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LateBloominCait 01-23-2018 06:41 AM

In for another 24 today! I am 26 days sober from alcohol and each day is better than the last. I have been so busy, but wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing! Have a great one!

venuscat 01-23-2018 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by kenton (Post 6757537)
Hey Neoo, hope you're feeling OK today. What a palaver. ... fingers crossed it will all get sorted out on 26 Feb. Palaver is a fun word... I nearly wrote pavlova but that's something different altogether...a meringue based dessert if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway, enough of these sober musings. Although give me sober musings over drunken ramblings any day of the week. I'm leaving work early today to take my dog to the vet because I found a lump on his left side. Obviously I spent hours last night on doctor/vet google but I am NOT going to panic. My dog is energetic and well and the lump is probably just a rogue mince pie he stole over Xmas. No point worrying until there is something to worry about. And even then... worry doesn't actually help much. Remind me of that Jo, when my kids start going on dates!! I'm going to be one of those mums that sits in my car outside nightclubs. .. drinking a flask of tea and reading books by torch light... just so I make sure they all get home safe. And if any of them dare stay in the nightclub past their curfew, I will go into the nightclub and do my mum dancing. That will clear the place.

Congrats milestoners. ... 24 more for me please xxxx

Yes the mum dancing. If I lived there, I would sit in the car with you with the torch and we could have snacks while we waited....

All the best for beautiful dog. Of course you are worried. But if he has managed to stash a mince pie and it shows up on the xray, he is going to be famous and you will make a fortune.

Praying that he is just fine honey.

And I thought everybody might like some palaver ;) :)

Pavlova is seriously awesome. :)

venuscat 01-23-2018 06:43 AM

Originally Posted by LateBloominCait (Post 6757744)
In for another 24 today! I am 26 days sober from alcohol and each day is better than the last. I have been so busy, but wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing! Have a great one!

26 days is awesome honey!!!!! :) :) :)
SO glad to hear that you are feeling better and better and better.

Have a great day Cait. :hug: ♥

venuscat 01-23-2018 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by PhoenixJ (Post 6757572)
Aw gee Dels..thank you for your kind words. I really do not think of myself in any way as an orator - not the next Yoda or stuff. I think firstly not boozing- so no guilt hurts. I think this place, plus meetings- and writing down stuff (I am a compulsive journalologist)...
One person whose trail of damage with booze is as bad a mine...said she thinks that the rock-b was the BEST thing that happened to her- along with having nothing like me- family, money, home etc, because it was sink or swim. I do NOT think it was the best thing- but I think I have tried to make the best of stuff- because of it.
Now if you will excuse me..I am feeling far too mature and have to dumb myself down- watching the old Brit comedy- Red Dwarf..that will do.

You know there are new Red Dwarfs....last year, a few years before that as well....haven't caught up with it yet.

Hope your mature self is sound asleep love. :) :hug: ♥♥

venuscat 01-23-2018 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Neoo (Post 6757669)
One of the worst I have ever heard Phoenix, but it did make me smile :):scorebad

I love terrible jokes. That one particularly tickled my fancy. :)

venuscat 01-23-2018 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by RedBerryJuniper (Post 6757587)
24 please. Back to work. Probably could use another day to recover, but I can always leave early.

Have a good sober day.



Yes, please go home early today if you need to love.
Thinking of you. :hug: ♥

Sunflowerlife 01-23-2018 07:02 AM

9:58 am Maryland
It's a rainy day here and I am still in shock at how quiet the house is now that I finally have it all to myself (both boys in school and husband is at work.) I haven't had a day like this since before Christmas and I forgot how good it feels!

Things are not going well with my husband and I cannot wait until our second therapy session tomorrow. He has been giving me the silent treatment since Saturday afternoon because I yelled at him for cutting up the shop vac hose (I am very triggered by the destruction of household objects- it drives me crazy.) Had he just been able to discuss the matter with me without stonewalling (his go to method) we could have avoided the screaming match. I know screaming isn't right but I am sick to death of him physically running away from me every time there is an issue. He literally leaves the room, shuts the door and refuses to resolve any and all issues. Upon doing some research I feel validated knowing that stonewalling usually leads the other partner to explode until they feel heard.

Anyway, I don't know what to do other than be honest in therapy and hope that he can help us. I honestly don't want to live like this. It's exhausting and above all I feel sorry for our children.

