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Dee74 11-06-2017 10:47 PM

I confused abstinence for control a few times.
I soon realise I had a little control as ever.

Although I mused about drinking in the context of 'a couple of drinks' I never really wanted to moderate.

What I really wanted was to drink as much as I liked and not have it impact my life my career, my health or my relationships.

Total fantasyland.


Downthepath 11-07-2017 12:12 AM

I need to keep hearing this message. Even though I know it is true, it does me good to have it reinforced by other people who have been there.
Thanks again.

tootsl1 11-07-2017 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 6664147)

What I really wanted was to drink as much as I liked and not have it impact my life my career, my health or my relationships.

Total fantasyland.


Didn't we all!!! Fantasyland must be pretty darned crowded!! :)

Purplrks3647 11-08-2017 06:46 PM

Hello friends ~ I went to a meeting this evening.....can't remember the last meeting I've been to, possibly a year? Anyway, I just felt I should go....needing to build up my suit of armor heading into holiday season. Glad you're all here! :c017:

tootsl1 11-09-2017 12:59 AM

A great reminder that we need to reinforce our defences Purp!

Downthepath 11-09-2017 01:19 AM

I certainly need to work on my mindset. For my entire adult life, the Christmas holiday has always been associated with drink, drink and more drink.
It will be very interesting to observe one from a sober perspective.

RetiredGuy 11-09-2017 05:02 AM

The wife and I are headed to Jamaica for three weeks. This annual trip used to involve copious amounts of booze. I really feel that my commitment to sobriety is strong enough that I will not be tempted. However, I am sure the AV will use it to try to weaken my resolve. If he gets too loud, I will be asking you fine people for support! At the present time, I have no desire to start drinking again and I hope it stays that way.

Purplrks3647 11-09-2017 05:47 AM

Have a wonderful trip, RG! :wave:

tootsl1 11-10-2017 12:05 AM

RG did your wife like going there, or did-ya-make-'er :lmao sorry always wanted to use that lame pun!! We'll be here if you need us, have a wonderful time.

Stronger2017 11-10-2017 12:17 AM

Have fun RG!

Downthepath 11-10-2017 02:05 AM

I'm heading out to a works function this evening. It's a big celebration because we were judged to be an outstanding school by our inspectors. It is free flow alcohol. It is also a Friday evening, which is obviously prime unwinding time. I'm just eating and drinking plenty now before driving down there. For the first time in a long time it feels like I'm missing out tonight - but I will not drink.
I'll be very happy in the morning.

HelenofTroy 11-10-2017 02:29 AM

Good morning folks.

RG I did my first sober tropical vacation earlier this year. I planned ahead and brought lots of distractions with books and podcasts and such. I also checked in here regularly. One thing that really helped me to stay sober was watching other folks carrying on. I was very grateful that it wasn't me! As a drinker you think everyone else is also drinking but once you go as a sober person and look around through clear eyes you notice that there are lots of other sober folk out there, and they are much easier to carry on a conversation with! I took lots of long walks as well which I'm sure helped. I really enjoyed the trip, and staying sober was much easier than I had anticipated. I did treat myself to two desserts with dinner each night - I figured I had saved up enough calories by not boozing all day ;) Have a wonderful time!

RetiredGuy 11-10-2017 03:55 AM

HaHa Toots!

Actually, I married my wife in Jamaica in 2006 and we have been going every year since. She is a normal drinker, but has cut way back now that I don't drink. She paid me the ultimate compliment last night and told me I was like a new man now that I was sober. I intend to stay that way too!

Helen, I remember reading about your vacation in my early days of sobriety and being impressed with your strength. Time for me to prove I can do it too!

Downthepath, I hope you enjoyed your party!

Stronger2017 11-10-2017 04:30 AM

Good luck at the works event DTP. That’s a good idea having a decent meal before you go. Also, I understand the FOMO, but what are you missing really? A sore head and stomach the next morning, a wasted Saturday, worry about what you might have said to you colleagues the night before, general anxiety, etc, etc. Count me out😀 Oh, congrats on the outstanding evaluation. That’s something to be really proud of.

