT for everything I think.

Congratulations to all our milestoners today!!

Love and best wishes to you all. Be back later 💗💗

ODAAT, step by step. Each one brings you that much closer to better times.

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by WaterOx (Post 6901870)
Thanks Dee, Venus and of course thanks a lot to everyone here.
I'm still here, for whatever it's worth. Things feel down for all kinds of reasons lately. It's questionable whether it's worth it but hey, giving it another 24.

What else is there to do :)

Please trust us, dear WaterOx; it IS worth it.

Please lean on us, okay?

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by kgirl41 (Post 6901876)
I'm here to give my life, body, and soul another 24 hours of sobriety.

This morning I was very open and honest about my alcoholism with my hubby. I had to admit some very shameful things like hiding drinks, hiding bottles but I wanted him to truly inderstand the magnitude of where I was at and where I saw my addiction going if I didn't make a change.

It was hard but I feel such a weight has been lifted. And now I have a little more accountability to not drink.

Have a wonderful day!

Welcome, kgirl; so glad that you have joined us.

What a good and brave thing to come clean with your husband. I hope that he becomes a solid ally along your path to recovery.

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by RedBerryJuniper (Post 6902028)
Tornadoes, flooding, a power outage—it is a wild day here :)

I’m home and safe with power and food and am sending love.



Whoa; please stay safe, dear Red.

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by Stubbs16 (Post 6902062)
Today has literally sucked!!!! In a mood, fighting AV for hours now! Staying busy, cut grass, walked dogs, etc.

I hate, hate, hate this!! Urge surfing isnt working today...:(

Im literally holed up in my bedroom. Still holding strong tho.

(((Stubbs)). Maybe try some deep breathing today.

Babs1234 05-20-2018 03:40 PM

24 more please

Kris47 05-20-2018 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by kgirl41 (Post 6901876)
I'm here to give my life, body, and soul another 24 hours of sobriety.

This morning I was very open and honest about my alcoholism with my hubby. I had to admit some very shameful things like hiding drinks, hiding bottles but I wanted him to truly inderstand the magnitude of where I was at and where I saw my addiction going if I didn't make a change.

It was hard but I feel such a weight has been lifted. And now I have a little more accountability to not drink.

Have a wonderful day!

Amazing things happen when we get right with ourselves. :scoregood

Neoo 05-20-2018 04:10 PM

Goodnight Guys third date planned for next Saturday:):grouphug:

PhoenixJ 05-20-2018 04:11 PM

Dr Obvious told me this advice every waking hour of mine.

My brain often tells me I am no good and I 'should, have to and must'.
So today- I have set up a regime for achieving goals. If I was perfect- I would stop eating, exercise 8 hours a day, give up coffee, meditate in the middle of a building site without distraction, save 95% of my budget and volunteer (with the goal of getting paid work tomorrow) 14 hours a day. If I do not meet these targets- it is obvious then that I am a what's the point?? That is the dysfunctional- stupid child voice whispering at me.

So today- (0837), I have cleaned me unit, exercised for 30 minutes,.....
and the rest of the day will unfold.

Conclusion: should's voice is stressful. It is better to do a small amount of something, rather than aiming for perfection and doing nothing...absolute thinking does not work (except for not drinking/drugs) and achieving a little all of the time will help us feel a little better each time.

Bailey3 05-20-2018 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by Neoo (Post 6902197)
Goodnight Guys third date planned for next Saturday:):grouphug:

The ladies at the pool must be pretty jealous, Neoo! You’re going to have to retire that speedo.

Neoo 05-20-2018 04:22 PM

I will be happy to jsm lol this lady is stunning way out of me league but she doesn’t know that :tyou

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by Neoo (Post 6902197)
Goodnight Guys third date planned for next Saturday:):grouphug:

Exciting time, Neo!

SoberLeigh 05-20-2018 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by PhoenixJ (Post 6902198)
Dr Obvious told me this advice every waking hour of mine.

My brain often tells me I am no good and I 'should, have to and must'.
So today- I have set up a regime for achieving goals. If I was perfect- I would stop eating, exercise 8 hours a day, give up coffee, meditate in the middle of a building site without distraction, save 95% of my budget and volunteer (with the goal of getting paid work tomorrow) 14 hours a day. If I do not meet these targets- it is obvious then that I am a what's the point?? That is the dysfunctional- stupid child voice whispering at me.

So today- (0837), I have cleaned me unit, exercised for 30 minutes,.....
and the rest of the day will unfold.

Conclusion: should's voice is stressful. It is better to do a small amount of something, rather than aiming for perfection and doing nothing...absolute thinking does not work (except for not drinking/drugs) and achieving a little all of the time will help us feel a little better each time.

Wise, as always, PhoenixJ.

Bubovski 05-20-2018 04:47 PM

Let's all face the challenges. When feeling really rotten a drink might relieve things for a while. But what later? A rotten hangover and a whole day totally messed up, violence, stupidity, drunk driving, not to mention all that money urinated away.

P.S. When feeling good, we may want to 'celebrate' and the above also applies.

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