Other than that I am ok. Just trying to do positive things for myself and my soul and body. Going to go do a quick meditation and then work on some of my self study courses.

Wishing you all a beautiful day and thank you if you read all of this :)

venuscat 01-23-2018 07:16 AM

I was worried about you Sunflower love ~ I am very glad to see you this morning.
And of course I read your post love.....I am so glad you can talk to us. I'm glad we can ALL talk freely here.

Gosh, I am so sorry this is so hard.
I must admit that I can relate to some of it far too well....when Nick reads this he will probably feel the same way. I imagine a lot of couples go through some rough times like this....what you are doing, therapy together, that is the very best thing you can do.

I hope tomorrow's session will help you both. Hopefully your husband will be able to talk about his feelings more openly...and I hope you feel like you are truly heard.

Proud of you every single move forward with strength and determination. Sending you love. :hug: ♥

Sunflowerlife 01-23-2018 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6757790)
I was worried about you Sunflower love ~ I am very glad to see you this morning.
And of course I read your post love.....I am so glad you can talk to us. I'm glad we can ALL talk freely here.

Gosh, I am so sorry this is so hard.
I must admit that I can relate to some of it far too well....when Nick reads this he will probably feel the same way. I imagine a lot of couples go through some rough times like this....what you are doing, therapy together, that is the very best thing you can do.

I hope tomorrow's session will help you both. Hopefully your husband will be able to talk about his feelings more openly...and I hope you feel like you are truly heard.

Proud of you every single move forward with strength and determination. Sending you love. :hug: ♥

Thank you Suze- you have me in tears. I just want to be happy. I don't need much, really, but I do need to feel loved and respected and I don't have any of that right now. I know I'm not perfect either and that fixing this marriage is going to be HARD. Thank God I am sober through all of this. I can't wait to hit that 8 month mark in February. I couldn't be handling any of this with a bottle in my hand.
Love you.

badgerden 01-23-2018 07:21 AM

:grouphug: Sunflower, yes find your happy safe place. You deserve it and worth it!!

In for 25 more


Oh Hey Tang you have your own smiley! :fish: :)

Sunflowerlife 01-23-2018 07:41 AM

Originally Posted by badgerden (Post 6757797)
:grouphug: Sunflower, yes find your happy safe place. You deserve it and worth it!!

In for 25 more


Oh Hey Tang you have your own smiley! :fish: :)

Thank you so much...

venuscat 01-23-2018 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by Sunflowerlife (Post 6757794)
Thank you Suze- you have me in tears. I just want to be happy. I don't need much, really, but I do need to feel loved and respected and I don't have any of that right now. I know I'm not perfect either and that fixing this marriage is going to be HARD. Thank God I am sober through all of this. I can't wait to hit that 8 month mark in February. I couldn't be handling any of this with a bottle in my hand.
Love you.

Last night Nick and I were talking about this.....about how you really can get through, work through anything sober.

I know this is really hard, but with love and commitment anything is possible. Hoping with all of my heart that it gets better between you and your husband.

And we are all with you love. :hug: ♥

WaterOx 01-23-2018 08:03 AM

3 weeks tomorrow
so might as well go another 24:)

julietUK 01-23-2018 08:06 AM

Hi Water, yes 3 weeks for me too on Thursday. But 21 days tomorrow. I am being awkward about the dates. I am feeling great but scared something will come and make me relapse. This forum helps a lot. Hope you are feeling good too. Stay strong.

Neoo 01-23-2018 08:07 AM

The smell of breakfast. :)

joandmelandhan 01-23-2018 08:09 AM

24 more please before I forget. Really busy and it seems everyone except me like living in a rubbish tip. Grrr....I'm fuming right now. Sorry gang...... as you were! xx

Gilmer 01-23-2018 08:28 AM

Checking in at 11:28 am from Fort Valley, VA, USA.

olyrunner 01-23-2018 08:35 AM

Good morning - just a quick check-in for 24 more. See you all soon!!

SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by WeaverBird (Post 6756712)
Crikey Neo, our legal system is a nightmare, poor love. You'll be tired from the anxiety tonight. Please don't expect too much of yourself for a couple of days and then just go on as before. It's got to end eventually.

Weev in for 24 more at 6:04pm.

More financials, facing up to it. My debt grows every time I look at a piece of paper. :scorebad

(((((Weav)))). Baby steps, dear one.