Downthepath 11-10-2017 08:00 AM

Thanks, Retired and Stronger. I really enjoyed the party. I had some interesting conversations with some colleagues and didn't feel like I was missing out at all. So happy to have driven there and back. It has really given me confidence that I can get through the festive season. The fact that you always need a drink in your hand at these things really helps me. I am constantly sipping water and getting well hydrated which completely heads off any cravings. I love that I am getting more hydrated whilst thinking that I would ordinarily be going in the opposite direction if I was drinking.

Purplrks3647 11-10-2017 09:15 AM

That's great to hear, DTP ~ and very encouraging for the rest of us ~ Nicely done! :scoregood

RetiredGuy 11-10-2017 03:55 PM

Your "sober muscles" are getting bigger, DTP and that's a good thing!!


Downthepath 11-10-2017 04:10 PM

And now, the morning after, it just gets better...

badgerden 11-10-2017 07:57 PM

Great post DTP thank you for sharing!

I am at 32 days and I had hoped the cravings would start to be less consuming, but this week has been rough, almost like the first week. Work has been stressful, no more so than usual though. I am thinking it is because I am starting to feel better, head is clearing, heart and BP getting back where they should be. So the the AV is using that as an excuse to have "just one". I have been coming to SR a lot more, actively leaving my wallet at home, drinking lots of water, etc Husband is gone until late tomorrow, which is another huge trigger i am fighting with at the moment, but this to shall pass.

congrats everyone on the milestones and achievements!


tootsl1 11-11-2017 01:15 AM

Badger you are doing all the right things. My hubby was away a lot giving me ample opportunity to 'get stuck in about one' ( have a drink or several) and certain milestones ( like one month CONGRATULATIONS BTW! ) do allow AV a chance to try to tempt us. You are so much better than that Badger, you will win this round too!

DTP, good one, I totally agree with Purp & RG .

RetiredGuy 11-11-2017 05:19 AM

Badger, remember every time the AV tempts you and you don't let the fool win, IT becomes weaker. Soon IT will hardly whimper!

Downthepath 11-11-2017 05:57 PM

Just got back from taking my kids to a Remembrance Sunday service at the war memorial monument here in Singapore. I have wanted to do it for the last 12 years but a 6:30 get up on a Sunday morning has always prevented me. Sunday morning follows Saturday night, after all.
It was very moving and has provoked some great conversation with my kids at a time that I would previously be sleeping a hangover off. Another reason to love my sobriety.
Have a great Sunday, all.

STDragon 11-11-2017 06:28 PM

That's wonderfull, downthepath. Are your kids younger or older? My 18 year old joined us but my 20 year old needed his beauty sleep.....

Downthepath 11-11-2017 06:57 PM

Hey Dragon. The ones that I took with me were 5, 8 and 10. The 13 year old opted for beauty sleep, as did my wife.

STDragon 11-11-2017 06:59 PM

Bless there little hearts for getting up so early....

tootsl1 11-12-2017 12:53 AM

It's good the young still want to know the history. Gives me confidence in the future.

redcardid 11-12-2017 10:38 AM


4th month

Feeling pretty solid.
The mindset from "I've quit drinking" to "I don't drink" really helps me

Lot of stress and things going wrong this week (I'm still locked into a Bitcoin trade that is haemorrhaging cash) but I have stayed off the booze

You all seem very posh (like a country club)

I went to Singapore a few times when I was in the navy - lovely intelligent people and wonderful things to buy. The entire place smelled beautiful (if I remember correctly)

Stronger2017 11-12-2017 02:21 PM

Nice one redcardid! Keep up the good work😀 Day 70 (or 10 weeks) for me.

tootsl1 11-13-2017 01:31 AM

Posh??? Mwahhahahahaha! First time I've ever been called posh!! I think the only way I would be allowed in a country club would be through the back door and only to work! Isn't it funny though how we form impressions of each other from our cyber persona?
Sorry to hear about the Bitcoin issues, but good that you know drinking would never make a bad situation better. At least you are clear headed to confront whatever will happen Redcardid. Where abouts are you from? I hate not knowing what country or state a person lives! ( it's the nosy posh country club woman in me! :lmao )

tootsl1 11-13-2017 01:32 AM

Great going Stronger!

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