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sunshinelove101 04-19-2018 06:53 PM

Thank you, Dee. I know it's possible. That's the only hope I have right now.

NT216 04-19-2018 07:30 PM

Don't worry about it sunshine... glad to see that you are not giving up!

I'm finishing Day 4 after a 2 week relapse and feeling better. That's my shortest relapse ever. I'm making sure to check in here each day. My son came home from practice today upset about something that happened there. It was great to be sober so that I could really listen to him and give him some advice.

3trees hope your daughter is feeling better. Glad that you're staying strong and positive.

Thanks kgirl for mentioning the podcasts on Recovery Elevator. I listened to one tonight.

Hope you are doing well Schizo - after you mentioned the personal stories I went to read some and it helped me too.

Hope you all have a good night - or day depending on where you are :)

JustTony 04-19-2018 08:32 PM

Day 6

Reading everyone’s stories is so inspiring one way or another. It’s amazing how similar the experiences are from all of us in early sobriety and the struggles we face.

Of course, without being defeatest in any way, one of the most unfortunately repeated experiences in early recovery is how prone we are to relapse. I have so much admiration for those that jump straight back into a further attempt at sobriety - a feat that is utterly beyond me when I take one drink. Hello to weeks/months of hell for me.

I’m having my first coffee and I’m going to go through a few work emails at about 5am. Then off to the gym for when it opens at 6:30am and carry out my plan laid out yesterday to hit the weights hard and start my fitness campaign again. I got on the scales this morning and have already lost 5 pounds just through not drinking (and then binging like a pig when drunk!) I guess if you drink 3 to 4 bottles of wine a night that’s a huge calorie decrease when you decide to stop!

I feel I’m ‘coming back’. Positivity is beginning to coarse through my veins again slowly. The mind is de-fogging a little. I went to bed at 7pm last night and stayed there until 3.30am - not all sleep time but quite a bit was.

So I need to workout today. Walk the dog at least 3 miles later too. Be powerful at work. But I also must be careful as that wave of ‘go for it’ can lead to a drink. I don’t know why (seems counter intuitive?) but I know it can.

Love and strength to my fellow strugglers. We can do this I know we can. It just takes determination, planning and learning to love ourselves a lot, lot more.


Strawberry18 04-19-2018 09:25 PM

Morning all ! Had a Radom in planned get together with the mums last night . 3 of them went through ALOT of wine ! I had an urge at the beginning but stayed firm !
School run is in half an hour .... I wouldn't like to be in there shoes right now!
Instead I'm calmly getting my 3 ready enjoying my coffee !

The thing is I never must take that first drink again... I love being sobor!

Daisybelle 04-19-2018 11:57 PM

06.22 a.m Day 14 ( whoop whoop)

Good morning April Shower

I'm hoping you're all well and sober. I've been awake for a couple of hours so I thought I'd make myself a cup of tea and do a bit of perusing S.R and posting. I'm on day 14 and feeling quite good, positive and optimistic, the A.V has tried to whisper sweet nothings in my ear a couple of times but I'm just not listening to his lies.
The weather looks a bit dull yet but it is forecast to be another lovely day so fingers crossed. I love it when I'm up early and all is quiet apart from the birds singing. I didn't get chance to post again last night as the other half was using the lap top and I was really tired again so went to bed before he'd finished. I do read the posts a lot during the day from both my Kindle and my mobile phone but it is so hard to post from them I don't generally bother.
Oh and speaking about the other half there is a slight thawing in his Mr Frosty persona:notworthy, he sent me two texts yesterday, only telling me about someone he used to be very friendly with and who we both knew many years ago but lost contact, joining his company. That's the most conversation we've had in the last two weeks so that's a step in the right direction. :c014:

Hi 3trees, so glad your daughter is ok, poor girl, I bet that gave you a fright, but what is so good is that you didn't drink over it, be proud of your self and welcome to day 20. You're such an inspiration.

