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PalmerSage 05-15-2018 09:07 AM

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I saw photos of it on the local news last night, but it will be different to see it in person, especially because my kids are taking it pretty hard (adults understand that it's only stuff, but kids, not so much). ;)

NewChapterJan18 05-15-2018 11:25 AM

I can only imagine how surreal that was @Palmer. Kids are tough, they will come to understand that it’s ‘only stuff’ and in time they’ll appreciate how all that matters is that no one was hurt. Wishing you well.

scottynz 05-15-2018 02:19 PM

Oh Palmer how horrible for you all. Thinking of you.

Dee74 05-15-2018 04:54 PM

Prayers and best wishes to you all, PalmerSage.


BTLover 05-15-2018 06:39 PM

I second Dee’s comment Palmer,my prayers and best wishes for you and your family, hang tough

Numblady 05-15-2018 08:08 PM

Just wanted to pile one more hug on the bunch for Palmer. Palmer, I am so so very sorry. You are being so brave and wise about it but even if it’s just stuff I think it’s okay to acknowledge it’s hard on you too. And with your husband’s health issues on top...well I’m not surprised your resolve was tested. And you know what else? I’m also not surprised you chose to stay sober for it. I know that may be harder once the immediate crisis passes but we so have your back. Even if I did totally miss your message last night you have all my support and cheers.

I don’t even want to sully this post with babbling on about my own trivial details. I do want to say thank you to NC and Dee for the kind words on my staff issue though. The employee did seem oddly happy today so even though I still feel bad maybe she did feel some relief after it all. Who knows. We’re going to talk about it and finalize plans on Monday. That’s all I know for now.

I will try to check in a bunch while I’m away on my mini break. In the meantime I will be sending positive vibes to Palmer.

milly4me 05-16-2018 07:57 AM

(((oh Palmer))) I'm so very sorry. Please keep us posted. Please take care of yourself and your sobriety. Just so awful. (((HUGS)))

PalmerSage 05-16-2018 08:33 AM

Thank you so much, everyone! I know it probably doesn't sound like it here, but I'm generally low-drama and hate to be the center of attention, so this situation is pretty draining and chaotic. On the plus side, it could have been way worse and at least we have good insurance, family nearby, etc. even if the situation is less than ideal. And...I'm sober, so at least I'm not stressing about how to hide my drinking while struggling to function. UGH!

Numblady, I've been thinking about your staff person within the context of something my boss said to me, which is "if people are doing a bad job, they know it" (similar to what NC said), so I'm sure there is some relief on her part too. On the other hand, I can totally see how messing with someone's livelihood is a serious burden to bear. You have great judgment, and I have no doubt that you will make the right decisions one step at a time. :)

Chase01 05-16-2018 08:46 AM

Hi all. I am sorry I have been absent for a couple of months. I was doing really well and then had a backslide. I am ashamed to say that I drank a couple times over the past month. Here is the good news. It was terrible and I got nothing out of it. It was kinda like I needed to remind myself how bad it is and how there is absolutely nothing to gain from drinking. I lost count but had somewhere between 60 and 90 days. I can truly say that I am more committed to long term sobriety now.

I look forward to catching up with you all and hope you will have me back. I have truly missed you all and hope everyone is doing well.

Chase01 05-16-2018 08:54 AM

PalmerSage I am so sorry about your house. It might not mean much but I will be praying for you.

I am rededicating myself to sobriety and in doing so I am going to jump on the bandwagon of trying to post something everyday for 90 days. This seemed to be a great idea that helped some of you.

NewChapterJan18 05-16-2018 11:58 AM

@Palmer: Happy to hear that you have good insurance and a good support system around you to at least help alleviate some of the dreadful burden of the situation. I hope you are managing to take care of yourself also amidst caring for everyone else and trying to manage operations. Thinking of you.

@Numblady: How are you feeling now about the work situation? Happy to hear that the lady in question is showing signs of content or peace at least, I bet it has been a burden lifted from her own mind in some ways, and now she can focus on moving forwards.

@Milly: So hapy you popped by, I was worried about you! How are things going for you?