DreamCatcher17 01-23-2018 08:57 AM

Good morning, afternoon or evening to my fellow 24'ers!!

I would love another 24 hours to bring me to 4 months shackle free from alcohol tomorrow!

I am a little annoyed this morning with some clients who just get under my skin, but I am brishing that off!

I completed the 21-day fix from Beachbody and lost 7 pounds and many many inches, I can see definition, it is an awesome feeling!


SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by joandmelandhan (Post 6756809)
Good evening sweetie pies!
Oh Neoo what a frustrating day! You've done so well so far just keep digging in till it's over. I'll have a lovely sparking cranberry and soda ready to celebrate with you on Feb 26th! :hug:
Well guys yesterday was interesting. Eldest went to the cinema with "a mate" and........IT WAS A BOY! Yes her first proper date! :dee
Okay.....stay calm Jojo......she is sensible.....she won't elope before her exams......eek!
Actually I'm really pleased for her she seems happy and it's nice she's doimg "normal" things.
So beware Delilah and Kenton! They grow up! Sob!
Had a great day at work today. Got some tricky stuff done (felt the fear again and got on with it). I think Weavers spreadsheet mastery and general bravery (love you Weaver) spurred me on.
So that's today's little bit of gratitude. Our 24 family cheerleading for one another. Go 24ers! :banana:
Lots of love to you all and yes please to another 24 :grouphug:

You go, JoJo. ❤️

Our 24 family :ring.

SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by VikingGF (Post 6756820)
Hello! Hanging out here for a little bit of a challenging time.

So very, very, very wonderful to see you, dear VikingGF. ❤️

SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by RayJay (Post 6756840)
It's nice to get back into the routine of checking in.

I'm here for another 24

So,glad that you here, RayJay. ❤️

SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by WeaverBird (Post 6756888)
I just love you JoJo. So much love in your heart. And I love this thread.

That's exactly what we're doing isn't it. Facing fear that's as high as the sky, walking through fire, coming out the other side and helping others.

I was at a talk where a lady did the Tough Mudder race and had to go through a tunnel with an underwater section full of muddy water and she got disorientated and panicked. Then she felt someone reach down and pull her out and then run off before she could say thank you. Anyway, she did the race the next year, reached into that same tunnel pulled out a newbie, and then ran on to finish the race.

It's just the way it works. I reckon in the final analysis all we have is each other :ring Thanks everyone. It's a pleasure being part of your lives.

Great story, Weav. ❤️

SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by BunBun (Post 6756916)
Checking in late... I have stayed home from work today because I am not feeling well. Everyone is sick with colds. I couldn't sleep because I was feeling flu like...but am resting up today.

Buns that are a bonded pair are like a married couple. They are best furiends and groom each other and explore together and snuggle up. They share the house Rabbit experience 💜. I can't figure out how to upload a pic from my phone?!
Sleep is the best medicine in life.

Feel better soon, BunBun! Don't let the flu bug bite.

Kris47 01-23-2018 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6757172)
Neoo had to deal with the stuff we all have to deal with...and sometimes the cops come. A bit of a punch up and someone phoned the police.....

He is going to be fine because he has done the right thing every step of the way here..... ♥

Yes and he continues to Grow every step of the way!

Awesome You, Neoo. :)

Kris47 01-23-2018 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by Jessie73 (Post 6757177)
24 sober hours for me please

Welcome Jessie! :)

SoberLeigh 01-23-2018 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by WeaverBird (Post 6756959)
For about 10 seconds there, I thought we should pull together a team and do Tough Mudder in 2018. Then I watched the videos. I wish I could embed one for you to see... I never really liked mud anyway.

The marketing says "join a tribe of 3million+" and I thought "I've joined a global tribe of 20 million+".
How cool is that?
This is like Tough Mudder x 1,000,000
Anyway, enough out of me. Bed :grouphug:

Very cool post, dear Weav!!!!!!!! ❤️

Kris47 01-23-2018 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6757182)
Oooooooo, another Aussie!!!! :) :) I am a little bit biased....Aussie living away from home and all, you know how the oi oi oi thing kicks in..... ;)

Welcome love. :)
Huge hugs. ♥

Australian, eh? ;)

Oi vey. :)

Kris47 01-23-2018 09:12 AM

GOOD Morning Beautiful People!!

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