Well done on day 4 Schizodoc and if reading the big book is keeping your A.V at bay then keep on reading it. Talking about personal stories, after reading your post last night I went on to read some of the personal stories here and O.M.G they do put things into perspective. Honestly if any of you are weakening or need inspiration please go and read a few of them.

Hi Nichole and I admire your honesty. I'm glad you've posted and please stick close now and post as much as you can. You are worth more that what alcohol is giving you. You can do it if you really want to do it, you take it one day at a time, sometimes it's even just one hour at a time Go back and see your doctor too if your medication isn't working. There is a way out and if you need help then go and find it, ask for it, you can do this. You need to do it for you.

Aww Sunshine I'm so sorry you slipped, but good on you for coming back and posting about it. I'm going to be honest with you and say next time you go to a manicurist go to one that doesn't supply alcohol, that's just a ploy anyway to soften you up so you spend more. Same with the hairdressser, you need to find a new one, find one that's only interested in doing a good job on your hair. Avoid situations that put you in the position of not being able to refuse a glass wine or champagne. Check in here every day and keep posting. If I can do this, so can you. Big hugs. x

NT216, day 4 is good, you're back on track again now. I bet your son is delighted that you are listening to him and able to offer advice. You sound like a wonderful mum.

Wow Tony, I can' believe how much better and more positive you sound. I was quite concerned about you a couple of days back but you seem to be getting your act together now. Enjoy the gym but don't try and do too much too soon, ease yourself back into it, make sure you keep well hydrated too. Be kind to yourself and take care.

Strawberry, you did so well. I'm not sure I could cope being in company with with a group of wine swigging friends, not just yet anyway. I bet you are so pleased with yourself this morning, all clear headed and alert for the school run. Wonderful stuff.

Well that's about it for now, I'll go and get dressed and a bit later on I'm taking my mum grocery shopping, other than that I'll have to see what the day brings.
I wish you all a better day than yesterday.
Love to all. xxxx

Daily pledge:

Just for today... I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will also do someone a good turn, but they will not know about it, if they do it will not count.

JustTony 04-20-2018 01:37 AM

After Drinking:

I'm lethargic
I'm in a fog
I feel ashamed
I sweat as I withdraw
I'm anxious
Nothing is possible
I live with regret
I see no future
I have no hope
I'm lonely

After the Gym

I feel alive
I have clarity
I feel proud
I sweat from my workout
I'm confident
Anything is possible
I live with hope
I see a better future
I have hope
I want to socialise

The next time I want a drink? I'm going to the gym.

Daisybelle 04-20-2018 02:45 AM

Loving that Tony.
Just checking in very quickly. Need to post. The A.V was pecking my head in the supermarket, the bottles of wine were waving to me and I was actually salivating. I gave them the 2 finger salute and now I'm home safe and sound, phew, I'm okay now, it's passed. It took me by surprise, I'll be watching out for that one. A quick coffee now and all is good. Xxxx

Strawberry18 04-20-2018 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by Daisybelle (Post 6866644)
Loving that Tony.
Just checking in very quickly. Need to post. The A.V was pecking my head in the supermarket, the bottles of wine were waving to me and I was actually salivating. I gave them the 2 finger salute and now I'm home safe and sound, phew, I'm okay now, it's passed. It took me by surprise, I'll be watching out for that one. A quick coffee now and all is good. Xxxx

We'll done !!! :) daisy !

Tony .... Well said!

Caramel 04-20-2018 03:22 AM

^^ In the March 2016 Class thread, that may be what is referred to as the "Casey Salute" named after one of the stalwart posters :)

Donnyb 04-20-2018 03:53 AM

Good morning all!!
Tony, love the second post, that is awesome and sooo true!!
Strawberry, awesome but be careful with that. So glad you are happy this morning😊 but early on, the farther away from it, the better. Enjoy you sober day!!
Daisybelle, Glad you are back home, and I know that temptation all too well!! Pennsylvania used to be a state that you could only buy alcohol at a state store, beer distributor, or bar. Now, as far as the county I live in, they changed that law, and you can now get it in a lot of grocery and convenience stores. Seems to be everywhere. But no matter.
All my other peeps, hello, sending love and have to read back and catch up on what going on. Love and peace to all of you, happy Friday and will check in later💜

Daisybelle 04-20-2018 05:04 AM

Thanks Strawberry, I hope you are okay lovely.