@Chase: I am so so happy that you have found your way back to Class - we missed you! It takes courage and strength to get back on the wagon, and we all know too well the experience of a setback. Thankfully yours has been contained and the lessons from those 60-90 days have not been lost, on the contrary they will strengthen your tool kit this time around. The 90/90 approach really worked for me, and in honesty I still post and read almost every day as I still rely heavily on the community here for support in these still early days. Glad to have you back buddy!

scottynz 05-16-2018 12:11 PM

Just a fly by.

@Palmer, I get the whole not wanting to be at the centre of the drama. Please know you are being thought and prayed for around the globe. Staying sober through this adversity is such a gift. You are an amazingly strong person.

@ Millie, so good to see you.

@ Chase, of course you belong here, you are family. No judgement at all, just delight to see you posting again.

Must run. xx

Chase01 05-16-2018 02:22 PM

Scotty and new chapter, thank you for the welcome. While I feel like crap today I know it for the best. Huge congratulations to all of you who are now in the century club. What am amazingly huge accomplishment. While I am jealous to not be with you in days I hope to follow your examples.
Hope you are hanging in there Palmer.

In other news I have a great reason to be completely dedicated to sobriety: the wife and I will be welcoming our second baby girl in November. While this is causing great amounts of stress and worry we are so happy and truly blessed. It has taken a couple years for this to happen.

Hope everyone had a good day.

Dee74 05-16-2018 02:52 PM

Hi everyone :wave:

Welcome back Chase - and congrats to you and your wife on your baby news :)]

Good to see you Milly - you too Scotty :)


Chase01 05-16-2018 03:47 PM

Hi Dee. Thank you. I am ashamed at having a couple setbacks but am very happy to be back. As if i needed any more reasons to quit drinking my family deserves the best version of me that I can be. My children will not grow up knowing a drunk dad. I have just proven, yet again, that periods of abstenance, of any length, do not equal control over alcohol.

Numblady 05-16-2018 06:38 PM

Grr. Keep losing post. Just want to say welcome back to chase and huge congrats.

More very soon. Just on phone but will be on iPad soon

Numblady 05-16-2018 07:19 PM

Okay so this is better. I wanted to say hi to everyone.

First, Palmer, still sending you lots of love to get through all the stress and insanity you are dealing with right now.

Second, I am glad the class is throwing support at Palmer, and it was nice to see BTLover and Milly jump in along with others.

Chase, I have to echo others to say you are always a class member. Palmer was so strong in her posting once a day for 90 days. I am hoping it will bring the same calm and routine to you. It’s nice to have the other Texan back!

I am on my beach trip. So far the not drinking is going fine in no small part because my stomach is completely jacked up anyway. Well I mean I wouldn’t have wanted to drink even if my stomach didn’t hurt (at least I don’t think I would have) but it makes it EVEN easier to abstain when you are feeling kind of queasy.

Anyhow, many hugs to my classmates. I’m off for an early and hopefully peaceful sleep.

Chase01 05-17-2018 05:14 AM

Good morning friends. Thanks for the welcome numblady. Sorry to hear about the stomach issues. Hopefully it will pass quickly and you can enjoy the beach.

I feel a little better today. Unfortunately I know this process all to well. Today will be an easy day. Tomorrow I will jump back into getting some exercise. It looks like a couple of you mentioned reading the posts of newcomers, who are going through the early withdrawal process. This is such a good idea to put the AV in its place when it starts to romanticize drinking. Also going back and easing some of our own first posts on here. These tricks will all get integrated into the ever evolving plan.

Sunflower79 05-17-2018 07:35 AM

Good morning everyone. ☀️

Welcome back Chase!!!

NumbLady enjoy the beach!! I hope your stomach issue go away soon

Palmer hope you’re doing ok today

PalmerSage 05-17-2018 02:05 PM

Chase, so happy to have you back! By all means, you are 100% a part of this class and I think it's so helpful to commit to daily posting for a set period of time, I feel like it's all part of building new habits in sobriety. Obviously I've relapsed several times myself, and it's always a slow buildup: First, I post less, eventually not at all, which causes me to forget the million reasons I quit. I also read lots of new class posts, as a reminder of what is waiting.

Also, huge congratulations on baby girl Chase!!! :grouphug:

Great to see folks coming back, like Milly and BTLover too. :)

I'm doing pretty well, getting used to the idea of living in different locations. Hopefully we'll be settled soon, but in the meantime, we're lucky in lots of ways.

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