Ha ha Caramel, that made me smile. How are you doing?

Donny, you can buy alcohol mostly anywhere here, they even sell it in petrol stations, how bad is that? I'm okay now, I'm fine, thank you. I so don't want to put myself back again, I've had enough of waking up each morning with my heart in my stomach and feeling anxious and guilty. Done with it. I hope your day is a good one. Take care my friend. xxxx

3trees 04-20-2018 05:06 AM

Good morning.
A morning with SUN!
Day 19.
Looking forward to a busy busy weekend
Cannot let my guard down...

Best of luck to you all this weekend!

Strawberry18 04-20-2018 08:23 AM

6pm in sunny Greece . Got my 25000 steps .. House cleaned did some weights ... Kids are playing out and everyone is sat in the sun drinking beer :( it's Friday afternoon an I'm bored . I want to sit with them and enjoy an ice cold beer in a frosted glass! Nope ... It's a frappe for me !
I really am finding it hard to accept a life without alcohol. It's everywhere .

JustTony 04-20-2018 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Strawberry18 (Post 6866908)
I really am finding it hard to accept a life without alcohol. It's everywhere .

Don't accept it for life. Accept it just for today and deal with tomorrow when it comes around.

Red78 04-20-2018 03:59 PM

I need to stop.. I self harmed last nightnight to internalize the pain instead of dealing with it..
I haven't done that in 25 years.
I need to stop drinking..

Daisybelle 04-20-2018 04:01 PM


Just popping in again before I go to bed. It's been a long day but all is well. I dropped my mum off at her friends 85th birthday party this evening, then picked her up again at the end of the night. So glad I could do that.

3trees it's been a lovely sunny day here again, I hope it's the same over the weekend. Day 19 is awesome, well done. Enjoy your weekend. x

Hi Strawberry, I know it's hard. Its been a gorgeous day here and as I've been driving back and to, the beer gardens have been full with people sat outside enjoying a pint or whatever. That's no good for me though, I have no stop button, I would end up having several glasses of wine and then sleeping for the rest of the day. What's the point of that, what a waste of a beautiful day it would have been. As Tony says there in his post, it's just for today.

Well said Tony and I just can't believe the change in you since yesterday. You sound so much better. Take care. xx

I'm off to bed now so good night all, stay safe and stay sober. x

Daisybelle 04-20-2018 04:03 PM

Red, we crossed posts. I'm sorry to read that, are you okay? Are you sober? Are you getting any help/support? Please take good care of yourself and keep posting, we are all here for you. x

Red78 04-20-2018 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by Daisybelle (Post 6867247)
Red, we crossed posts. I'm sorry to read that, are you okay? Are you sober? Are you getting any help/support? Please take good care of yourself and keep posting, we are all here for you. x

Thank you daisybelle. I'm hungover but won't be drinking today.. I am ok..

NT216 04-20-2018 06:44 PM

Stay well Red and let us know how your day goes. Everyone here is trying just like you are. Keep picking yourself up again and stay strong.

Dee74 04-20-2018 06:59 PM

I'm sorry Red but I'm glad you're back.

Hi to you too Nichole. I hope you can find the strength to go your own way rather than following those around you.
Keep fighting.

Hi daisybelle, 3trees, DonnyB, NT216, JT

strawberry I didn't think I'd ever get sober either.

Forever was immense to me, but one day at a time I could just about envisage.

I tried to remember always that its the first drink that gets me not the last. It made that decision to drink again that much harder?


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